524 research outputs found

    A late quaternary pollen record from Cedarburg Bog, Wisconsin

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    Late Quaternary (from the last glaciation to present) forest history is inferred from the Cedarburg Bog fossil pollen record. Analysis of fossil pollen samples extend over 4 meters of continuous core recovered from near the center of the bog. The deepest and oldest of the fossil pollen assemblages (ca. 12,000 years ago) suggest open spruce woodlands unlike any in the contemporary boreal ecosystem. Pollen from the Pleistocene-Holocene transition (11,000 years ago) is marked by a number of abrupt changes in forest composition related to rapid climate change, species immigration, and progressive soils and ecosystem maturation. By 9,000 years ago most of the modern forest plant species were established. These mixed deciduous forests persisted until the historical deforestation

    Trends in levels of self-reported psychological distress among individuals who seek psychiatric services over eight years: a comparison between age groups in three population surveys in Stockholm County

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    BACKGROUND: Psychiatric service use has increased in Sweden and in other developed countries, particularly among young people. Possible explanations include lower threshold for help-seeking among young people, but evidence is scarce. METHODS: We analysed the 2002, 2006 and 2010 Stockholm public health surveys for changes in the mean level of psychological distress among adult users of psychiatric in- and outpatient services in four age groups: 18-24, 25-44, 45-64 and ≥65 years. Psychological distress was measured via the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), using the Likert scoring method 0-1-2-3. In- and out-patient psychiatric service use within 6 months from the surveys was obtained from registers. RESULTS: The mean level of distress among young adults 18-24 years who utilize psychiatric services decreased between 2002 (mean GHQ-12 score, 95% confidence interval 20.5, 18.1-23.0) and 2010 (16.2, 14.6-17.7), while it remained fairly stable in older age groups. Results were similar in sex-stratified analyses, although the decrease was statistically significant only among young women 18-24 years. At the end of the follow-up, the level of distress among patients was similar for all age-groups. CONCLUSIONS: There were no differences between age groups in the level of distress when seeking care at the end of the follow-up period, supporting that there is no age-specific over- or under-consumption of psychiatric care in later years. However, the lowered threshold for help-seeking among young adults over time might have contributed to increases in psychiatric service use in the young age group. Public health policy and service delivery planning should consider the needs of the widening group of young users of psychiatric services

    Network model for predicting structural properties of paper

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    Paper simulations that resolve the entire microscopic fiber structure are typically time-consuming and require extensive resources. Several such modeling approaches have been proposed to analyze different properties in paper. However, most use non-linear and time-dependent models resulting in high computational complexity. Resolving these computational issues would increase its usefulness in industrial applications. The model proposed in this work was developed in collaboration with companies in the papermaking industry within the Innovative Simulation of Paper (ISOP) project. A linear network model is used for efficiency, where 1-D beams represent the fibers. Similar models have been proposed in the past. However, in this work, the paper models are three-dimensional, a new dynamic bonding technique is used, and more extensive simulations are evaluated. The model is used to simulate tensile stiffness, tensile strength, and bending resistance. These simulated results are compared to experimental and theoretical counterparts and produce representable results for realistic parameters. Moreover, an off-the-shelf computer accessible to a paper developer can evaluate these models structural properties efficiently

    Finite driving rate and anisotropy effects in landslide modeling

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    In order to characterize landslide frequency-size distributions and individuate hazard scenarios and their possible precursors, we investigate a cellular automaton where the effects of a finite driving rate and the anisotropy are taken into account. The model is able to reproduce observed features of landslide events, such as power-law distributions, as experimentally reported. We analyze the key role of the driving rate and show that, as it is increased, a crossover from power-law to non power-law behaviors occurs. Finally, a systematic investigation of the model on varying its anisotropy factors is performed and the full diagram of its dynamical behaviors is presented.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Ice-lens formation and geometrical supercooling in soils and other colloidal materials

