11,682 research outputs found

    Loschmidt echoes in two-body random matrix ensembles

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    Fidelity decay is studied for quantum many-body systems with a dominant independent particle Hamiltonian resulting e.g. from a mean field theory with a weak two-body interaction. The diagonal terms of the interaction are included in the unperturbed Hamiltonian, while the off-diagonal terms constitute the perturbation that distorts the echo. We give the linear response solution for this problem in a random matrix framework. While the ensemble average shows no surprising behavior, we find that the typical ensemble member as represented by the median displays a very slow fidelity decay known as ``freeze''. Numerical calculations confirm this result and show, that the ground state even on average displays the freeze. This may contribute to explanation of the ``unreasonable'' success of mean field theories.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures (6 eps files), RevTex; v2: slight modifications following referees' suggestion

    Violation of the isotropic-â„“\ell approximation in overdoped La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4

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    Magnetotransport measurements on the overdoped cuprate La_{1.7}Sr_{0.3}CuO_4 are fitted using the Ong construction and band parameters inferred from angle-resolved photoemission. Within a band picture, the low temperature Hall data can only be fitted satisfactorily by invoking strong basal-plane anisotropy in the mean-free-path â„“\ell. This violation of the isotropic-â„“\ell approximation supports a picture of dominant small-angle elastic scattering in cuprates due to out-of-plane substitutional disorder. We show that both band anisotropy and anisotropy in the elastic scattering channel strongly renormalize the Hall coefficient in overdoped La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 over a wide doping and temperature range.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Experiences of people living with HIV and people living close to them of a comprehensive HIV stigma reduction community intervention in an urban and a rural setting

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    HIV stigma remains high globally. Although there is a selection of HIV stigma reduction interventions discussed in the literature, there is a paucity of research about the effectiveness of these interventions. This study aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the experiences of people living with HIV (PLWH) and people living close to them from six designated groups during and after having undergone a comprehensive HIV stigma reduction community intervention in both an urban and a rural setting. Attention was focused on their expressed  experiences of the workshop and projects executed. A qualitative interpretive description approach was used. PLWH as participants were selected through purposive voluntary sampling and through snowball sampling for the people living close to them. Recruitment was from both urban and rural settings in the North West Province, South Africa. Data collection was via in-depth interviews with 23 PLWH and 60 people living close to them from specific designated groups. The data were thematically analysed through manual open coding. The results from the urban and rural settings were pooled, as there were no noteworthy differences in the themes between them. The results indicated that there was an increase in knowledge in all the groups, as well as experiences of enhanced relationships and of being equipped with leadership skills in order to go out into the community and being part of HIV stigma reduction actions. The intervention in its comprehensive nature was found to have been successful and promising for future use in reducing HIV stigma.Keywords: community, comprehensive, HIV, intervention, stigmaLa stigmatisation lie´e au VIH est re´pandue dans le monde. Bien que la documentation sur le sujet aborde un ensemble d’interventions en faveur de sa re´duction, les recherches sur l’efficacite´ de telles interventions restent limite´es. Cette e´tude vise donc a` mieux comprendre l’expe´rience des personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) et de leur entourage dans six groupes se´lectionne´s pendant et apre`s une intervention communautaire globale de re´duction de la stigmatisation lie´e au VIH, en milieu urbain et rural. L’on a accorde´ une attention  particulie`re aux expe´riences partage´es sur l’atelier et les projets entrepris. Une approche de description qualitative et interpre´tative a e´te´ adopte´e. Les PVVIH participantes ont e´te´ se´lectionne´es graˆce a` un e´chantillonnage dirige´ et volontaire, et un e´chantillon boule de neige pour l’entourage. Les personnes recrute´es provenaient de milieux urbains et ruraux de la province du Nord-Ouest, Afrique du Sud. La collecte de donne´es s’est faite par des entretiens approfondis avec 23 PVVIH et 60 personnes de leur entourage, toutes issues de groupes spe´cifiques de´signe´s. Les donne´es ont e´te´ analyse´es the´matiquement par codage  ouvert et manuel. Les re´sultats des milieux urbains et ruraux ont ensuite e´te´ regroupe´s car il ne semblait pas y avoir de diffe´rence remarquable entre les the`mes souleve´s dans les deux milieux. Dans tous les  groupes, les re´sultats indiquaient un accroissement des connaissances, de l’ame´lioration des relations, et des compe´tences de leadership pour prendre part a` la vie communautaire et participer aux activite´s de re´duction de la stigmatisation. La re´ussite de la nature globale de l’intervention est prometteuse pour les activite´s  futures de re´duction de la stigmatisation du VIH.Mots-cle´s: communaute´, global(e), VIH, intervention, stigmatisatio

