2,188 research outputs found

    An improved technique for determining reflection from semi-infinite atmospheres with linearly anisotropic phase functions

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    A solution to the problem of reflection from a semi-infinite atmosphere is presented, based upon Chandrasekhar's H-function method for linearly anisotropic phase functions. A modification to the Gauss quadrature formula which gives about the same accuracy with 10 points as the conventional Gauss quadrature does with 100 points was developed. A computer program achieving this solution is described and results are presented for several illustrative cases

    Barium cloud evolution and striation formation in the magnetospheric release on September 21, 1971

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    The joint NASA-Max Planck Institute Barium Ion Cloud (BIC) Experiment on September 21, 1971 involved the release of 1.7 kg of neutral barium at an altitude of 31,500 km at a latitude of 6.93 deg N. and a longitude of 74.40 deg W. A theoretical model describing the barium neutral cloud expansion and the ion cloud formation is developed. The mechanism of formation of the striational features observed in the release is also discussed. Two candidate instabilities, which may contribute to striation formation, are examined. The drift instability stemming from the outwardly directed drag force exerted on the ions by the outstreaming neutrals is rejected on the grounds that the ion density is too low during the collision-dominated phase of the cloud expansion to support this kind of instability. The joint action of Rayleigh-Taylor and flute instabilities plausibly accounts for the observed striational structure. This same mechanism may well be operative at times of sudden injection of plasma into the inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms and may thus contribute to the formation of field-alined inhomogeneities which serve as whistler ducts

    Triangulation of multistation camera data to locate a curved line in space

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    A method is described for finding the location of a curved line in space from local azimuth as a function of elevation data obtained at several observation sites. A least-squares criterion is used to insure the best fit to the data. The method is applicable to the triangulation of an object having no identifiable structural features, provided its width is very small compared with its length so as to approximate a line in space. The method was implemented with a digital computer program and was successfully applied to data obtained from photographs of a barium ion cloud which traced out the earth's magnetic field line at very high altitudes

    Results of magnetospheric barium ion cloud experiment of 1971

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    The barium ion cloud experiment involved the release of about 2 kg of barium at an altitude of 31 482 km, a latitude of 6.926 N., and a longitude of 74.395 W. Significant erosion of plasma from the main ion core occurred during the initial phase of the ion cloud expansion. From the motion of the outermost striational filaments, the electric field components were determined to be 0.19 mV/m in the westerly direction and 0.68 mV/m in the inward direction. The differences between these components and those measured from balloons flown in the proximity of the extremity of the field line through the release point implied the existence of potential gradients along the magnetic field lines. The deceleration of the main core was greater than theoretically predicted. This was attributed to the formation of a polarization wake, resulting in an increase of the area of interaction and resistive dissipation at ionospheric levels. The actual orientation of the magnetic field line through the release point differed by about 10.5 deg from that predicted by magnetic field models that did not include the effect of ring current

    Non-invasive detection of charge-rearrangement in a quantum dot in high magnetic fields

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    We demonstrate electron redistribution caused by magnetic field on a single quantum dot measured by means of a quantum point contact as non-invasive detector. Our device which is fabricated by local anodic oxidation allows to control independently the quantum point contact and all tunnelling barriers of the quantum dot. Thus we are able to measure both the change of the quantum dot charge and also changes of the electron configuration at constant number of electrons on the quantum dot. We use these features to exploit the quantum dot in a high magnetic field where transport through the quantum dot displays the effects of Landau shells and spin blockade. We confirm the internal rearrangement of electrons as function of the magnetic field for a fixed number of electrons on the quantum dot.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    A microscopic quantum dynamics approach to the dilute condensed Bose gas

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    We derive quantum evolution equations for the dynamics of dilute condensed Bose gases. The approach contains, at different orders of approximation, for cases close to equilibrium, the Gross Pitaevskii equation and the first order Hartree Fock Bogoliubov theory. The proposed approach is also suited for the description of the dynamics of condensed gases which are far away from equilibrium. As an example the scattering of two Bose condensates is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The population biology of the living coelacanth studied over 21 years

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    Between 1986 and 2009 nine submersible and remote-operated vehicle expeditions were carried out to study the population biology of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae in the Comoro Islands, located in the western Indian Ocean. Latimeria live in large overlapping home ranges that can be occupied for as long as 21 years. Most individuals are confined to relatively small home ranges, resting in the same caves during the day. One hundred and forty five coelacanths are individually known, and we estimate the total population size of Grande Comore as approximately 300–400 adult individuals. The local population inhabiting a census area along an 8-km section of coastline remained stable for at least 18 years. Using LASER-assisted observations, we recorded length frequencies between 100 and 200 cm total length and did not encounter smaller-bodied individuals (\100 cm total length). It appears that coelacanth recruitment in the observation areas occur mainly by immigrating adults. We estimate that the mean numbers of deaths and newcomers are 3–4 individuals per year, suggesting that longevity may exceed 100 years. The domestic fishery represents a threat to the long-term survival of coelacanths in the study area. Recent changes in the local fishery include a decrease in the abundance of the un-motorized canoes associated with exploitation of coelacanths and an increase in motorized canoes. Exploitation rates have fallen in recent years, and by 2000, had fallen to lowest ever reported. Finally, future fishery developments are discussed

    Social-economic drivers in (political) TAC setting decisions

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    Sustainable use of marine resources, as targeted by Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management (EBFM), is a highly ranked policy goal. However, many marine fish stocks are still overused, challenging sustainability goals. Reasons for this policy failure are disputed and they might be manifold, including economic, institutional, and social drivers. Here, we use Generalised Additive Models (GAMs) to empirically determine and quantify the importance of interacting ecological, economic, and social drivers in a political decision making process, i.e. the setting of annual Total Allowable Catch (TAC) limits. GAMs allow non linear relationships between response and explanatory variables and due to their flexibility have successfully been applied to investigate ecosystem dynamics. Here, we use this modeling approach in a novel way to quantify social-economic-ecological feed-backs on policy decisions. European fisheries policy agreed in most cases to TACs higher than scientifically advised. We recorded this deviation for all managed European fish stocks for the time-series 1987-2014. Additionally, we make use of available time-series of socio-economic and ecological variables potentially influencing the decision, including national unemployment rates, stock status, economic growth rates, and employment in fisheries. We show that political decisions on TACs are not only driven by scientific advice on the ecological state of the stock, but that socio-economic variables have a significant effect on TACs – however not related to sound scientific advice. We conclude that scientific advice for a successful implementation of EBMF will have to address socio- economic driving forces more explicitly

    Algebraic Approach to Shape Invariance

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    The integrability condition called shape invariance is shown to have an underlying algebraic structure and the associated Lie algebras are identified. These shape-invariance algebras transform the parameters of the potentials such as strength and range. Shape-invariance algebras, in general, are shown to be infinite-dimensional. The conditions under which they become finite-dimensional are explored.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review A. Latex file, 9 pages. Manuscript is also available at http://nucth.physics.wisc.edu/preprints
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