341 research outputs found

    Density Functional Theory of doped superfluid liquid helium and nanodroplets

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    During the last decade, density function theory (DFT) in its static and dynamic time dependent forms, has emerged as a powerful tool to describe the structure and dynamics of doped liquid helium and droplets. In this review, we summarize the activity carried out in this field within the DFT framework since the publication of the previous review article on this subject [M. Barranco et al., J. Low Temp. Phys. 142, 1 (2006)]. Furthermore, a comprehensive presentation of the actual implementations of helium DFT is given, which have not been discussed in the individual articles or are scattered in the existing literature. This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published on August 2, 2017 by Taylor & Francis Group in Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 36, 621 (2017), available online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0144235X.2017.1351672Comment: 113 pages, 42 figure

    0052: Role of kinins in diabetic wound healing

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    The diabetic foot is associated with pain, decrease in patient's quality of life, considerable costs, and amputation. In this study, we determined the role of KKS, via activation of bradykinin receptors (B1R or B2R), in a mouse model of diabetic wound healing. Diabetic or nondiabetic mice are wounded with an 8-mm punch biopsy and then are treated or not with specific B1R or B2R agonists (720nmol/kg.d-1) and/or B2R antagonist (Icatibant, 500ÎŒg/kg.dg/d-1). The wound-healing surface was daily followed up. At 11 days, the scar were analysed by histology (Masson's trichrome staining) and B1R and B2R expression were assessed (RT-qPCR). Effects of the agonists on cells (fibroblasts and keratinocytes) migration and proliferation were also analysed. In diabetic condition, mRNA of B1R and B2R was increased in skin (p<0.01). B1R activation had no effect on wound closure in our model. In contrast, B2R activation dramatically delayed wound healing in diabetic (p<0.001) or nondiabetic (p<0.01) mice. Histological analysis of scar showed significant skin disorganization and epidermis thickening with B2R agonist (p<0.05). In vitro, B2R agonist induced an increase of keratinocyte proliferation (+46% after 48h, p<0.01) and a stimulation of keratinocyte migration (+30% after 24h, p<0.05). These effects was associated with ERK phosphorylation which occurs downstream of EGFR activation (p<0.05). B2R agonist had no effect on fibroblast migration but decreased fibroblast proliferation (–33% after 48h, p<0.05). Co-treatment with Icatibant abrogated in vivo and in vitro effects observed with B2R agonist. Moreover, Icatibant alone hastened wound healing and decrease the epidermis thickening induced by diabetes. In conclusion, KKS, through the B2R but not the B1R, plays a critical role in proliferation and remodelling phases of skin wound healing in mice. While more studies are needed, Icatibant could be used to correct the diabetic wound healing defect

    Alkali atoms attached to vortex-hosting helium nanodroplets

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    Light absorption or fluorescence excitation spectroscopy of alkali atoms attached to 4He droplets is investigated as a possible way for detecting the presence of vortices. To this end, we have calculated the equilibrium configuration and energetics of alkali atoms attached to a 4He1000 droplet hosting a vortex line using 4He density functional theory. We use them to study how the dipole absorption spectrum of the alkali atom is modified when the impurity is attached to a vortex line. Spectra are found to be blue-shifted (higher frequencies) and broadened compared to vortex-free droplets because the dimple in which the alkali atom sits at the intersection of the vortex line and the droplet surface is deeper. This effect is smaller for lighter alkali atoms and all the more so when using a quantum description since, in this case, they sit further away from the droplet surface on average due to their zero-point motion. Spectral modifications due to the presence of a vortex line are minor for np ← ns excitation and therefore insufficient for vortex detection. In the case of higher nâ€Čp ← ns or nâ€Čs ← ns (nâ€Č > n) excitations, the shifts are larger as the excited state orbital is more extended and therefore more sensitive to changes in the surrounding helium density

    Estimation et reconstruction des signaux courts multicomposantes modulées non-linéairement à la fois en amplitude et en fréquence

