341 research outputs found

    Our Renown is Not Yours The American militia in the War of 1812

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    This thesis examines the role of the American militia during the War of 1812. Focusing on the words of the participants themselves , this thesis uses primary sourcde material to attempt to reconstruct the actions of the militia during a small number of highly dramatic moments in the first campaigns of the conflict. Secondary sources are used to broaden the scope of the research and bring to light elements of social and cultural history and explore the meaningfulness of the militia both as an institution of top-down construction and as one of bottom-up construction. The study determines that the popularity of these dramatic moments was made by ambitious politicians following the war, and the subsequent historiography has been severely flawed

    The statitistical evaluation of the uniaxial compressive strength of the Ruskov andesite

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    The selection of a suitable model of the statistical distribution of the uniaxial compressive strength is discussed in the paper. The uniaxial compressive strength was studied on 180 specimens of the Ruskov andesite. The rate of loading was 1MPa.s-1. The experimental specimens had a prismatic form with a square base; the slightness ratio of specimens was 2:1. Three sets of specimens with a different length of the base edge were studied, namely 50, 30 and 10 mm. The result of the measurement were three sets with 60 values of the uniaxial compressive strength. The basic statistical parameters: the sample mean, the sample standard deviation, the variational interval, the minimum and maximum value, the sample obliqueness coefficient and the sharpness coefficient were evaluated for each collection. Two types of the distribution which can be joined with the real physical fundamentals of the desintegration of rocks ( the normal and the Weibull distribution ) were tested. The two-parametric Weibull distribution was tested. The basic characteristics of both distributions were evaluated for each set and the accordance of the model distribution with an experimental distribution was tested. The ÷2-test was used for testing. The two-parametric Weibull distribution was selected following the comparison of the test results of both model distributions as a suitable distribution model for the characterization of uniaxial compressive strength of the Ruskov andesite. The two-parametric Weibull distribution showed better results of the goodness-of-fit test. The normal distribution was suitable for two sets; one of the sets showed a negative result of the goodness-of-fit testing. At the uniaxial compressive strength of the Ruskov andesite, a scale effect was registered : the mean value of uniaxial compressive strength decreases with increasing the specimen base edge. This is another argument for using the Weibull distribution as a suitable statistical model of the uniaxial compressive strength distribution. The Weibull distribution unlike the normal distribution enables the physical interpretation of the scale effect influence on uniaxial compressive strength value


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    Latar Belakang: Timbulnya permasalahan penyakit dan kecelakaan kerja sebesar 50% disebabkan kelelahan kerja. Tujuan: penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan kelelahan kerja karyawan di bagian Proses Giling (Studi di PT. Warahma Biki Makmur Tuban). Metode: desain penelitian adalah analitic correlational dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adalah seluruh karyawan bagian Proses Giling sejumlah 1000 orang. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 286 pekerja diambil dengan random sampling. Variabel bebas penelitian ini adalah usia, masa kerja, sikap kerja, beban kerja dan iklim kerja, sedangkan variabel terikat yaitu kelelahan kerja. Instrumen yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah lembar kuesioner dengan data identitas tenaga kerja (usia dan masa kerja), sikap kerja duduk menggunakan antropometri dan sarana kerja, beban kerja menggunakan kuesioner NASA-TLX, iklim kerja dengan kuesioner persepsi tenaga kerja tentang tempat kerja dan kelelahan kerja dengan kuesioner Subjective Self Rating Test. Analisis menggunakan uji Chi-Square pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% (p<0,05). Hasil: penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usia karyawan hampir seluruhnya (89,5%) kelompok usia prima/produktif, masa kerja sebagian besar (54,2%) > 6 tahun, sikap kerja duduk sebagian besar (58,7%) kurang baik, memiliki beban kerja yang sebagian besar tinggi (64,3%), iklim kerja sebagian besar cukup baik (51,4%) dan kelelahan kerja hampir setengahnya (31,5%) tinggi. Hasil uji chi-square untuk usia p=0,014, masa kerja p=0,031, sikap kerja p=0,000, beban kerja p=0,000, dan iklim kerja p=0,000. Kesimpulan ada hubungan usia, masa kerja, sikap kerja, beban kerja dan iklim kerja dengan kelelahan kerja pada karyawan di bagian Proses Giling PT. Warahma Biki Makmur Tuban dengan nilai p<0,05. Peningkatan kesejahteraan dan kesehatan tenaga kerja termasuk perhatian dan perlakuan, memberikan kontribusi dalam upaya menekan risiko mengalami kelelahan kerja

    Improved primary vertex finding for collider detectors

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    Primary vertex finding for collider experiments is studied. The efficiency and precision of finding interaction vertices can be improved by advanced clustering and classification methods, such as agglomerative clustering with fast pairwise nearest neighbor search, followed by Gaussian mixture model or k-means clustering.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Nucl. Instrum. Meth.

