5 research outputs found

    Jewish Roots of Christian Liturgy and Their Current Presence in the Practice of Particular Catholic Communities

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    The aim of the thesis Jewish Roots of Christian Liturgy and Their Current Presence in the Practice of Particular Catholic Communities is to map the current state of research about Jewish roots of Christian liturgy using the available literature as the basis and show on the specific example of two Catholic communities (Community of The Beatitudes and The Saint James Vicariate for Hebrew Speaking Catholics) how they experience these Jewish roots and how it manifests in their liturgical practice. The work is divided into two steps: In the first part, current knowledge about Jewish sources from which the Christian liturgy drew and draws is summarized. The most important elements, types and forms of Jewish prayers are described, and then it is described which parts of the Christian liturgy are based on which types and forms of prayers. In the second part, the history of the establishment of the Beatitudes Community and the Hebrew Parish is described and their liturgical practice is analyzed with a focus on their motivations for emphasis of the Jewish roots, the development of this practice and its specifics, and their relation to the original historical basis points. The conclusion represents a reflection on the more general benefit of the practice of these two communities and the benefit of knowledge...Cílem práce Židovské kořeny křesťanské liturgie a jejich znovuuchopení v praxi některých katolických komunit je mapovat na základě dostupné literatury současný stav bádání o židovských kořenech křesťanské liturgie a ukázat na konkrétním příkladu dvou katolických společenství (Komunity Blahoslavenství a Hebrejské farnosti), jak prožívají tyto židovské kořeny a jak se to konkrétně projevuje v jejich liturgické praxi. Práce je členěna do dvou kroků: V první, teoretické části práce, shrnuji současné poznatky o židovských pramenech, ze kterých čerpala a čerpá křesťanská liturgie. Jsou popsány nejdůležitější prvky, typy a formy židovských modliteb a následně je popsáno, které části křesťanské liturgie z kterých typů modliteb a forem vycházejí. V druhé části je popsána historie vzniku Komunity Blahoslavenství a Hebrejské farnosti a je analyzována jejich liturgická praxe se zaměřením na jejich motivaci k akcentaci židovských kořenů, vývoj této praxe a její specifika a jejich vztah k původním historickým styčným bodům. Závěr představuje promýšlení obecnějšího přínosu praxe těchto dvou komunit a přínosu znalosti kořenů a inspirací křesťanské liturgie nejen pro křesťany samotné, ale také, jak tato znalost a přiblížení může sloužit k lepšímu spolunažívání členů těchto tak blízkých náboženství.Department of Pastoral Theology and Law SciencesKatedra pastorálních oborů a právních věd (do 2023)Catholic Theological FacultyKatolická teologická fakult

    Pedagogická diagnostika a pedagogické diagnostikování

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    Title in English: Educational assessment and diagnostic assessment: Textbook The textbook introduces students to diagnostic assessment and the theory of educational assessment. Students get acquainted with the basic methods and tools of educational assessment, learn about the process of diagnostic activities and the importance of cooperation with experts during diagnostic activities in practice. The study text is supplemented by practical examples and links to further resources that can help students understand teachers' diagnostic work

    Otherness viewed from the Inside and Outside

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    The theme of my graduation theses is "The View of the Otherness From Within and Without". My work focuses on exploring and becoming acquainted with "The Others": How they Perceive themselves, their experiences, how they cope with their otherness, and the reactions their communities. I further seek to explore how their otherness is perceived by their ^milies and friends as well as how "The Others" perceive those that are likewise "other" and their opinions about differing forms of otherness. "The Others" within the context of my work delude the physically handicapped, homosexuals, people of Russian ethnicity and practicing Catholics. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Določitev koeficienta prenosa toplote v izotermnem modelu jaškovne peči

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    This paper is devoted to the study of macro-segregations on the longitudinal section of a continuously cast billet 0 160 mm destined for the production of seamless pipes. Its evaluation comprised a visual inspection of macro-etching, microstructure characterisation and a quantitative X-ray microanalysis by means of an energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX) in the selected areas. Furthermore, segregation parameters were calculated using combustion-analysis data. The results given in this paper present the basic information about the interior structure of a continuously cast billet. The results will be used, beside other things, for the verification of the results of the numerical modelling of continuously cast billets.Ta članek obravnava študij makro-izcej na vzdolžnem prerezu kontinuirno ulite gredice Ø 160 mm namenjene za proizvodnjo brezšivnih cevi. Ocena je sestavljena iz vizuelnega pregleda po makrojedkanju, iz ocene in kvantitativne rentgenske mikroanalize s pomočjo energijsko disperzijske rentgenske analize (EDX) izbranih področij. Izračunani so bili tudi parametri izcejanja s pomočjo podatkov zgorevne analize. Rezultati, prikazani v tem članku, predstavljajo osnovno informacijo o notranji strukturi v kontinuirno uliti gredici. Rezultati bodo uporabljeni, poleg drugega, tudi za preverjanje rezultatov numeričnega modeliranja kontinuirno ulitih gredic.Web of Science51224123