18 research outputs found

    Formalisation and experiences of R2RML-based SPARQL to SQL query translation using Morph

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    R2RML is used to specify transformations of data available in relational databases into materialised or virtual RDF datasets. SPARQL queries evaluated against virtual datasets are translated into SQL queries according to the R2RML mappings, so that they can be evaluated over the underlying relational database engines. In this paper we describe an extension of a well-known algorithm for SPARQL to SQL translation, originally formalised for RDBMS-backed triple stores, that takes into account R2RML mappings. We present the result of our implementation using queries from a synthetic benchmark and from three real use cases, and show that SPARQL queries can be in general evaluated as fast as the SQL queries that would have been generated by SQL experts if no R2RML mappings had been used

    SAD generator : eating our own dog food to generate KGs and websites for academic events

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    Nowadays, a website is used to disseminate information about an event (e.g., location, dates, time). In the academic world, it is common to develop a website for an event, such as workshops or conferences. Aligning with the “Web of data”, its dissemination should also happen by publishing the information of the event as a knowledge graph, e.g., via RDF that is available through a SPARQL endpoint or a Triple Patterns Fragment server. However, the RDF generation and website development is not always straightforward and can be time-consuming. In this demo, we present the Semantic Academic-event Dissemination (SAD) Generator for generating RDF and websites for academic events. The generator allows to (i) annotate CSV files that contain academic event data and use the annotations to generate a knowledge graph and (ii) generate a website with the information for the event querying the knowledge graph. We used our generator to generate the RDF and website of a real workshop, the KGB workshop. It can be easily reused by organizers of other academic events by simply providing the event’s information in CSV files

    Enhancing Virtual Ontology Based Access over Tabular Data with Morph-CSV

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    Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) has traditionally focused on providing a unified view of heterogeneous datasets, either by materializing integrated data into RDF or by performing on-the fly querying via SPARQL query translation. In the specific case of tabular datasets represented as several CSV or Excel files, query translation approaches have been applied by considering each source as a single table that can be loaded into a relational database management system (RDBMS). Nevertheless, constraints over these tables are not represented; thus, neither consistency among attributes nor indexes over tables are enforced. As a consequence, efficiency of the SPARQL-to-SQL translation process may be affected, as well as the completeness of the answers produced during the evaluation of the generated SQL query. Our work is focused on applying implicit constraints on the OBDA query translation process over tabular data. We propose Morph-CSV, a framework for querying tabular data that exploits information from typical OBDA inputs (e.g., mappings, queries) to enforce constraints that can be used together with any SPARQL-to-SQL OBDA engine. Morph-CSV relies on both a constraint component and a set of constraint operators. For a given set of constraints, the operators are applied to each type of constraint with the aim of enhancing query completeness and performance. We evaluate Morph-CSV in several domains: e-commerce with the BSBM benchmark; transportation with a benchmark using the GTFS dataset from the Madrid subway; and biology with a use case extracted from the Bio2RDF project. We compare and report the performance of two SPARQL-to-SQL OBDA engines, without and with the incorporation of MorphCSV. The observed results suggest that Morph-CSV is able to speed up the total query execution time by up to two orders of magnitude, while it is able to produce all the query answers

    morph-LDP: an R2RML-based Linked Data Platform implementation

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    The W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP) candidate recom- mendation defines a standard HTTP-based protocol for read/write Linked Data. The W3C R2RML recommendation defines a language to map re- lational databases (RDBs) and RDF. This paper presents morph-LDP, a novel system that combines these two W3C standardization initiatives to expose relational data as read/write Linked Data for LDP-aware ap- plications, whilst allowing legacy applications to continue using their relational databases

    Methods and Techniques for the Generation and Eficient Exploitation of RDB2RDF Mappings

