4 research outputs found

    Survival of patients with diabetes mellitus hospitalized for acute respiratory syndrome due to COVID-19

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    Given the magnitude of COVID-19 and the increase in hospitalization cases for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), especially among patients with diabetes mellitus, it is essential to understand the epidemiological aspects inherent to the disease and the worsening of cases. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the survival of patients with diabetes mellitus hospitalized for SARS due to COVID-19 in different regions of Brazil. This is a longitudinal study, carried out based on data reported in the Influenza Epidemiological Surveillance Information System during the year 2020. The number of patients with diabetes mellitus among the hospitalized cases of SARS due to COVID-19 in the different regions of Brazil and the lethality rate among them were identified. A comparison of patient profiles of those who survived or did not survive and the Cox regression analysis were performed to evaluate the factors associated with shorter survival of patients. It was found that 51.4% of patients hospitalized with SARS due to COVID-19 had diabetes, and the case lethality rate among them was 45.0%. The Northeastern and Northern regions presented a higher proportion of patients with diabetes mellitus (56.5% and 54.3%, respectively) and a higher lethality rate (53.8% and 59.9%, respectively). The mean survival time of cases with diabetes mellitus hospitalized for SARS due to COVID-19 was estimated to be 35.7 days (0.5 days). A lower survival rate was observed among residents of the Northeastern and Northern regions with skin color reported as non-white, who required admission to Intensive Care Units and invasive mechanical ventilation, and presented respiratory symptoms such as dyspnea, respiratory distress and an oxygen saturation lower than 95%. It is concluded that diabetes mellitus was responsible for the high occurrence and lethality, mainly in the Northeastern and Northern regions, among non-white patients and those with greater clinical severity, which reinforces the importance of taking measures aimed at supporting this population

    Completude das notificações de síndrome respiratória aguda grave no âmbito nacional e em uma regional de saúde de Minas Gerais, durante a pandemia de COVID-19, 2020

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    Objective: To analyze the completeness of notifications of cases of severe acute respiratory illness from the Influenza Epidemiological Surveillance Information System (SIVEP-Gripe) during the COVID-19 pandemic, in the national database and in a regional database in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 2020. Methods: Descriptive study of the completeness of sociodemographic variables and those related to the etiology, clinical condition, evolution and diagnostic criteria of SIVEP-Influenza. Completeness was classified as excellent (greater than 95%), good (90 to 95%), fair (80 to 90%), poor (50 to 80%), and very poor (less than 50%). Results: The percentage of variables with excellent completeness was only 18.1% in the national database and 27.8% in the regional database. Conclusion: Low completeness of both SIVEP-Gripe databases was evidenced, making it necessary to improve the work process and routine training of professionals for the correct completion.Objetivo: Analizar la completitud de las notificaciones de casos de síndrome respiratorio agudo severo del Sistema de Información de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Influenza (SIVEP-Gripe) durante la pandemia de COVID-19, en la base de datos nacional y en una base de datos regional de salud en el estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, en 2020. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de la completitud de las variables sociodemográficas y las relacionadas con la etiología, cuadro clínico, evolución y criterios diagnósticos del SIVEP-Influenza. La exhaustividad se clasificó como excelente (más grande que 95%), buena (90 a 95%), regular (80 a 90%), mala (50 a 80%) y muy mala (menos que 50%). Resultados: El porcentaje de variables con excelente completitud fue solo del 18,1% en la base de datos nacional y del 27,8% en la base de datos regional. Conclusión: Se evidenció la baja completitud de ambas bases de datos SIVEP-Gripe, siendo necesario mejorar el proceso de trabajo y la rutina de capacitación de los profesionales para el correcto llenado.Objetivo: Analisar a completude das notificações de casos de síndrome respiratória aguda grave no Sistema de Informação de Vigilência Epidemiológica da Gripo (SIVEP Gripe) durante a pandemia de COVID-19, na base de dados nacional e na base da Unidade Regional de Saúde do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, em 2020. Métodos: Estudo descritivo da completude das variáveis sociodemográficas e das relativas à etiologia, condição clínica, evolução e critérios diagnósticos do SIVEP-Gripe. O nível de completude foi classificado como excelente (>95%), bom (90 a 95%), regular (80 a 90%), ruim (50 a 80%) ou muito ruim (<50%). Resultados: O percentual de variáveis com completudo excelente foi de apenas 18,1% na base de dados nacional, e de 27,8% na base de dados regional. Conclusão: Evidenciou-se baixa completude de ambas bases dados do SIVEP-Gripe, tornando-se necessários aperfeiçoamentos no processo de trabalho e capacitações rotineiras dos profissionais para o correto preenchimento

    Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais e conformidade com o perfil de médicos recém-formados

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    As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) dos Cursos de Graduação em Medicina do Ministério da Educação (MEC) trouxeram mudanças na formação médica. As DCN desafiam as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) a formarem médicos capazes de lidar com demandas e princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), privilegiando metodologias que associam pesquisa, ensino e extensão. Entretanto, apenas as DCN não garantem isso e os dados referentes aos egressos ainda são escassos. Assim, o curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), iniciado em 2010, possui história suficiente para estabelecer relações entre o perfil de formação e prática profissional dos egressos e o que é preconizado pelas DCN. Objetivou-se descrever e analisar o perfil sociodemográfico de formação e atuação profissional dos egressos e observar a existência ou não de conformidade do perfil preconizado pelas DCN. Quanto à metodologia, a coleta de dados se deu via questionário online, enviado aos médicos formados na instituição. O questionário era organizado em três partes: perfil sociodemográfico, perfil de formação e prática profissional. A maioria dos voluntários era do sexo feminino, jovens, solteiros, conheciam totalmente ou grande parte das DCN e do projeto pedagógico do curso de Medicina-UFV. O curso contribuiu totalmente ou em grande parte para a formação em atenção básica, humanista, generalista, crítico-reflexiva e ética. A minoria não está cursando programas de residência médica, trabalha no sistema privado e público, como especialistas em grandes capitais do Sudeste, e a quase totalidade não possui mestrado ou doutorado. A maior parte se sente preparada para o mercado de trabalho. Em conclusão, como aspectos positivos, a maioria dos egressos apresenta conhecimentos e habilidades preconizados pelas DCN, sente-se preparada e competente para o trabalho. Contudo, chamou atenção a baixa procura pela área de medicina de família e comunidade

    Body composition indices in Brazilian adults: age-specific and sex-specific percentile curves

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    ABSTRACT Objective To establish percentile curves for measures and indices of body composition by age and sex and compare them with data from other ethnic groups. Subjects and methods Cross-sectional, population-based study with adults aged 20-59 years (n = 689). Percentile curves adjusted by a third degree polynomial function were constructed for skeletal mass index (SMI), fat mass index, body fat, and load-capacity metabolic indices (LCMI) based on dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Results SMIweight and SMIBMI showed decline from the third decade of life in both sexes, whereas SMIheight was not able to identify lean mass loss over the ages studied. There was a slight drop at the end of the fifth decade (50-59 years) in men. Among Americans and Chinese, the 50th percentile curve of SMIheight showed an earlier decline. The estimates of adiposity and LCMI curves peaked between 40-49 years and Americans and Chinese maintained an upward curve throughout adulthood. Conclusion The data and curves showed that the SMI adjusted for BMI and body weight were more adequate in detecting the decline of lean mass in adults due to aging. In contrast, SMIheight had a positive correlation with age and its curve increased throughout the evaluated age groups. The results contribute to the evaluation to the nutritional status of adults and to the prevention and treatment of outcomes related to adiposity and deficit lean mass