326 research outputs found

    First Record of the Plains Minnow, Hybognathus placitus, in Canada

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    Seven Plains Minnows, Hybognathus placitus, Family Cyprinidae, were collected on 11 June 2003 from Morgan Creek, in Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada. This collection is the first record of the species in Canada and extends the northern distribution limit of the species. Of 95 Hybognathus spp. collected at the site, only eight specimens were retained for positive identification because of the uncertain status of two conspecifics, the Western Silvery Minnow, H. argyritis, and the Brassy Minnow, H. hankinsoni, in Saskatchewan. Our findings should stimulate additional sampling to assess the identification and status of Hybognathus spp. in southwestern Saskatchewan. Accurate field identification of Hybognathus spp. remains an issue and collection of all specimens is recommended to accurately identify members within the genus

    Dose–Sensitivity, Conserved Non-Coding Sequences, and Duplicate Gene Retention through Multiple Tetraploidies in the Grasses

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    Whole genome duplications, or tetraploidies, are an important source of increased gene content. Following whole genome duplication, duplicate copies of many genes are lost from the genome. This loss of genes is biased both in the classes of genes deleted and the subgenome from which they are lost. Many or all classes are genes preferentially retained as duplicate copies are engaged in dose sensitive protein–protein interactions, such that deletion of any one duplicate upsets the status quo of subunit concentrations, and presumably lowers fitness as a result. Transcription factors are also preferentially retained following every whole genome duplications studied. This has been explained as a consequence of protein–protein interactions, just as for other highly retained classes of genes. We show that the quantity of conserved noncoding sequences (CNSs) associated with genes predicts the likelihood of their retention as duplicate pairs following whole genome duplication. As many CNSs likely represent binding sites for transcriptional regulators, we propose that the likelihood of gene retention following tetraploidy may also be influenced by dose–sensitive protein–DNA interactions between the regulatory regions of CNS-rich genes – nicknamed bigfoot genes – and the proteins that bind to them. Using grass genomes, we show that differential loss of CNSs from one member of a pair following the pre-grass tetraploidy reduces its chance of retention in the subsequent maize lineage tetraploidy

    Automated Conserved Non-Coding Sequence (CNS) Discovery Reveals Differences in Gene Content and Promoter Evolution among Grasses

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    Conserved non-coding sequences (CNS) are islands of non-coding sequence that, like protein coding exons, show less divergence in sequence between related species than functionless DNA. Several CNSs have been demonstrated experimentally to function as cis-regulatory regions. However, the specific functions of most CNSs remain unknown. Previous searches for CNS in plants have either anchored on exons and only identified nearby sequences or required years of painstaking manual annotation. Here we present an open source tool that can accurately identify CNSs between any two related species with sequenced genomes, including both those immediately adjacent to exons and distal sequences separated by \u3e12 kb of non-coding sequence. We have used this tool to characterize new motifs, associate CNSs with additional functions, and identify previously undetected genes encoding RNA and protein in the genomes of five grass species. We provide a list of 15,363 orthologous CNSs conserved across all grasses tested. We were also able to identify regulatory sequences present in the common ancestor of grasses that have been lost in one or more extant grass lineages. Lists of orthologous gene pairs and associated CNSs are provided for reference inbred lines of arabidopsis, Japonica rice, foxtail millet, sorghum, brachypodium, and maize

    Functional interplay between chromatin remodeling complexes RSC, SWI/SNF and ISWI in regulation of yeast heat shock genes

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    Chromatin remodeling is an essential part of transcription initiation. We show that at heat shock gene promoters functional interactions between individual ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes play critical role in both nucleosome displacement and Pol II recruitment. Using HSP12, HSP82 and SSA4 gene promoters as reporters, we demonstrated that while inactivation of SNF2, a critical ATPase of the SWI/SNF complex, primarily affects the HSP12 promoter, depletion of STH1- a SNF2 homolog from the RSC complex reduces histone displacement and abolishes the Pol II recruitment at all three promoters. From these results, we conclude that redundancy between SWI/SNF and RSC complexes is only partial and likely is affecting different chromatin remodeling steps. While inactivation of other individual ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes negligibly affects reporter promoters, combinatorial inactivation of SNF2 and ISW1 has a synergistic effect by diminishing histone loss during heat induction and eliminating Pol II recruitment. Importantly, it also eliminates preloading of HSF on HSP82 and SSA4 promoters before heat shock and diminishes HSF binding during heat shock. These observations suggest that prior action of chromatin remodeling complexes is necessary for the activator binding

    Better writing in scientific publications builds reader confidence and understanding