    Aspects of Holographic Thermalization

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    The gauge/gravity duality connects the dynamics of gravity theories in the bulk with the dynamics of field theories on the boundary. In this thesis we introduce two thermalization scenarios and investigate them using a suitable holographic description. We will first study the thermalization of equal-time correlators and entanglement entropy in a hyperscaling violating AdS-Lifshitz-Vaidya metric. This work verifies the agreement between numerical procedures and preceding analytical predictions and generalises the previous studies of thermalization in this kind of situations. In the latter part we will use the duality to describe the quark-qluon plasma created in heavy ion collisions. The anisotropic plasma is modelled by introducing anisotropies into the source on the gravity side and letting them evolve according to the equations of motion. The boundary dynamics is extracted by finding the boundary stress-energy tensor. The results agree with the conventional models. The situations considered here are rather simple but this work demonstrates the applicability of holography in the anisotropic case.Työssä tutkittiin kenttäteorioiden termalisaatiota käyttäen vastaavuutta mittateorian ja gravitaation välillä. Niin kutsutut mitta/gravitaatiodualiteetit yhdistävät avaruudessa olevan gravitaatioteorian mittateoriaan sen reunalla. Työn alkuosassa tarkasteltiin korrelaattoreita ja lomittumisentropiaa hyperskaalausta rikkovissa Lifshitz-Vaidya -avaruuksissa. Saadut tulokset olivat yhteensopivia aikaisemmin tehtyjen analyyttisten ennusteiden kanssa. Työn toisessa osassa tutkittiin kvarkkigluoniplasman termalisaatiota. Kvarkkigluoniplasmaa syntyy esimerkiksi raskasionitörmäyksissä, joita on tutkittu CERN:issä sijaitsevalla LHC-hiukkaskiihdyttimellä. Tässä tarkasteltu malli on melko yksinkertainen, mutta saadut tulokset ovat sopusoinnussa tähän asti käytettyjen hydrodynaamisten ja kineettisten mallien kanssa

    Inhomogeneous holographic thermalization

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    The sudden injection of energy in a strongly coupled conformal field theory and its subsequent thermalization can be holographically modeled by a shell falling into anti-de Sitter space and forming a black brane. For a homogeneous shell, Bhattacharyya and Minwalla were able to study this process analytically using a weak field approximation. Motivated by event-by-event fluctuations in heavy ion collisions, we include inhomogeneities in this model, obtaining analytic results in a long wavelength expansion. In the early-time window in which our approximations can be trusted, the resulting evolution matches well with that of a simple free streaming model. Near the end of this time window, we find that the stress tensor approaches that of second-order viscous hydrodynamics. We comment on possible lessons for heavy ion phenomenology.Comment: 53 pages, 10 figures; v2: references adde


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    Engineered bioretention cells with underdrains have shown water quality and hydrologic benefits for abating urban stormwater problems. Less is known about the hydrologic performance of residential rain gardens that rely on in situ soil infiltration as the primary mechanism of volume control. Eleven residential rain gardens in Lincoln, Nebraska, were evaluated using a variable-rate stormwater runoff simulator. A volume-based water quality volume (WQV) design storm of 3.0 cm was applied to each rain garden as an SCS Type II runoff hydrograph until the system began overflowing to test the rain gardens for surface and subsurface storage capacity, drawdown rate, ponding depth, and overflow characteristics. Every rain garden tested drained in 30 h or less, with six gardens draining in less than 1 h. Rain garden surface storage capacity was poor, retaining on average only 16% of the WQV. On average, the rain gardens studied could store and infiltrate only 40% of the WQV, with only two gardens able to store and infiltrate greater than 90% of the WQV. On average, 59% of the runoff was captured as subsurface storage. Results of this study indicate that these 2- to 4-year-old rain gardens are limited not by drain times and rates, which often met or exceeded common design recommendations, but rather by inadequate surface storage characteristics. Extrapolating measured surface storage volumes to hypothetical systems with evenly graded depths of 15.2 cm, a minimum local depth recommendation, resulted in only one garden with enough storage to contain the WQV. On average, the extrapolated storage held only 65% of the WQV. It was shown that subsurface storage can make up for a lack of surface storage; the systems studied herein had an average of 2.7 times more subsurface storage than surface storage as a percentage of inflow volume before overflow began

    Modeling Sediment Trapping in a Vegetative Filter Accounting for Converging Overland Flow

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    Vegetative filters (VF) are used to remove sediment and other pollutants from overland flow. When modeling the hydrology of VF, it is often assumed that overland flow is planar, but our research indicates that it can be two-dimensional with converging and diverging pathways. Our hypothesis is that flow convergence will negatively influence the sediment trapping capability of VF. The objectives were to develop a two-dimensional modeling approach for estimating sediment trapping in VF and to investigate the impact of converging overland flow on sediment trapping by VF. In this study, the performance of a VF that has field-scale flow path lengths with uncontrolled flow direction was quantified using field experiments and hydrologic modeling. Simulations of water flow processes were performed using the physically based, distributed model MIKE SHE. A modeling approach that predicts sediment trapping and accounts for converging and diverging flow was developed based on the University of Kentucky sediment filtration model. The results revealed that as flow convergence increases, filter performance decreases, and the impacts are greater at higher flow rates and shorter filter lengths. Convergence that occurs in the contributing field (in-field) upstream of the buffer had a slightly greater impact than convergence that occurred in the filter (in-filter). An area-based convergence ratio was defined that relates the actual flow area in a VF to the theoretical flow area without flow convergence. When the convergence ratio was 0.70, in-filter convergence caused the sediment trapping efficiency to be reduced from 80% for the planar flow condition to 64% for the converging flow condition. When an equivalent convergence occurred in-field, the sediment trapping efficiency was reduced to 57%. Thus, not only is convergence important but the location where convergence occurs can also be important

    Inhomogeneous Thermalization in Strongly Coupled Field Theories

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    To describe theoretically the creation and evolution of the quark-gluon plasma, one typically employs three ingredients: a model for the initial state, non-hydrodynamic early time evolution, and hydrodynamics. In this paper we study the non-hydrodynamic early time evolution using the AdS/CFT correspondence in the presence of inhomogeneities. We find that the AdS description of the early time evolution is well-matched by free streaming. Near the end of the early time interval where our analytic computations are reliable, the stress tensor agrees with the second order hydrodynamic stress tensor computed from the local energy density and fluid velocity. Our techniques may also be useful for the study of far-from-equilibrium strongly coupled systems in other areas of physics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor clarifications and reference adde