334 research outputs found

    V-Coder: Adaptive AutoEncoder for Semantic Disclosure in Knowledge Graphs

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    Semantic Web or Knowledge Graphs (KG) emerged to one of the most important information source for intelligent systems requiring access to structured knowledge. One of the major challenges is the extraction and processing of unambiguous information from textual data. Following the human perception, overlapping semantic linkages between two named entities become clear due to our common-sense about the context a relationship lives in which is not the case when we look at it from an automatically driven process of a machine. In this work, we are interested in the problem of Relational Resolution within the scope of KGs, i.e, we are investigating the inherent semantic of relationships between entities within a network. We propose a new adaptive AutoEncoder, called V-Coder, to identify relations inherently connecting entities from different domains. Those relations can be considered as being ambiguous and are candidates for disentanglement. Likewise to the Adaptive Learning Theory (ART), our model learns new patterns from the KG by increasing units in a competitive layer without discarding the previous observed patterns whilst learning the quality of each relation separately. The evaluation on real-world datasets of Freebase, Yago and NELL shows that the V-Coder is not only able to recover links from corrupted input data, but also shows that the semantic disclosure of relations in a KG show the tendency to improve link prediction. A semantic evaluation wraps the evaluation up

    Phenomenological lattice model for dynamic spin and charge fluctuations in the cuprates

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    Motivated by recent neutron scattering experiments on the cuprate superconductors, we present a phenomenological framework describing the dynamics of collective spin excitations coupled to charge/bond order fluctuations. Our quantum lattice model contains two order parameter fields, and can capture spin excitations both in broken-symmetry states with static lattice modulations, as well as in homogeneous states where the charge/bond order is fluctuating. We present results for different types of static charge/bond order, namely site- and bond-centered stripes, and plaquette modulation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; Proceedings of SNS 2004, Sitges, Spai

    Sorting live stem cells based on Sox2 mRNA expression.

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    PMCID: PMC3507951This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.While cell sorting usually relies on cell-surface protein markers, molecular beacons (MBs) offer the potential to sort cells based on the presence of any expressed mRNA and in principle could be extremely useful to sort rare cell populations from primary isolates. We show here how stem cells can be purified from mixed cell populations by sorting based on MBs. Specifically, we designed molecular beacons targeting Sox2, a well-known stem cell marker for murine embryonic (mES) and neural stem cells (NSC). One of our designed molecular beacons displayed an increase in fluorescence compared to a nonspecific molecular beacon both in vitro and in vivo when tested in mES and NSCs. We sorted Sox2-MB(+)SSEA1(+) cells from a mixed population of 4-day retinoic acid-treated mES cells and effectively isolated live undifferentiated stem cells. Additionally, Sox2-MB(+) cells isolated from primary mouse brains were sorted and generated neurospheres with higher efficiency than Sox2-MB(-) cells. These results demonstrate the utility of MBs for stem cell sorting in an mRNA-specific manner

    Characterization of social cognition impairment in multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) has been associated with deficits in social cognition. However, little is known about which domains of social cognition are predominantly affected and what other factors are associated with it. The aim was (i) to characterize social cognition deficit in a group of MS outpatients and (ii) to relate impairment in social cognition to overall cognitive status, depression and fatigue.Methods: Thirty-five MS patients (mean disease duration 12.9 years, median Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) 3 and 34 healthy controls (HCs) were examined using the German version of the Geneva Social Cognition Scale to measure different domains of social cognition. Standard neuropsychological testing was applied to all patients and to 20 HCs. Patient-reported outcomes included questionnaires for fatigue, depression, anxiety and executive-behavioural disturbances.Results: The mean social cognition raw score was lower in the MS patients compared to the HCs (86.5 ± 8.7 vs. 91.2 ± 5.9, P = 0.005; d = 0.6) and did not correlate with EDSS or disease duration. The difference was driven by facial affect recognition and the understanding of complex social situations (14% and 23% of patients respectively under the cut-off). The impairment in these two tasks did not correlate with general cognitive performance or depression but with fatigue.Conclusions: The impairment in our group was restricted to high order and affective social cognition tasks and independent of general cognitive performance, EDSS, disease duration and depression. Fatigue correlated with social cognition performance, which might be due to common underlying neuronal networks

