690 research outputs found

    Non-Relativistic Superstring Theories

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    We construct a supersymmetric version of the ``critical'' non-relativistic bosonic string theory\cite{Kim:2007hb} with its manifest global symmetry. We introduce the anticommuting bcbc CFT which is the super partner of the βγ\beta\gamma CFT. The conformal weights of the bb and cc fields are both 1/2. The action of the fermionic sector can be transformed into that of the relativistic superstring theory. We explicitly quantize the theory with manifest SO(8) symmetry and find that the spectrum is similar to that of Type IIB superstring theory. There is one notable difference: the fermions are non-chiral. We further consider ``noncritical'' generalizations of the supersymmetric theory using the superspace formulation. There is an infinite range of possible string theories similar to the supercritical string theories. We comment on the connection between the critical non-relativistic string theory and the lightlike Linear Dilaton theory.Comment: Typos corrected, references added. A version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Two-dimensional topological gravity and equivariant cohomology

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    In this paper, we examine the analogy between topological string theory and equivariant cohomology. We also show that the equivariant cohomology of a topological conformal field theory carries a certain algebraic structure, which we call a gravity algebra. (Error on page 9 corrected: BRS current contains total derivatives.)Comment: 18 page

    Signature Characters for A_2 and B_2

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    The signatures of the inner product matrices on a Lie algebra's highest weight representation are encoded in the representation's signature character. We show that the signature characters of a finite-dimensional Lie algebra's highest weight representations obey simple difference equations that have a unique solution once appropriate boundary conditions are imposed. We use these results to derive the signature characters of all A2A_2 and B2B_2 highest weight representations. Our results extend, and explain, signature patterns analogous to those observed by Friedan, Qiu and Shenker in the Virasoro algebra's representation theory.Comment: 22 p

    Integrable boundary interaction in 3D target space: the "pillow-brane" model

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    We propose a model of boundary interaction, with three-dimensional target space, and the boundary values of the field {\vec X}\in R^3 constrained to lay on a two-dimensional surface of the "pillow" shape. We argue that the model is integrable, and suggest that its exact solution is described in terms of certain linear ordinary differential equation.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Loop Variables and the Virasoro Group

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    We derive an expression in closed form for the action of a finite element of the Virasoro Group on generalized vertex operators. This complements earlier results giving an algorithm to compute the action of a finite string of generators of the Virasoro Algebra on generalized vertex operators. The main new idea is to use a first order formalism to represent the infinitesimal group element as a loop variable. To obtain a finite group element it is necessary to thicken the loop to a band of finite thickness. This technique makes the calculation very simple.Comment: 23 pages, PSU/T

    Free Boson Representation of Uq(sl^3)U_q(\widehat{sl}_3)

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    A representation of the quantum affine algebra Uq(sl^3)U_{q}(\widehat{sl}_3) of an arbitrary level kk is constructed in the Fock module of eight boson fields. This realization reduces the Wakimoto representation in the q1q \rightarrow 1 limit. The analogues of the screening currents are also obtained. They commute with the action of Uq(sl^3)U_{q}(\widehat{sl}_3) modulo total differences of some fields.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, RIMS-920, YITP/K-101

    On classical q-deformations of integrable sigma-models

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    JHEP is an open-access journal funded by SCOAP3 and licensed under CC BY 4.0A procedure is developed for constructing deformations of integrable σ-models which are themselves classically integrable. When applied to the principal chiral model on any compact Lie group F, one recovers the Yang-Baxter σ-model introduced a few years ago by C. Klimčík. In the case of the symmetric space σ-model on F/G we obtain a new one-parameter family of integrable σ-models. The actions of these models correspond to a deformation of the target space geometry and include a torsion term. An interesting feature of the construction is the q-deformation of the symmetry corresponding to left multiplication in the original models, which becomes replaced by a classical q-deformed Poisson-Hopf algebra. Another noteworthy aspect of the deformation in the coset σ-model case is that it interpolates between a compact and a non-compact symmetric space. This is exemplified in the case of the SU(2)/U(1) coset σ-model which interpolates all the way to the SU(1, 1)/U(1) coset σ-modelPeer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Free Field Realization of Vertex Operators for Level Two Modules of Uq(sl(2)^)U_q(\hat{sl(2)})

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    Free field relization of vertex operators for lvel two modules of Uq(sl(2)^)U_q(\hat{sl(2)}) is shown through the free field relization of the modules given by Idzumi in Ref.[4,5]. We constructed types I and II vertex operators when the spin of the addociated evaluation modules is 1/2 and typ II's for the spin 1.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in J.Phys.A:Math and Genera

    Simplicial Chiral Models

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    Principal chiral models on a d-1 dimensional simplex are introduced and studied analytically in the large NN limit. The d=0,2,4d = 0, 2, 4 and \infty models are explicitly solved. Relationship with standard lattice models and with few-matrix systems in the double scaling limit are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, PHYZZ

    On the static Lovelock black holes

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    We consider static spherically symmetric Lovelock black holes and generalize the dimensionally continued black holes in such a way that they asymptotically for large r go over to the d-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole in dS/AdS spacetime. This means that the master algebraic polynomial is not degenerate but instead its derivative is degenerate. This family of solutions contains an interesting class of pure Lovelock black holes which are the Nth order Lovelock {\Lambda}-vacuum solu- tions having the remarkable property that their thermodynamical parameters have the universal character in terms of the event horizon radius. This is in fact a characterizing property of pure Lovelock theories. We also demonstrate the universality of the asymptotic Einstein limit for the Lovelock black holes in general.Comment: 19 page