304 research outputs found

    Tissue Engineering of Human Heart Valve Leaflets: A Novel Bioreactor for a Strain-Based Conditioning Approach

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    Current mechanical conditioning approaches for heart valve tissue engineering concentrate on mimicking the opening and closing behavior of the leaflets, either or not in combination with tissue straining. This study describes a novel approach by mimicking only the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle, resulting in tissue straining. A novel, yet simplified, bioreactor system was developed for this purpose by applying a dynamic pressure difference over a closed tissue engineered valve, thereby inducing dynamic strains within the leaflets. Besides the use of dynamic strains, the developing leaflet tissues were exposed to prestrain induced by the use of a stented geometry. To demonstrate the feasibility of this strain-based conditioning approach, human heart valve leaflets were engineered and their mechanial behavior evaluated. The actual dynamic strain magnitude in the leaflets over time was estimated using numerical analyses. Preliminary results showed superior tissue formation and non-linear tissue-like mechanical properties in the strained valves when compared to non-loaded tissue strips. In conclusion, the strain-based conditioning approach, using both prestrain and dynamic strains, offers new possibilities for bioreactor design and optimization of tissue properties towards a tissue-engineered aortic human heart valve replacemen

    3D Fiber Orientation in Atherosclerotic Carotid Plaques

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    Atherosclerotic plaque rupture is the primary trigger of fatal cardiovascular events. Fibrillar collagen in atherosclerotic plaques and their directionality are anticipated to play a crucial role in plaque rupture. This study aimed assessing 3D fiber orientations and architecture in atherosclerotic plaques for the first time.Seven carotid plaques were imaged ex-vivo with a state-of-the-art Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) technique, using a high magnetic field (9.4. Tesla) MRI scanner. A 3D spin-echo sequence with uni-polar diffusion sensitizing pulsed field gradients was utilized for DTI and fiber directions were assessed from diffusion tensor measurements. The distribution of the 3D fiber orientations in atherosclerotic plaques were quantified and the principal fiber orientations (circumferential, longitudinal or radial) were determined.Overall, 52% of the fiber orientations in the carotid plaque specimens were closest to the circumferential direction, 34% to the longitudinal direction, and 14% to the radial direction. Statistically no significant difference was measured in the amount of the fiber orientations between the concentric and eccentric plaque sites. However, concentric plaque sites showed a distinct structural organization, where the principally longitudinally oriented fibers were closer to the luminal side and the principally circumferentially oriented fibers were located more abluminally. The acquired unique information on 3D plaque fiber direction will help understanding pathobiological mechanisms of atherosclerotic plaque progression and pave the road to more realistic biomechanical plaque modeling for rupture assessment

    A multiscale computational model of arterial growth and remodeling including Notch signaling

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    Blood vessels grow and remodel in response to mechanical stimuli. Many computational models capture this process phenomenologically, by assuming stress homeostasis, but this approach cannot unravel the underlying cellular mechanisms. Mechano-sensitive Notch signaling is well-known to be key in vascular development and homeostasis. Here, we present a multiscale framework coupling a constrained mixture model, capturing the mechanics and turnover of arterial constituents, to a cell-cell signaling model, describing Notch signaling dynamics among vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) as influenced by mechanical stimuli. Tissue turnover was regulated by both Notch activity, informed by in vitro data, and a phenomenological contribution, accounting for mechanisms other than Notch. This novel framework predicted changes in wall thickness and arterial composition in response to hypertension similar to previous in vivo data. The simulations suggested that Notch contributes to arterial growth in hypertension mainly by promoting SMC proliferation, while other mechanisms are needed to fully capture remodeling. The results also indicated that interventions to Notch, such as external Jagged ligands, can alter both the geometry and composition of hypertensive vessels, especially in the short term. Overall, our model enables a deeper analysis of the role of Notch and Notch interventions in arterial growth and remodeling and could be adopted to investigate therapeutic strategies and optimize vascular regeneration protocols.</p

    Next-generation tissue-engineered heart valves with repair, remodelling and regeneration capacity

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    Valvular heart disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Surgical valve repair or replacement has been the standard of care for patients with valvular heart disease for many decades, but transcatheter heart valve therapy has revolutionized the field in the past 15 years. However, despite the tremendous technical evolution of transcatheter heart valves, to date, the clinically available heart valve prostheses for surgical and transcatheter replacement have considerable limitations. The design of next-generation tissue-engineered heart valves (TEHVs) with repair, remodelling and regenerative capacity can address these limitations, and TEHVs could become a promising therapeutic alternative for patients with valvular disease. In this Review, we present a comprehensive overview of current clinically adopted heart valve replacement options, with a focus on transcatheter prostheses. We discuss the various concepts of heart valve tissue engineering underlying the design of next-generation TEHVs, focusing on off-the-shelf technologies. We also summarize the latest preclinical and clinical evidence for the use of these TEHVs and describe the current scientific, regulatory and clinical challenges associated with the safe and broad clinical translation of this technology.</p

    Stability analysis of injection molding flows

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    We numerically investigate the stability problem of the injection molding process. It was indicated by Bulters and Schepens Bulters and Schepens 2000 that surface defects of injection molded products may be attributed to a flow instability near the free surface during the filling stage of the mold. We examine the stability of this flow using the extended Pom–Pom constitutive equations. The model allows for controlling the degree of strain hardening of the fluids without affecting the shear behavior considerably. To study the linear stability characteristics of the injection molding process we use a transient finite element algorithm that is able to efficiently handle time dependent viscoelastic flow problems and includes a free surface description to take perturbations of the computational domain into account. It is shown that the fountain flow, which is a model flow for the injection molding process, is subject to a viscoelastic instability. If the various rheologies are compared, we observe that the onset of unstable flow can be delayed by increasing the degree of strain hardening of the fluid by increasing the number of arms in the Pom–Pom model. The most unstable disturbance which is obtained after exponential growth is a swirling flow near the fountain flow surface which is consistent with the experimental findings. © 2004 The Society of Rheology. DOI: 10.1122/1.1753276 I
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