138 research outputs found

    The Rank of the Covariance Matrix of an Evanescent Field

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    Evanescent random fields arise as a component of the 2-D Wold decomposition of homogenous random fields. Besides their theoretical importance, evanescent random fields have a number of practical applications, such as in modeling the observed signal in the space time adaptive processing (STAP) of airborne radar data. In this paper we derive an expression for the rank of the low-rank covariance matrix of a finite dimension sample from an evanescent random field. It is shown that the rank of this covariance matrix is completely determined by the evanescent field spectral support parameters, alone. Thus, the problem of estimating the rank lends itself to a solution that avoids the need to estimate the rank from the sample covariance matrix. We show that this result can be immediately applied to considerably simplify the estimation of the rank of the interference covariance matrix in the STAP problem

    Numerical simulation of centrifugal pumps

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    The power computers increase and the specific calculation software development have made possible, nowadays, the numerical simulation of flow and energy transfer inside the turbomachinery. To teach Fluid Mechanics is not easy not only for the professors but also for the students because the theoretical part must be complemented with a technical part where students can see the phenomena. However, specially in hydraulic turbomachinery, we canĂ­t see the phenomena except if we have a specific material, for example a PIV. Even if we would have this material, the access to specific parts of turbomachinery is not possible due to its constructive layout. The use of numerical simulation tools allows us to obtain data in inaccessible positions for the experimentation, as well as the study of unusual or dangerous performances. With the numerical simulation, the pressure fluctuation at any point of the pump can be easily obtained. Other important results are the radial forces on the impeller, which have a significant variation with the working points. One of the advantages of this kind of modelling is the ease to carry out changes in the geometry, parametric studies and analysis of anomalous operation conditions

    Unexpected differences between thermal and photoinitiated cationic curing of a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A modified with a multiarm star poly(styrene)-b-poly(ε-caprolactone) polymer

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    The effect of adding a multiarm star poly(styrene)-b-poly(ε-caprolactone) polymer on the cationic thermal and photoinitiated curing of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A was studied. This star-polymer decelerated the thermal curing of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A and modified the final structure of the epoxy matrix. The photocuring was influenced significantly by the addition of the multiarm star. When the proportion of this modifier added was 5%, much more time was necessary for complete photocuring (160 min at 40ÂşC). In the presence of 10% of modifier, the degree of photocuring reached was very low (0.196 at 120°C). A subsequent thermal post-curing was necessary to cure completely the system. During photocuring in presence of poly(styrene)-b-poly(ε-caprolactone), the formation of dormant species, which are reactivated when the temperature increases, takes places. The kinetics of the thermal curing and the photocuring was analyzed using an isoconversional method due to the complexity of the reactive process. Applying this method, it has been confirmed the dependence of activation energy on the degree of conversion. The fracture morphology analyzed by scanning electron microscopy exhibited a second phase originated during photocuring by the presence of the modifier

    How clear-cutting affects fire severity and soil properties in a Mediterranean ecosystem

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    Forest management practices in Mediterranean ecosystems are frequently employed to reduce both the risk and severity of wildfires. However, these pre-fire treatments may influence the effects of wildfire events on soil properties. The aim of this study is to examine the short-term effects of a wildfire that broke out in 2015 on the soil properties of three sites: two exposed to management practices in different years e 2005 (site M05B) and 2015 (site M15B) e and one that did not undergo any management (NMB) and to compare their properties with those recorded in a plot (Control) unaffected by the 2015 wildfire. We analyzed aggregate stability (AS), soil organic matter (SOM) content, total nitrogen (TN), carbon/ nitrogen ratio (C/N), inorganic carbon (IC), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), extractable calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), and potassium (K), microbial biomass carbon (Cmic) and basal soil respiration (BSR). In the managed plots, a clear-cutting operation was conducted, whereby part of the vegetation was cut and left covering the soil surface. The AS values recorded at the Control site were significantly higher than those recorded at M05B, whereas the TN and SOM values at NMB were significantly higher than those recorded at M05B. IC was significantly higher at M05B than at the other plots. There were no significant differences in C/N ratio between the analyzed sites. Soil pH at M05B was significantly higher than the value recorded at the Control plot. Extractable Ca was significantly higher at NMB than at both M05B and the Control, while extractable Mg was significantly lower at M05B than at NMB. Extractable K was significantly lower at the Control than at the three fire-affected plots. Cmic was significantly higher at NMB than at the Control. BSR, BSR/C and BSR/Cmic values at the fire-affected sites were significantly lower than those recorded at the Control. No significant differences were identified in Cmic/C. Overall, a comparison of the pre-fire treatments showed that NMB was the practice that had the least negative effects on the soil properties studied, followed by M15B, and that fire severity was highest at M05B due to the accumulation of dead plant fuelThis study was supported by the POSTFIRE Project (CGL2013-47862-C2-1 and 2-R) and the POSTFIRE_CARE Project (CGL2016-75178-C2-2-R [AEI/FEDER, UE]),financed by the Spanish Research Agency (AIE) and the European Union through European Funding for Regional Development (FEDER) and the FPU Program (FPU 014/00037) of the Ministry of Education, Cultureand Sports and Program 2014SGR825 of the Generalitat de Catalunya

