179 research outputs found

    Portmanteau goodness-of-fit test for asymmetric power GARCH models

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    The asymptotic distribution of a vector of autocorrelations of squared residuals is derived for a wide class of asymmetric GARCH models. Portmanteau adequacy tests are deduced. %gathered These results are obtained under moment assumptions on the iid process, but fat tails are allowed for the observed process, which is particularly relevant for series of financial returns. A Monte Carlo experiment and an illustration to financial series are also presented.ARCH models; Leverage effect; Portmanteau test; Goodness-of-fit test; Diagnostic checking

    Inference in non stationary asymmetric garch models

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    This paper considers the statistical inference of the class of asymmetric power-transformed GARCH(1,1) models in presence of possible explosiveness. We study the explosive behavior of volatility when the strict stationarity condition is not met. This allows us to establish the asymptotic normality of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) of the parameter, including the power but without the intercept, when strict stationarity does not hold. Two important issues can be tested in this framework: asymmetry and stationarity. The tests exploit the existence of a universal estimator of the asymptotic covariance matrix of the QMLE. By establishing the local asymptotic normality (LAN) property in this nonstationary framework, we can also study optimality issues

    Optimal predictions of powers of conditionally heteroskedastic processes

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    In conditionally heteroskedastic models, the optimal prediction of powers, or logarithms, of the absolute process has a simple expression in terms of the volatility process and an expectation involving the independent process. A standard procedure for estimating this prediction is to estimate the volatility by gaussian quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) in a first step, and to use empirical means based on rescaled innovations to estimate the expectation in a second step. This paper proposes an alternative one-step procedure, based on an appropriate non-gaussian QML estimation of the model, and establishes the asymptotic properties of the two approaches. Their performances are compared for finite-order GARCH models and for the infinite ARCH. For the standard GARCH(p, q) and the Asymmetric Power GARCH(p,q), it is shown that the ARE of the estimators only depends on the prediction problem and some moments of the independent process. An application to indexes of major stock exchanges is proposed.APARCH; Infinite ARCH; Conditional Heteroskedasticity; Efficiency of estimators; GARCH; Prediction; Quasi Maximum Likelihood Estimation

    Testing the nullity of GARCH coefficients : correction of the standard tests and relative efficiency comparisons

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    This article is concerned by testing the nullity of coefficients in GARCH models. The problem is non standard because the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator is subject to positivity constraints. The paper establishes the asymptotic null and local alternative distributions of Wald, score, and quasi-likelihood ratio tests. Efficiency comparisons under fixed alternatives are also considered. Two cases of special interest are: (i) tests of the null hypothesis of one coefficient equal to zero and (ii) tests of the null hypothesis of no conditional heteroscedasticity. Finally, the proposed approach is used in the analysis of a set of financial data and leads to reconsider the preeminence of GARCH(1,1) among GARCH models.Asymptotic efficiency of tests; Boundary; Chi-bar distribution; GARCH model; Quasi Maximum Likelihood Estimation; Local alternatives

    Inconsistency of the QMLE and asymptotic normality of the weighted LSE for a class of conditionally heteroscedastic models.

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    This paper considers a class of finite-order autoregressive linear ARCH models. The model captures the leverage effect, allows the volatility to be zero and to reach its minimum for non-zero innovations, and is appropriate for long-memory modeling when infinite orders are allowed. It is shown that the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator is, in general, inconsistent. To solve this problem, we propose a self-weighted least-squares estimator and show that this estimator is asymptotically normal. Furthermore, a score test for conditional homoscedasticity and diagnostic portmanteau tests are developed. The latter have an asymptotic distribution which is far from the standard chi-square. Simulation experiments are carried out to assess the performance of the proposed estimator.Conditional homoscedasticity testing; Inconsistent estimator; Leverage effect; Linear ARCH; Quasi-maximum likelihood; Weighted least-squares

    QML estimation of a class of multivariate GARCH models without moment conditions on the observed process

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    We establish the strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator of the parameters of a class of multivariate GARCH processes. The conditions are mild and coincide with the minimal ones in the univariate case. In particular, contrary to the current literature on the estimation of multivariate GARCH models, no moment assumption is made on the observed process. Instead, we require strict stationarity, for which a necessary and sufficient condition is established.Asymptotic Normality; Conditional Heteroskedasticity; Consistency; Constant Conditional Correlation; Multivariate GARCH; Quasi Maximum Likelihood Estimation; Strict Stationarity Condition

    Strict stationarity testing and estimation of explosive ARCH models

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    This paper studies the asymptotic properties of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator of ARCH(1) models without strict stationarity constraints, and considers applications to testing problems. The estimator is unrestricted, in the sense that the value of the intercept, which cannot be consistently estimated in the explosive case, is not fixed. A specific behavior of the estimator of the ARCH coefficient is obtained at the boundary of the stationarity region, but this estimator remains consistent and asymptotically normal in every situation. The asymptotic variance is different in the stationary and non stationary situations, but is consistently estimated, with the same estimator, in both cases. Tests of strict stationarity and non stationarity are proposed. Their behaviors are studied under the null assumption and under local alternatives. The tests developed for the ARCH(1) model are able to detect non-stationarity in more general GARCH models. A numerical illustration based on stock indices is proposed.ARCH model; Inconsistency of estimators; Local power of tests; Nonstationarity; Quasi Maximum Likelihood Estimation

    Asymptotic properties of weighted least squares estimation in weak parma models

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    The aim of this work is to investigate the asymptotic properties of weighted least squares (WLS) estimation for causal and invertible periodic autoregressive moving average (PARMA) models with uncorrelated but dependent errors. Under mild assumptions, it is shown that the WLS estimators of PARMA models are strongly consistent and asymptotically normal. It extends Theorem 3.1 of Basawa and Lund (2001) on least squares estimation of PARMA models with independent errors. It is seen that the asymptotic covariance matrix of the WLS estimators obtained under dependent errors is generally different from that obtained with independent errors. The impact can be dramatic on the standard inference methods based on independent errors when the latter are dependent. Examples and simulation results illustrate the practical relevance of our findings. An application to financial data is also presented.Weak periodic autoregressive moving average models; Seasonality; Weighted least squares; Asymptotic normality; Strong consistency; Weak periodic white noise; Strong mixing.

    Computing and estimating information matrices of weak arma models

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    Numerous time series admit "weak" autoregressive-moving average (ARMA) representations, in which the errors are uncorrelated but not necessarily independent nor martingale differences. The statistical inference of this general class of models requires the estimation of generalized Fisher information matrices. We give analytic expressions and propose consistent estimators of these matrices, at any point of the parameter space. Our results are illustrated by means of Monte Carlo experiments and by analyzing the dynamics of daily returns and squared daily returns of financial series.Asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE); Bahadur's slope; Information matrices; Lagrange Multiplier test; Nonlinear processes; Wald test; Weak ARMA models