    Survey Evidence on Conditional Norm Enforcement

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    We discuss survey evidence on individuals' willingness to sanction norm violations - such as evading taxes, drunk driving, fare dodging, or skiving o work - by expressing disapproval or social exclusion. Our data suggest that people condition their sanctioning behavior on their belief about the frequency of norm violations. The more commonly a norm violation is believed to occur, the lower the individuals' inclination to punish it. Based on an instrumental variable approach, we demonstrate that this pattern reflects a causal relationship

    Abfall von Sauerstoffsättigung und Blutdruck sowie Anstieg des zentralen Venendrucks im Rahmen eines Mitralklappenclippings bei einer 81-Jährigen

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    BACKGROUND: Atrial septal defects (ASD) following endovascular mitral valve clipping are potentially hemodynamically relevant complications. Immediate closure with an occluder can represent a safe and effective treatment. CASE SUMMARY: An 81-year-old female patient suffering from severe dyspnea due to previously known severe mitral valve regurgitation was scheduled for elective mitral valve clipping. The clip was successfully implanted. Removal of the transseptal cannula resulted in a sudden drop in oxygen saturation and systolic blood pressure as well as an immediate increase in central venous pressure. An iatrogenic left-right shunt was observed at the atrial level with a relevant shunt volume. Immediate closure using an atrial septal occluder successfully restored the oxygen saturation and hemodynamic parameters. CONCLUSION: An increase in central venous pressure, reduction of systolic blood pressure or oxygen saturation after withdrawal of the transseptal cannula during mitral valve clipping should always be further investigated regarding a possible ASD

    Investigation of spaceborne trace gas products over St Petersburg and Yekaterinburg, Russia, by using COllaborative Column Carbon Observing Network (COCCON) observations

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    This work employs ground- and space-based observations, together with model data, to study columnar abundances of atmospheric trace gases (XH2_2O, XCO2_2, XCH4_4 and XCO) in two high-latitude Russian cities, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Two portable COllaborative Column Carbon Observing Network (COCCON) spectrometers were used for continuous measurements at these locations during 2019 and 2020. Additionally, a subset of data of special interest (a strong gradient in XCH4 and XCO was detected) collected in the framework of a mobile city campaign performed in 2019 using both instruments is investigated. All studied satellite products (TROPOMI, OCO-2, GOSAT, MUSICA IASI) show generally good agreement with COCCON observations. Satellite and ground-based observations at high latitudes are much sparser than at low or mid latitudes, which makes direct coincident comparisons between remote-sensing observations more difficult. Therefore, a method of scaling continuous Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) model data to the ground-based observations is developed and used for creating virtual COCCON observations. These adjusted CAMS data are then used for satellite validation, showing good agreement in both Peterhof and Yekaterinburg. The gradients between the two study sites (ΔXgas) are similar between CAMS and CAMS-COCCON datasets, indicating that the model gradients are in agreement with the gradients observed by COCCON. This is further supported by a few simultaneous COCCON and satellite ΔXgas measurements, which also agree with the model gradient. With respect to the city campaign observations recorded in St Petersburg, the downwind COCCON station measured obvious enhancements for both XCH4_4 (10.6 ppb) and XCO (9.5 ppb), which is nicely reflected by TROPOMI observations, which detect city-scale gradients of the order 9.4 ppb for XCH4_4 and 12.5 ppb for XCO

    Microfluidic characterisation reveals broad range of SARS-CoV-2 antibody affinity in human plasma.