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    Scientific publications are the building blocks of discovery and collaboration, but their impact is limited by the style in which they are traditionally written. Recently, many authors have called for a switch to an engaging, accessible writing style. Here, we experimentally test how readers respond to such a style. We hypothesized that scientific abstracts written in a more accessible style would improve readers’ reported readability and confidence as well as their understanding, assessed using multiple-choice questions on the content. We created a series of scientific abstracts, corresponding to real publications on three scientific topics at four levels of difficulty – varying from the difficult, traditional style to an engaging, accessible style. We gave these abstracts to a team of readers consisting of 170 third-year undergraduate students. Then, we posed questions to measure the readers’ readability, confidence, and understanding with the content. The scientific abstracts written in a more accessible style resulted in higher readability, understanding, and confidence. These findings demonstrate that rethinking the way we communicate our science may empower a more collaborative and diverse industry.Benjamin S. Freeling, Zoë A. Doubleday, Matthew J. Dry, Carolyn Semmler and Sean D. Connel

    Transposed Genes in Arabidopsis Are Often Associated with Flanking Repeats

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    Much of the eukaryotic genome is known to be mobile, largely due to the movement of transposons and other parasitic elements. Recent work in plants and Drosophila suggests that mobility is also a feature of many nontransposon genes and gene families. Indeed, analysis of the Arabidopsis genome suggested that as many as half of all genes had moved to unlinked positions since Arabidopsis diverged from papaya roughly 72 million years ago, and that these mobile genes tend to fall into distinct gene families. However, the mechanism by which single gene transposition occurred was not deduced. By comparing two closely related species, Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabidopsis lyrata, we sought to determine the nature of gene transposition in Arabidopsis. We found that certain categories of genes are much more likely to have transposed than others, and that many of these transposed genes are flanked by direct repeat sequence that was homologous to sequence within the orthologous target site in A. lyrata and which was predominantly genic in identity. We suggest that intrachromosomal recombination between tandemly duplicated sequences, and subsequent insertion of the circular product, is the predominant mechanism of gene transposition

    How the vertebrates were made: selective pruning of a double-duplicated genome

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    Vertebrates are the result of an ancient double duplication of the genome. A new study published in BMC Biology explores the selective retention of genes after this event, finding an extensive enrichment of signaling proteins and transcription factors. Analysis of their expression patterns, interactions and subsequent history reflect the forces that drove their evolution, and with it the evolution of vertebrate complexity

    Paleopolyploidy in the Brassicales: Analyses of the Cleome Transcriptome Elucidate the History of Genome Duplications in Arabidopsis and Other Brassicales

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    The analysis of the Arabidopsis genome revealed evidence of three ancient polyploidy events in the evolution of the Brassicaceae, but the exact phylogenetic placement of these events is still not resolved. The most recent event is called the At-α (alpha) or 3R, the intermediate event is referred to as the At-β (beta) or 2R, and the oldest is the At-γ (gamma) or 1R. It has recently been established that At-γ is shared with other Rosids, including papaya (Carica), poplar (Populus), and grape (Vitis), whereas data to date suggest that At-α is Brassicaceae specific. To address more precisely when the At-α and At-β events occurred and which plant lineages share these paleopolyploidizations, we sequenced and analyzed over 4,700 normalized expressed sequence tag sequences from the Cleomaceae, the sister family to the Brassicaceae. Analysis of these Cleome data with homologous sequences from other Rosid genomes (Arabidopsis, Carica, Gossypium, Populus, and Vitis) yielded three major findings: 1) confirmation of a Cleome-specific paleopolyploidization (Cs-α) that is independent of the Brassicaceae At-α paleopolyploidization; 2) Cleome and Arabidopsis share the At-β duplication, which is lacking from papaya within the Brassicales; and 3) rates of molecular evolution are faster for the herbaceous annual taxa Arabidopsis and Cleome than the other predominantly woody perennial Rosid lineages. These findings contribute to our understanding of the dynamics of genome duplication and evolution within one of the most comprehensively surveyed clades of plants, the Rosids, and clarify the complex history of the At-α, At-β, and At-γ duplications of Arabidopsis

    Origin and evolution of the octoploid strawberry genome.

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    Cultivated strawberry emerged from the hybridization of two wild octoploid species, both descendants from the merger of four diploid progenitor species into a single nucleus more than 1 million years ago. Here we report a near-complete chromosome-scale assembly for cultivated octoploid strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) and uncovered the origin and evolutionary processes that shaped this complex allopolyploid. We identified the extant relatives of each diploid progenitor species and provide support for the North American origin of octoploid strawberry. We examined the dynamics among the four subgenomes in octoploid strawberry and uncovered the presence of a single dominant subgenome with significantly greater gene content, gene expression abundance, and biased exchanges between homoeologous chromosomes, as compared with the other subgenomes. Pathway analysis showed that certain metabolomic and disease-resistance traits are largely controlled by the dominant subgenome. These findings and the reference genome should serve as a powerful platform for future evolutionary studies and enable molecular breeding in strawberry