110 research outputs found

    The impact of the oil spill of the tanker “Aragon” on the littoral fish fauna of Porto Santo (NE Atlantic Ocean) in 1991 and ten years later

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    Bocagiana, 217: 1-8Em Janeiro de 1990, a Ilha de Porto Santo (Arquipélago da Madeira), foi atingida por uma maré negra proveniente de um derrame do navio petroleiro “Aragon”. Um ano depois, avaliou-se a ictiofauna costeira. Dez anos depois da maré negra, uma nova amostragem foi realizada com a mesma metodologia, de forma a comparar com os dados recolhidos anteriormente. A análise dos resultados obtidos parece revelar que os efeitos da maré negra nos peixes litorais foram reduzidos. Este trabalho constitui a primeira contribuição para a “check-list” da ictiofauna costeira da Ilha de Porto Santo.In January 1990, the tanker “Aragon” oil spill reached Porto Santo Island (Madeira Archipelago). One year later, in 1991 the littoral fish fauna was evaluated. Ten years after the “Aragon” oil spill, a new survey was made using the same methods, to compare data. From the results it seems that the effects of the oil were rather small. As a result of this work, as a check-list of the littoral fish fauna of this Island is presented

    Shellfish consumption preferences in an oceanic archipelago

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    A survey on shellfish consumption preferences was conducted in the Eastern Atlantic archipelago of Madeira. A total of 402 valid questionnaires were collected from locals older than 15 years old. Gender, age, highest education level, work status and salary were considered in the sample composition. Participants were inquired about frequency, amount and risks associated with consumption, as well as concerns regarding the freshness of seafood. Shellfish appears to be consumed less than once a week, and 79.1% of these consumers prefer limpets. GLM analysis showed that total salary amount was the demographic variable which most affects seafood consumption. The results indicated that the majority of the respondents consume limpets less than once a week, in an amount that varies between a quarter and a half dose. With regard to health concerns, most respondents are conscious of the importance of products’ freshness and approximately half of them are aware of the existence of risks associated with consumption. In general, the awareness about freshness and possible risks of consumption is dependent on the level of education. Limpets are preferably consumed during summer, both grilled and cooked, respectively. The present study provides preliminary information on shellfish consumption trend in the archipelago of Madeira. Raising the awareness of seafood consumers in line with a health surveillance network in preparation in Macaronesia could be an important tool for spreading information related to the risks associated to its consumption

    O Poder do Marketing Digital e as Empresas de Swimwear em Portugal

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    Este relatório de estágio é apresentado à Universidade da Beira Interior e a Universidade Europeia-IADE, Faculdade de Design, Tecnologia e Comunicação, para cumprir os requisitos de obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Branding e Design de Moda. O mundo digital mudou drasticamente a realidade em que vivemos e apenas as empresas que se adaptam, constantemente, a esta mudança conseguem garantir sucesso no mercado. Para tal sucesso, também é necessário conhecer quem é o público-alvo, interagir, oferecer conteúdo interessante, ser transparente, oferecer serviços que preencham as suas necessidades, de modo a criar relacionamentos duradouros. O presente relatório tem como objetivo principal descrever a experiência profissional obtida pela aluna Mafalda Freitas, durante o seu estágio curricular na empresa Voke Swimwear, Irealizado entre os meses de outubro de 2022 e fevereiro de 2023. Este baseia-se num treino que fornece a possibilidade ao estagiário de aplicar o que aprendeu durante o mestrado, e é também um momento de validação do que foi aprendido teoricamente para o confronto com a realidade. Neste relatório pretende-se analisar a importância do Marketing Digital identificar as principais ferramentas que atraem os consumidores. Deste modo, o Marketing Digital é extremamente vantajoso para qualquer empresa, pelo facto de os preços online serem reduzidos e a facilidade da interação com o cliente aumentar as chances de fidelização. Este cumpriu eficientemente o papel entre o mundo académico e o mundo profissional. Relativamente à estrutura, este possui quatro partes que fazem parte o desenvolvimento de um tema sobre o estágio: apreciação global do estágio; estudo de caso (empresas portuguesas de fatos de banho; e propostas de melhoria na” Voke”.This internship report is presented to the University of Beira Interior and the European University-IADE, Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication, to fulfill the requirements for obtaining the Degree of Master in Branding and Fashion Design. The digital world has drastically changed the reality in which we live and only the companies that constantly adapt to this change can guarantee success in the market. For such success, it is also necessary to know who the target audience is, interact, offer interesting content, be transparent, offer services that fulfill their needs, in order to create lasting relationships. The main objective of this report is to describe the professional experience obtained by the student Mafalda Freitas, during her curricular internship in the company Voke Swimwear, Irealized between the months of October 2022 and February 2023. It is based on a training that gives the trainee the possibility to apply what he learned during his master's degree, and it is also a moment of validation of what was learned theoretically for the confrontation with reality. In this report we intend to analyze the importance of Digital Marketing and identify the main tools that attract consumers. Thus, Digital Marketing is extremely advantageous for any company, due to the fact that online prices are reduced and the ease of interaction with the customer increases the chances of loyalty. This efficiently fulfilled the role between the academic world and the professional world. Regarding the structure, this has four parts that are part of the development of a theme about the internship: global appreciation of the internship; case study (Portuguese swimwear companies; and proposals for improvement in "Voke"