    Joint tumor bud–MMP/TIMP count at the invasive front improves the prognostic evaluation of invasive breast carcinoma

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: Tumor budding is a histological phenomenon consisting of the formation of small clusters of one to five undifferentiated malignant cells detached from the main tumor mass which are observed in the tumor stroma. In the present study, we investigated the prognostic significance of tumor budding in breast cancer and its relationship with the expressions of matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs). Methods: The number of buds was counted in whole-tissue sections from 153 patients with invasive ductal carcinomas who underwent a long follow-up period. In addition, an immunohistochemical study of MMP-9, -11, and -14 TIMP-1 and -2 expression by cell types at the invasive tumor front was carried out. Results: There was a wide variability in the number of buds among tumors, ranging from 0 to 28 (median = 5). Tumor budding count ≥ 4 was the optimal cut-off to predict both relapse-free and overall survival. High-grade tumor budding was associated with MMP/TIMP expression by cancer-associated fibroblasts. In addition, we found that the combination of tumor budding grade with MMP/TIMP expression by stromal cells, and especially with MMP-11 expression by mononuclear inflammatory cells, significantly improved the prognostic evaluation. Conclusion: High-grade tumor budding is associated with a more aggressive tumor phenotype, which, combined with MMP/TIMP expression by stromal cells at the invasive front of the tumor, identifies patients with poor prognosis.Instituto de Salud Carlos III y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - (grant PI17/02236 and DTS19-00109

    Dual-curable stereolithography resins for superior thermomechanical properties

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    Stereolithography (SL) stands out as a relatively fast additive manufacturing method to produce thermoset components with high resolutions. The majority of SL resins consist of acrylate monomers which result in materials with cur-ing-induced shrinkage problems and this, in addition to the incomplete and non-uniform conversions reached in the SL process, results in poor mechanical properties. To address this issue, a dual-curing formulation was developed by mixing an epoxy monomer into a commercial multi-acrylate SL resin: the first curing stage is acrylate free-radical photopolymerization at ambient temperature, and the second curing stage is cationic epoxy homopolymerization at higher temperatures. The fully dual-cured materials are macroscopically homogeneous, with nanoscale domains observed by Atomic Force Mi-croscopy (AFM), and with unimodal tan delta peaks observed in Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). The uncured material was storage stable at ambient conditions for at least 9 weeks since the epoxy part was virtually unreactive at these temper-atures. With the dual-cured materials, a nearly 10-fold increase in Young’s modulus was achieved over the neat acrylate resin. At the thermal curing stage, the presence of diperoxyketal thermal radical initiator to the liquid formulation facilitated the polymerization of unreacted acrylates that remained from the SL process simultaneously with epoxy homopolymerization and helped the material attain improved properties

    Mapping water infiltration rate using ground and uav hyperspectral data: A case study of Alento, italy

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    Water infiltration rate (WIR) into the soil profile was investigated through a comprehensive study harnessing spectral information of the soil surface. As soil spectroscopy provides inval-uable information on soil attributes, and as WIR is a soil surface‐dependent property, field spectroscopy may model WIR better than traditional laboratory spectral measurements. This is because sampling for the latter disrupts the soil‐surface status. A field soil spectral library (FSSL), consisting of 114 samples with different textures from six different sites over the Mediterranean basin, combined with traditional laboratory spectral measurements, was created. Next, partial least squares regression analysis was conducted on the spectral and WIR data in different soil texture groups, showing better performance of the field spectral observations compared to traditional laboratory spectroscopy. Moreover, several quantitative spectral properties were lost due to the sampling pro-cedure, and separating the samples according to texture gave higher accuracies. Although the visible near‐infrared–shortwave infrared (VNIR–SWIR) spectral region provided better accuracy, we resampled the spectral data to the resolution of a Cubert hyperspectral sensor (VNIR). This hyper-spectral sensor was then assembled on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to apply one selected spectral‐based model to the UAV data and map the WIR in a semi‐vegetated area within the Alento catchment, Italy. Comprehensive spectral and WIR ground‐truth measurements were carried out simultaneously with the UAV–Cubert sensor flight. The results were satisfactorily validated on the ground using field samples, followed by a spatial uncertainty analysis, concluding that the UAV with hyperspectral remote sensing can be used to map soil surface‐related soil properties

