157 research outputs found

    Fachkommunikation – gelenkt, geregelt, optimiert

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    Fachkommunikation – das ist zielgerichtete, gelenkte, mit optimierten Mitteln ausgeführte Kommunikation. Ihr liegt eine methodisch bewusste, kriteriengeleitete Vorgehensweise zugrunde und sie wird häufig durch lenkenden Eingriff geregelt. Hierdurch sollen sowohl die Produktion als auch die Rezeption fachkommunikativer Erzeugnisse erleichtert und damit verbessert werden. Das interdisziplinäre, mehrdimensionale Feld der Fachkommunikationswissenschaft entwickelt sich stetig weiter. Neben der klassischen Erforschung von Fachwortschätzen ist der Diskurs heute sehr breit aufgestellt. So vereint auch dieser Sammelband Ansätze zur gesamten Breite der modernen Fachkommunikationswissenschaft: von der fachbezogenen Kommunikation in Fachgemeinschaften für Laien und interfachlichen Kommunikation in interdisziplinären Projekten über Zugriffswege auf Datenbestände und Textproduktionsstrategien für Schreibende aller fachkommunikativ ausgerichteten Berufe bis hin zur linguistischen Expertise bei Gericht und dem Einbezug besonderer Zielgruppen in den Diskurs der Verständlichkeit und Brauchbarkeit fachkommunikativer Erzeugnisse

    Writing Research and Specialized Communication Studies

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    Many research strands have a focal interest in writing as an object. Still, many representatives of these strands are not aware of the others’ existence, let alone their common ground. This paper shall serve to unveil some of the overlaps between two of the afore-mentioned research strands–or rather disciplines: Writing Research and Specialized Communication Studies. The authors outline some of the most prominent aspects concerning the evolution, the paradigms, the principles of modelling and main research lines of the disciplines, respectively, and compare them with each other. While Writing Research has been an acknowledged discipline for decades, this does not apply for Specialized Communication Studies: with its roots in LSP Studies and Translation Studies, from which it has evolved slowly but steadily, it has meanwhile become an own sphere of research, situated within the wider scope of Applied Linguistics. Today, one can claim that there is indeed the need for one independent discipline dealing with specialized communication in all its manifestations. On the basis of the afore-mentioned contrasting juxtaposition, the authors discuss what the common ground of Writing Research and Specialized Communication Studies is, where the disciplines differ, which approaches–if so–combine the two disciplines and how they may benefit from each other.&nbsp

    Sprache und Persönlichkeit : Differentielles Ausdrucksverhalten unter Berücksichtigung der Sprachsituation

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    Die Promotionsarbeit ist thematisch zwischen Diagnostik, Sprachpsychologie und differentieller Persönlichkeitspsychologie angesiedelt. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung steht die Frage, inwieweit Unterschiede in der Art der Informationsverarbeitung sowie der Selbstregulation in quantifizier- und qualifizierbaren Merkmalen der Sprachoberfläche zum Ausdruck kommen. Untersuchungsgegenstand bilden mündliche und schriftliche Sprachproduktionen von Personen, die sich zum einen hinsichtlich ihrer bevorzugten Informationsverarbeitung (analytisch versus ganz-heitlich) und zum anderen hinsichtlich ihrer Selbststeuerungsfähigkeiten (Lage- versus Handlungs-orientierung) unterscheiden lassen. Die Art der Informationsverarbeitung sowie die Selbststeuerungsfähigkeiten wurden im Rahmen der Persönlichkeits-System-Interaktions-Theorie (PSI) (vgl. Kuhl 2001) publiziert