    First insights into the movements and vertical habitat use of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the eastern North Atlantic

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    The blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) is a vulnerable migratory fish inhabiting tropical and subtropical pelagic waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. The biology and spatial ecology of the species in the eastern North Atlantic is poorly understood, despite being exploited in the region by recreational and commercial fisheries. Here, we present results of the first study to use pop-up satellite archival tags to track blue marlin off Madeira, Portugal (n = 3) and obtain insights into the movements and habitat use of the species within the eastern North Atlantic.publishedVersio

    A sociedade em foco: globalização, questões políticas e desafios societais

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    "Revista comunicando, vol. 4, 2015"(Excertos) Com o intuito de se constituir como um amplo espaço de discussão das distintas abordagens teórico-metodológicas que versam sobre o campo das Ciências da Comunicação, o mais recente volume da revista Comunicando pretende focar o olhar sobre questões relacionadas com a comunicação e a sociedade. Intitulado “A Sociedade em foco: questões políticas e desafios societais”, o volume 4 da Comunicando oferece ao leitor artigos e ensaios de investigadores provenientes de prestigiadas Universidades nacionais e internacionais, tal como, de resto, sucedeu nas edições anteriores, cumprindo-se o objectivo da internacionalização como um marco importante da Comunicando. Uma vez mais, a revista do Grupo de Trabalho de Jovens Investigadores da Associação Portuguesa de Ciências da Comunicação recebeu um número considerável de trabalhos de elevado nível académico científico, sendo que todos os textos foram avaliados pelos membros do Conselho Editorial que colaboraram para que esta edição fosse possível

    Marine Snails of the Genus Phorcus: Biology and Ecology of Sentinel Species for Human Impacts on the Rocky Shores

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    In this review article, the authors explore a broad spectrum of subjects associated to marine snails of the genus Phorcus Risso, 1826, namely, distribution, habitat, behaviour and life history traits, and the consequences of anthropological impacts, such as fisheries, pollution, and climate changes, on these species. This work focuses on discussing the ecological importance of these sentinel species and their interactions in the rocky shores as well as the anthropogenic impacts to which they are subjected. One of the main anthropogenic stresses that affect Phorcus species is fisheries. Topshell harvesting is recognized as occurring since prehistoric times and has evolved through time from a subsistence to commercial exploitation level. However, there is a gap of information concerning these species that hinders stock assessment and management required for sustainable exploitation. Additionally, these keystone species are useful tools in assessing coastal habitat quality, due to their eco-biological features. Contamination of these species with heavy metals carries serious risk for animal and human health due to their potential of biomagnification in the food chain. Thus, the use of these species as bioindicators is warranted to the establishment of conservation measures targeting marine coastal environments. Climate change increases the level of environmental stress to which intertidal organisms are subjected to, affecting the functioning of biological systems at different levels of organization. Phorcus species have been widely used as indicators of the effect of climate change on local disturbances of intertidal ecosystems and geographic distribution shifts of these organisms. Further studies concerning biological parameters of Phorcus species and how they react to exploitation, pollution, and climate change will consolidate these species as indicators of large-scale ecological impacts of anthropogenic activities