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    - Dans ce papier, nous considĂ©rons des signaux, courts, non-stationnaires, modulĂ©s non linĂ©airement en amplitude et en frĂ©quence. Nous Ă©tendons une approche locale, dĂ©veloppĂ©e dans le cadre des signaux monocomposante et dont l'efficacitĂ© et la robustesse ont Ă©tĂ© prouvĂ©es [3, 4]. Nous utilisons un modĂšle polynomial pour la frĂ©quence et l'amplitude instantanĂ©es (FI / AI). Les paramĂštres du modĂšle sont ensuite estimĂ©s en maximisant la Vraisemblance par une technique d'optimisation stochastique : le Recuit SimulĂ©. BasĂ©s sur la mĂȘme dĂ©marche et dans le contexte des signaux multicomposantes, nous comparons deux approches diffĂ©rentes. Une premiĂšre approche, optimale, et qui s'avĂšre coĂ»teuse en temps de calcul, consiste Ă  estimer tous les paramĂštres du modĂšle Ă  la fois. La deuxiĂšme approche, sous-optimale, reconstruit itĂ©rativement le signal composante par composante. Des simulations de Monte Carlo et une comparaison avec les Bornes de Cramer Rao illustrant les bonnes performances seront prĂ©sentĂ©es. Nous obtenons une bonne estimation dans le cas oĂč les frĂ©quences instantanĂ©es se croisent, ce qui constitue une bonne performance compte tenu du faible nombre d'Ă©chantillons. Les deux approches sont testĂ©es ensuite sur des donnĂ©es rĂ©elles

    Dynamic drivers of a shallow-water hydrothermal vent ecogeochemical system (Milos, Eastern Mediterranean)

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    Shallow-water hydrothermal vents share many characteristics with their deep-sea analogs. However, despite ease of access, much less is known about the dynamics of these systems. Here, we report on the spatial and temporal chemical variability of a shallow-water vent system at Paleochori Bay, Milos Island, Greece, and on the bacterial and archaeal diversity of associated sandy sediments. Our multi-analyte voltammetric profiles of dissolved O2 and hydrothermal tracers (e.g. Fe2+, FeSaq, Mn2+) on sediment cores taken along a transect in hydrothermally affected sediments indicate three different areas: the central vent area (highest temperature) with a deeper penetration of oxygen into the sediment, and a lack of dissolved Fe2+ and Mn2+; a middle area (0.5 m away) rich in dissolved Fe2+ and Mn2+ (exceeding 2 mM) and high free sulfide with potential for microbial sulfide oxidation as suggested by the presence of white mats at the sediment surface; and, finally, an outer rim area (1-1.5 m away) with lower concentrations of Fe2+ and Mn2+ and higher signals of FeSaq, indicating an aged hydrothermal fluid contribution. In addition, high-frequency temperature series and continuous in situ H2S measurements with voltammetric sensors over a 6-day time period at a distance 0.5 m away from the vent center showed substantial temporal variability in temperature (32 to 46 ÂșC ) and total sulfide (488 to 1329 ïżœM) in the upper sediment layer. Analysis of these data suggests that tides, winds, and abrupt geodynamic events generate intermittent mixing conditions lasting for several hours to days. Despite substantial variability, the concentration of sulfide available for chemoautotrophic microbes remained high. These findings are consistent with the predominance of Epsilonproteobacteria in the hydrothermally influenced sediments Diversity and metagenomic analyses on sediments and biofilm collected along a transect from the center to the outer rim of the vent provide further insights on the metabolic activities and the environmental factors shaping these microbial communities. Both bacterial and archaeal diversity changed along the transect as well as with sediment depth, in line with the geochemical measurements. Beside the fact that it harbors an unexpected diversity of yet undescribed bacteria and archaea, this site is also a relevant model to investigate the link between ecological and abiotic dynamics in such instable hydrothermal environments. Our results provide evidence for the importance of transient geodynamic and hydrodynamic events in the dynamics and distribution of chemoautotrophic communities in the hydrothermally influenced sediments of Paleochori Bay

