60 research outputs found

    Entendendo e combatendo a obesidade em crianças e adolescentes

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    Considerando a preocupação com as consequências da alimentação contemporânea na saúde dos jovens na etapa atual e na vida futura, este artigo objetiva aumentar a compreensão e discutir aspectos associados ao sobrepeso e a obesidade nas primeiras etapas da vida. O artigo aborda a deseducação alimentar que se inicia no desmame e discute o estereótipo de que os “bebezões” são os mais saudáveis; além disso, explica como a televisão e a falta de atividade física, entre outros aspectos, podem contribuir como fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de sobrepeso e obesidade. Por fim, este artigo fornece orientações para os pais e educadores com vistas à prevenção e tratamento do sobrepeso e da obesidade entre os jovens, com foco nos hábitos alimentares e na prática de atividade física

    Avaliação do consumo dietético, desidratação e grau de fadiga em um grupo de ciclistas amadores

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    Introdução e objetivo: O ciclismo é uma modalidade esportiva cada vez mais comum entre os indivíduos. Uma alimentação desiquilibrada, bem como uma ingestão hídrica inadequada podem exercer papel importante na fadiga e no desempenho do atleta. Portanto, este estudo objetivou avaliar o consumo dietético, a desidratação e o grau de fadiga de ciclistas amadores após um treino de 54 km. Materiais e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com 12 ciclistas amadores, do sexo masculino e idade entre 27-61 anos, de um grupo de ciclistas de Santa Cruz do Sul-RS, Brasil. Determinou-se o consumo dietético pelo programa DietWin, a partir do registro alimentar de 24h. A desidratação foi determinada pela porcentagem de perda de peso e utilizou-se a escala subjetiva de Borg para avaliar o grau de fadiga. Discussão e Resultados: Dos ciclistas avaliados, 41,7% apresentavam ingestão inadequada de calorias e 50% estavam ingerindo carboidratos insuficientes, assim como 50% deles estavam consumindo gorduras em excesso. Quanto ao consumo de micronutrientes, observou-se uma prevalência de inadequação de 100% para vitamina D. Observou-se baixo consumo e ingestão acima da UL para potássio e o sódio, respectivamente. Com relação a desidratação, os ciclistas apresentaram-se levemente desidratados ou desidratação significante e o treino ciclístico realizado foi considerado razoavelmente fácil (41,7%) ou um pouco difícil (33,3%). Conclusão: Estes dados demostram que ciclistas amadores tendem a realizar uma alimentação desiquilibra, que pode influenciar no seu desempenho. Contudo, mesmo apresentando desidratação leve ou significante, pouco influenciou na percepção subjetiva de fadiga dos mesmos. ABSTRACT Evaluation of dietary intake, dehydration and degree of fatigue in a group of amateur cyclistsIntroduction and Aim: Cycling is a sport modality increasingly common among individuals. Unbalanced diet as well as inadequate water intake can play an important role in athlete fatigue and performance. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the dietary intake, dehydration and degree of fatigue of amateur cyclists after a training of 54 km. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with 12 male amateur cyclists and 27-61 years old from a group of cyclists from Santa Cruz do Sul-RS, Brazil. Dietary intake was determined by the DietWin program, based on the 24-hour food record. Dehydration was determined by the percentage of weight loss and the subjective Borg scale was used to evaluate the degree of fatigue. Discussion and Results: Of cyclists evaluated, 41.7% presented inadequate calorie intake and 50% were eating insufficient carbohydrates and just as 50% of them were consuming excess fats. Regarding micronutrient intake, a prevalence of inadequacy of 100% for vitamin D was observed. Low intake and intake above UL were observed for potassium and sodium, respectively. Concerning dehydration, cyclists were slightly dehydrated or significant dehydration, and cycling training was considered reasonably easy (41.7%) or slightly difficult (33.3%). Conclusion: These data demonstrate that amateur cyclists tend to perform unbalanced feeding, which may influence their performance. However, even with mild or significant dehydration, it had little influence on the subjective perception of fatigue

    Relação do consumo alimentar de fibras e da carga glicêmica sobre marcadores glicêmicos, antropométricos e dietéticos em pacientes pré-diabéticos.

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    Background and objectives: Pre-diabetes is the first stage of risk of developing diabetes. Evidences suggest that the glycemic control is directly associated to the fibers intake. This study correlated the influence of fibers intake and glycemic load with glycemic, anthropometric and dietetic markers in pre-diabetic patients. Methods: Fibers intake, glycemic load and macronutrients were evaluated as well as fasting glucose, glycated hemoglobin (A1C) and anthropometry. Results: Positive correlation between fibers intake and glycemic load was observed (r = 0.298; p = 0.029). However, there was no association between glucose and anthropometric markers with fiber intake and the CG (p> 0.05). It has been found that fibers intake was lower than recommended. Fibers intake and glycemic load correlated themselves with carbohydrates (r = 0.338; p = 0.009 and r = 0.412; p ≤ 0,001, respectively) and calories per day (r = 0.326; p = 0.018 and r = 0.393; p = 0.002, respectively). Conclusion: Dietary fiber intake was associated with glycemic load and was influenced by increased intake of dietary carbohydrates and calories. Moreover, the consumption of fibers proved opposite to glucose and anthropometric markers, even if insufficiently ingested. KEY-WORDS: Prediabetic State. Dietary Fiber. Anthropometry.Justificativa e Objetivos: Pré-diabetes é o primeiro estágio de risco para o desenvolvimento da diabetes. Evidências sugerem que o controle glicêmico está diretamente associado ao consumo de fibras. Este estudo relacionou a influência do consumo de fibras e da carga glicêmica (CG) com marcadores glicêmicos, antropométricos e dietéticos em pacientes pré-diabéticos. Métodos: Avaliou-se o consumo de fibras, CG e macronutrientes, como também a glicemia de jejum e hemoglobina glicada (A1C) e antropometria. Resultados: Observou-se a correlação entre o consumo de fibras e a CG (r = 0,298; p=0,029). Entretanto, nem o consumo de fibras nem a CG associou-se significativamente com marcadores glicêmicos e antropométricos (p>0,05). Verificou-se que o consumo médio de fibras ficou abaixo do recomendado. O consumo de fibras e a CG correlacionaram-se com a ingestão de carboidratos (r=0,338; p=0,009 e r=0,412; p≤0,001) e calorias/dia (r=0,326; p=0,018 e r=0,393; p=0,002), respectivamente. Conclusão: O consumo alimentar de fibras associou-se a carga glicêmica, bem como foram influenciados pelo aumento da ingestão de carboidratos e calorias da dieta. Além disso, o consumo de fibras mostrou-se inverso aos marcadores glicêmicos e antropométricos, mesmo sendo ingerido insuficientemente. DESCRITORES: Pré-diabetes. Fibras na Dieta. Antropometria

    Os efeitos da música em biomarcadores de estresse, imunológicos e comportamentais em portadores do espectro autista

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    Resumo: A utilização da Musicoterapia em portadores do Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) teve início na década de 60 e mostrou promover benefícios, tais como: diminuição de crises comportamentais, diminuição de resistência ao tratamento, melhora nos relacionamentos interpessoais, aquisição de liberdade expressiva, aquisição da melhora vocal, melhora na comunicação, aquisição de confiança verbal e vocal, aquisição de ordem rítmica e melhora na produção da fala e mutualidade (BRANDALISE, 2013). Objetivo: embora os resultados em nível comunicacional sejam de amplo conhecimento e na busca por compreender o impacto da música nos biomarcadores imunológicos e de estresse nesses indivíduos, o presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar uma breve revisão dos estudos recentes acerca dessa temática. Método: Foram utilizadas ferramentas de busca nas bases de dados PubMed, Lilacs, Cochrane e Scielo. A busca foi realizada em artigos publicados em português e inglês, por meio dos descritores “imunoglobulina”, “cortisol salivar”, “dano celular” e “autismo”. Resultado: por meio da pesquisa foi possível constatar a influência da música como um meio complementar no cuidado de portadores do TEA, enquanto instrumento de promoção da saúde e melhoria de qualidade de vida desses indivíduos. Considerações finais: Embora os estudos apontem os benefícios da música em portadores do TEA, sugere-se que sejam realizadas mais pesquisas nesse campo, sobretudo no Brasil. Portanto, o presente artigo se propõe como base teórica para uma posterior pesquisa-intervenção a fim de verificar os possíveis efeitos provocados por diferentes tipos de escuta musical sobre os indicadores de cortisol salivar, imunoglobulina A e dano celular de células epiteliais, bem como nos aspectos comportamentais, em crianças portadoras do Transtorno do Espectro Autista. A segunda fase da pesquisa já está em desenvolvimento, por meio do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Promoção da Saúde (Mestrado – UNISC) e seus resultados serão conhecidos em 2018

    Folate and vitamin B12 related to homocysteine and DNA damage in female university students

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    Background and Objectives: It is not clear whether the increase in nutrition students’ knowledge is associated with healthier eating behavior and fewer micronutrient deficiencies that can cause DNA damage. Deficiency in some vitamins can be a risk factor for increased homocysteine (Hcy) levels, a marker of cardiovascular risk. Therefore, this study aimed to verify whether dietary and serum folate and vitamin B12 are associated with Hcy levels and DNA damage in female university students. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with female university students from southern Brazil. Folate, vitamin B12, and Hcy levels were determined in their diet or serum. DNA damage levels were assessed by the alkaline comet assay (index and frequency) and the buccal micronucleus assay (micronuclei frequency and binucleated cells frequency). Results: Correlation analyses did not show an association between Hcy levels and dietary or serum folate and vitamin B12 consumption. Dietary folate and vitamin B12 were associated with the index and frequency of damages; however, only serum folate was negatively associated with the index and frequency of damages. Additionally, the frequency of binucleated cells was negatively associated with dietary vitamin B12 and positively associated with serum levels. Serum folate was negatively associated with the frequency of micronuclei. Hcy levels were associated with the index and frequency of damages. Conclusion: These findings strengthen the role of healthier dietary patterns with adequate micronutrients as a preventive strategy to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This approach should play a pivotal role in shaping health policies and advocating for appropriate food choices

    Geoprocessing and prevalence of incomplete prenatal booklets and gestational diabetes screening in a southern Brazilian University Hospital

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    Objective: to evaluate the prevalence of an incomplete prenatal booklet and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) screening of postpartum women in a southern Brazilian University Hospital, relating to the municipality of origin and the neighborhood in which they live. Methods: cross-sectional study, including 283 postpartum women, aged over 18 years and who had their births at the University Hospital of Santa Maria/Brazil from January to April 2015. An incomplete prenatal booklet was defined in the absence of any data referring to the obstetric history and the current pregnancy, as well as the lack of identification of the pregnant woman and the Health Unit where prenatal care was performed. For GDM screening, information on fasting blood glucose and risk factors collected from the postpartum women was used. The SPSS 20.0 program was used for descriptive statistics and the Geolocation maps were separated by municipalities of origin and by neighborhoods where the prenatal care of the puerperal women occurred and plotted according to the variables evaluated, using the ArcGIS 10.3 software. Results: the prevalence of an incomplete prenatal booklet was 79.2%, while prevalence of positive GDM screening was 73.9%. The geolocation pointed out 14 municipalities of origin and six neighborhoods where prenatal care had the highest prevalence of incomplete prenatal booklets. For GDM screening, spatial distribution showed ten municipalities of origin and four neighborhoods with a higher prevalence of positive screening for GDM. Conclusion: the geolocation showed that 14 municipalities of origin and six neighborhoods had the highest prevalence of incomplete prenatal booklets. In addition, ten municipalities of origin and four neighborhoods presented with higher prevalence of positive screening for GDM

    Food consumption is associated with hyperuricemia in boys

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    Hyperuricemia is related to health issues among children and adolescents, once the uric acid concentration is associated with metabolic syndrome, hypertension, insulin resistance, obesity, and dyslipidemia. However, few studies are addressing uric acid levels and food uptake in this age group. Aim To verify the association between food consumption and uric acid in children and adolescents. Methods This is a cross-sectional study developed with 2335 children and adolescents of both genders aged 6–17 years old. Blood collection was performed after 12 h of fasting. Uric acid values were classifed according to tertiles, in which the highest tertile was considered as hyperuricemia. Food consumption was evaluated by weekly consumption frequency questionnaire. Pearson correlation and logistic binary regressions were used for statistical analysis. Models were adjusted for age, systolic blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), and skin color/ethnicity. Results It was found an association between red meat consumption and hyperuricemia only in boys in the crude model (OR=1.56; 95% CI 1.12; 2.18). Also, there was an association between pasta (OR=1.52; 95% CI 1.11; 2.10) with hyperuricemia in boys, when adjusted age, systolic blood pressure, BMI, and skin color/ethnicity. Conclusion The knowledge of food patterns which are predisposing factors for the increase in serum uric acid levels is important for the implementation of strategies and public health policies for health promotion among children and adolescents

