55 research outputs found

    The Electronic Medieval Age

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    Multivariate meta-analysis of proteomics data from human prostate and colon tumours

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a vast need to find clinically applicable protein biomarkers as support in cancer diagnosis and tumour classification. In proteomics research, a number of methods can be used to obtain systemic information on protein and pathway level on cells and tissues. One fundamental tool in analysing protein expression has been two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE). Several cancer 2DE studies have reported partially redundant lists of differently expressed proteins. To be able to further extract valuable information from existing 2DE data, the power of a multivariate meta-analysis will be evaluated in this work.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We here demonstrate a multivariate meta-analysis of 2DE proteomics data from human prostate and colon tumours. We developed a bioinformatic workflow for identifying common patterns over two tumour types. This included dealing with pre-processing of data and handling of missing values followed by the development of a multivariate Partial Least Squares (PLS) model for prediction and variable selection. The variable selection was based on the variables performance in the PLS model in combination with stability in the validation. The PLS model development and variable selection was rigorously evaluated using a double cross-validation scheme. The most stable variables from a bootstrap validation gave a mean prediction success of 93% when predicting left out test sets on models discriminating between normal and tumour tissue, common for the two tumour types. The analysis conducted in this study identified 14 proteins with a common trend between the tumour types prostate and colon, i.e. the same expression profile between normal and tumour samples.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The workflow for meta-analysis developed in this study enabled the finding of a common protein profile for two malign tumour types, which was not possible to identify when analysing the data sets separately.</p

    Logistik i samband med transport till slakt

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    Slakteribranschen i Sverige har problem med lönsamheten samtidigt som myndigheter och samhÀlle stÀller höga krav pÄ transportsystemet betrÀffande djurvÀlfÀrd och miljöprestanda. Transporter av djur frÄn gÄrd till slakt sker ofta pÄ ett icke optimalt sÀtt, ur sÄvÀl transportekonomisk synvinkel som ur ett djurvÀlfÀrdsperspektiv. Detta leder bland annat till mÄnga övernattande djur pÄ slakteri. Tidigare forskning pekar pÄ att djurtransporter kan innebÀra en stor belastning pÄ djuren vilken dÄ kan fÄ allvarliga följder för djurvÀlfÀrden. Syftet med denna förstudie har varit att, i smÄskalig slakt, studera förutsÀttningarna för att kunna förbÀttra effektiviteten i slakttransporterna, minska miljöpÄverkan av dessa samt förbÀttra villkoren för djuren under transport i anslutning till slakt. Förstudien har utförts genom en kartlÀggning av slaktdjursleveranser via en fallstudie, vilken har följts av en analys med avseende pÄ djurvÀlfÀrd samt simulering och optimering av transporterna varefter miljöberÀkningar av transporterna utförts. Ur fallstudien kan konstateras att antalet transportörer per slakteri Àr relativt fÄ och att det redan idag finns en koncentration av antalet transporter till ett fÄtal som utför merparten av uppdragen. Det kan ocksÄ konstateras att det för nöt sker ett stort antal hÀmtningar av enstaka djur. Detta Àr inte fallet pÄ svinsidan, vilket förklaras av olika förutsÀttningar för uppfödning. Transportstudierna visar att hanteringstiderna vid hÀmtning i allmÀnhet Àr korta och att Àven restiderna i allmÀnhet Àr korta. Ibland förekommer dock lÄnga transporttider nÀr djur hÀmtas vid mÄnga gÄrdar pÄ samma runda. Uppstallningstiden varierar mycket och blandning av djur Àr ofta förekommande. Andelen övernattande djur Àr betydande pÄ sÄvÀl det medelstora som det lilla slakteriet som ingÄtt i studien. Transportsimuleringarna och den ruttoptimering som utförts visar att det finns stor potential att minska den totala körstrÀckan vilket Àven skulle medföra en betydligt lÀgre miljöbelastning. KörstrÀckan för varje runda ökar dock, men inte i lika stor grad som den totala minskar. Studierna visar ocksÄ pÄ möjligheten att anvÀnda ruttoptimering för att nÄ uppstÀllda mÄl om minskad övernattning, kortare transporter och minskad miljöbelastning. BerÀkningarna av miljöeffekterna visar pÄ stor potential att minska utslÀppen. CO2 minskar i relation till minskad körstrÀcka varför det som Àr effektivast ur företagssynvinkel Àven minskar miljöbelastningen. För att ytterliggare minska utslÀppen av hÀlsovÄdliga emissioner (NOx, HC och partiklar) Àr det framförallt utbyte av fordonsflottan som fÄr störst effekt. Detta Àr pÄ gÄng i den takt fordonen byts ut dÄ de nya fordonen uppfyller de nya kraven. Ett sÀtt att öka pÄ takten Àr antingen med subventioner eller med krav pÄ samma sÀtt som för fordon i övriga branscher. Studierna av attityderna till förÀndring visar att; * man tror att en tidigarelagd upphÀmtning av djur pÄ morgonen vore positivt för djurvÀlfÀrden genom att man dÄ kan undvika övernattning av djur pÄ slakteriet, * leverantörerna tror att djurvÀlfÀrden förbÀttras med möjlighet till smÄskalig slakt i mobila slakterier, * man Àr positiv till en indelning av upptagningsomrÄden sÄ att en Äkare tilldelas alla upphÀmtningar i ett omrÄde oavsett mottagande slakteri, * man menar att utlastningsutrymme för djurupphÀmtningar vore positivt för bÄde djurvÀlfÀrd och arbetssituation, * man Àr negativ till att fler transportörer tilldelas samma upptagningsomrÄde för ökad flexibilitet. Med utgÄngspunkt i resultaten frÄn pilotstudien kan konstateras att möjligheterna till en förbÀttrad djuromsorg med fÀrre hÀmtningar per runda och en minskad andel övernattande djur Àr goda genom att optimerade transportsystem anvÀnds som ocksÄ har en god potential att ge en minskad miljöbelastning och tydligt minskade transportkostnade

