399 research outputs found

    Biomechanical study of cervical spine with pathology

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    O conhecimento da cinemática da coluna cervical é uma ferramenta muito importante, dado que esta região é uma das estruturas mais complexas do esqueleto humano e porque a incidência de incapacidade que pode resultar de traumas ou doenças degenerativas é relativamente elevada. O principal objetivo deste estudo consiste na análise e comparação da fusão cervical anterior e/ou fusão cervical posterior como possíveis tratamentos para uma fratura do tipo C2.2, segundo a classificação da AO spine injury classification system, sendo que este estudo poderá auxiliar os profissionais de saúde na escolha do melhor método de fusão. Para o efeito, foi construído um modelo 3 D de elementos finitos do segmento cervical C4‐C5‐C6. Foram modelados os respetivos discos intervertebrais (IV ) e os seus componentes, nomeadamente o núcleo pulposo, o anel fibroso, as fibras lamelares e as placas cartilaginosas. Os 6 conjuntos de ligamentos (longitudinais anteriores, longitudinais posteriores, interespinhosos, supraespinhosos, amarelos e capsulares) foram também modelados, assim como as articulações intervertebrais. A simulação de uma fratura foi realizada em 3 passos distintos: introdução de uma fratura na zona anterior da vértebra C5, o comprometimento (rompimento) dos ligamentos da região posterior e o deslizamento da vértebra C5. A instrumentação utilizada nos tratamentos em estudo e ainda a substituição dos discos lesados por um enxerto ósseo proveniente do ilíaco foram também modeladas. Com este estudo, concluiu‐se que a fusão cervical anterior e posterior apresenta melhores resultados em comparação com os outros tipos de fusão cervical estudados em termos de deslocamento da unidade funcional.The knowledge of the kinematics of the cervical spine is a very important tool, since this region is one of the more complex structures of the human skeleton and because the incidence of failure that may result from trauma or degenerative diseases is relatively high. The main objective of this study is the analysis and comparison of anterior cervical fusion and/or posterior cervical fusion as possible treatments for a fracture of type C2.2 according to AO spine injury classification system, and this study may assist health professionals in choosing the best fusion technique. To this end we built a 3 D finite element model of the cervical segment C4‐C5‐C6. Their intervertebral discs (IV ) and its components, namely the nucleus pulposus, the annulus fibrosus, the fibers and the lamellar cartilaginous plates were modeled. Six sets of ligaments (anterior longitudinal, posterior longitudinal, interspinous, suprespinous, yellow and capsular) and the facet joints were also modeled. The simulation of the fracture was performed in 3 different steps: introduction of a fracture zone in the previous C5 vertebra, rupture of the ligaments of the posterior region and the sliding of the C5 vertebra. The instrumentation used in the study treatments and even the replacement of the damaged disc by bone graft from the iliac bone, were also modeled. Analyzing the displacements of the functional unit it was concluded that the anterior and posterior cervical fusion provides the best results compared to other types of cervical fusion studied in terms of displacement of the functional unit.Peer Reviewe

    In vitro culture of Annona emarginata: a rootstock for commercial annonaceae species

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    Annona emarginata is a native fruit tree in the Brazilian Cerrado which, unlike the commercial species, does not present a high fruit quality. On the other hand, it stands out based on its rootstock value. However, there are some problems that hinder the largescale production of Annona emarginata seedlings for use as a rootstock. In order to overcome these difficulties, micropropagation has become a viable alternative for the rapid and efficient propagation of Annona spp, but Annona emarginata micropropagation has not yet been reported. Therefore, the aim of this study was to initiate Annona emarginata in vitro growth. For axillary shoot proliferation, in vitro nodal segments of 0.5 cm were transferred to MS or WPM supplemented with BA at different concentrations. Nodal segments were also cultured on WPM medium with ranging concentrations of different plant growth regulators, aiming for either shoot elongation or rooting. The results showed that the use of 1 µM BA in WPM medium is recommended for in vitro multiplication of Annona emarginata. This is based on the low adventitious shoot formation, combined with a higher number of buds and leaves. The use of GA3 at any concentration tested induced the formation of malformed plants. Root formation could not be stimulated, regardless the duration of auxin treatment

    Nephropathy in hypertensive animals is linked to M2 macrophages and increased expression of the YM1/Chi3l3 protein

