100 research outputs found

    Do inhabitants profit from integrating a public health focus in urban renewal programmes?:A Dutch case study

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    Background Urban renewal traditionally involves policy sectors such as housing, transport, and employment, which potentially can enhance the health of residents living in deprived areas. Additional involvement of the public health sector might increase the health impact of these urban renewal activities. This study evaluates the health impact of an additional focus on health, under the heading of Healthy District Experiments (HDE), within districts where an urban renewal programme was carried out. Methods We evaluated changes in health outcomes before the start of the HDE and after implementation, and compared these changes with health changes in control areas, e.g. districts from the urban renewal programme where no additional HDE was implemented. Additionally, we gathered information on the content of the experiments to determine what types of activities have been implemented. Results The additional activities from the HDE were mostly aimed at strengthening the health care in the districts and at promoting physical activity. When we compared the prevalence in general health, mental health, overweight, obesity, smoking, and physical activity during the study period between the HDE districts and control districts, we found no significant differences in the rate of change. The study is limited by a small sample size and the cross-sectional nature of the data. These and other limitations are discussed. Conclusion We found no evidence for a beneficial health impact of the activities that were initiated with a specific focus on health, within a Dutch urban renewal programme. Specific attention for network management and the integration of such activities in the wider programme, as well as an allocated budget might be needed in order to sort a health impact

    Socio-economic inequalities in injury incidence in the Netherlands

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    Background: Interventions to reduce socio-economic inequalities in injury incidence should be tailored to specific priority areas that may be identified by descriptive studies. We aimed to provide an overview of exist

    An innovative method in creating healthier environment in rural areas

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    Rural areas in the northern parts of the Netherlands have lots of potentials to provide a healthy environment for their residents. However, population changes (ageing, outmigration) have a negative impact on the quality of life of residents. The GO!-Method that has been developed by the National Institute of Public Health and Environment (RIVM) in The Netherlands is used in this study. It allows us to identify the opportunities and needs in a systematic way and combine local knowledge by involving residents and local authorities with results of research for a sustainable move towards a healthier environment. Our presentation will focus on the GO!-Method as a bottom up method and its use in identifying threats and changes in realising a healthy living environment

    Identifying the Effects of the Rural Demographic Changes in the Northern Netherlands: A Holistic Approach to Create Healthier Environment

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    The Northern region of the Netherlands has beautiful landscapes, a nice diversity of green and blue areas, and dispersed settlements. However, some recent population changes can become threats to health and wellbeing in these areas. The rural areas in the three northern provinces - Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe, see youngsters leave the region for which reason they are aging faster than other regions in the Netherlands. As a result, some villages have faced major population decline that is leading to lose of facilities/amenities and decrease in accessibility and social cohesion. Those who still live in these villages; are relatively old, low educated and have low-income. To develop a deeper understanding of the health status of the people living in these areas, and help them to improve their living environment, the GO!-Method is being applied in this study. This method has been developed by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) of the Netherlands and is inspired by the broad definition of health by Machteld Huber: the ability to adapt and direct control, in terms of the physical, emotional and social challenges of life, while paying extra attention to vulnerable groups. A healthy living environment is defined as an environment that residents find it pleasant, and encourages and supports healthy behavior. The GO!-method integrates six domains that constitutes a healthy living environment: Health and lifestyle, facilities and development, Safety and hygiene, Social cohesion and active citizens, Green areas, and Air and noise pollution. First of all this method will identify opportunities for a healthier living environment using existing information and perceptions of residents and other local stakeholders in order to strengthen social participation and quality of life in these rural areas. Second this approach will connect identified opportunities with available and effective evidence based interventions in order to develop an action plan from the residents and local authorities perspective which will help them to design their municipalities healthier and more resilient. This method is being used for the first time in rural areas to our best knowledge, in close collaboration with the residents and local authorities of the three provinces to create a sustainable process and stimulate social participation. Our paper will present the outcomes of the first phase of this project in collaboration with the municipality of Westerkwartier, located in the northwest of the province of Groningen. And will describe the current situation, and identify local assets, opportunities, and policies relating to healthier environment; as well as needs and challenges to achieve goals. The preliminary results show that rural demographic changes in the northern Netherlands have negative impacts on service provisions and social cohesion, and there is a need to understand this complicated situation and improve the quality of life in those areas

    Do conceptualisations of health differ across social strata? A concept mapping study among lay people.

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    The legitimacy of policies that aim at tackling socioeconomic inequalities in health can be challenged if they do not reflect the conceptualisations of health that are valued in all strata. Therefore, this study analyses how different socioeconomic groups formulate their own answers regarding: what does health mean to you

    Onderzoek beleidsaanpak MKB-financieringsmarkt

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    __De vraagstelling van het onderzoek luidt als volgt:__ _Voorziet het overheidsbeleid, specifiek het EZK MKB financieringsbeleid en het samenspel van de diverse instrumenten, nog steeds in het effectief wegnemen van de knelpunten op de kapitaalmarkt die de beschikbaarheid van passende financieringsarrangementen voor ondernemingen belemmeren en waarin de markt zelf niet voorziet?

    IP-10 Kinetics in the First Week of Therapy are Strongly Associated with Bacteriological Confirmation of Tuberculosis Diagnosis in HIV-Infected Patients

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    Simple effective tools to monitor the long treatment of tuberculosis (TB) are lacking. Easily measured host derived biomarkers have been identified but need to be validated in larger studies and different population groups. Here we investigate the early response in IP-10 levels (between day 0 and day 7 of TB therapy) to identify bacteriological status at diagnosis among 127 HIV-infected patients starting TB treatment. All participants were then classified as responding or not responding to treatment blindly using a previously described IP-10 kinetic algorithm. There were 77 bacteriologically confirmed cases and 41 Xpert MTB/RIF® and culture negative cases. Most participants had a measurable decline in IP-10 during the first 7 days of therapy. Bacteriologically confirmed cases were more likely to have high IP-10 levels at D0 and had a steeper decline than clinically diagnosed cases (mean decline difference 2231 pg/dl, 95% CI: 897-3566, p = 0.0013). Bacteriologically confirmed cases were more likely to have a measurable decline in IP-10 at day 7 than clinically diagnosed cases (48/77 (62.3%) vs 13/41 (31.7%), p < 0.001). This study confirms the association between a decrease in IP-10 levels during the first week of treatment and a bacteriological confirmation at diagnosis in a large cohort of HIV positive patients
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