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    Funder: Herchel Smith FundFunder: St John’s College CambridgeFunder: Centre for Misfolding Diseases, CambridgeFunder: Swiss FCS and the Forschungskredit of the University of ZurichFunder: Frances and Augustus Newman FoundationFunder: BBRSCFunder: NOMIS FoundationThe clinical outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infections, which can range from asymptomatic to lethal, is crucially shaped by the concentration of antiviral antibodies and by their affinity to their targets. However, the affinity of polyclonal antibody responses in plasma is difficult to measure. Here we used microfluidic antibody affinity profiling (MAAP) to determine the aggregate affinities and concentrations of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in plasma samples of 42 seropositive individuals, 19 of which were healthy donors, 20 displayed mild symptoms, and 3 were critically ill. We found that dissociation constants, K d, of anti-receptor-binding domain antibodies spanned 2.5 orders of magnitude from sub-nanomolar to 43 nM. Using MAAP we found that antibodies of seropositive individuals induced the dissociation of pre-formed spike-ACE2 receptor complexes, which indicates that MAAP can be adapted as a complementary receptor competition assay. By comparison with cytopathic effect-based neutralisation assays, we show that MAAP can reliably predict the cellular neutralisation ability of sera, which may be an important consideration when selecting the most effective samples for therapeutic plasmapheresis and tracking the success of vaccinations

    Observational constraints on methane emissions from Polish coal mines using a ground-based remote sensing network

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    Given its abundant coal mining activities, the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) in southern Poland is one of the largest sources of anthropogenic methane (CH4_{4}) emissions in Europe. Here, we report on CH4_{4}emission estimates for coal mine ventilation facilities in the USCB. Our estimates are driven by pairwise upwind–downwind observations of the column-average dry-air mole fractions of CH4_{4} (XCH4_{4}) by a network of four portable, ground-based, sun-viewing Fourier transform spectrometers of the type EM27/SUN operated during the CoMet campaign in May–June 2018. The EM27/SUN instruments were deployed in the four cardinal directions around the USCB approximately 50 km from the center of the basin. We report on six case studies for which we inferred emissions by evaluating the mismatch between the observed downwind enhancements and simulations based on trajectory calculations releasing particles out of the ventilation shafts using the Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART. The latter was driven by wind fields calculated by WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting model) under assimilation of vertical wind profile measurements of three co-deployed wind lidars. For emission estimation, we use a Phillips–Tikhonov regularization scheme with the L-curve criterion. Diagnosed by the emissions averaging kernels, we find that, depending on the catchment area of the downwind measurements, our ad hoc network can resolve individual facilities or groups of ventilation facilities but that inspecting the emissions averaging kernels is essential to detect correlated estimates. Generally, our instantaneous emission estimates range between 80 and 133 kt CH4_{4} a1^{-1} for the southeastern part of the USCB and between 414 and 790 kt CH4_{4}a1^{-1} for various larger parts of the basin, suggesting higher emissions than expected from the annual emissions reported by the E-PRTR (European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register). Uncertainties range between 23 % and 36 %, dominated by the error contribution from uncertain wind fields

    The MoS2 Nanotubes with Defect-Controlled Electric Properties

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    We describe a two-step synthesis of pure multiwall MoS2 nanotubes with a high degree of homogeneity in size. The Mo6S4I6 nanowires grown directly from elements under temperature gradient conditions in hedgehog-like assemblies were used as precursor material. Transformation in argon-H2S/H2 mixture leads to the MoS2 nanotubes still grouped in hedgehog-like morphology. The described method enables a large-scale production of MoS2 nanotubes and their size control. X-ray diffraction, optical absorption and Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy with wave dispersive analysis, and transmission electron microscopy were used to characterize the starting Mo6S4I6 nanowires and the MoS2 nanotubes. The unit cell parameters of the Mo6S4I6 phase are proposed. Blue shift in optical absorbance and metallic behavior of MoS2 nanotubes in two-probe measurement are explained by a high defect concentration