10 research outputs found

    Cuidados Paliativos nos doentes com Doença Hepática avançada que aguardam transplante hepático: revisão

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    Introduction: End-stage liver disease (ESLD) is the advanced phase of most liver diseases. The cure is liver transplantation (LT), only available for a minority of patients. This review summarizes the evidence regarding palliative care (PC) in ESLD patients awaiting LT. Methods: Review of the literature available in Medline, Scopus and Web of Knowledge, with keywords ESLD and PC. Results: Fifteen of the 230 articles reviewed met the inclusion criteria. Ten main themes were addressed: symptom burden; perspectives of life-sustaining treatment and comfort for patients, families and health professionals; goals of care discussions; patient and family needs; quality of life; PC and survival; referral to PC, barriers and opportunities; integration of PC; outpatient care and cost-effectiveness analysis. The referral of patients to PC was only evaluated in a few studies, all of which reported low referral rates. Better knowledge of how PC professionals can support other professionals was considered important, and also better ways to integrate PC were considered essential. Conclusion: ESLD patients awaiting LT have a significant need for PC and, despite the insufficient response, were reported to benefit from this type of care. Future research is essential to determine the means to overcome barriers and better integrate PC for ESLD patients awaiting LT.Introdução: A doença hepática avançada (DHA) corresponde à fase mais avançada das doenças hepáticas. O transplante hepático (TH) é o tratamento curativo, disponível apenas para uma minoria de doentes. Esta revisão sumariza a evidência sobre cuidados paliativos (CP) em doentes com DHA que aguardam TH. Métodos: Revisão da literatura existente na Medline, Scopus e Web of Knowledge. Palavras chave pesquisadas CP e DHA. Resultados: Quinze dos 230 artigos encontrados cumpriram critérios de inclusão. Dez temáticas foram abordadas: carga sintomática; discussão de objectivos de cuidados; perspectivas sobre tratamentos de suporte artificial e conforto; necessidades do doente e família; qualidade de vida; CP e impacto no prognóstico; referenciação para CP, barreiras e oportunidades; integração dos CP; cuidados de ambulatório e análises de custo-benefício. Poucos estudos avaliaram a referenciação para CP, todos com baixas taxas. Mais conhecimento e formação dos profissionais que acompanham doentes com DHA parece ser necessário, bem como, melhor articulação entre os diferentes intervenientes. Conclusão: Doentes com DHA que aguardam TH apresentam importantes necessidades de CP. Apesar da insuficiente resposta a este nível, parecem beneficiar deste tipo de cuidados. Estudos futuros que clarifiquem como ultrapassar as barreiras e a melhor integração dos CP nos doentes que aguardam TH são essenciais.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of an assessment and monitoring instrument for the care of patients in imminent death situation admitted in internal medicine wards

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    Background: In Portugal, two thirds of deaths occur in the hospital and it is estimated that these numbers will increase considerably in the coming decades. The proper organization of care at this stage promotes peaceful deaths and catalyzes healthy bereavements. There is no validated instrument that supports health teams in the organization of care in the situation of imminent death syndrome. Aim(s): We propose the validation of an instrument for organizing care for patients in the last hours or days of life in Internal Medicine wards. Methods: We recruited an incidental sample of Internal Medicine doctors with Competence in Palliative Medicine. We will evaluate the response to a semi-structured questionnaire of the Delphi rounds type, evaluating the degree of agreement with the principles proposed by the instrument, which was already validated in accordance with the best international practices and derived from the best scientific evidence by the International Collaborative for the Best for the Dying Person Results: The Delphi rounds are underway Conclusions: The validation of this instrument will be the basis for the subsequent development of a national audit on the subject and the mainstay for the construction of a training model for national Internal Medicine based on the proposed principles of action, that constitutes the main goals of the MiMI Project (Morte iminente em Medicina Interna) of the Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spanish and Portuguese Societies of Internal Medicine consensus guideline about best practice in end-of-life care