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    Macrophages contribute to a continuous increase in blood pressure and kidney damage in hypertension, but their polarization status and the underlying mechanisms have not been clarified. This study revealed an important role for M2 macrophages and the YM1/Chi3l3 protein in hypertensive nephropathy in a mouse model of hypertension. Bone marrow cells were isolated from the femurs and tibia of male FVB/N (control) and transgenic hypertensive animals that overexpressed the rat form of angiotensinogen (TGM(rAOGEN)123, TGM123-FVB/N). The cells were treated with murine M-CSF and subsequently with LPS+IFN-γ to promote their polarization into M1 macrophages and IL-4+IL-13 to trigger the M2 phenotype. We examined the kidneys of TGM123-FVB/N animals to assess macrophage polarization and end-organ damage. mRNA expression was evaluated using real-time PCR, and protein levels were assessed through ELISA, CBA, Western blot, and immunofluorescence. Histology confirmed high levels of renal collagen. Cells stimulated with LPS+IFN-γ in vitro showed no significant difference in the expression of CD86, an M1 marker, compared to cells from the controls or the hypertensive mice. When stimulated with IL-4+IL-13, however, macrophages of the hypertensive group showed a significant increase in CD206 expression, an M2 marker. The M2/M1 ratio reached 288%. Our results indicate that when stimulated in vitro, macrophages from hypertensive mice are predisposed toward polarization to an M2 phenotype. These data support results from the kidneys where we found an increased infiltration of macrophages predominantly polarized to M2 associated with high levels of YM1/Chi3l3 (91,89%), suggesting that YM1/Chi3l3 may be a biomarker of hypertensive nephropathy

    Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor protects against cisplatin nephrotoxicity by modulating kinin B1 receptor expression and aminopeptidase P activity in mice

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    Cisplatin is a highly effective chemotherapeutic agent. However, its use is limited by nephrotoxicity. Enalapril is an angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor used for the treatment of hypertension, mainly through the reduction of angiotensin II formation, but also through the increase of kinins half-life. Kinin B1 receptor is associated with inflammation and migration of immune cells into the injured tissue. We have previously shown that the deletion or blockage of kinin B1 and B2 receptors can attenuate cisplatin nephrotoxicity. In this study, we tested enalapril treatment as a tool to prevent cisplatin nephrotoxicity. Male C57Bl/6 mice were divided into 3 groups: control group; cisplatin (20 mg/kg i.p) group; and enalapril (1.5 mg;kg i.p) + cisplatin group. The animals were treated with a single dose of cisplatin and euthanized after 96 h. Enalapril was able to attenuate cisplatin-induced increase in creatinine and urea, and to reduce tubular injury and upregulation of apoptosis-related genes, as well as inflammatory cytokines in circulation and kidney. The upregulation of B1 receptor was blocked in enalapril + cisplatin group. Carboxypeptidase M expression, which generates B1 receptor agonists, is blunted by cisplatin + enalapril treatment. The activity of aminopeptidase P, a secondary key enzyme able to degrade kinins, is restored by enalapril treatment. These findings were confirmed in mouse renal epithelial tubular cells, in which enalaprilat (5 μM) was capable of decreasing tubular injury and inflammatory markers. We treated mouse renal epithelial tubular cells with cisplatin (100 μM), cisplatin+enalaprilat and cisplatin+enalaprilat+apstatin (10 μM). The results showed that cisplatin alone decreases cell viability, cisplatin plus enalaprilat is able to restore cell viability, and cisplatin plus enalaprilat and apstatin decreases cell viability. In the present study, we demonstrated that enalapril prevents cisplatin nephrotoxicity mainly by preventing the upregulation of B1 receptor and carboxypeptidase M and the increased concentrations of kinin peptides through aminopeptidase activity restoration


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    This paper was prepared in the Aquaculture Laboratory of the Federal University of the State of Parana, Brazil, with the purpose of determining the best sodium hypochloride (NaClO with 6% active ingredient) dosage to be employed in the artemia oocysts hatching process.The artemia oocysts were hydrated for 1 hour, filtered and submitted to a 10-minute chlorine treatment. The chlorine dosages tested were the following (NaClO - 6% sodium hypochloride): 0.38g, 0.75g, 1.50g, 3.00g and 6.00g of active ingredient per liter of water. Soon after chlorine application the oocysts were rinsed to eliminate the chlorine and immediately the oocysts were put into transparent plastic vials with water in the constant aeration and luminosity, where they remained for 53 hours. For the nauplii count one mililiter of the vial was put into a test tube with an interconnected aeration. Three counts were made for all repetitions and the threshold analysed was the number of hatched larvae per mililiter of hatching solution. The results were submitted to a normality test and it was determined that the hatching results did not show a normal pattern, therefore, it was not possible to use those averages as a comparison basis between treatments. Subsequently non-parametric tests were performed using the overall average as a comparison basis between treatments.Techically one can see the superiority of treatment with 1.50g of active chlorine, which resulted in the highest hatching-out counts, with 50% of the observed data presented 140 larvae hatched per milimiter.O presente trabalho foi realizado no Laboratório de Aqüicultura da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), com o objetivo de determinar a melhor dose de hipoclorito de sódio (NaClO com 6% de ingrediente ativo) a ser empregada na descapsulação de oocistos de artemia. Os oocistos de artemia foram hidratados durante 1 hora, filtrados e submetidos aos tratamentos com cloro durante 10 minutos. As dosagens de cloro testadas foram as seguintes (NaClO - hipoclorito de sódio 6%): 0,38g, 0,75g, 1,50g, 3,00g e 6,00g de ingrediente ativo por litro de água. Depois da aplicação do cloro fez-se a lavagem dos oocistos para eliminar o cloro aplicado e logo após os oocistos foram colocados na água em frascos plásticos transparentes com aeração e luminosidade constante onde ficaram durante 53 horas. Para contagem dos náuplios foi pipetado um mililitro do frasco com aeração ligada. Para todas as repetições foram feitas três contagens e o parâmetro analisado foi o número de larvas eclodidas por mililitro da solução de eclosão. Os resultados foram submetidos a um teste de normalidade e foi verificado que os resultados de eclosão não tinham distribuição normal, portanto as médias não puderam ser usadas como termo de comparação entre os tratamentos. Então foram realizados testes não-paramétricos que usam a mediana como parâmetro de comparação entre os tratamentos. Tecnicamente observa-se a superioridade do tratamento de 1,50g de cloro ativo que apresentou o ponto máximo de eclosão, tendo 50% dos dados de eclosão ao redor de 140 larvas eclodidas por mililitro