    Structural studies of (rac)-BIPHEN organomagnesiates and intermediates in the halogen-metal exchange of 2-Bromopyridine

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    Four lithium magnesiate complexes (2−5) containing the dianionic (rac)-BIPHEN ligand have been prepared and characterized using X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. (THF)3·Li2Mg{(rac)-BIPHEN}nBu2, 2, (THF)3·Li2Mg{(rac)-BIPHEN}(CH2SiMe3)2, 3, and (THF)2·Li2Mg{(rac)-BIPHEN}neoPe2, 4, have been prepared by complexation of the appropriate dialkylmagnesium compound with in situ prepared Li(rac)-BIPHEN in a mixture of hydrocarbon/THF. For all structures, the Mg centers are four-coordinate (and retain the alkyl groups); however, in 2 and 3 the two Li centers have different coordination spheres (one binding to one THF molecule, the other to two). The solid-state structures of 2 and 3 are essentially isostructural with that of 4 except that both Li atoms in this molecule have equivalent coordination spheres. The solution behaviors of these three molecules have been studied by 1H, 13C, and DOSY NMR spectroscopy. During the synthesis of 2, it was discovered that a (rac)-BIPHEN-rich (or n-butyl-free) lithium magnesiate, (THF)4Li2Mg{(rac)-BIPHEN}fo2, 2b, could be isolated. The lithium precursor to 2−5, (THF)4·Li4{(rac)-BIPHEN)}2, 1, has also been isolated. Within the molecular structure of this tetranuclear complex, there are three different Li coordination environments. Finally, 2 has already shown promise as a reagent in a halogen−metal exchange reaction with 2-bromopyridine. The structural chemistry at play in this reaction was probed by X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. The organometallic intermediate pyridyl-magnesiated 5, (THF)2·Li2Mg{(rac)-BIPHEN}(2-pyridyl)2, was isolated in high yield

    Structural and Dynamical Patterns on Online Social Networks: the Spanish May 15th Movement as a case study

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    The number of people using online social networks in their everyday life is continuously growing at a pace never saw before. This new kind of communication has an enormous impact on opinions, cultural trends, information spreading and even in the commercial success of new products. More importantly, social online networks have revealed as a fundamental organizing mechanism in recent country-wide social movements. In this paper, we provide a quantitative analysis of the structural and dynamical patterns emerging from the activity of an online social network around the ongoing May 15th (15M) movement in Spain. Our network is made up by users that exchanged tweets in a time period of one month, which includes the birth and stabilization of the 15M movement. We characterize in depth the growth of such dynamical network and find that it is scale-free with communities at the mesoscale. We also find that its dynamics exhibits typical features of critical systems such as robustness and power-law distributions for several quantities. Remarkably, we report that the patterns characterizing the spreading dynamics are asymmetric, giving rise to a clear distinction between information sources and sinks. Our study represent a first step towards the use of data from online social media to comprehend modern societal dynamics.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Cystic Echinococcosis in Spain: Current Situation and Relevance for Other Endemic Areas in Europe

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    Cystic echinococcosis (CE) remains an important health problem in many regions of the world, both where no control measures have been implemented, and where control programs have been incompletely successful with ensuing re-emergence of the disease. In Spain, official data on CE show an increase in the proportion of intermediate hosts with CE during the last few years, and autochthonous pediatric patients have been reported, a sign of active local transmission of disease. A similar picture emerges from data reported to the European Food Safety Authority by other European countries. Nevertheless, several crucial aspects related to CE that would help better understand and control the disease have not been tackled appropriately, in particular the emergence of infection in specific geographical areas. In this respect, while some data are missing, other data are conflicting because they come from different databases. We review the current situation of CE in Spain compared with areas in which similar problems in the CE field exist, and offer recommendations on how to overcome those limitations. Specifically, we believe that the introduction of national registries for CE with online data entry, following the example set by the European Registry for Alveolar Echinococcosis, would help streamline data collection on CE by eliminating the need for evaluating and integrating data from multiple regions, by avoiding duplication of data from patients who access several different health facilities over time, and by providing much needed clinical and epidemiological data that are currently accessible only to clinicians
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