39 research outputs found

    From Block to TOE: Analyzing Opportunities of Blockchain Technologies in the Automotive Industry

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    Through the lens of the technology-organization-environment framework, this study aims to identify the relevant influencing factors and future opportunities for blockchain technology (BCT) adoption in the automotive industry. By applying an exploratory qualitative empirical study with semi-structured interviews with blockchain experts from the German automotive industry, a revised TOE framework is proposed in this context, confirming previous findings while also incorporating the newly discovered contextual factors of education & skills and sustainability. The analysis of a subsequent quantitative study reveals that while all factors affect BCT adoption, not all context factors have an equally strong impact. The most emphasized emerging BCT opportunities are autonomous driving, decentralized network, digital identity management, and traceability of the supply chain. The findings of this study provide guidance to organizations, politicians, consultants, and managers for defining strategies that aid in the successful adoption and value creation of BCT applications

    Technostress Revisited at Work-From-Home: The Impact of Technostress Creators on the Perception of Eustress Moderated by Work-Home-Conflict and Job Satisfaction

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    With the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations were ultimately forced to introduce remote work where possible. Many companies have introduced information and communication software to replicate on-site teamwork as closely as possible that keeps employees in close contact with the team, such as Microsoft Teams. Studies confirm that the use of technology, and thus software, is related to the perception of stress, known as technostress. So far, research has predominantly focused on the negative concept of stress, namely distress. To examine the effects of technostress creators on perceived eustress, data of 207 employees using regularly Microsoft Teams during the pandemic were collected with an online survey. The analysis reveals that the classic technostress creators are generally negatively associated with perceived eustress. However, this study shows that techno-insecurity particularly induces positive stress. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that work-home conflict and job satisfaction moderate the effects of technostress creators on perceived eustress

    Messen und Bilanzieren an Holzvergasungsanlagen

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    Die Vergleichbarkeit von Messergebnissen ist fĂŒr eine weitere Datenverarbeitung und den darauf aufbauenden Auswertungen unumgĂ€nglich. Hier machen jedoch eine Vielzahl von Messverfahren und -methoden sowie fehlende Angaben zu den Messbedingungen und der Messgenauigkeit einen Vergleich unterschiedlicher DatensĂ€tze nahezu unmöglich. Dabei kann bereits durch die Angabe einiger wesentlicher Analyse- und Prozessparameter eine projektĂŒbergreifende Auswertung erfolgen und ein erheblicher Wissensgewinn generiert werden. Besonders dann, wenn kostenintensive Messkampagnen nur im begrenzten Umfang durchfĂŒhrbar sind, verbessern sich durch weitere Messdaten aus anderen Studien die Sicherheit und damit die Aussagekraft der Ergebnisse bei gleichzeitig geringem Mehraufwand. Die folgenden AusfĂŒhrungen zu verschiedenen MessgerĂ€ten und -methoden zur Bestimmung von Permanentgaskonzentrationen sowie von Teergehalten im Produktgas von Holzvergasungsanlagen erheben nicht den Anspruch auf VollstĂ€ndigkeit. Dennoch soll die exemplarische Darstellung allgemeine Hinweise fĂŒr den Umgang mit Messdaten geben und die Nutzer von Messdaten fĂŒr mögliche Probleme sensibilisieren, um Fehler bei der Auswertung zu minimieren. Damit ergĂ€nzt das Handbuch „Produktgasmessmethoden – Biomassevergasung“ neben den Methodensammlungen „Biogas“ und „Feinstaub“ die Arbeiten rund um die Methodenharmonisierung im Förderprogramm „Energetische Biomassenutzung“. Großer Dank fĂŒr die unermĂŒdliche UnterstĂŒtzung gilt allen Projektpartnern, den Stadtwerken Rosenheim, der Burkhardt GmbH, der Spanner ReÂČ GmbH und dem Projektteam der Programmbegleitung des Förderprogramms „Energetische Biomassenutzung“

    Imaging Predictors of Left Ventricular Functional Recovery after Reperfusion Therapy of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Assessed by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance

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    Background: Left ventricular global longitudinal strain (LV GLS) is a superior predictor of adverse cardiac events in patients with myocardial infarction and heart failure. We investigated the ability of morphological features of infarcted myocardium to detect acute left ventricular (LV) dysfunction and predict LV functional recovery after three months in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Methods: Sixty-six STEMI patients were included in the C-reactive protein (CRP) apheresis in Acute Myocardial Infarction Study (CAMI-1). LV ejection fraction (LVEF), LV GLS, LV global circumferential strain (LV GCS), infarct size (IS), area-at-risk (AAR), and myocardial salvage index (MSI) were assessed by CMR 5 ± 3 days (baseline) and 12 ± 2 weeks after (follow-up) the diagnosis of first acute STEMI. Results: Significant changes in myocardial injury parameters were identified after 12 weeks of STEMI diagnosis. IS decreased from 23.59 ± 11.69% at baseline to 18.29 ± 8.32% at follow-up (p < 0.001). AAR and MVO also significantly reduced after 12 weeks. At baseline, there were reasonably moderate correlations between IS and LVEF (r = −0.479, p < 0.001), LV GLS (r = 0.441, p < 0.001) and LV GCS (r = 0.396, p = 0.001) as well as between AAR and LVEF (r = −0.430, p = 0.003), LV GLS (r = 0.501, p < 0.001) and weak with LV GCS (r = 0.342, p = 0.020). At follow-up, only MSI and change in LV GCS over time showed a weak but significant correlation (r = −0.347, p = 0.021). Patients with larger AAR at baseline improved more in LVEF (p = 0.019) and LV GLS (p = 0.020) but not in LV GCS. Conclusion: The CMR tissue characteristics of myocardial injury correlate with the magnitude of LV dysfunction during the acute stage of STEMI. AAR predicts improvement in LVEF and LV GLS, while MSI is a sensitive marker of LV GCS recovery at three months follow-up after STEMI

    BeitrÀge zur Geschichte des Landkreises Regensburg 37

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    Heimat gestern und heute III - 56 Arbeitsproben von 12 Autoren; darin: Detterbeck, Pius: Mei HĂ€userl, mei GoatÂŽn (S. 3); Fendl, Josef, Herbst im Jura (bei Schönhofen), Die Jahreszeit der fĂŒnf Sinne, Terra incognita, Schlecht verteilt, Diplomatisch (S. 4-5); Heigl, Margot: Hoamat, Grod a Hausfrau, LiebeserklĂ€rung, "Bayernbild", "Blaue" Volksmusik, GlĂŒck, Zeit, Kloana Unterschied (S. 6-8); Hemrich, Hans: Dö staade Zeit, Abschied, olt (S. 9-10); Kraus, Josef: A Pferdl, Nie Altwerden, Die alt Mauer, Scho wieder (S. 11-16); MĂŒhldorfer, Albert: Koa Arbat, Mia samma aa wea, WöiltbĂŒrger, Sanierung, Landschaftsplanung, Versaamt is versaamt, Rest-WAA-heit (S. 17-18); Rosenmeier, Maria: Fortschritt, Oasn, Schauspieler, Menschn, Moral, Generationsproblem, Glockenklang, Walhalla - Ruhmestempel (S. 19-20); Seitz, Angelika: Regensburg, August 85, wintergedeck, spĂ€taugust, i bin unschuldig, im Normalfall (S. 21-23); Stadler, Ali: Gestern warÂŽs, Woaßt as no? (S. 24-25); Staudigl, Franz Xaver: Beratzhausener Skizzen, Friedhof, Ansichtskarte "Partie am Marktplatz", Allegorie? (S. 26-27); Weigert, Hans: Macha, Da Duillnbock (S. 28-30); Zenger, Georg: Blick ins Allerseelenland (S. 31

    Citizen science’s transformative impact on science, citizen empowerment and socio-political processes

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    Citizen science (CS) can foster transformative impact for science, citizen empowerment and socio-political processes. To unleash this impact, a clearer understanding of its current status and challenges for its development is needed. Using quantitative indicators developed in a collaborative stakeholder process, our study provides a comprehensive overview of the current status of CS in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Our online survey with 340 responses focused on CS impact through (1) scientific practices, (2) participant learning and empowerment, and (3) socio-political processes. With regard to scientific impact, we found that data quality control is an established component of CS practice, while publication of CS data and results has not yet been achieved by all project coordinators (55%). Key benefits for citizen scientists were the experience of collective impact (“making a difference together with others”) as well as gaining new knowledge. For the citizen scientists’ learning outcomes, different forms of social learning, such as systematic feedback or personal mentoring, were essential. While the majority of respondents attributed an important value to CS for decision-making, only few were confident that CS data were indeed utilized as evidence by decision-makers. Based on these results, we recommend (1) that project coordinators and researchers strengthen scientific impact by fostering data management and publications, (2) that project coordinators and citizen scientists enhance participant impact by promoting social learning opportunities and (3) that project initiators and CS networks foster socio-political impact through early engagement with decision-makers and alignment with ongoing policy processes. In this way, CS can evolve its transformative impact