    Nytt ljus över svenska pengar 995-1290

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    Denna recension av tvĂ„ illustrerade numismatiska arbeten Ă€r penningteoretiskt och ekonomisk-historiskt inriktad. De tvĂ„ vetenskapliga verken bygger i huvudsak pĂ„ numismatisk forskning. Enkelt uttryckt fördjupar de den tidigare bilden av ett i VĂ€st-Europas utkant arkaiskt Sverige i ekonomiskt bakvatten 995-1290. Det gĂ€ller Ă€ven vid vid en jĂ€mförelse med det samtida Norge och Danmark - tvĂ„ riken vars monetĂ€ra system dessa intressanta arbeten ocksĂ„ uppehĂ„ller sig vid.Granskade arbeten Ă€r:Brita Malmers Den svenska mynthistorien / Vikingatiden ca 995–1030, Kungl Myntkabinettet &amp; Svenska Numismatiska Föreningen, 2010, 348 sidor, ISBN 978-91-633571-6-9.Roger Svenssons Renovatio Monetae / Brakteater och myntningspolitik i högmedeltidens Europa, Svenska Numismatiska Föreningen, 2012, 320 sidor, ISBN 978-91- 979427-1-3.JĂ€rnet och riksbildningenVĂ€lfĂ€rdens förhistori

    Emancipation och urbanisering i medeltidens Sverige : Trender mot ett mer fritt och rörligt feodalt samhĂ€lle cirka 1200–1527

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    In Medieval Sweden, we find that archaic compulsory institutions, such as slavery and serfdom, were not abolished until the middle of the fourteenth century. They, as well as other customs and rules, were a detriment to the development of more numerous and extensive markets. In spite of these signs of economic backwardness, we have good reason to believe that the trends, in the loose federation of provinces that preceded the Swedish nation-state, were in the direction of a greater degree of freedom and increased exchange of free will (i.e. labour and real property markets). The purpose of this study is to examine the Swedish charters by quantitative means, to see how these trends are mirrored by the representation of trading towns versus rural areas, and the percentage of the names of women that appear as first issuer of these charters. Other variables are also applied, e.g. geographical and prosopographic variables. A database (SDhk) published by the National Archives of Sweden contains summaries of more than 39,000 charters from, or attached to, Medieval Sweden, which have been converted into a so called relational database. The above mentioned trends generally point upwards. More and more charters were being drawn up in towns until the middle of the fourteenth century, ending with an average urban representation of more than 50%. Generally, the urbanization of early Swedish society seems to have been at its highest point in the last quarter of the thirteenth century. This period appears to parallel the most intense period of emancipation of Swedish slaves, reminding us that the many new towns in Western Europe were characterized by the use of free labour. In the Late Middle Ages, however, the rising urban trend is broken, which here is seen, as an indication that the densely populated towns were more severely hit by the Black Death in the years 1350-1450. The slight relative decrease in urban charters in the fifteenth century can be interpreted as a sign of a higher economic interest in agriculture among the upper strata of Swedish society. There are also interesting geographical differences, showing that Sweden in many ways was a typical feudal (i.e. decentralized) realm. The southern part of Sweden – Götaland – appears to have had an edge in development compared to the northern part of Sweden – Svealand – but the latter part seems to have diminished that gap from the late thirteenth century, up to the Swedish Reformation in the year 1527. Across the Middle Ages we find an increasing number of women among the first issuers of Swedish charters. The fact that there were some reversals in this rising trend, particularly in times of civil war, does not change the overall impression of a continually greater acceptance of Medieval Swedish women as active participants in public life. If the new protestant faith meant a step backwards in the process of emancipation, as some scholars have argued was the case in Western Europe, this study does not support the notion of a Medieval patriarchal forerunner.Regioner och marknader i medeltidens Sverig

