5,481 research outputs found

    Hadronization of Dense Partonic Matter

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    The parton recombination model has turned out to be a valuable tool to describe hadronization in high energy heavy ion collisions. I review the model and revisit recent progress in our understanding of hadron correlations. I also discuss higher Fock states in the hadrons, possible violations of the elliptic flow scaling and recombination effects in more dilute systems.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; plenary talk delivered at SQM 2006, to appear in J. Phys.

    Charles C. Fries, linguistics and corpus linguistics

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    Halliday has long claimed that information concerning the relative frequencies of the various options within a system should be considered part of the system itself. Such a position entails that linguists have some basis for describing these frequencies. Hence SFL has made considerable use of corpora and of corpus linguistics. Of course, the field of corpus linguistics is commonly regarded as a brand new approach to linguistics which has developed and become popular over the past forty years—since the development of computers. Like all new fields, however, its roots lie in earlier forms of the discipline. This paper addresses one of the forebears of this field, Charles C. Fries. He thought of himself simply as a linguist (not a corpus linguist), yet his theory and practice have much in common with current versions of corpus linguistics and SFL

    Teaching style preferences and educational philosophy of teacher education faculty at a state university

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    Scope and Method of Study:An educational philosophy and teaching style provide a foundation for understanding and for guiding guide decisions about curriculum, teacher-learner relationship and professional practice. The purpose of this descriptive quantitative study was to describe the educational philosophies and teaching styles of the teacher educators at a specific Midwestern state university in the United States and to compare this to the preferred educational philosophy and teaching style of the university's College of Education (COE). All teacher educators (N=122) at this university were invited via the university's e-mail system to participate in this on-line survey. A total of 45 participants responded. The variables of education philosophy were measured using the Philosophy of Adult Education Inventory (PAEI). Teaching styles, as measured using the Principles of Adult Learning Scale (PALS), were categorized as either learner-centered or teacher-centered. The educational philosophies used in this study were liberal, behavioral, humanism, progressive and radical. The educational philosophies and teaching styles were examined in relationship to the demographic variables of: gender age, academic rank, assigned college at the university, years working in higher education, years teaching at the university, Pk-12 teaching experience and Pk-12 administration experience. The concepts of pedagogy and andragogy were contrasted between adult educators, and higher education and Pk-12 educators.Findings and Conclusions:It was found that the majority of teacher education faculty held the progressive educational philosophy and their preference for teacher-centered teaching style did not match. This may indicate that they believe in, but are not utilizing, the concepts of learner-centered teaching styles. The COE and faculty were in congruence with the same philosophy, however they differed in the faculty preferred teaching style. With the exception of gender and Pk-12th grade teaching, demographic variables had no statistical significance

    Theory of fast field-cycling NMR relaxometry of liquid systems undergoing chemical exchange

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    This work was supported by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 668119 (project ‘IDentIFY’), and was performed under the auspices of the COST Action AC15209, EURELAX.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Some rare cases of chimerism in twin cattle and their proposed use in determining germinal cell migration

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    Three dizygotic, heterosexual twins with chimerisms carrying marker chromosomes are described. Phenotypic and cytogenetic methods were used to identify these animals. The occurrence of germinal cell migration causing gonad chimerism can be detected by the marker chromosome event under conditions described in this repor

    Successful ageing in an area of deprivation: Part 1—A qualitative exploration of the role of life experiences in good health in old age

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    Objectives: To determine the life histories and current circumstances of healthy and unhealthy older people who share an ecology marked by relative deprivation and generally poor health. Study design: In-depth interview study with a qualitative analysis. Methods: Matched pairs of healthy and unhealthy ‘agers’ were interviewed face-to-face. Healthy ageing was assessed in terms of hospital morbidity and self-reported health. Study participants consisted of 22 pairs (44 individuals), aged 72–89 years, matched for sex, age and deprivation category, and currently resident in the West of Scotland. All study participants were survivors of the Paisley/Renfrew (MIDSPAN) survey, a longitudinal study commenced in 1972 with continuous recording of morbidity and mortality since. Detailed life histories were obtained which focused on family, residence, employment, leisure and health. This information was supplemented by more focused data on ‘critical incidents’, financial situation and position in social hierarchies. Results: Data provided rich insights into life histories and current circumstances but no differences were found between healthy and unhealthy agers. Conclusions: It is important to understand what differentiates individuals who have lived in circumstances characterized by relative deprivation and poor health, yet have aged healthily. This study collected rich and detailed qualitative data. Yet, no important differences were detected between healthy and unhealthy agers. This is an important negative result as it suggests that the phenomenon of healthy ageing and the factors that promote healthy ageing over a lifetime are so complex that they will require even more detailed studies to disentangle

    Rapid testing leads to the underestimation of the scrapie prevalence in an affected sheep and goat flock

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    To obtain a more detailed understanding of the prevalence of classical scrapie infections in a heavily affected German sheep flock (composed of 603 sheep and 6 goats), we analysed 169 sheep and 6 goats that carried the genotypes susceptible to the disease and that were therefore culled following discovery of the index case. The initial tests were performed using the Biorad TeSeE ELISA and reactive results were verified by official confirmatory methods (OIE-immunoblot and/or immunohistochemistry (IHC)) to demonstrate the deposition of scrapie-associated PrPSc in the brain stem (obex). This approach led to the discovery of 40 additional subclinically scrapie-infected sheep. Furthermore, peripheral lymphatic and nervous tissue samples of the 129 sheep and 6 goats with a negative CNS result were examined by IHC in order to identify any preclinical infections which had not already spread to the central nervous system (CNS). Using this approach we found 13 additional sheep with PrPSc depositions in the gut-associated lymph nodes (GALT) as well as in the enteric nervous system. Moreover, in most of these cases PrPSc was also deposited in the spleen and in the retropharyngeal and superficial cervical lymph nodes. Taken together, these results show a 30.3% infection prevalence in this scrapie-affected flock. Almost 7.4% of the infected animals harboured PrPSc exclusively in the peripheral lymphatic and nervous tissue and were therefore missed by the currently used testing strategy

    Recombination Models

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    We review the current status of recombination and coalescence models that have been successfully applied to describe hadronization in heavy ion collisions at RHIC energies. Basic concepts as well as actual implementations of the idea are discussed. We try to evaluate where we stand in our understanding at the moment and what remains to be done in the future.Comment: Plenary Talk at Quark Matter 2004, submitted to J. Phys. G, 8 pages, 3 figure