    O Caminho do Professor Doutor Malafaya Baptista - Vida e Obra

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    Na história da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto são inúmeros os exemplos de Médicos que adquiriram a sua formação e se destacaram enquanto profissionais de saúde, docentes, investigadores e Homens de Cultura. O Professor Doutor Malafaya Baptista (1903-1966) é uma destas ilustres Personalidades, que impulsionou o desenvolvimento da Medicina e da Ciência em Portugal. O conhecimento da sua vida e obra foi possível graças à leitura do acervo documental, presente no Museu de História da Medicina "Maximiano Lemos" da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto e às informações gentilmente facultadas pelos seus familiares. Ingressou nesta Universidade, simultaneamente em Farmácia e Medicina, que concluiu em 1926 e 1928 respetivamente. Abraçou a carreira académica, como Assistente livre de Cirurgia e de Farmacologia. Estagiou no Instituto de Farmacologia e Terapêutica Geral da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa e foi bolseiro do Instituto para a Alta Cultura. Alcançou, em 1954, o estatuto de Professor Catedrático de Farmacologia e Terapêutica Geral. Ocupou cargos relevantes, tais como: Diretor do Laboratório de Análises Clínicas do Hospital Militar do Porto e Diretor Técnico do Instituto Pasteur de Lisboa. Foi membro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Biologia, Ciências Médicas de Lisboa e Hidrologia, tendo, em 1956, sido agraciado com o segundo prémio Pfizer, pela Sociedade de Ciências Médicas de Lisboa. Cumpre relembrar o seu inegável contributo ao progresso da ciência médica, em particular no domínio a que se dedicou. Este escrito, mais do que um registo histórico, visa perpetuar, para exemplo das gerações vindouras, o seu exemplo.Throughout the History of University of Porto's Faculty of Medicine there are countless examples of Doctors who acquired their knowledge and have excelled as health professionals, professors, researchers and people of culture. Professor Malafaya Baptista (1903-1966) is among these illustrious people who have boosted the growth of Medicine and Science in Portugal. The task of compiling his life and work was made possible thanks to the archives available at "Maximiano Lemos" Museum of Medical History of University of Porto's Faculty of Medicine, as well as information given by his family members. He joined this University simultaneously studying Pharmacy and Medicine, which he concluded in 1926 and 1928. He began his academic career, as a free Assistant in Surgery and Pharmacology. He interned at Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon's Institute of Pharmacology and General Therapeutics and he was a scholar at the Institute for Higher Culture. In 1954, he became Full Professor of Pharmacology and General Therapeutics. He served in relevant positions, including Director of the Clinical Analysis Laboratory at Porto Military Hospital and Pasteur Institute of Lisbon's Director. Was a member of the Portuguese Society of Biology, Medical Sciences of Lisbon and Hydrology. In 1956, he was awarded the second Pfizer Prize from Society of Medical Sciences of Lisbon. He should be remembered for his undeniable contribution to the progress of medical science, particularly in the domain he focused on. This work is more than a historical record - it intends to preserve his work as an example for future generations

    Lugar: Projecto, Construção e Memória. Entre a contribuição e a pertinência

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    Esta dissertação visa o entendimento de um método de trabalho que tem por base uma constante discussão entre a contribuição e pertinência da auscultação do contexto. Com isto quer-se estudar o contexto de um projecto, realizado no âmbito do curso de estudos avançados em projecto de arquitectura (Eapa) que tornou possível levantar as questões que levam à realização desta dissertação. A possível atribuição a este mesmo contexto de um significado, torna a sua leitura num reconhecimento de todas as suas vertentes: o lugar. Para isto recorre-se a uma possível separação de valores independentes e dependentes do sujeito, este sendo o arquitecto, que auxiliam a compreensão da sua estrutura. Por um lado a narrativa que precede o lugar, e a matéria que o concretiza, por outro a experiência do sujeito na apreensão pelos sentidos do espaço que o envolve, a atmosfera e a atribuição de significado a partir da memória. Cada um destes elementos é posteriormente desconstruído de forma a compreender a sua verdadeira pertinência para o projecto atentando-se à posição do arquitecto em cada matéria. Crê-se que é neste processo que o arquitecto expõe a sua posição na disciplina da arquitectura. O que é proposto é que o contexto é o que permite ao arquitecto não encarar nunca a folha em branco.This dissertation aims at the understanding of a working method that is based on a constant discussion between the contribution and relevance of auscultation of the context. Thereat, one aims to study the context of a project carried out in the course of advanced studies in architectural project (Eapa), which made possible the emergence of questions that lead to the realization of this thesis. The possible attribution of meaning to this same context makes reading an acknowledgement of all its aspects: the place. For this we resort to a possible separation of a subject values, this subject being the architect, between independent and dependent to help understand its structure. On one hand the history that precedes the place, and matter with which it materializes, on the other the experience of the subject in the apprehension by the senses of the space that surrounds him, the atmosphere and the attribution of meaning through memories. Each of these elements is then deconstructed in order to understand its true relevance to the project, always heeding to the architect's position in each matter. It is believed that it's in this process that the architect declares his stand in the discipline of architecture. What is proposed is that the context is what allows the architect to not ever face a blank sheet