258 research outputs found

    Cryogenic cooling system Patent

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    Portable cryogenic cooling system design including turbine pump, cooling chamber, and atomize

    Identifying Stakeholders’ Needs for Agricultural Communications in Higher Education Curriculum in Australia

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    Agriculture is a vital part of the Australian economy. With an industry poised for growth, and a growing disconnect between consumers and agriculture, additional communication efforts are needed. The purpose of this study was to complete a curriculum visioning process to inform agricultural communications curriculum development in Australia. This study used a qualitative research design consisting of face-to-face, semi-structured interviews with individuals from 14 agricultural organizations and two universities. The results indicated the industry is addressing many challenges, but also has opportunities that would benefit from strategic communication efforts. Participants provided suggestions regarding the specific communication skills and agriculture knowledge future employees should possess. Recognizing these competencies informed the curriculum visioning process for agricultural communications as an academic discipline within Australian higher education. Recommendations for both practice and future research are provided

    Effects of an innovative recruitment workshop on selected Texas urban high school students' knowledge and perceptions of agriculture

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    The Big City, Big Country Road Show (BC2BC) is a 2.5-year project designed to recruit non-traditional populations, urban and minorities, into post-secondary agricultural science degree programs. Through experiential learning, BC2BC introduces students to various agricultural communications skill sets in an effort to broaden students’ views of opportunities in agriculture. This study attempted to measure Texas urban high school students’ perceptions of agriculture as a subject, a college major, and a career, before and after participation in the BC2BC program in summer of 2007. The study also looked at students’ perceptions of careers attainable with an agricultural degree and students’ general agricultural knowledge levels, self-reported and tested. Pre–and post–test mean comparisons revealed positive increases in student perceptions of agriculture and an increase in self-reported agricultural knowledge levels after workshop participation. The results of this study have implications for year two BC2BC workshops and may serve as a potential model for recruitment programs of underrepresented populations into colleges of agriculture

    Crisis theory related to divorce and remarriage

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    This research challenges the belief that a specific event is a crisis. The major purpose was to determine whether unusually high levels of stress precede the decision to divorce or to remarry. The divorced were tested for the 12 months prior to the decision to divorce; the remarried were tested for the 12 months prior to the decision to remarry; and the currently married to their first spouse were tested for the 12 months prior to participation in the study. A second major purpose was to test two major assumptions in crisis theory: (a) What is a crisis for one person will not be a crisis for another, and (b) after a crisis, an individual may approach, but not exceed, the level of organization at which one was functioning before the crisis occurred. The purposive sample consisted of 90 subjects. Sixty had experienced divorce and 30 were still married to their first spouse. Twenty of the 60 divorced subjects were remarried and tested as such. The Life Events Inventory (L.E.I.) by Cochrane and Robertson (1973) was the instrument used to determine amounts of accumulated stress during designated 12-month periods. The instrument has a reliability factor of 0.89


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    The article analyzes the main aspects of creating virtual assistants that are part of intelligent computer programs – artificial intelligence systems (AI). The main task of “artificial intelligence” is to ensure effective communication of intelligent robotic systems (including unmanned vehicles) with humans. The basis of the above is in-depth training (systematic machine translation, speech recognition, processing of complex texts in natural languages, computer vision, automation of driving, etc.). This machine learning subsystem can be characterized using neural network models that mimic the brain. Any neural network model learns from large data sets, so it acquires some “skills”, but how it uses them remains for engineers, which ultimately becomes one of the most important problems for many deep learning applications. The reason is that such a model is formal and without an understanding of the logic of its actions. This raises the question: is it possible to increase the level of trust in such systems based on machine learning? Machine learning algorithms are complex mathematical descriptions and procedures and have a growing impact on people's lives. As the decision is increasingly determined by the algorithms, they become less transparent and understandable. Based on the foregoing, the paper considers the issues of the technological component and the algorithms of virtual digital assistants, conducts information modeling based on the conceptual model of the interaction of the virtual assistant with the database, and analyzes the scope and further development of the IT-sphere.В статті проаналізовані основні аспекти створення віртуальних асистентів, що входять до складу інтелектуальних комп’ютерних програм – системи штучного інтелекту (ШІ). Основним завданням «штучного інтелекту» є забезпечення ефективної комунікації інтелектуальних робото-технічних систем (в том числі і безпілотні транспортні засоби) з людиною. Основою вищезазначеного виступає глибинне навчання (систематизований машинний переклад, розпізнавання мови, обробка складних текстів на природних мовах, комп'ютерний зір, автоматизація керування автомобілем та ін.). Складну систему машинного навчання можна охарактеризувати застосуванням моделей нейронних мереж, що імітують роботу інтелектуальних здібностей людини. Будь-яка модель нейронної мережі навчається та формує свій досвід на опрацюванні великих наборів даних, таким чином, вона набуває деяких «навичок», але, яким чином вона їх використовує – для інженерів й досі залишається це гострим питанням, що стає однією з найважливіших проблем для багатьох додатків глибинного навчання. Головна причина полягає в тому, що така модель є формальною та без розуміння логіки власних дій, що виконуються нею. Тут постає питання: чи можливо підвищити рівень довіри до таких систем, що побудовані на основі машинного навчання? Алгоритми машинного навчання представляють собою складні математичні описи і процедури та надають зростаючий вплив на життя людей. Оскільки рішення все більше визначаються алгоритмами, вони стають менш прозорими і зрозумілими. Виходячи з вище вказаного, в роботі розглянуто питання технологічної складової та процеси алгоритмізації віртуальних цифрових асистентів, проведено інформаційне моделювання на основі концептуальної моделі взаємодії віртуального асистента з базою даних та проаналізовані сфери застосування та подальшого розвитку ІТ-сфери

    Method for the regularization of ill-posed problems of recognition in cctv

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    Обговорюється спосіб регуляризації функціонала якості, який може забезпечити коректну постановку та рішення задачі розпізнавання образів у системах телебачення замкнутого контуру. Discusses a method for the regularization of the functional quality. Functionality can provide a correct formulation and solution of the problem of pattern recognition in a CCTV

    Service-Learning and Leadership Life Skills: An Experimental Study

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    This study examined the effect of service activities on the development of leadership life skills in youth and (queried) if having a reflection component as part of the activity makes a difference. Additionally, the study examined the impact of selected demographics including age, gender, type of service completed monthly and 4-H membership on the development of leadership life skills. Participants in the study were from two samples. One group represented the El Paso National Youth Service Day, the other represented the District 11 4-H Leadership Lab in Branham, Texas. Participants were randomly assigned to a control (no reflection) or treatment (with reflection) group. Youth participants self rated their leadership life skills using a 33-question post-test only questionnaire. Demographics were reported in nine additional questions. The major findings of the study are as follows: 1) Overall, the participants reported their perceived leadership life skills to be high in four of the five subscales; 2) The inclusion of a reflection component did not significantly affect perceived leadership life skills; 3) Type of service, whether direct or indirect, had a significant impact on perceived leadership life skills; 4) 4-H membership had a significant impact on the Personal Leadership Development subscale