    Folkungatidens monetÀra system : Penningen mellan pest och patriarkat 1254-1370

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    The Monetary System of the Folkunga Era / The Swedish Pence between Pestilence and Patriarchate 1254–1370 This is an economic study of the Swedish monetary system in the transition from the High Middle to the Late Middle Age, i.e. as far back as written sources from market transitions are available. Archaic compulsory institutions – such as slavery and serfdom – were still in use in Sweden in the first half of the fourteenth century; and certainly this obstructed market development in many respects. The coins minted by the regents (1291–1370) appear to have often been valued at even less than the intrinsic value of the silver from which they were minted. In other words the seignorage for the minting regent was negative, a phenomenon that is almost impossible to explain in economic terms. That paradox is even more difficult to comprehend in light of the fact that the production of Swedish pences was considerable during the fourteenth century, and had been ongoing since the 1150s. Sweden is no exception in the European story of the Late Middle demographic and agricultural crises after a surge that had been going on at least since the year 1000. The devastation of farms in Sweden was extensive between 1350 and 1450. The source material prior to 1370 consist of roughly 10,000 charters, on the basis of which some 2,500 market transactions have been found and recorded in a relational database. In addition, approximately 39,000 individuals were mentioned by name in the Swedish charters from the eleventh century to 1375 and 1401–1420, and these names have also been downloaded into the database. Of those personal rows a great majority are from the upper strata; 9 % are women. However, after the outbreak of the Black Death in 1350 the percentage of women went below 10 % and stabilized around 8 %. I hypothesize that the downward trend was a sign that women were hit harder than men by the frequent outbreaks of the plague. There are clear signs of more market relations and fewer compulsory institutions between 1290 and 1370. Most of the market transactions were of two kinds: purchases of real property and loans in which the creditor’s claim was guaranteed in real property. Pawned property, as expected, had a lower value than property on the buying and selling market. Only half of those transactions are described in monetary units of value, with weighted silver being the second most frequent price tag. We find women active in those transactions from the thirteenth century, but the trend has a downward slope, especially in the role as buyer of landed property. This is in accordance with the view that the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation in the sixteenth century were preceded by a protracted period of increasing patriarchal trends. The many and severe outbreaks of the plagues in Sweden might have aggravated those tendencies. So while there was greater freedom thanks to bigger and new kinds of markets, there were also opposing forces of misogyny creating obstacles for women’s taking advantage of that freedom. The Swedish coins had very divergent contents of silver, and new coins generally had less intrinsic silver value than the older ones. Those factors make it more difficult to carry out price history on the period between 1290 and 1370 than on the fifteenth century, when Swedish pences were more stable. Southern Sweden was quicker to develop towards a more commercial society than the northern part of the country. Land prices in southeastern Sweden (Östergötland) seem to have fallen between 1300 and 1370. The deflation in this respect is even greater when monetary prices are converted into silver prices. In the same period, prices in the provinces around Lake MĂ€laren seem to have soared. In the north in the fourteenth century there was still a lot of land for reclamation and these opportunities might have attracted aristocratic investors with expectations of major profits in the future. The inflation of the land “bubble” in the north continued for two decades, even after the arrival of the Black Death. In spite of the clerical ban on usury at the time, I have been able to reconstruct a dozen rates of interests from the period 1322–1370. The average interest rate during these years was 5 %. Data from this study has been put into an international perspective about human wealth. Swedish Medieval grain prices in silver from 1291 to 1530 were distinctly lower and more volatile than the prices in the more advanced European economies such as England. Low grain prices are a sign of an underdeveloped and not very diversified economy, and the general volatility made any craft outside the agrarian sector a lot more risky an activity in Sweden than in most other countries. In the late Medieval Age there was a clear development in trade and mining, but the economic gap relative to the outside world around did not decrease. This underlines the impression of a primitive society on the periphery of Europe and lagging behind the economic times. One can hardly underestimate the positive role of money as a source of information and means of payment in the markets. From a classic point of view (Eli F. Heckscher), it is presumed that markets came first, money second. From an institutional point of view (C. A. E. Goodhart) money and markets are parallel. The Swedish empirical example gives us a third scenario, i.e. the existence of coins for many generations before markets of any magnitude were created. Key words: Microeconomics, Monetary Theory, Intrinsic Silver Value, Seignorage, Unit of Account, Means of Transactions, Compulsory Institutions, Commercialization, Market Institutions, Prosopography, Women Participation in Markets, Patriarchate, Inflation and Deflation.IngĂ„r i projekt1?IngĂ„r i projektOm publikationen ingĂ„r i ett projekt, ange projektets namn. För att ange flera projekt, klicka pĂ„ Ytterligare projekt.

