45 research outputs found

    Aproximación al estudio de la emigración en el pensamiento gallego (1880-1920)

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    Historia del Pensamiento Económico en España. Ernest Lluch I Martín, Pedro Schwartz Girón, Luis Perdices Blas (Eds.): Actas de las III Jornadas de Historia del Pensamiento Económico en España. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Barcelona. (11-12 de diciembre de 1987)Publicad

    University Student Satisfaction and Skill Acquisition: Evidence from the Undergraduate Dissertation

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    One of the main objectives of the Undergraduate Dissertation is to evaluate the skills associated with a degree. Student satisfaction with the training and skills acquired can be an indicator of the quality of higher education. This paper aims to analyse student satisfaction with Undergraduate Dissertation at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Based on a survey conducted among 130 students (75.7% of a total of 172 students who presented their UD during the academic year 2013–2014), structural equation modelling was applied to analyse the influence on satisfaction of aspects related to intellectual curiosity and the perception of acquired skills. The results show that the perception of the skills acquired play a crucial role in students’ satisfaction with Undergraduate Satisfaction, conditioned by their perceived future usefulness and backed by personality and motivation elements that encourage their acquisition. The results confirm the significant role played by the tutor, who emerges as an element that boosts the central relations of the modelS

    The Undergraduate Dissertation: the results from a student/tutor peer perspective

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    [EN] The research on Undergraduate Disserta-tion (UD) has been incorporating aspects of the tutor/ student interaction that have been shown to be crucial in explaining the student’s results. The tutorial support re-ceived during the realization of the UD - in nature and intensity - and its relationship with the final results deserves particular attention. The study of this relationship is the objective of this paper that, through the analysis of the information provided by 178 students / supervisors pairs, in-vestigates the relationships between the utorial support (declared by the teaching staff) and the competences reached by the students (perceived by the students them-selves), and between these and the real grade reached in the UD. The results indi-cate that the tutorial support in each one of the phases of the work is significantly related to several competences that the students perceive to have reached. Specif-ically, the critical capacity is improved with the intensity of the tutorial support in var-ious phases of the work. The organization of time is perceived to be increased with the support in the first phases -design of research and objectives design- while the use of prior knowledge and oral and writ-ten communication skills are competencies that improve with the intensity of support in their final phases -elaboration of conclu-sions and drafting. All abilities determine the grade reached by students in the UD.[ES] La investigación sobre el Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) ha ido incorporando aspectos de la interacción tutor-a/alumno-a que se han demostrado cruciales en la explicación de los resultados de estos últimos. Merece particular atención el apoyo tutorial recibido durante la realización del trabajo -en naturaleza e intensidad- y su relación con los resultados obtenidos. El estudio de esta relación es el objetivo de este artículo que, a través del análisis de la información aportada por 178 pares alumno-a/tutor-a, indaga en las relaciones entre el apoyo tutorial (declarado por el profesorado) y las competencias alcanzadas por el alumnado (percibidas por el propio estudiantado), y entre éstas y la nota real alcanzada en la materia. Los resultados indican que el apoyo tutorial en cada una de las fases del trabajo se relaciona significativamente con varias competencias que el alumnado percibe haber alcanzado. Concretamente, la capacidad crítica se ve mejorada con la intensidad del apoyo tutorial en varias fases del trabajo. La organización del tiempo y la identificación de limitaciones se perciben incrementadas con el apoyo en las primeras fases -diseño de la investigación y definición de objetivos- mientras que el uso de conocimientos previos y la capacidad de comunicación oral y escrita son competencias que mejoran con la intensidad del apoyo en sus fases finales -elaboración de conclusiones y redacción-. Todas las capacidades determinan la calificación alcanzada por los estudiantes.Expósito Díaz, P.; Freire Esparís, MP.; Martínez Roget, F.; Del Río Araújo, ML. (2018). El trabajo de fin de grado: resultados desde una perspectiva de pares estudiantes/tutores. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 16(2):105-122. doi:10.4995/redu.2018.10190SWORD10512216

    Women who migrate, women who stay. Contribution to a study about the relationship among women, agrarian economy and emigration. Galicia, 1880-1930

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    En este trabajo se analiza, primero, la carencia de estudios que aborden en Galicia las implicaciones de las mujeres en el fenómeno migratorio y su grado de participación en el mismo. El trabajo se estructura después en dos partes, con un notorio peso de la primera, en la que se analiza como la emigración de los varones refuerza las funciones que las mujeres ya venían desempeñando en la reproducción de la explotación familiar. En la segunda se hace una aproximación a las características que reviste la incorporación de las mujeres gallegas a la corriente migratoria, perfilando una tendencia claramente progresiva.First, this paper analyses the lack of research that deals with the implications of women in the migratory phenomenon in Galicia and their degree of participation in the same. The paper is then structured in two parts, the first bearing the most weigh, where an analysis is made on how male emigration increased the number of duties women were already fulfilling in the family household. In the second part, an approach is made towards the characteristics that lead to the incorporation of Galician women in migratory flows, outlining a clearly progressive tendency