    Some Remarks about Variable Mass Systems

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    We comment about the general argument given to obtain the rocket equation as it is exposed in standard textbooks. In our opinion, it can induce students to a wrong answer when solving variable mass problems.Comment: 2 page

    Process monitoring and industrial informatics for on-line optimization of Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) – Industry 4.0 for robotic additive re-manufacturing of aeroengine components

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    Industry 4.0, the scheme that drives the fourth industrial revolution, has been, since its conception, reshaping the manufacturing industry. To advance current industrial chains into the smart factories of the future, cyber-physical systems are monitored and communicate with each other to ensure transparent interoperability, giving birth to the emerging field of industrial informatics. To enable the repair and recycling of high value jet engine compressor blades, additive manufacturing is utilized. The complex geometries and asymmetrical wear of the blades require robotic welding systems to be trained by experienced human welding engineers in order to be able to adapt to differing components. Demonstrated in this paper, process monitoring and industrial informatics are introduced to the adaption of Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) utilized by a developing robotic system for the additive re-manufacturing of aeroengine components. Using a novel variant of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), the robotic welding system under development is a product of an industry-academia collaboration between the Enabling Sciences for Intelligent Manufacturing Group (ESIM) of the University of Sheffield and VBC Instrument Engineering Ltd

    A Trial of a 7-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in HIV-Infected Adults.

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    BACKGROUND: Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading and serious coinfection in adults with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, particularly in Africa. Prevention of this disease by vaccination with the current 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine is suboptimal. Protein conjugate vaccines offer a further option for protection, but data on their clinical efficacy in adults are needed. METHODS: In this double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical efficacy trial, we studied the efficacy of a 7-valent conjugate pneumococcal vaccine in predominantly HIV-infected Malawian adolescents and adults who had recovered from documented invasive pneumococcal disease. Two doses of vaccine were given 4 weeks apart. The primary end point was a further episode of pneumococcal infection caused by vaccine serotypes or serotype 6A. RESULTS: From February 2003 through October 2007, we followed 496 patients (of whom 44% were male and 88% were HIV-seropositive) for 798 person-years of observation. There were 67 episodes of pneumococcal disease in 52 patients, all in the HIV-infected subgroup. In 24 patients, there were 19 episodes that were caused by vaccine serotypes and 5 episodes that were caused by the 6A serotype. Of these episodes, 5 occurred in the vaccine group and 19 in the placebo group, for a vaccine efficacy of 74% (95% confidence interval [CI], 30 to 90). There were 73 deaths from any cause in the vaccine group and 63 in the placebo group (hazard ratio in the vaccine group, 1.18; 95% CI, 0.84 to 1.66). The number of serious adverse events within 14 days after vaccination was significantly lower in the vaccine group than in the placebo group (3 vs. 17, P=0.002), and the number of minor adverse events was significantly higher in the vaccine group (41 vs. 13, P=0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine protected HIV-infected adults from recurrent pneumococcal infection caused by vaccine serotypes or serotype 6A. (Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN54494731.) Copyright 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society

    A random matrix approach to decoherence

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    In order to analyze the effect of chaos or order on the rate of decoherence in a subsystem, we aim to distinguish effects of the two types of dynamics by choosing initial states as random product states from two factor spaces representing two subsystems. We introduce a random matrix model that permits to vary the coupling strength between the subsystems. The case of strong coupling is analyzed in detail, and we find no significant differences except for very low-dimensional spaces.Comment: 11 pages, 5 eps-figure

    Investigations of polygonal patterned ground in continuous Antarctic permafrost by means of ground penetrating radar and electrical resistivity tomography: Some unexpected correlations

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    The results of a combined geophysical and geomorphological investigation of thermal-contraction-crack polygons near Gondwana station (Germany) in northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) are reported. An area of about 20,000 m2 characterized by random orthogonal polygons was investigated using integrated ground penetrating radar, electrical resistivity tomography, geomorphological surveys, and two trench excavations. The polygons are well developed only at elevations higher than 6–7 m above current sea level on Holocene-age raised beaches. It is concluded that the polygons are composite in nature because the shallow linear depressions that outline the polygons are underlain by fissures that can contain both sandy gravel and foliated ice (i.e., ice wedges) even in the same polygon network and at distances of just a few meters. Unexpectedly, most of the polygons follow the border of the raised beaches and develop in correspondence with stratigraphic layers dipping toward the sea, imaged by ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiles and interpreted as prograding layers toward the present-day shoreline
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