139 research outputs found

    "The show must go on" : lesões em bailarinos : impacto psicológico e contributo da psicologia para a reabilitação

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Psicoterapia Cognitivo-Comportamental e Integrativa), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 2008O presente trabalho consiste na elaboração de um corpo de conhecimento actualizado sobre a experiência psicológica de lesão músculo-esquelética em bailarinos profissionais, que se pretende útil para a planificação de um programa de intervenção psicológica na reabilitação. Expõem-se diferentes modelos teóricos de resposta psicológica pós-lesão e abordam-se os aspectos psicológicos na interface com o plano físico. Discutem-se potenciais especificidades do contexto da dança face ao desportivo. Constata-se que as intervenções comportamentais e cognitivas são as que melhor têm comprovado ser úteis na reabilitação de atletas lesionados, embora sejam insuficientes os dados que suportam tais êxitos no contexto da dança. Desenha-se um projecto de investigação que visa a recolha de dados específicos a esta população que permitam alicerçar uso de intervenções psicológicas para a optimização dos processos de reabilitação pós-lesão em bailarinos lesionados. Com base no exposto, planifica-se ainda um programa de intervenção psicológica cuja finalidade é promover a recuperação psicológica de bailarinos profissionais em situação de lesão musculo-esquelética e contribuir para a reabilitação física. A terminar reflecte-se sobre o conjunto do trabalho elaborado.The aim of the present dissertation is building an updated body of knowledge on professional dancer's psychological experience of physical injury, which can be useful to design rehabilitation psychological intervention programmes. Several theoretical models of psychological post-injury response and the interface to physical domain are explored. Potential differences between dance and sport context are discussed. It is argued that behavioural and cognitive interventions are the most effective and useful for the rehabilitation of injured athletes, but that is still to be agreed upon dance context because a lack of research data. A research project is designed targeting the gathering of eventual specific data on dancer's injury experience to support the use of psychological interventions to optimize post-injury rehabilitation processes. A psychological intervention program is developed relying on bibliographical revision. Its purpose is to promote psychological recovery from injury in professional dancers and also to assist a more effective physical rehabilitation. To conclude, the dissertation is discussed and steps forward are recommended

    Hypnotizability and dissociation in dietary restraint

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    The literature on hypnotizability and dissociation was reviewed in relation to patterns of clinical and non-clinical eating behaviours. Included was a theoretical interpretation of the significantly higher rates of hypnotizability and dissociation in certain eating disordered groups, such as bulimics, compared to age matched controls. However, non-clinical investigations between hypnotizability, dissociation, and problematic eating patterns were focused on in particular. Two principle hypotheses emerged from this review. First, the Socio-Hypnotic hypothesis (e.g. Groth-Marnat & Schumaker, 1990; Frasquilho & Oakley, 1997) suggested that hypnotic suggestibility may influence the internalisation of socio-cultural pressure to be thin. Second, the Dissociative Escape Hypothesis proposes that a vulnerability to experience dissociative phenomena as a potential defence mechanism may lead individuals to disinhibit eating behaviour when faced with aversive cognitions (based on Heatherton & Baumeister, 1991, McManus, 1995; Frasquilho & Oakley, 1997). These hypotheses were framed in terms of a social-cultural model of problematic eating (Stice, 1994). After reviewing the concepts behind the definitions and measurements of hypnotizability, different types of dissociation, dietary restraint, and disinhibited eating, four studies sought to explore associations between these factors within a non-clinical female college student population. Study 1 (n = 40) examined the relationship between types of restraint and non-hypnotic suggestions relating to imagining body size increase and decrease, in the context of body related anxiety, disinhibition of eating, and imagery based suggestibility. Study 2 (n = 87) and Study 3 (n = 123) used correlational and regression techniques to examine relationships between a widely used test of hypnotizability and tests of cognitive and affective dissociation in relation to a number of dietary restraint and disinhibition of eating measures. Study 4 (n = 50) examined differences between restrainers and non-restrainers on a behavioural index of body shape and food concerns based on a Stroop-type paradigm and examined these concerns in relation to dissociation and hypnotizability. The Socio-Hypnotic hypothesis was weakly supported by correlation evidence, though regression analyses revealed more complex effects. While correlations involving dissociation needed to control for depression, different types of dissociation may relate to different features of both disinhibited eating and dietary restraint. These results were summarised and discussed in the final chapter and future research possibilities examined

    The role of peri-traumatic visuo-spatial and verbal interference on the development of intrusions.