    Stable and Unstable Regimes of Mass Accretion onto RW Aur A

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    We present monitoring observations of the active T Tauri star RW Aur, from 2010 October to 2015 January, using optical high-resolution (R>10000) spectroscopy with CFHT-ESPaDOnS. Optical photometry in the literature shows bright, stable fluxes over most of this period, with lower fluxes (by 2-3 mag.) in 2010 and 2014. In the bright period our spectra show clear photospheric absorption, complicated variation in the Ca II 8542 A emission}profile shapes, and a large variation in redshifted absorption in the O I 7772 and 8446 A and He I 5876 A lines, suggesting unstable mass accretion during this period. In contrast, these line profiles are relatively uniform during the faint periods, suggesting stable mass accretion. During the faint periods the photospheric absorption lines are absent or marginal, and the averaged Li I profile shows redshifted absorption due to an inflow. We discuss (1) occultation by circumstellar material or a companion and (2) changes in the activity of mass accretion to explain the above results, together with near-infrared and X-ray observations from 2011-2015. Neither scenario can simply explain all the observed trends, and more theoretical work is needed to further investigate their feasibilities.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, accepted by Astrophysical Journal; some typos corrected on 4/18/201

    Fall-back time for photo-ionized Cs atoms attached to superfluid He-4 nanodroplets

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    We have studied the dynamic evolution of a Cs atom photo-excited from 6s to 6p and 7s states on a helium droplet using time-dependent 4He-DFT simulations. Depending on the excited electronic state, the Cs impurity remains on the droplet surface or it is ejected. Upon subsequent photo-ionization of the excited Cs atom the resulting Cs+ cation may either be ejected or come back to the droplet, depending on the time delay between photo-excitation and photo-ionization. We have calculated the critical time delay separating these two different behaviors, as well as final ion velocities. These observables will be used for future comparison with planned pump-probe experiments

    Mécanique et thermique des aimants pour champs magnétiques intenses

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    Les aimants pour champs magnĂ©tiques intenses (c'est Ă  dire au delĂ  des champs fournis par les aimants supraconducteurs) sont rĂ©alisĂ©s Ă  partir de bobinages d'alliage de cuivre soumis Ă  des contraintes mĂ©caniques et thermiques extrĂȘmes. Ces structures mĂ©caniques travaillent Ă  des contraintes proches de leur limite Ă©lastique et les flux de chaleur surfacique Ă  Ă©vacuer atteignent 500 W par cm2. Nous prĂ©sentons les dĂ©veloppements en cours pour la conception et la rĂ©alisation de ces Ă©changeurs thermiques aux caractĂ©ristiques trĂšs particuliĂšres

    The effectiveness of UEFA Financial Fair-Play: Evidence from England and France, 2008-2018

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    Purpose – This paper analyses the effectiveness of UEFA’s Financial Fair-Play (FFP) under the break-even requirement. Design/methodology/approach – Data was collected from English and French football clubs competing in the English Premier League (EPL) and in Ligue 1 (L1) for the financial years 2008-2018. Our sample includes 395 club-year observations. Relevant statistical tests have been conducted with the aim of analyzing the effects of pre (2008-2012) and post (2012-2018) FFP enforcement under both profitability and cost efficiency assumptions. Findings – In the EPL, an increase is observed in clubs’ profitability through both operating and break-even results. In L1, this improvement is only significant for break-even results of clubs not participating regularly in European competitions (non Euro-oriented clubs). Player expenditures, measured through two wage-to-revenue ratios excluding trading activity for one and including it for the other, have significantly decreased in the EPL except for the Eurooriented clubs for this latter. Conversely, in L1, this decrease is only significant in both wageto-revenue ratios for non Euro-oriented clubs and for the whole sample when trading is included. Originality/value – This article provides further contribution to empirical studies on FFP effectiveness that have often been focused on a single country. Practical implications – In addition to evidencing contrasting results in FFP effectiveness across countries, our results suggest it is not the sole cause of such an improvement in clubs’ finances. We suggest that UEFA should pursue its efforts to scrutinize the level of clubs’ player expenditures and that there is a need for a wider look at the FFP regulations questioning whether they are fit for purpose in their current format