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    We present a new, physically-intuitive model of ice-lens formation and growth during the freezing of soils and other dense, particulate suspensions. Motivated by experimental evidence, we consider the growth of an ice-filled crack in a freezing soil. At low temperatures, ice in the crack exerts large pressures on the crack walls that will eventually cause the crack to split open. We show that the crack will then propagate across the soil to form a new lens. The process is controlled by two factors: the cohesion of the soil, and the geometrical supercooling of the water in the soil; a new concept introduced to measure the energy available to form a new ice lens. When the supercooling exceeds a critical amount (proportional to the cohesive strength of the soil) a new ice lens forms. This condition for ice-lens formation and growth does not appeal to any ad hoc, empirical assumptions, and explains how periodic ice lenses can form with or without the presence of a frozen fringe. The proposed mechanism is in good agreement with experiments, in particular explaining ice-lens pattern formation, and surges in heave rate associated with the growth of new lenses. Importantly for systems with no frozen fringe, ice-lens formation and frost heave can be predicted given only the unfrozen properties of the soil. We use our theory to estimate ice-lens growth temperatures obtaining quantitative agreement with the limited experimental data that is currently available. Finally we suggest experiments that might be performed in order to verify this theory in more detail. The theory is generalizable to complex natural-soil scenarios, and should therefore be useful in the prediction of macroscopic frost heave rates.Comment: Submitted to PR

    A new test procedure to measure the soil-water characteristic curves using a small-scale centrifuge

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    ABSTRACT: The soil-water characteristic curve is conventionally measured using a pressure plate apparatus or a Tempe cell. Considerably long periods of time are required to measure the soil-water characteristic curves using the conventional equipment. A new test procedure is proposed, using a small-scale medical centrifuge to measure the soil-water characteristic curves for compacted, fine-grained soil specimens. Soil specimen holders were designed for the small-scale centrifuge. The soil-water characteristic curves of statically compacted specimens for three different fine-grained soils with varying percentages of clay were measured using the centrifuge for a suction range between 0 to 500 kPa. There is good comparison between the soil-water characteristic curves measured using the small-scale centrifuge and the conventional laboratory equipment. The results of this study are encouraging as soil-water characteristic curves can be measured in a shorter period of time, resulting in considerable savings

    A Proof Assistant Based Formalisation of a Subset of Sequential Core Erlang

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    We present a proof-assistant-based formalisation of a subset of Erlang, intended to serve as a base for proving refactorings correct. After discussing how we reused concepts from related work, we show the syntax and semantics of our formal description, including the abstractions involved (e.g. the concept of a closure). We also present essential properties of the formalisation (e.g. determinism) along with the summary of their machine-checked proofs. Finally, we prove expression pattern equivalences which can be interpreted as simple local refactorings

    Evaluating the Ability of Swell Prediction Models to Predict the Swell Behavior of Excessively High Plastic Soils

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    Lightly loaded structures underneath expansive soils encounter severe damage due to the swell/shrink nature of expansive soils resulting from moisture variations. Billions of dollars are spent every year to repair the damages caused by these soils in the U.S. and worldwide. Designing structures to accommodate the swelling strains is a major challenge as predicting the swelling potential of these soils accurately is not easy. A wide variety of swell prediction models have been introduced by various researchers to predict the behavior of these often-problematic expansive soils. These models include various properties of soils such as, plasticity characteristics, compaction conditions, consolidation characteristics, moisture content variations, matric suction, and clay mineralogical characteristics. However, these models are generally developed with typical moderate to high plastic soils in mind whose plasticity indices range from 25 to 45. Their applicability to soils that have liquid limits in the order of 200% is not well understood. In this paper, the ability of these models to predict the behavior of excessively high plastic soils with plasticity indices ranging from 45 to 85 were evaluated. For this purpose, four existing analytical prediction models that use combinations of above-mentioned properties were selected and used to predict the one-dimensional and three-dimensional swelling strains on three high swelling soils. These predictions were verified by conducting one-dimensional and three-dimensional swell tests on the three soil types. The swell tests were conducted at three different initial moisture contents to observe how well the models could predict different levels of moisture absorption. The ability of each of the four selected methods in predicting both 1D and 3D swell strains was discussed and their relative merits and demerits are highlighted. In addition, finite element modeling was performed to simulate one-dimensional and three-dimensional swell tests by using material models that use volumetric and suction changes with moisture contents to simulate expansive soil behavior within the finite element model. The results indicated that while the analytical prediction models gave reasonable results the finite element analysis predicted results were closest to the laboratory measure soils in case both 1D and 3D analyses. Among other analytical models the ones that incorporated mineralogical and suction data exhibited better results
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