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    Intrusions are regarded as a 'hallmark' symptom of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, yet relatively little is known about their formation and development. This thesis was an experimental examination of potential information processing factors implicated in intrusion development. The thesis begins with an examination of PTSD in the context of intrusions, followed by a review of the main theories of PTSD symptom development and the place of intrusion development within these. Recent theories of PTSD are examined, specifically Dual Representation Theory (Brewin, Dalgleish, and Joseph, 1996), which regards PTSD as a 'hybrid' disorder that involves two distinct yet parallel types of memory encoding one based in part on sensory, visual processing, the other on verbal/narrative based processes, the interaction of which can lead to intrusion development under certain conditions. This thesis attempted to replicate and extend research (Holmes, Brewin, Hennessy, 2004) founded on dual-representation theory, that explored the role of peri-traumatic visuo-spatial and verbal processing in the formation of intrusions based on a trauma analogue film. 40 non-clinical participants were involved either a control condition, or one of two dual-task interference conditions: a visuo-spatial interference condition (involving tapping out a key pattern of a hidden keyboard); and a verbal interference condition (involving counting backwards in threes). Participants were instructed to watch a trauma-analogue film designed to generate intrusions, whilst performing the task they were allocated. Diary measures were taken of subsequent intrusions experienced in the week following exposure to the analogue trauma film. Visuo-spatial interference appeared to significantly disrupt the formation of intrusions, while there was a trend for verbal processing to increase intrusions. The visuo-spatial interference task did not impact on attention to the film, or features of either recall or recognition of film material. For the verbal interference condition, there was also significantly more visual imagery type intrusions, more data driven processes reported, and a reduction in recall memory and attention to film. Increases in state dissociation were also implicated in higher reported intrusions. These findings were discussed in the context of current theories of intrusion formation, and in terms of clinical implications for the assessment and treatment of intrusions in PTSD

    Agitation, agression and violence in the psychiatric emergency of Hospital Curry Cabral. Some thoughts

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    Trata-se de um artigo que redige a comunicação oral efectuada no Simpósio do Serviço de Psiquiatria do Hospital Fernando Fonseca sob o lema “Psiquiatria de Urgência”. A partir da experiência da autora enquanto psiquiatra do Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa (CHPL) no Serviço de Urgência de Psiquiatria no Hospital Curry Cabral, tece-se a descrição da praxis e do seu contexto, apresentam-se conceptualizações sobre a mesma, acompanhadas de um modelo que a enquadra, e reflexões críticas da própria

    Plano de negócio - On-Med

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    Vivemos numa era em que os avanços tecnológicos unem cada vez mais as pessoas de diferentes cantos do planeta, criando novos hábitos e costumes que afetam diretamente os seus métodos de vida e cultura dos povos. Neste contexto, apresenta-se um plano de negócio, que tem por objetivo, não revolucionar o conceito tradicional de consulta médica, mas sim criar uma alternativa mais rápida, vantajosa e assertiva, que permita colmatar falhas, por vezes inevitáveis, no processo de diagnósticos (sejam elas falhas causadas pelos especialistas, utentes ou pelo próprio sistema). Assim, todas as análises e metodologias efetuadas ao longo do projeto, visam avaliar a viabilidade financeira do negócio, e definir estratégias que permitam atingir os objetivos propostos.We live in a time in wich technological advances connect more and more people from different corners of the planet, creating new habits and customs that directly affect the culture and people ways of live. In this context, this business plan aims not to revolutionize the traditional concept of medical appointment, but to create faster, more assertive and advantageous ways, that allow to bridge unavoidable flaws in the diagnostic process ( either flaws arivising experts, users or system itself. Therefore all analyzes and methodologies carried out throughout the project aim to evaluate the financial viability of the business and define strategies to achieve the definied objetives

    Dia Mundial da Saúde Mental

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    Paternidade na infância : envolvimento paterno e estilos parentais educativos em pais de crianças em idade escolar

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Psicologia Clínica Dinâmica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2012Este estudo foca o envolvimento paterno e os estilos parentais educativos num grupo de homens com filhos em idade escolar. Pretende-se: caracterizar estas dimensões em função do sexo e da idade da criança; analisar se os estilos parentais se constituem como preditores do envolvimento paterno; averiguar a relação de cada uma das dimensões com (a) variáveis sociodemográficas do pai e o tipo de família, (b) a perspetiva paterna sobre o relacionamento com os progenitores (infância/atualidade) e com a educação recebida. O envolvimento paterno foi avaliado com a Escala de Envolvimento Paterno (Simões, Leal, & Maroco, 2010) e os estilos parentais educativos com uma adaptação portuguesa do Questionário de Estilos e Dimensões Parentais - versão reduzida (Miguel, Valentim, & Carugati, 2010; Robinson et al., 2001). Foi construída uma ficha para recolha de informação sociodemográfica e respeitante aos progenitores do próprio pai (relação/educação). Os participantes foram 153 homens com idades entre os 28 e os 59 anos (M=41.2; DP=5.10), com pelo menos um filho em idade escolar (6-10 anos). Os resultados indicaram que não existem diferenças no envolvimento paterno e nos estilos parentais educativos em função do sexo e idade da criança (6-7 anos vs. 8-10 anos). Verificou-se que os estilos parentais (Democrático e Autoritário) predizem o envolvimento paterno (Total). Observaram-se associações entre domínios do envolvimento paterno e a idade do homem, o tipo de família e o estado civil, relacionando-se ainda esta última variável com os estilos parentais (Autoritário). Por último, observou-se uma associação de domínios do envolvimento paterno com a relação atual com o pai e com a educação dada pela mãe, observando-se também associações entre a relação atual com ambos os progenitores e maior recurso ao estilo democrático e menor ao estilo autoritário, bem como entre uma educação mais satisfatória recebida na infância (mãe) e maior recurso ao estilo democrático.This study focuses on father involvement and parenting styles in a group of fathers of school-aged children. It sets out: to characterize these dimensions according to the child’s gender and age; to analyze whether parenting styles are predictors of father involvement; to determine the relationship between each one of these dimensions with (a) the father’s socio-demographic variables and family type, (b) the father’s perspective on the relationship with his own parents (childhood/current) and the type of upbringing received. Father involvement was assessed with the Father Involvement Scale (Simões, Leal, & Maroco, 2010) and parenting styles with the Portuguese adaptation of The Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire – short version (Miguel, Valentim, & Carugati, 2010; Robinson et al., 2001). A form was also designed to collect socio-demographic information and data related to the father’s own parents (relationship/ upbringing). 153 men aged 28 to 59 (M=41.2; SD=5.10) with at least one child of school-age (6-10 years) participated in the study. The findings showed that there were no significant differences in father involvement and parenting styles on the basis of the child’s gender or age (6-7 years vs. 8-10 years). Parenting styles (Democratic and Authoritarian) were found to predict father involvement (Total). Associations between father involvement domains and the man’s age, family type and marital status were observed, the latter being also related to parenting styles (Authoritarian). Associations between father involvement domains and the current relationship of the father with his own father, and with the upbringing received from mother were obtained. Further associations emerged between the current relationship with both parents and the use of a more democratic and less authoritarian style, as well as between a more satisfactory upbringing received in childhood (from the mother) and higher recourse to a democratic style