    Influence of the type of physician on survival from emergency-medical-service-witnessed cardiac arrest: an observational study

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    Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation by non-emergency dedicated physicians may not be positively associated with survival, as these physicians have less experience and exposure than specialised dedicated personnel. The aim of this study was to compare the survival results of the teams led by emergency dedicated physicians (EDPhy) with those of the teams led by non-emergency dedicated physicians (N-EDPhy) and with a team of basic life support (BLS) emergency technicians (EMTs) used as the control group. A retrospective, multicentre study of emergency-medical-servicewitnessed cardiac arrest from medical causes in adults was performed. The records from 2006 to 2016 in a database of a regional emergency system were analysed and updated up to 31 December 2021. Two groups were studied: initial shockable and non-shockable rhythms. In total, 1359 resuscitation attempts were analysed, 281 of which belonged to the shockable group, and 1077 belonged to the non-shockable rhythm group. Any onsite return of spontaneous circulation, patients admitted to the hospital alive, global survival, and survival with a cerebral performance category (CPC) of 1-2 (good and moderate cerebral performance) were studied, with both of the latter categories considered at 30 days, 1 year (primary outcome), and 5 years. The shockable and non-shockable rhythm group (and CPC 1-2) survivals at 1 year were, respectively, as follows: EDPhy, 66.7 % (63.4%) and 14.0% (12.3%); N-EDPhy, 16.0% (16.0%) and 1.96 % (1.47%); and EMTs 32.0% (29.7%) and 1.3% (0.84%). The crude ORs were EDPhy vs. N-EDPhy, 10.50 (5.67) and 8.16 (4.63) (all p < 0.05); EDPhy vs. EMTs, 4.25 (2.65) and 12.86 (7.80) (p 0.05). The presence of an EDPhy was positively related to all the survival and CPC ratesS