    Recension av Julia JĂ€schke, FĂŒhrungsgruppen in LĂŒbeck im 13. Jahrhundert: : Social- und kulturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zu den Gruppen der ”burgenses”, ”consules” und ”maiores”.

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    Recensionen tar fasta pĂ„ utvecklingen inom det högmedeltida LĂŒbecks högre strata som föregĂ„ngare och förebild i formeringen av ett svenskt borgerskap under senmedeltid.Den recenserade avhandlingen Ă€r författad pĂ„ tyska.</p

    Recension av Julia JĂ€schke, FĂŒhrungsgruppen in LĂŒbeck im 13. Jahrhundert: : Social- und kulturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zu den Gruppen der ”burgenses”, ”consules” und ”maiores”.

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    Recensionen tar fasta pĂ„ utvecklingen inom det högmedeltida LĂŒbecks högre strata som föregĂ„ngare och förebild i formeringen av ett svenskt borgerskap under senmedeltid.Den recenserade avhandlingen Ă€r författad pĂ„ tyska.</p

    DET FEDERATIVA SVERIGE UNDER INBÖRDESKRIG 1356–1360 : Vad för slags frĂ„gor kan digitaliserade personindex kasta ljus över i det feodala Sverige?

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    Denna artikel redovisar nĂ„gra digitala experiment inom ett ekonomisk-historiskt medeltidsprojekt. Detta Ă€r inriktat pĂ„ metodutveckling via studier av den svenska medeltida staten (kronan), ett föga vĂ€l definierat begrepp vars karaktĂ€ristika vĂ„rt projekt avser att modifiera. I fokus hĂ€r stĂ€lls vĂ€rdet av omsorgsfullt utarbetade index. Mer precist handlar det om personregister som urskiljer exakt vilka individer som upptrĂ€der i kĂ€llorna. I digitaliserad form antas att dylika kan effektivisera vĂ„ra studier Ă€ven nĂ€r kĂ€llmaterialet Ă€r sĂ„vĂ€l sparsamt till omfĂ„nget som fragmentariskt till karaktĂ€ren.             Det valda typfallet utgör de svenska breven 1356–1360. Dessa tillkom parallellt med sĂ„vĂ€l en demografiska kris i Digerdödens kölvatten som en djup politisk kris. En tudelning av regeringsmakten skedde i det svenska riket med inbördeskrig som följd 1356–1359. Lennart Sjöstedt (1954) har noga avhandlat dessa strider. En kvalificerad och strĂ€vsam forskarinsats av nordisten Per-Axel Wiktorsson har senare (1972) renderat oss ett synnerligen informationsrikt personindex över breven frĂ„n perioden 1356–1360, vilket undertecknad digitaliserat och uppdaterat. I förgrunden stĂ„r denna frĂ„ga: Hur kan detta personindex via test av hypoteser nĂ„got vidga grĂ€nserna för vĂ„r kunskap om den svenska medeltida statens karaktĂ€ristika