    As representações dos pais face à inclusão de alunos com NEE no 1ºCiclo Ensino Básico

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    O presente trabalho foi baseado no tema As Representações dos Pais Face à Inclusão de Alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais no 1º Ciclo Ensino Básico, que frequentaram a Escola Básica1/Jardim de Infância Quinta da Medideira, do Agrupamento Pedro Eanes Lobato no concelho do Seixal, distrito de Setúbal, no ano letivo 2011/2012. Este trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a opinião dos pais face à Inclusão de alunos com NEE no 1º Ciclo Ensino Básico, com o propósito de contribuir para uma reflexão e melhoria da inclusão na cultura de escola. O trabalho foi apresentado em duas partes distintas, a primeira parte, o Marco Teórico, onde realizámos uma revisão da literatura relacionada com o tema do estudo e a segunda parte, o Marco Metodológico, onde foi solicitado através de um questionário, a opinião dos pais cujos filhos recebem na sala de aula, alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais que frequentam a Unidade Ensino Estruturado. Através dos resultados obtidos, concluímos que a maioria dos pais dos alunos sem NEE concorda com a inclusão de crianças com NEE nas turmas do ensino básico, mas não se encontram suficientemente informados sobre as práticas de inclusão, propondo à escola a divulgação desta temáticaThe following paper explores parents' thoughts on the inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs in regular classrooms. This study was based on the attending students of Seixal's primary school during the school year of 2011/2012. This research aims at perceiving parents' opinion about the inclusion of the referred children in regular classrooms. Our purpose is to contribute to a reflection so that it may lead to an improvement regarding the inclusion of these children in school community. Our paper is divided into two different parts: one, the Theoretical landmark, where we carried out a revision of the literature connected with the research subject. The other, the Methodological Landmark, where it was asked in a questionnaire the parents' opinion on the children that are received in regular classrooms: students with Educational Special Needs that attend the Structured Teaching Unity. With the obtained results, we thus conclude that most parents agree with the inclusion of children with Special Educational Needs in regular classrooms. Parents also say that they are not sufficiently informed about inclusion practices and thus request that the school provide more information about this subject

    Deliberate self-harm in adolescents : a literature review with focus on Portuguese language research

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    RESUMO - Os comportamentos autolesivos em adolescentes são de grande relevância, estando associados a doença psiquiátrica e à maior probabilidade de suicídio futuro. O nosso objetivo é rever os conceitos atuais, epidemiologia e clínica destes comportamentos, assim como sistematizar que investigação e qual a conceptualização do tema na comunidade científica de língua portuguesa. Os principais resultados apontam para um claro problema de saúde pública, sendo que os estudos encontrados revelam elevadas prevalências em amostras comunitárias e clínicas. A investigação em língua portuguesa tem dado um contributo ainda modesto para a clarificação deste problema, verificando-se pouco consenso na nomenclatura e definição do problema.ABSTRACT - Deliberate self-harm in adolescents is a very relevant subject, that is associated with psychiatric disease and greater probability of future suicide. The main goal of this paper is to review the actual concepts, epidemiology and clinical aspects of this behaviour. Also we will try to systematize, focusing on the research in Portuguese language, what is the current data and conceptualization of this problem. Result point to a clear public health issue, the studies found show high prevalence in community or clinical samples. Research in Portuguese language still contributes modestly to clarify the issue, showing little consensus in nomenclature and definition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio