1,999 research outputs found

    Cartel damages claims and the passing-on defense

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    We develop a general economic framework for computing cartel damages claims by purchaser plaintiffs. We decompose the lost profits from the cartel in three parts: the direct cost effect (or anticompetitive price overcharge), the pass-on effect and the usually neglected output effect. The pass-on effect is the extent to which the plaintiff passes on the price overcharge by raising its own price, and the output effect is the lost business resulting from this passing-on. We subsequently introduce various models of imperfect competition for the plaintiffs industry. This enables us to evaluate the relative importance of the cost, pass-on and output effects. We show that an adjusted passing-on defense (i.e. accounting for the output effect) is justified under a wide variety of circumstances, provided that sufficiently many .firms in the plaintiff’s market are affected by the cartel. We derive exact discounts to the direct cost effect, which depend on relatively easy-to-observe variables, such as the pass-on rate, the number of firms, the number of firms affected by the cartel, and/or the market shares. We finally extend our framework to assess the cartel’s total harm, further demonstrating the crucial importance of the output effect. Our results are particularly relevant in light of the recent developments by U.S. and European antitrust authorities to make cartel damages claims more in line with actually lost profits.cartel damage claims

    Cartel damages claims and the passing-on defense.

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    We develop a general economic framework for computing cartel damages claims by purchaser plaintiffs. We decompose the lost profits from the cartel in three parts: the direct cost effect (or anticompetitive price overcharge), the pass-on effect and the usually neglected output effect. The pass-on effect is the extent to which the plaintiff passes on the price overcharge by raising its own price, and the output effect is the lost business resulting from this passing-on. We subsequently introduce various models of imperfect competition for the plaintiffs industry. This enables us to evaluate the relative importance of the cost, pass-on and output effects. We show that an adjusted passing-on defense (i.e. accounting for the output effect) is justified under a wide variety of circumstances, provided that sufficiently many .firms in the plaintiff’s market are affected by the cartel. We derive exact discounts to the direct cost effect, which depend on relatively easy-to-observe variables, such as the pass-on rate, the number of firms, the number of firms affected by the cartel, and/or the market shares. We finally extend our framework to assess the cartel’s total harm, further demonstrating the crucial importance of the output effect. Our results are particularly relevant in light of the recent developments by U.S. and European antitrust authorities to make cartel damages claims more in line with actually lost profits.Investment; Pricing; Decisions; Decision; Transport; Economy; Claim;

    Thermal roughening of {001} surfaces

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    Within the framework of a solid-on-solid model that incorporates nearest- (epsilon) and next-nearest-neighbor (delta) interactions we have determined the free energy of the high-symmetry steps on a (001) surface of a cubic crystal. We have found a simple expression that allows one to determine the thermal roughening temperature TR of a (001) surface (2e¿(epsilon/2+delta)/kbTR¿e¿(epsilon+2delta)/kbTR+2e¿(epsilon+delta)/kbTR=1). In a more refined analysis we have explicitly included step-edge overhangs. This results in a slightly lower thermal roughening temperature. Our results are also applicable to the two-dimensional Ising spin system

    Нормативные предпосылки чтения текста другого

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    Констатируется дефицит нормативности в современных историко-философских исследованиях, осмысляются его истоки и намечаются пути преодоления. На основе кантовской "дисциплины чистого разума" формулируются деонтологические принципы работы с философскими текстами.Констатується дефіцит нормативності в сучасних історико-філософських дослідженнях, осмислюються його витоки і намічаються шляхи подолання. На основі кантівської "дисципліни чистого розуму" формулюються деонтологічні принципи роботи з філософськими текстами.In the present article the deficit of normative in modern historical and philosophical research is established, its roots are comprehended and ways of overcoming are outlined. On the basis of "Discipline of refined mind" of Kant deontological principles of work with philosophical texts are formed

    A protocol improves GP recording of long-term sickness absence risk factors

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    Background If general practitioners (GPs) were better informed about patients' risks of long-term sickness absence (LTSA), they could incorporate these risk assessments into their patient management plans and cooperate more with occupational physicians to prevent LTSA. Aim To evaluate the effectiveness of a protocol helping GPs in recording risks of LTSA and in co-operating with occupational physicians (OPs). Methods Twenty-six GPs (co-operating in four groups) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, participated in a controlled intervention study. Fourteen GPs were the protocol-supported intervention group and twelve GPs were the reference group. Outcome measures were consultations containing work-related information, information about two risk factors for LTSA, referrals to OPs and contacts of OPs with GPs and patients. Outcomes were identified through an electronic search in the GPs' information systems. Entries containing information were independently scored by two investigators. The proportions of patients with consultations documenting LTSA-pertinent items were compared between the groups, accounting for differences at baseline. Results There was no increase in consultations containing work-related information. Recording of risk factor information increased in the intervention group; the difference was 4.5% [95% CI 1.5-7.6] and 1.8% (95% CI −0.8 to 4.4) for the two risk factors. The referral rate to the OP increased by 2.9% (95% CI 1.2-4.5). There was no effect on contacts of OPs with GPs or with patients. Conclusion Protocol-supported consultations may lead to a modest increase in information regarding two risk factors for LTSA in GPs' electronic records and to more referrals to OP

    Non-stationarity in GARCH models: A Bayesian analysis

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    First, the non-stationarity properties of the conditional variances in the GARCH(1,1) model are analysed using the concept of infinite persistence of shocks. Given a time sequence of probabilities for increasing/decreasing conditional variances, a theoretical formula for quasi-strict non-stationarity is defined. The resulting conditions for the GARCH(1,1) model are shown to differ from the weak stationarity conditions mainly used in the literature. Bayesian statistical analysis using Monte Carlo integration is applied to analyse both stationarity concepts for the conditional variances of the US 3-month treasury bill rate. Interest rates are known for their weakly non-stationary conditional variances but, using a quasi-strict stationarity measure, it is shown that the conditional variances are likely to be stationary. Second, the level of the treasury bill rate is analysed for non-stationarity using Bayesian unit root methods. The disturbances of the GARCH model for the treasury bill rate are t-distributed. It is shown that the unit root parameter is negatively correlated with the degrees-of-freedom parameter. Imposing normally distributed disturbances leads therefore to underestimation of the non-stationarity in the level of the treasury bill rate

    ¿Cómo buscar la evidencia en las fuentes de internet? : Salud Ocupacional

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    148 p.Libro ElectrónicoLa prevención de los riesgos ocupacionales, la promoción de la salud, la seguridad y la capacidad de trabajo, son las actividades principales y fundamentales de la Salud Ocupacional. A diario nos encontramos con el dilema: ¿cómo busco o encuentro la mejor evidencia científica disponible para tomar decisiones sobre el cuidado de mis pacientes? o ¿cómo uso los medios de comunicación como internet para encontrar la respuesta a mis inquietudes? o simplemente quiero saber, investigar, conocer, aprender más acerca de un problema o una enfermedad.La idea principal del libro "Como buscar la evidencia en las fuentes de internet" ha sido el dar una herramienta efectiva para el estudio para los participantes del curso en la "Salud Ocupacional Cruzando Fronteras”. Este libro se ha diseñado también para participantes en cursos postgraduales en el área de la Salud y la Seguridad Ocupacional. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es el de ayudar a buscar la mejor evidencia en la literatura científica. El contenido de este libro deja ver consejos generales, fuentes de alta calidad y una terminología de palabras relevantes en la Salud y la Seguridad OcupacionalÍndice 1. Página web de este libro 8 2. Introducción del equipo . 9 3. ¿Porqué este libro?. 11 4. Objetivos de este libro 13 5. Consejos generales para buscar la evidencia . 15 6. Fuentes importantes para la búsqueda 20 7. Guías 76 8. Terminología 121 9. Instituto Coronel de la Salud Ocupacional 133 10. Epílogo . 136 11. Enlaces y páginas importantes . 138 12. Datos y direcciones importantes 142 13. Referencias bibliográficas 143 14. Palabras de agradecimiento 14

    Natural conjugate priors for the instrumental variables regression model applied to the Angrist-Krueger data

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    We propose a natural conjugate prior for the instrumental variables regression model. The prior is a natural conjugate one since the marginal prior and posterior of the structural parameter have the same functional expressions which directly reveal the update from prior to posterior. The Jeffreys prior results from a specific setting of the prior parameters and results in a marginal posterior of the structural parameter that has an identical functional form as the sampling density of the limited information maximum likelihood estimator. We construct informative priors for the Angrist-Krueger (1991) data and show that the marginal posterior of the return on education in the US coincides with the marginal posterior from the Southern region when we use the Jeffreys prior. This result occurs since the instruments are the strongest in the Southern region and the posterior using the Jeffreys prior, identical to maximum likelihood, focusses on the strongest available instruments. We construct informative priors for the other regions that make their posteriors of the return on education similar to that of the US and the Southern region. These priors show the amount of prior information needed to obtain comparable results for all regions

    Prevention of occupational diseases in Turkey : deriving lessons from journey of surveillance

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    Introduction: To prevent and manage the societal and economic burden of occupational diseases (ODs), countries should develop strong prevention policies, health surveillance and registry systems. This study aims to contribute to the improvement of OD surveillance at national level as well as to identify priority actions in Turkey. Methods: The history and current status of occupational health studies were considered from the perspective of OD surveillance. Interpretative research was done through literature review on occupational health at national, regional and international level. Analyses were focused on countries' experiences in policy development and practice, roles and responsibilities of institutions, multidisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration. OD surveillance models of Turkey, Belgium and the Netherlands were examined through exchange visits. Face-to-face interviews were conducted to explore the peculiarities of legislative and institutional structures, the best and worst practices, and approach principles. Results: Some countries are more focused on exploring OD trends through effective and cost-efficient researches, with particular attention to new and emerging ODs. Other countries try to reach every single case of OD for compensation and rehabilitation. Each practice has advantages and shortcomings, but they are not mutually exclusive, and thus an effective combination is possible. Conclusion: Effective surveillance and registry approaches play a key role in the prevention of ODs. A well-designed system enables monitoring and assessment of OD prevalence and trends, and adoption of preventive measures while improving the effectiveness of redressing and compensation. A robust surveillance does not only provide protection of workers' health but also advances prevention of economic losses

    Creating social impact with side-events

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    All over the world, sport events are seen as significant tools for creating positive social impact. This is understandable, as sport events have the power to attract enthusiastic participants, volunteers and to reach large audiences of visitors and followers via (social) media. Outbursts of excitement, pleasure and feelings of camaraderie are experienced among millions of people in the case of mega events. Still, a fairly large section of the population does not care that much for sports. Some may experience road blocks, litter and noise disturbance from the events. Sport events generally require investments, often from local or national authorities. Concerned citizens rightfully point at alternative usage of public money (e.g. schools, health care). Thrills and excitement are good things, but does that warrant public money being spent on? Or is there a broader social significance of sport events? Can sport events help alleviate societal issues (like cohesion, inequality and non-participation), do they generate a social impact beyond what spectators experience during the event? In this report the authors have aimed to describe the state of play as regards the evidence for the occurrence of a social impact from sport events and the strategies that are required to enhance social impact from sport events. For the report, an extensive scan of the literature was performed and input was collected from a key group of international experts