33 research outputs found

    Wska藕niki martwicy miokardium w praktyce klinicznej - aktualny stan wiedzy

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    W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono obecny stan wiedzy na temat wska藕nik贸w martwicy miokardium, jako metod diagnostycznych i s艂u偶膮cych do okre艣lenia ryzyka wie艅cowego. Wska藕niki martwicy miokardium po raz pierwszy wykorzystano do rozpoznania zawa艂u serca przed 50 laty. W ostatnim p贸艂wieczu obserwuje si臋 ogromny post臋p w diagnostyce laboratoryjnej. Jednym z jego element贸w jest rozw贸j w dziedzinie wska藕nik贸w sercowych. Nowe wska藕niki charakteryzuje coraz wi臋ksza czu艂o艣膰 i specyficzno艣膰, a ich lista si臋 stale rozszerza

    Comparison of local cryotherapy and sonotherapy effectiveness in the treatment of gonarthrosis symptoms

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    The aim of this study was comparison of local cryotherapy and sonotherapy effectiveness in the treatment of gonarthrosis symptoms. Material and methods: The studies on the comparison of local cryotherapy and sonotherapy effectiveness were conducted in a research group of one hundred people singled out from the patients staying at the Wieniec Zdr贸j Sanatorium in Wieniec Zdr贸j. Before the series of sonotherapy and cryotherapy treatments and after their completion, all patients were assessed using: Centimeter tape, Goniometer, VAS (Visual Analog Scale), Laitinen Questionnaire and Sit-up Test. Results: After the rehabilitation, the intensity of pain was determined at 4.45 points, on a scale from 0 to 8 points. The intensity of pain in the VAS scale among respondents decreased significantly by 1.750 points. The average pain intensity was 1.40 points (SD = 0.778), which resulted in a significant change in the form of pain relief (p = 0.580). The frequency of pain ranges from 0 to 4 points (M = 1.35). The frequency of its occurrence decreased significantly (p = 0.670). After rehabilitation, the frequency of analgesics was on average 0.66 points, and the limit on physical activity was 1.40 points (p = 0.520). The limitation of physical activity was determined on average at the level of 1.04 points, which reduced its limit by 0.560 points. After rehabilitation, the range of motion in the knee joint increased to 99.60掳. On average, the range of movement of patients in the knee joint after rehabilitation increased by -1.429掳. After rehabilitation, knee circumference of the kneecap was between 30 cm and 76 cm. The average result was 42.375 cm and decreased significantly by 0.1676 cm. The circumference of the knee joint above the kneecap oscillated between 28 - 80.5 cm (D = 44.335 cm), which gave the effect of reducing the edema by 0.320 cm. The treatments performed varied only the results in the frequency of analgesics (p = 0.45). Better effects occurred in patients undergoing sonotherapy (M = 0.048) than in cryotherapy (M = 0.84). Conclusions: Local cryotherapy and sonotherapy reduces the severity and frequency of pain and reduces swelling in the knee joints. Positive effects of therapy reduce the amount of analgesics used. However, better results are obtained in patients undergoing sonotherapy than in cryotherapy. In addition, the range of flexion movements of the knee joints is increased under the influence of treatments. There are significant differences in the improvement of the range of motion among patients treated with sonotherapy than cryotherapy

    Patient with chronic kidney disease after heart transplantation due to severe chronic heart failure

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    W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 55-letniego m臋偶czyzny zakwalifikowanego do przeszczepienia serca w trybie elektywnym z powodu ci臋偶kiej niewydolno艣ci serca na pod艂o偶u kardiomiopatii niedokrwiennej i z przewlek艂膮 chorob膮 nerek, kt贸rego hospitalizowano z powodu zaostrzenia niewydolno艣ci serca. Po pocz膮tkowym ustabilizowaniu stanu hemodynamicznego u chorego dosz艂o do nag艂ego zatrzymania kr膮偶enia. Po skutecznej resuscytacji pacjenta przekazano do Kliniki Kardiochirurgii GUMed w celu leczenia urz膮dzeniem wspomagaj膮cym prac臋 kom贸r i po 70 dniach wykonano u niego przeszczepienie serca. Po przeszczepieniu nast膮pi艂o pogorszenie funkcji nerek. W pracy om贸wiono mo偶liwe przyczyny pogorszenia funkcji nerek u pacjent贸w poddawanych przeszczepieniu serca.A 55-year-old male qualified for heart transplantationdue to severe ischaemic heart failure and withchronic kidney disease was admitted to hospitalbecause of heart failure decompensation. Afterinitial stabilization of hemodynamic state a suddencardiac arrest occurred. The patient was transferredto Cardiac Surgery Clinic and was treated with leftventricular assist device. After 70 days of mechanicalsupport a heart transplantation was performed.Shortly after transplantation worsening of chronickidney disease was observed. The possible causesof chronic kidney disease in patients undergoingheart transplantation are discussed in the article

    Oblicza zespo艂u rakowiaka u chorych z nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym

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    Background Carcinoids are neuroendocrine tumors which develop in many different parts of gastrointestinal tract and lungs. They occur with the frequency of 1-3/ 100 000 Their common feature is the ability to production and secretion of hormone-like peptides and neurotransmitters. The carcinoid syndrome is caused by dissemination of serotonin producing neuroendocrine tumor. Symptoms of carcinoid, such as: skin redness on the face and neck - flash, tachycardia, vertiges, hyperhidrose and bronchospasm are paroxysmal (periodic). Blood pressure elevation is not a patognomic sign of carcinoid, but if it is, one should be classified as secondary cause of arterial hypertension. The measurement of: serotonin, it’s metabolite in the urine-5-hydroxyindoloacetic acid, chromogranin A levels and computed tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance, ultrasonography, somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS) are crucial in the diagnostic process of carcinoid and in localization of metastases. Material and methods Sixty four-years old man was admitted to the hospital because of cough attacks with slight production of sputum which contained small amount of blood, diarrhea, abdominal pain, paroxysmal redness of the face and high blood pressure. Another patient, 69-years old woman was hospitalized because of dyspnea, fatigue and high blood pressure. Results The first patient’s bronchoscopy revealed lesion confirming the diagnosis of carcinoid which was removed from division of the left bronchus. In case of the second patient with heart failure, tricuspid valve pathology and redness of the face, SRS was performed. It revealed focal increase in radio-accumulation in the patient’s body, what was the reason of starting the therapy with long-acting release somatostatin. The echosonography revealed advanced complex tricuspid valve defect. Conclusions In these two cases the carcinoid syndrome was diagnosed. During the both patients’observation, the blood pressure was normalized, but the regression of the carcinoid syndrome process wasn’t achieved. Arterial Hypertension 2010, vol. 14, no 3, pages 227-234Wst臋p Rakowiaki s膮 guzami neuroendokrynnymi (NET) rozwijaj膮cymi si臋 w r贸偶nych cz臋艣ciach przewodu pokarmowego oraz w p艂ucach. Wyst臋puj膮 z cz臋sto艣ci膮 1-3/ 100 000. Cech膮 wsp贸ln膮 NET jest zdolno艣膰 do produkcji peptyd贸w o charakterze hormon贸w lub neuroprzeka藕nik贸w. Zesp贸艂 rakowiaka jest spowodowany rozsiewem guza neuroendokrynnego wytwarzaj膮cego serotonin臋. Objawy rakowiaka: zaczerwienienie twarzy i szyi (flash), tachykardia, zawroty g艂owy, nadmierne pocenie si臋, skurcz oskrzeli maj膮 charakter napadowy. Podwy偶szenie ci艣nienia t臋tniczego nie jest patognomonicznym objawem rakowiaka, lecz gdy wyst膮pi, klasyfikuje si臋 je jako przyczyn臋 wt贸rnego nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego. W diagnostyce rakowiaka przydatne jest oznaczanie: serotoniny, jej metabolitu w moczu kwasu 5-hydroksy-indolooctowego, chromograniny A, a tak偶e tomografia komputerowa, rezonans magnetyczny, USG, scyntygrafia receptorowa z analogami somatostatyny (SRS) do zlokalizowania przerzut贸w. Materia艂 i metody M臋偶czyzna (64 lata) zg艂osi艂 si臋 do kliniki z powodu napad贸w kaszlu ze sk膮pym odpluwaniem plwociny z niewielk膮 domieszk膮 krwi, oddawania licznych lu藕nych stolc贸w, b贸l贸w brzucha, napadowego zaczerwienienia twarzy oraz wysokich warto艣ci ci艣nienia t臋tniczego. Druga pacjentka to 69-letnia kobieta hospitalizowana z powodu duszno艣ci i spadku tolerancji wysi艂ku fizycznego oraz wysokich warto艣ci ci艣nienia t臋tniczego. Wyniki W bronchoskopii chorego wykazano zmian臋 odpowiadaj膮c膮 rakowiakowi, kt贸r膮 zoperowano, wykonuj膮c resekcj臋 ostrogi podzia艂u lewego oskrzela. U chorej z objawami niewydolno艣ci serca i wad膮 zastawki tr贸jdzielnej oraz zmianami o pod艂o偶u rumieniowym twarzy w nast臋pstwie pelagry wykonano SRS i stwierdzono ogniska gromadzenia znacznika, kt贸re sta艂y si臋 podstaw膮 do przyczynowego leczenia d艂ugo dzia艂aj膮c膮 somatostatyn膮. W badaniu echokardiograficznym serca u chorej stwierdzono zaawansowan膮 z艂o偶on膮 wad臋 zastawki tr贸jdzielnej. Wnioski U obu chorych rozpoznano zesp贸艂 rakowiaka. W trakcie obserwacji uzyskano normalizacj臋 ci艣nienia t臋tniczego, jednak nie uda艂o si臋 zatrzyma膰 progresji choroby. Nadci艣nienie T臋tnicze 2010, tom 14, nr 3, strony 227-23

    Ewolucja prawa wyborczego do Prezydencji Bo艣ni i Hercegowiny i jej uwarunkowania spo艂eczno-polityczne

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