    Combination of sleep duration, TV time and body mass index is associated with cardiometabolic risk moderated by age in youth

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    The combination of sleep duration, television (TV) time and body mass index (BMI) may be related to the alteration of cardiometabolic risk. However, there are few studies that use these variables grouped, and showing the moderating role of age. This study aimed to verify if the combination of sleep duration, TV time and BMI is associated with cardiometabolic risk and the moderating role of age in this relationship in youth. Methods Cross-sectional study conducted with 1411 adolescents (611 male), aged 10–17 years. Sleep duration, TV time and BMI were assessed and grouped into eight categories. Cardiometabolic risk was assessed by a continuous metabolic risk score, including the following variables: low HDL-cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, dysglycemia, high systolic blood pressure, high waist circumference and low cardiorespiratory fitness. Generalized linear models were used to test moderation of age in the relationship between the eight categories of sleep duration/television time/BMI with cardiometabolic risk. Results Cardiometabolic risk factor showed association with all overweight or obesity independent of sleep time and TV time. Age moderated the relationship between sleep duration/television time/BMI with cardiometabolic risk. This association was stronger in younger adolescents (11 and 13 years), indicating that individuals with inadequate sleep, prolonged TV time and overweight/obesity present higher cardiometabolic risk values when compared to 15-year-old adolescents. Conclusion Overweight/obesity, independently of sleep duration and TV time, is the main risk factor for cardiometabolic disorders in adolescence. When moderated by age, younger adolescents that presented the combination of risk factors had higher cardiometabolic risk


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    Introduction: evidence suggests that the lack of physical exercise during the Covid-19 pandemic can result in changes in body weight. Objective: To investigate the relationship between changes in body weight and lifestyle variables during social distancing caused by Covid-19 among gym users. Method: participants in the study were gym-goers from the municipality of Santa Cruz do Sul/RS, Brazil. The study included individuals aged 18 years or older, of both sexes, who were practicing controlled social distancing due to Covid-19 from April to July 2020. Data were collected through a self-reported online questionnaire structured on Google Forms, which gathered sociodemographic and lifestyle data. Descriptive statistics using absolute and relative frequency were employed, and Poisson regression was used to evaluate the prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) (p<0.05). Results: the study included 102 gym users, with a prevalence of females (71.6%) and an average age of 34.78±13.11 years. It was observed that changes in body weight were more prevalent among users who reported poor health status, excessive stress, and lack of physical exercise. Conclusion: predictors of changes in body weight among gym users during social distancing were self-reported poor health status, stress, and lack of physical exercise.Introdução: evidências sugerem que a falta da prática de exercícios físicos durante a pandemia da Covid-19 pode resultar em alterações no peso corporal. Objetivo: investigar a relação entre a mudança de peso corporal com as variáveis de estilo de vida, durante o distanciamento social causado pela Covid-19, em usuários de academia de ginástica. Método: participaram do estudo praticantes de academias do município de Santa Cruz do Sul/RS, Brasil. Incluiu-se no estudo, indivíduos com idades igual ou superior a 18 anos, de ambos os sexos e que se mantinham em distanciamento social controlado devido à Covid-19, no período de abril a julho de 2020. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário autorreferido e de acesso on-line, estruturado no Google Forms, sobre dados os sociodemográficos e de estilo de vida. Utilizou-se estatística descritiva por meio de frequência absoluta e relativa e Regressão de Poisson foi utilizada para avaliar a razão de prevalência (RP) e com intervalo de confiança para 95% (IC 95%) (p<0,05). Resultados: participaram do estudo 102 usuários de academias com prevalência do sexo feminino (71,6%) e com 34,78±13,11 anos. Observou-se que a alteração no peso corporal foi mais prevalente nos usuários que apresentaram estado de saúde ruim, que estavam excessivamente estressados e que não praticavam exercícios físicos. Conclusão: os preditores em relação à mudança no peso corporal dos usuários de academia, durante o distanciamento social, foram a autoavaliação de um estado de saúde ruim, estresse e a ausência da prática de exercício físico