    Assessing the undergraduate dissertation teaching-learning process

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    [ES] La Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la USC está entre las pioneras en la implantación del Trabajo Fin de Grado en la universidad española. En este artículo analizamos la valoración de los agentes implicados (alumnado y profesorado tutor).  El trabajo se estructura en cinco ejes clave del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje: los elementos de apoyo (tutor, información y actividades formativas), el procedimiento de asignación de temas y tutores, las competencias desarrolladas, la dedicación requerida y el procedimiento de evaluación. Utilizamos datos procedentes de una encuesta realizada a 115 alumnos/as y 56 tutores/as, durante los cursos 2011-2012 y 2012-2013, en los Grados de Economía y ADE. Los resultados  indican que el TFG se percibe como una materia con una metodología adecuada para lograr las competencias planteadas  y en la que el 82,6% de los estudiantes no considera necesarias actividades formativas complementarias. Los criterios de evaluación utilizados son adec[EN] The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at USC has been a pioneer in the implementation of the undergraduate dissertation in the Spanish university. In this paper we analyze the valuation of the stakeholders (students and supervisors). The study is structured around five key elements of the teaching-learning method: support (supervision, information, training activities); the procedure to assign both the issue and the supervisor; the competences acquired; the dedication and the student assessment  procedure.  The  analysis  is supported by data coming from a survey of 115 students and 56 supervisors, in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 in the degrees in Business Administration and Economics. The results show that the undergraduate dissertation is perceived as a subject with an appropriate methodology for achieving the  suitable  skills  and  competences. Besides, 82.6% of the students say that the complementary training activities were unnecessary. The assessment criteria are consiFreire Esparís, P.; Díaz Vázquez, R.; Martínez Roget, F.; Maside Sanfiz, J.; Del Rio Araujo, ML.; Vázquez Rozas, E. (2015). Valoración del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el Trabajo Fin de Grado. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 13(2):323-344. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2015.5451OJS323344132Álvarez, M. y Pascual M. M. (2012). Propuesta de evaluación del trabajo de fin de grado en Derecho. Aula Abierta, 40 (1), 85-102.Bonilla Delgado, M. I. y Martín López, C. (2012). Evaluación de competencias en el Trabajo Fin de Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas: una propuesta de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de Talavera de la Reina. UCLM. Revista de Formación e Innovación educativa Universitaria, 5(4), 241-253.Bonilla Priego, M. J., Fuentes Moraleda, l., Vacas Guerrero, C. y Vacas Guerrero, T. (2012). Análisis del proceso de evaluación del Trabajo Fin de Grado en las nuevas titulaciones. Revista de Educación en Contabilidad, Finanzas y Administración de Empresas, 3, 5-21.Bruce, C. S. (2003). Seven Faces of Information Literacy: Towards inviting students into new experiences. Recuperado de http://crm.hct.ac.ae/events/archive/2003/speakers/bruce.pdfCalvert, B. y Casey, B. (2004). Supporting and assessing dissertation and practical projects in media studies degrees: towards collaborative learning. Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education, 3 (1), 47-60.Derounian, J. (2011). Shall we dance? The importance of staff-student relationships to the pursuit of undergraduate dissertations. Active Learning in Higher Education, 12(2), 91-100Escobedo, E., Amat, C., Muñoz, M. y Simón, J. (2012). Diseño e implementación del Trabajo Fin de Grado en la titulación de Farmacia. VII CIDUI: La Universidad, una institución de la sociedad. Barcelona.Greenbank, P., Penketh, C., Schofield, M. y Turjansky, T. (2008).The undergraduate Dissertation: "most likely you go your way and I'll go mine". The International Journal for Quality and Standards, 3 (22), 1-24. Recuperado de http://www.bsieducation.org/Education/downloads/ijqs/paper22.pdfHeinze, A. y Heinze, B. (2009): Blended e-learning skeleton of conversation: Improving formative assessment in undergraduate dissertation supervision, British Journal of Educational Technology, 40 (2), 294-305.Mateo, J. (2009). Guía para la evaluación de competencias en el trabajo de fin de grado en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales y jurídicas. Barcelona: Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya.Rekalde Rodríguez, I. (2011). ¿Cómo afrontar el trabajo fin de grado? Un problema o una oportunidad para culminar con el desarrollo de las competencias, Revista Complutense de Educación, 22 (2), 179-193Rowley, J. y Slack, F. (2004): What is the future for undergraduate dissertations? Education + Training, 46 (4), 176-181.Rullán Ayza, M., Fernández Rodríguez, M., Estapé Dubreuil, G. y Márquez Cebrián, M. D. (2010). La evaluación de competencias transversales en la materia trabajos de fin de grado. Un estudio preliminar sobre la necesidad y oportunidad de establecer medios e instrumentos por ramas de conocimiento. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 8 (1), 74-100.Saunders, M. y. Davis, S. (1998).The use of assessment criteria to ensure consistency of marking: some implications for good practice. Quality Assurance in Education, 6 (3), 162-171.Todd, M., Bannister, P. y Clegg, S. (2004). Independent inquiry and the undergraduate dissertation: perceptions and experiences of final-year social science students. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 29 (3), 335-355.Todd, M.J., Smith, K. y Bannister, P. (2006). Supervising a social science undergraduate dissertation: staff experiences and perceptions.Teaching in Higher Education, 11 (2), 161-173.USC (2013).Regulamento do Traballo de Fin de Grao en Economía. Recuperado de http://www.usc.es/export/sites/default/gl/centros/ecoade/descargas/Decanato/Regulamento_TFG_ECO_def.pdfUSC (2013). Regulamento do Traballo de Fin de Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas. Recuperado de http://www.usc.es/export/sites/default/gl/centros/ecoade/descargas/Decanato/Regulamento_TFG_ADE_def.pdfValderrama, E. (coord.) (2009). Guía para la evaluación de competencias en los trabajos de fin de grado y de máster en las ingenierías. Barcelona: AQU Catalunya. Recuperado de http://www.aqu.cat/doc/doc_19718727_1.pdfVallderrama, E., Rullán, M., Sánchez, F., Pons, J., Mans, C., Giné, F. et al. (2010). La evaluación de competencias en los trabajos fin de estudios. IEEE-RITA, 5 (3), 107-114Vilardell Riera, I. (2010). Experiencia sobre el trabajo de fin de grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Revista de Educación en Contabilidad, Finanzas y Administración de Empresas, I (1), 101-122.Webster, F., Pepper, D. y Jenkins, A. (2000). Assessing the undergraduate dissertation. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 25 (1), 71-80

    A bilateral whitish lesion on the mucosa of the cheek

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    An 8-year-old girl with no medical history presented with a bilateral whitish lesion on the mucosa of the cheek, evident since early childhood. There was no relevant family history, and her parents had not presented similar lesions. They reported a progressive growth of the lesion in the last months, for which she had been evaluated by maxillofacial surgery, the lesion being oriented as a frictional keratosis. However, the use of occlusal splint was not associated with any improvement. She was otherwise asymptomatic. Physical examination revealed a bilateral, whitish, well-demarcated cheek mucosal plaque, which partially coincided with the dental occlusion line. The lesion did not detach with scratching (Figure 1). No other alterations were observed in the oral cavity or in the systematic physical examination