    Non-collinear magnetism in freestanding and supported monatomic Mn chains

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    Using first-principles calculations, we study the occurrence of non-collinear magnetic order in monatomic Mn chains. First, we focus on freestanding Mn chains and demonstrate that they exhibit a pronounced non-collinear ground state in a large range of interatomic distances between atoms in the chain. By artificially varying the atomic number of Mn we investigate how the magnetic ground state is influenced by alloying the Mn chains with Fe and Cr. With increasing number of 3d-electrons we find a smooth transition in the magnetic phase space starting from an antiferromagnetic state for pure Cr chains through a regime of non-collinear ground states for Mn-rich chains to a ferromagnetic solution approaching the limit of pure Fe chains. Second, we investigate the magnetism in supported Mn chains on the (110)-surfaces of Cu, Pd, and Ag. We show that even a weak chain-surface hybridization is sufficient to dramatically change the magnetic coupling in the chain. Nevertheless, while we observe that Mn chains are antiferromagnetic on Pd(110), a weak non-collinear magnetic order survives for Mn chains on Cu(110) and Ag(110) a few meV in energy below the antiferromagnetic solution. We explain the sensitive dependence of the exchange interaction in Mn chains on the interatomic distance, chemical composition, and their environment based on the competition between the ferromagnetic double exchange and the antiferromagnetic kinetic exchange mechanism. Finally, we perform simulations which predict that the non-collinear magnetic order of Mn chains on Cu(110) and Ag(110) could be experimentally verified by spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy.Comment: accepted for publication by Phys. Rev.

    Expression of a large coding sequence: Gene therapy vectors for Ataxia Telangiectasia

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    Ataxia telangiectasia is a monogenetic disorder caused by mutations in the ATM gene. Its encoded protein kinase ATM plays a fundamental role in DNA repair of double strand breaks (DSBs). Impaired function of this kinase leads to a multisystemic disorder including immunodeficiency, progressive cerebellar degeneration, radiation sensitivity, dilated blood vessels, premature aging and a predisposition to cancer. Since allogenic hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation improved disease outcome, gene therapy based on autologous HSCs is an alternative promising concept. However, due to the large cDNA of ATM (9.2 kb), efficient packaging of retroviral particles and sufficient transduction of HSCs remains challenging.We generated lentiviral, gammaretroviral and foamy viral vectors with a GFP.F2A.Atm fusion or a GFP transgene and systematically compared transduction efficiencies. Vector titers dropped with increasing transgene size, but despite their described limited packaging capacity, we were able to produce lentiviral and gammaretroviral particles. The reduction in titers could not be explained by impaired packaging of the viral genomes, but the main differences occurred after transduction. Finally, after transduction of Atm-deficient (ATM-KO) murine fibroblasts with the lentiviral vector expressing Atm, we could show the expression of ATM protein which phosphorylated its downstream substrates (pKap1 and p-p53)

    CARD8:A Gas-Exchange-Area-Adjustable Oxygenator for Extremely Preterm Infants

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    Purpose: Worldwide, 600,000 infants are born extremely premature (EP) each year. Supporting the immature lungs of these smallest patients today using mechanical ventilation can cause severe lung damage. Extracorporeal gas exchange (ECMO) used as an “artificial placenta” is expected to provide an alternative treatment to allow full maturation of the lungs. The long-term application for patients doubling their weight every six weeks, requires a new type of “growing” oxygenator.Materials & Methods: We developed a gas-exchange-area-adjustable oxygenator that allows to operate at two different size stages without changing the device nor increasing the flow resistance. Our prototype houses two concentric oxygenator-chambers of equal gas exchange area. When the outer chamber is in operation, the oxygenator provides the required gas exchange area for a 24-week infant. Single-chamber operation allows adaequate gas exchange of volume flows from 50 - 125 ml/min while double-chamber operation then covers flow-demands from 125 - 200 ml/min. Both operational modes in combination can cover the needs of infants from 24 to 28 weeks postmenstrual age. We performed gas-transfer measurements of the prototype in accordance with ISO 7199 and FDA guideline.Results: Gas transport performance for the outer cylinder operating at Vblood = 50 mL/min (24 week premature infant) is VO2 = 1.8 mL/min (= 36 mLO2/Lblood flow). At a flow of Vblood = 125 mL/min the second chamber was switched on and the gas transfer performance increased by 50.1 %. Both chambers have a gas transport performance of VO2 = 4.19 ml/min at Vblood = 150 ml/min (= 28 mLO2/Lblood flow)Conclusion: It could be demonstrated that the gas-transfer of the newly proposed volume-adjustable oxygenator design is sufficient to increase the gas transfer performance while increasing the blood volume flow. We consider this a first milestone for oxygenation of growing EP infants without the need to replace the extracorporeal circuit, avoiding the associated risks

