30 research outputs found

    Underutilization of workers: an analysis according to the lean management philosophy in basic education

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    One of the eight wastes that Lean production, inspired by the Toyota Production System, proposes to study is the underutilization of workers, that is, the inadequate use of their intelligence. The sense is to provide listening and participation in improvement projects, of professionals who have experience in daily life and, in many cases, consistent academic qualifications.  The objective of this work is to study the importance of the participation of teachers and employees of a basic education school in the construction of new routines and work methods, in the context of the Lean management philosophy, justified by the scarcity of scientific literature on the subject. Brazil has about 184,000 basic education schools with one million four hundred thousand teachers working from kindergarten to the ninth grade of elementary school, and of these, 83.2% have a college degree, a percentage that grows every year. About the schools, 21.7% are private, 61.3% municipal, 16.6% state, and 0.4% are federal schools. As a research methodology, a systematic review of the literature was adopted, based on the PRISMA protocol, allowing the identification of 53 records, 14 of which were included in the literature review, due to their adherence to the researched subject. The main contribution of this paper is the identification of a research gap involving the underutilization of workers and adoption of the Lean management philosophy in the education sector, as well as a conceptual proposal of the positive impact on the educational organization results by not underutilizing workers, without wasting their intelligence

    Logistics as a competitive advantage in retail organizations

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    Retail plays an important role in the trade sector of the Brazilian economy, with net operating revenues of nearly BRL 1.7 trillion and more than 7 million workers in 2018, according to the latest Annual Trade Survey from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The entry of large multinational companies into the Brazilian retail market, where it is worth highlighting Amazon, has negatively impacted the market of Brazilian retail companies, which still use archaic methods and disqualified labor in their operations and processes. Amazon provides better logistics services that directly add value to the quality of products offered through a leaner and more profitable supply chain. Additionally, the behavioral changes brought about by Covid-19 have made consumers more satisfied with online shopping experiences than with visits to physical stores. The increase in internet shopping and the reduction of visits to sales outlets has caused a migration of consumption to digital media, which may generate long-term transformations in the strategies of companies. Thus, the objective of this research is to provide a conceptual proposal of the use of logistics as a competitive advantage in retail organizations, considering the best management practices for the logistics sector. As a research methodology, a systematic literature review was adopted, based on the PRISMA protocol, allowing the identification of 94 records, 12 of which were included in the literature review, due to their adherence to the researched theme. The main contribution of this paper is the development of a conceptual proposal for the use of logistics as a competitive advantage in retail organizations, comprising five aspects: Information Systems, Application of KPIs aligned with the Strategic Objectives of the Organization, Creating Value for Products, Modern Management Concept and, Need for Organizations to recognize the Benefits and Advantages of Logistics

    Melhora no índice de renovação de estoque

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    Uma indústria mecânica fornecedora para o setor de óleo e gás está enfrentando um problema relacionado ao aumento do volume de materiais e do custo médio de estoque, que gera gargalo nas áreas de armazenagem, custo de armazenagem em fornecedores externos e aumento do custo de manutenção de estoque. Com base nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é a melhora no índice de giro de estoque a partir da redução do volume de materiais e custo médio de estoque. Como método, utilizou-se o A3, congregando as seguintes ferramentas para chegar à solução do problema: Brainstorming com a equipe; ida ao Gemba; 5 Porquês para identificação da causa raiz; Diagrama Ishikawa; geração de Árvore de Causas; levantamento de Dados e Fatos; e cálculo do Indicador de Giro de Estoque. A implantação do plano de ação permitiu reverter a queda no índice de giro de estoque de 100% em 2019 para 87% em 2020 e 83% em 2021, voltando ao índice de 100% em 2022, garantindo menor tempo de permanência de materiais em estoque e melhorando a capacidade de renovação do armazém

    Lean Office and digital transformation: a case study in a services company

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    - Highlights: a high percentage of the Western world workforce works in offices; Value Stream Map, a lean tool, allows waste identification in services companies; Lean Management helps companies to prepare for digital transformation; there is scarce scientific literature ondigital transformation and Lean Office. -Goal: thepurpose of this article is to report the implementation of Lean Office and digital transformation in a services company. - Design / Methodology / Approach: the research method was a qualitative approach, with literature review followed by a case study, and data collected until September 19, 2018. - Results: the comparative results between current and future Value Stream Maps showed consistent improvements in terms of performance indicators. The lead time is expected to fall from 101 hours to 64,65 hours under normal conditions, and from 221 hours to 114,65 hours if there is a need to bypass through process # 6. - Limitations of the investigation: there are limitations in this study.Basically, the time frame until the digitalization of the processes # 1, 2, 3 and 6 have been completed, in order to allow the comparison with the original expectations described in the VSM of the future state. - Practical implications: it was possible to demonstrate how the implementation of Lean principles, techniques, and tools can bring benefits to an IoT solutions provider. - Originality / Value: no records were found on Scopus and Web of Science databases for the search sentence "digital transformation" AND "lean Office", representing a gap to be filled with this study

    Mapeamento e análise do processo de tratamento dos itens discrepantes - estudo de caso em uma empresa do ramo aeronáutico / Mapping and analysis of the treatment process of discrepant items - case study in an aeronautical company

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    A crescente necessidade de custos mais baixos no processo produtivo condiz com a maior competitividade entre as empresas. Dessa forma, torna-se indispensável controlar as finanças e os processos sem afetar negativamente o serviço ao cliente. Neste contexto, a gestão da cadeia de suprimentos surge como um assunto primordial através do qual as empresas podem obter vantagem competitiva. Neste periódico são tratados os tópicos de gestão de estoques, gestão de relacionamento e sistemas integrados, todos relacionados ao assunto da cadeia de suprimentos. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar e desenvolver uma forma de melhorar o fluxo do processo do tratamento de itens discrepantes recebidos de fornecedores. Por este motivo, é necessário um entendimento amplo da cadeia e um bom relacionamento com os mesmos e, junto a isso, um fluxo interno melhor definido e padronizado que, consequentemente, acarreta em um processo geral otimizado. Quanto à abordagem metodológica, a natureza da pesquisa é classificada como aplicada, com seus objetivos exploratórios, além do método utilizado ser o estudo de caso e a abordagem na coleta e análise de dados triangular metodológica. O estudo de caso foi realizado durante o ano de 2021

    A aplicação da filosofia Lean na gestão de projetos ágeis – um estudo de caso

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    The use of Lean concepts in production is a well-known practice; however, its application in Project Management is a novelty that can bring competitive advantages for companies. More and more, companies have been adopting the agile project management as a strategy to increase their market competitiveness, so as to achieve good outcomes. In recent years, there has been an understanding that the use of better project management tactics is necessary, however that is no longer enough. It is also paramount to optimize the use of available resources in companies, to attain better results and cut down the waste to avoid higher investments. This is a study about the Lean concepts and their applicability in agile project management. Its aim is to analyze ways to insert Lean concepts in the agile project management in the expedition area of an aircraft engine repair company, through the use of kaizen philosophy, as to identify an opportunity of improvement, to map the current process, to develop solutions, to implement, to analyze results and, finally, to create a pattern. From the results generated, it is clear that the elimination of waste through methods established in the market such as lean manufacturing can, without a doubt, improve performance and ensure greater competitiveness for companies.A utilização dos conceitos do Lean na produção é uma prática muito conhecida, porém a sua aplicação no Gerenciamento de Projetos é uma novidade que pode trazer vantagens competitivas para as empresas. Cada vez mais se adota o gerenciamento de projetos ágeis como estratégia de aumento da competitividade no mercado com o objetivo de entrega de bons resultados. Por outro lado, nos últimos anos, vem-se percebendo que utilizar as melhores práticas de Gerenciamento de Projetos é inerente à gestão dos negócios, mas não é mais suficiente, sendo também necessário otimizar o uso dos recursos disponíveis nas empresas de modo a conseguir melhores resultados sem grandes investimentos por meio da eliminação de desperdícios. Assim, no presente trabalho foi realizado um estudo a respeito dos conceitos Lean e sua aplicabilidade no gerenciamento de projetos ágeis, com o objetivo de analisar como introduzir a filosofia Lean na gestão de projetos ágeis na área da expedição em uma empresa de reparo de motores aeronáuticos, considerando a aplicação das etapas da filosofia kaizen, destacando a identificação de uma oportunidade de melhoria, mapeamento do processo atual, desenvolvimento de uma solução, implementação, análise dos resultados e por fim criação de um padrão. Pelos resultados gerados, percebe-se que a eliminação de desperdícios por meio de métodos estabelecidos no mercado como lean manufacturing pode, sem dúvida, melhorar desempenho e garantir maior competitividade às empresas.

    Economia do crime entre 1975 e 2021: um estudo bibliométrico: Economics of crime between 1975 and 2021: a bibliometric study

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    Este artigo analisa a produção cientifica sobre a economia do crime produzida em todo o mundo, constante de periódicos, livros, conferências e artigos. E ainda, em todas as áreas possíveis sejam economia, medicina, politica, negócios e direito. A criminalidade é um problema da sociedade, e hoje grandes metrópoles enfrentam dificuldades em entender e conter o crime. Os estudos atuais têm grande importância, para produzir informações que expliquem os fatores que atuam na criminalidade. Neste estudo descritivo e exploratório, foi utilizado a bibliometria.  Os dados utilizados foram extraídos de textos constantes na base de dados SCOPUS, e apresentou um total de 613 documentos interdisciplinares e distribuídos em diversos anos. O estudo levou em consideração as características da produção, metodologia e períodos. Os resultados apontam para um aumento das publicações de artigos nos Estados Unidos, Rússia e Reino Unido, com ênfase na língua inglesa. Ademais, os números demonstram uma evolução crescente sobre o assunto após a virada do século com grandes contribuições econômico-sociais

    Integration of concepts about lean construction, sustainability and life cycle of buildings: a literature review

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    The purpose of this study was the development of a theoretical framework integrating concepts of lean construction, sustainability and the life cycle of buildings. It was prepared using a systematic review of the literature through the Prisma method. Findings show that there is scarce scientific literature about lean construction contributions to activities related to the consumption phase of the life cycle of a building. Project and construction activities presented the highest number of lean construction contributions in the production phase. Research limitations are terms used in the search sentences and the choice of surveyed databases. The study contributes with knowledge that can be used by companies to adopt lean construction. It is also useful for researchers who can explore several research lines. The originality of this research is to view in a same table the interrelationship of concepts about lean construction, sustainability and the life cycle of buildings

    Brazilians perspective on cryptocurrencies

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    The advance in science and technology combined with the development of the Internet offers new options for the use of money. Economic agents are beginning to lose physical contact with money and carry out transactions through electronic channels. The debate on the subject is of international relevance and foresees the manifestation of the monetary authority, which shows the importance of the subject. This paper sought to present the theories of demand for cryptocurrencies, discuss the perspective of Brazilians in relation to digital assets, and show the role of cryptocurrencies in the current economy. This study aimed to identify how the growth in demand for cryptocurrencies can impact the financial system and the globalized economy. The methodology employed is bibliographical, documental, and field research on the monetary evolution and the perspective of Brazilians in relation to crypto assets. Based on the online questionnaire conducted with 170 respondents who answered about what they understand by digital assets, it was observed that most of them are not used to the theme in question, however, there is a great interest in learning. It is concluded that compared to sovereign currencies, cryptocurrency meets monetary demand in isolation, in each context and period