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    Aim: To develop consensus recommendations about good clinical practice rules for caring end-of-life patients. Methods: A steering committee of 12 Spanish and Portuguese experts proposed 37 recommendations. A two rounds Delphi method was performed, with participation of 105 panelists including internists, other clinicians, nurses, patients, lawyers, bioethicians, health managers, politicians and journalists. We sent a questionnaire with 5 Likert-type answers for each recommendation. Strong consensus was defined when >95% answers were completely agree or >90% were agree or completely agree; and weak consensus when >90% answers were completely agree or >80% were agree or completely agree. Results: The panel addressed 7 specific areas for 37 recommendations spanning: identification of patients; knowledge of the disease, values and preferences of the patient; information; patient's needs; support and care; palliative sedation, and after death care. Conclusions: The panel formulated and provided the rationale for recommendations on good clinical practice rules for caring end-of-life patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Feeding in advanced dementia: consensus report from the Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine and Portuguese Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Society

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    A demência é uma síndrome neurológica de agravamento progressivo, sem cura, cuja prevalência tem vindo a aumentar devido ao envelhecimento da população. Existe um grande desconhecimento entre profissionais de saúde e cuidadores relativamente à melhor abordagem da alimentação nos doentes com demência avançada. Dado não existirem recomendações nacionais acerca deste tema, foi elaborado um documento de consenso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Interna e da Associação Portuguesa de Nutrição Entérica e Parentérica que explicita as orientações existentes relativas à abordagem dos problemas alimentares nos doentes com demência avançada. A demência avançada é uma condição terminal em que deve ser privilegiado o conforto do doente, frequentemente acamado, incapaz de comunicar verbalmente e com dificuldade na alimentação. Nesta população, a literatura atual não recomenda o uso de alimentação por sonda (nasogástrica, nasojejunal, gastrostomia percutânea ou jejunostomia percutânea), que está associada a maior risco de infeção, maior utilização de meios de contenção e desenvolvimento de úlceras de decúbito. Como alternativa, recomenda-se a alimentação por via oral de acordo com a tolerância e vontade do doente (alimentação de conforto). Do ponto de vista ético e legal, é legítimo não proceder à artificialização da alimentação na fase terminal da demência caso este procedimento seja contrário aos valores da pessoa e não se objetivem benefícios. Esta decisão deve ser tomada após discussão multidisciplinar incluindo o doente (se possível), representante legal, cuidadores, família e equipa de profissionais de saúde envolvidos, elaborando um plano individual de cuidados que permita a tomada de decisões no melhor interesse do doente.ABSTRACT - Dementia is a progressive neurological syndrome without cure whose prevalence is increasing due to population aging. There is a lack of knowledge among healthcare professionals and caregivers regarding the best feeding approach in patients with advanced dementia. As there are no national recommendations on this subject, a consensus report from the Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine and the Portuguese Enteral and Parental Nutrition Society was made, clarifying existing guidelines regarding the approach of eating difficulties in these patients. Advanced dementia is a terminal condition where patient comfort should be the goal. These patients are usually bedbound, have limited ability to communicate verbally and have difficulty eating. In this population, current literature does not support tube feeding (nasogastric tube, nasojejunal tube, percutaneous gastrostomy or percutaneous jejunostomy feeding), which is associated with higher rates of infection, greater use of chemical and physical restraints and development of pressure ulcers. As an alternative, careful hand feeding should be offered (comfort feeding). From an ethical and legal standpoint, it is acceptable not to use tube feeding in the terminal phase of dementia if it is against patient values and offers no benefits. This decision should be made using a multidisciplinary approach including the patient (if possible), legal representative, caregivers, family and healthcare professionals, in order to establish an individual care plan allowing decision making in the patient’s best interest.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diseno de un Modelo de Franquicia para Comercializar Calzado en PYMES