    Myocarditis and sports in the young: data from a nationwide registry on myocarditis—“MYKKE-Sport”

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    BackgroundMyocarditis represents one of the most common causes of Sudden Cardiac Death in children. Myocardial involvement during a viral infection is believed to be higher as a consequence of intensive exertion. Recommendations for return to sports are based on cohort and case studies only. This study aims to investigate the relationship between physical activity and myocarditis in the young.PatientEvery patient in the MYKKE registry fulfilling criteria for suspicion of myocarditis was sent a questionnaire regarding the physical activity before, during and after the onset of myocarditis.MethodThis study is a subproject within the MYKKE registry, a multicenter registry for children and adolescents with suspected myocarditis. The observation period for this analysis was 93 months (September 2013–June 2021). Anamnestic, cardiac magnetic resonance images, echocardiography, biopsy and laboratory records from every patient were retrieved from the MYKKE registry database.Results58 patients (mean age 14.6 years) were enrolled from 10 centers. Most patients participated in curricular physical activity and 36% in competitive sports before the onset of myocarditis. There was no significant difference of heart function at admission between the physically active and inactive subjects (ejection fraction of 51.8 ± 8.6% for the active group vs. 54.4 ± 7.7% for the inactive group). The recommendations regarding the return to sports varied widely and followed current guidelines in 45%. Most patients did not receive an exercise test before returning to sports.ConclusionSports before the onset of myocarditis was not associated with a more severe outcome. There is still a discrepancy between current literature and actual recommendations given by health care providers. The fact that most participants did not receive an exercise test before being cleared for sports represents a serious omission

    Der letzte Universalismus. Foucaults Freiheitsdenken und die BegrĂĽndung von radikaler Demokratie im Postfundamentalismus

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    Die Debatte um die politische Differenz stellt Kontingenz und Konfliktualität als fundamentale Eigenschaften des Politischen heraus. Dies birgt ein Problem für die postfundamentalistische Demokratietheorie, die auf Augenhöhe mit dieser Debatte argumentieren will: Durch die Kontingentsetzung aller normativen Begründungen ist zunächst unklar, welche Art von demokratischen Institutionen wie begründet werden kann, und sogar, ob es überhaupt eine von der postfundamentalistischen Sozialontologie ausgehend argumentierende normative Begründung für demokratische Institutionen geben kann. Meine These ist, dass Freiheit, verstanden als kontinuierliche selbstreflexive Kritik, derjenige normative Begriff ist, der sich aus der Sozialontologie von Konflikt und Kontingenz herleiten lässt. Anders gesagt: Freiheit als Kritik ist derjenige Universalismus, der sich aus der Ontologie des Partikularismus ableitet. Freiheit als Kritik kann dabei einerseits das Operieren einiger Institutionen in liberal-pluralistischen Demokratien beschreiben, und andererseits als radikaldemokratisch-normativer Kritikbegriff für die Analyse ihrer Dysfunktionalität dienen. Um diese These zu begründen, gehe ich zurück zu einem Theoretiker, der eine Grundlage der aktuellen Debatte um das Politische bildet: Foucault, dessen Machttheorie als Ansatz einer Sozialontologie der Kontingenz und Konfliktualität gelten kann. Gleichzeitig hat Foucault den Begriff der Freiheit als den zu dieser Ontologie passenden normativen Begriff herausgestellt
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