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    RDB to RDF Mapping Language (R2RML) es una recomendación del W3C que permite especificar reglas para transformar bases de datos relacionales a RDF. Estos datos en RDF se pueden materializar y almacenar en un sistema gestor de tripletas RDF (normalmente conocidos con el nombre triple store), en el cual se pueden evaluar consultas SPARQL. Sin embargo, hay casos en los cuales la materialización no es adecuada o posible, por ejemplo, cuando la base de datos se actualiza frecuentemente. En estos casos, lo mejor es considerar los datos en RDF como datos virtuales, de tal manera que las consultas SPARQL anteriormente mencionadas se traduzcan a consultas SQL que se pueden evaluar sobre los sistemas gestores de bases de datos relacionales (SGBD) originales. Para esta traducción se tienen en cuenta los mapeos R2RML. La primera parte de esta tesis se centra en la traducción de consultas. Se propone una formalización de la traducción de SPARQL a SQL utilizando mapeos R2RML. Además se proponen varias técnicas de optimización para generar consultas SQL que son más eficientes cuando son evaluadas en sistemas gestores de bases de datos relacionales. Este enfoque se evalúa mediante un benchmark sintético y varios casos reales. Otra recomendación relacionada con R2RML es la conocida como Direct Mapping (DM), que establece reglas fijas para la transformación de datos relacionales a RDF. A pesar de que ambas recomendaciones se publicaron al mismo tiempo, en septiembre de 2012, todavía no se ha realizado un estudio formal sobre la relación entre ellas. Por tanto, la segunda parte de esta tesis se centra en el estudio de la relación entre R2RML y DM. Se divide este estudio en dos partes: de R2RML a DM, y de DM a R2RML. En el primer caso, se estudia un fragmento de R2RML que tiene la misma expresividad que DM. En el segundo caso, se representan las reglas de DM como mapeos R2RML, y también se añade la semántica implícita (relaciones de subclase, 1-N y M-N) que se puede encontrar codificada en la base de datos. Esta tesis muestra que es posible usar R2RML en casos reales, sin necesidad de realizar materializaciones de los datos, puesto que las consultas SQL generadas son suficientemente eficientes cuando son evaluadas en el sistema gestor de base de datos relacional. Asimismo, esta tesis profundiza en el entendimiento de la relación existente entre las dos recomendaciones del W3C, algo que no había sido estudiado con anterioridad. ABSTRACT. RDB to RDF Mapping Language (R2RML) is a W3C recommendation that allows specifying rules for transforming relational databases into RDF. This RDF data can be materialized and stored in a triple store, so that SPARQL queries can be evaluated by the triple store. However, there are several cases where materialization is not adequate or possible, for example, if the underlying relational database is updated frequently. In those cases, RDF data is better kept virtual, and hence SPARQL queries over it have to be translated into SQL queries to the underlying relational database system considering that the translation process has to take into account the specified R2RML mappings. The first part of this thesis focuses on query translation. We discuss the formalization of the translation from SPARQL to SQL queries that takes into account R2RML mappings. Furthermore, we propose several optimization techniques so that the translation procedure generates SQL queries that can be evaluated more efficiently over the underlying databases. We evaluate our approach using a synthetic benchmark and several real cases, and show positive results that we obtained. Direct Mapping (DM) is another W3C recommendation for the generation of RDF data from relational databases. While R2RML allows users to specify their own transformation rules, DM establishes fixed transformation rules. Although both recommendations were published at the same time, September 2012, there has not been any study regarding the relationship between them. The second part of this thesis focuses on the study of the relationship between R2RML and DM. We divide this study into two directions: from R2RML to DM, and from DM to R2RML. From R2RML to DM, we study a fragment of R2RML having the same expressive power than DM. From DM to R2RML, we represent DM transformation rules as R2RML mappings, and also add the implicit semantics encoded in databases, such as subclass, 1-N and N-N relationships. This thesis shows that by formalizing and optimizing R2RML-based SPARQL to SQL query translation, it is possible to use R2RML engines in real cases as the resulting SQL is efficient enough to be evaluated by the underlying relational databases. In addition to that, this thesis facilitates the understanding of bidirectional relationship between the two W3C recommendations, something that had not been studied before

    morph JBMS evaluation files

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    evaluation files of morph JBMS articl

    morph-GraphQL: GraphQL Servers Generation from R2RML Mappings

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    REST has become in the last decade the most common manner to provide web services, yet it was not originally designed to handle typical modern applications (e.g., mobile apps). GraphQL was released publicly in 2015 and since then has gained momentum as an alternative approach to REST. However, generating and maintaining GraphQL resolvers is not easy. First, a domain expert has to analyse a dataset, design the corresponding GraphQL schema and map the dataset to the schema. Then, a software engineer (e.g., GraphQL developer) implements the corresponding GraphQL resolvers in a specific programming language. In this paper we present an approach that generates GraphQL resolvers from declarative mappings specification in the W3C Recommendation R2RML, hence, can be used both by a domain expert as without the need to involve software developers to implement the resolvers, and by software developers as the initial version of the resolvers to be implemented. Our approach is implemented in morph-GraphQL

    Querying clinical data in HL7 RIM based relational model with morph-RDB

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    Background: Semantic interoperability is essential when carrying out post-genomic clinical trials where several institutions collaborate, since researchers and developers need to have an integrated view and access to heterogeneous data sources. One possible approach to accommodate this need is to use RDB2RDF systems that provide RDF datasets as the unified view. These RDF datasets may be materialized and stored in a triple store, or transformed into RDF in real time, as virtual RDF data sources. Our previous efforts involved materialized RDF datasets, hence losing data freshness.Results: In this paper we present a solution that uses an ontology based on the HL7 v3 Reference Information Model and a set of R2RML mappings that relate this ontology to an underlying relational database implementation, and where morph-RDB is used to expose a virtual, non-materialized SPARQL endpoint over the data.Conclusions: By applying a set of optimization techniques on the SPARQL-to-SQL query translation algorithm, we can now issue SPARQL queries to the underlying relational data with generally acceptable performance