    Soil biochemistry and microbial activity in vineyards under conventional and organic management at Northeast Brazil.

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    The São Francisco Submedium Valley is located at the Brazilian semiarid region and is an important center for irrigated fruit growing. This region is responsible for 97% of the national exportation of table grapes, including seedless grapes. Based on the fact that orgThe São Francisco Submedium Valley is located at the Brazilian semiarid region and is an important center for irrigated fruit growing. This region is responsible for 97% of the national exportation of table grapes, including seedless grapes. Based on the fact that organic fertilization can improve soil quality, we compared the effects of conventional and organic soil management on microbial activity and mycorrhization of seedless grape crops. We measured glomerospores number, most probable number (MPN) of propagules, richness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species, AMF root colonization, EE-BRSP production, carbon microbial biomass (C-MB), microbial respiration, fluorescein diacetate hydrolytic activity (FDA) and metabolic coefficient (qCO2). The organic management led to an increase in all variables with the exception of EE-BRSP and qCO2. Mycorrhizal colonization increased from 4.7% in conventional crops to 15.9% in organic crops. Spore number ranged from 4.1 to 12.4 per 50 g-1 soil in both management systems. The most probable number of AMF propagules increased from 79 cm-3 soil in the conventional system to 110 cm-3 soil in the organic system. Microbial carbon, CO2 emission, and FDA activity were increased by 100 to 200% in the organic crop. Thirteen species of AMF were identified, the majority in the organic cultivation system. Acaulospora excavata, Entrophospora infrequens, Glomus sp.3 and Scutellospora sp. were found only in the organically managed crop. S. gregaria was found only in the conventional crop. Organically managed vineyards increased mycorrhization and general soil microbial activity

    Kinin B1 receptor controls maternal adiponectin levels and influences offspring weight gain

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    Given the importance of the kinin B1 receptor in insulin and leptin hormonal regulation, which in turn is crucial in maternal adaptations to ensure nutrient supply to the fetus, we investigated the role of this receptor in maternal metabolism and fetoplacental development. Wild-type and kinin B1 receptor-deficient (B1KO) female mice were mated with male mice of the opposite genotype. Consequently, the entire litter was heterozygous for kinin B1 receptor, ensuring that there would be no influence of offspring genotype on the maternal phenotype. Maternal kinin B1 receptor blockade reduces adiponectin secretion by adipose tissue ex vivo, consistent with lower adiponectin levels in pregnant B1KO mice. Furthermore, fasting insulinemia also increased, which was associated with placental insulin resistance, reduced placental glycogen accumulation, and heavier offspring. Therefore, we propose the combination of chronic hyperinsulinemia and reduced adiponectin secretion in B1KO female mice create a maternal obesogenic environment that results in heavier pups

    Dengue in Madeira Island

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    This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form will be published in the volume Mathematics of Planet Earth that initiates the book series CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences (CIM-MS) published by Springer. Submitted Oct/2013; Revised 16/July/2014 and 20/Sept/2014; Accepted 28/Sept/2014.Dengue is a vector-borne disease and 40% of world population is at risk. Dengue transcends international borders and can be found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, predominantly in urban and semi-urban areas. A model for dengue disease transmission, composed by mutually-exclusive compartments representing the human and vector dynamics, is presented in this study. The data is from Madeira, a Portuguese island, where an unprecedented outbreak was detected on October 2012. The aim of this work is to simulate the repercussions of the control measures in the fight of the disease