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    1. Introducción.-- 2. Planteamiento de la Propuesta de Trabajo.-- 3. Marco Teórico.-- 4. Metodología.-- 5. Resultados.-- 6. Conclusiones y RecomendacionesEl presente trabajo se enfocó en el diseño de un modelo de Franquicia para comercializar calzado en PYMES; aprovechando el impulso que el estado está proveyendo al sector productivo, se proyectó plasmar una idea innovadora y moderna de ventas frente a la inexistencia de un modelo de franquicia para comercializar calzado en nuestro medio. Para este propósito se recopiló información mediante trabajo documental, que comprende la conceptualización de términos propios que manejan las redes de franquicias así como la incursión y desarrollo que ha tenido este sector en nuestro país. Con la experiencia obtenida en el ámbito laboral y el apoyo de fuentes bibliográficas, se estructuraron los elementos de la franquicia, comprendidos en el Manual de Operaciones; el mismo que abarca varios apartados cubriendo todas las áreas de operación del negocio. En función de lo descrito, se pretendió formalizar un sistema de comercialización de calzado en PYMES en la provincia de Tungurahua, con procesos estandarizados que permitan brindar asesoría a quienes deseen acogerse a este sistema. Finalmente se aplicó una encuesta a varios productores de calzado de algunas zonas de la Provincia, así como también a personas relacionadas en el ámbito comercial del sector del calzado, para analizar el impacto que genera el planteamiento de este modelo en nuestra sociedad.Tesis (Magister en Administración de Empresas) - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Departamento de Investigación y Posgrados.Magister en Administración de Empresa

    Palliative Care in Advanced Liver Disease: Similar or Different Palliative Care Needs in Patients with a Prospect of Transplantation? Prospective Study from a Portuguese University Hospital and Transplantation Center

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    Background and Aims: End-stage liver disease (ESLD) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality, comparable to a large extent to other organ insufficiencies. The need for palliative care (PC) in patients with ESLD is high. In Portugal, in the only identified study, more than 80% of patients hospitalized with ESLD had criteria for PC. No results specified which needs they identified or their transplantation prospect status. Methods: Prospective observational study including 54 ESLD patients who presented to a university hospital and transplantation center, between November 2019 and September 2020. Assessment of their PC needs through the application of NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© and IPOS, considering their transplantation perspective status. Results: Of the 54 patients, 5 (9.3%) were on active waiting list for transplantation and 8 (14.8%) under evaluation. NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© identified 23 patients (n = 42.6%) that would benefit from PC. Assessment of PC needs by clinicians, functional markers and significant comorbidities were the most frequent criteria (47.8%, n = 11). IPOS also revealed a different sort of needs: on average, each patient identified about 9 needs (8.9 ±2.8). Among the symptoms identified, weakness (77.8%), reduced mobility (70.3%), and pain (48.1%) stood out, as well as the psychoemotional symptoms of depression (66.7%) and anxiety (77.8%). There were no significant differences between the subgroups of patients analyzed. Only 4 patients (7.4%) were followed by the PC team. Conclusion: All the ESLD patients included, independently of the group they belonged to, presented with PC needs. No significant differences between the subgroups of patients were identified, confirming that even patients with a transplantation prospect have important needs for PC

    Augusta dos Anjos e seu desejo de morte ou como tornar a vida viável

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    This article revisit the trauma theory as organized in the studies of Freud and Ferenczi, identifying points of confluence and friction between them. Therefore we present a clinical case aiming to clear this notion, which is known the importance of clinical contribution to the theoretical development of the psychoanalysis.Neste artigo revisitamos a teoria do trauma, tal como organizada nas obras de Freud e Ferenczi, tangenciando pontos de confluência e de fricção entre elas. Para tanto, apresentamos um caso clínico objetivando clarear essa noção, sabida que é a importância da contribuição da clínica para o desenvolvimento teórico de nossa disciplina

    Best Supportive Care of the Patient with Oesophageal Cancer

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    Background: Oesophageal cancer patients have poor survival, and most are unfit for curative or systemic palliative treatment. This article aims to review the best supportive care for oesophageal cancer, focusing on the management of its most frequent or distinctive symptoms and complications. Methods: Evidence-based review on palliative supportive care of oesophageal cancer, based on Pubmed search for relevant clinical practice guidelines, reviews and original articles, with additional records collected from related articles suggestions, references and societies recommendations. Results: We identified 1075 records, from which we screened 138 records that were related to oesophageal cancer supportive care, complemented with 48 additional records, finally including 60 records. This review summarizes the management of oesophageal cancer-related main problems, including dysphagia, malnutrition, pain, nausea and vomiting, fistula and bleeding. In recent years, several treatments have been developed, while optimal management is not yet standardized. Conclusion: This review contributes toward improving supportive care and decision making for oesophageal cancer patients, presenting updated summary recommendations for each of their main symptoms. A robust body of evidence is still lacking, and the best supportive care decisions should be individualized and shared