5 research outputs found
The Reproduction of Metaphors and Word Games in the Translation of the Novel by Erich Maria Remarque "Three Comrades"(Trīs draugi) into Latvian
Diplomdarba autore izvēlējās tēmu „Metaforu un vārdu spēļu atveidojums Ērika Marijas Remarka romāna „Trīs draugi” (Drei Kameraden) tulkojumā latviešu valodā”, jo tā apskata daiļliteratūras tulkošanas problēmas un piedāvā to risinājumus. Šie jautājumi ir svarīgi tulkotājam, kurš vēlas būt profesionāls un veiksmīgs. Tie meklē atbildi uz jautājumu- kā tulkot tādus mākslinieciskās izteiksmes līdzekļus kā metaforas un vārdu spēles? Ja zina atbildi, tad ceļš uz kvalitatīvu tulkošanas rezultātu ir vieglāks.
Diplomdarbā autore pētīja teorētiskās atziņas un meklēja atbildes uz jautājumiem par metaforu un vārdu spēļu atveidojumu, kā arī apskatīja metaforu un vārdu spēļu nozīmi literārajos tekstos. Šo mākslinieciskās izteiksmes līdzekļu tulkošana ir liels izaicinājums jebkuram tulkotājam, tāpēc autore meklēja to tulkošanas metodes un pielietojumu darbā, kas ir bagātīgs ar šiem līdzekļiem. Remarka „Trīs draugus” latviski ir tulkojis pazīstamais tulkotājs Valdemārs Kārkliņš un, pēc autores domām, viņa tulkošanas rezultāta analīze sniedz vērtīgu ieskatu ļoti labā literāra darba tulkojumā.The author of the diploma work „The Reproduction of Metaphors and Word Games in the Translation of the Novel by Erich Maria Remarque ”Three Comrades” („Trīs draugi”) into Latvian” has chosen this subject, because it inspects translation problems and offers their solutions. These questions are important for the translator, who wants to be professional and successful. They are looking for the answer of the question- how to translate such artistic means of expression like metaphors and word games? When the answer is known, then it is easier to reach a qualitative translating result.
In this diploma work the author studied the theoretical inferences and looked for the answers of the questions about the translation of metaphors and word games, as well as inspected the meaning of the metaphors and word games in the literary texts. The translating of these atistic means of expression is a big challenge for every translator, therefore the author searched for the tranlation methods and their use in a literary work, which is ample with these expressions. The novel „Three comrades” by Remarque into latvian has translated the well- known translator Valdemārs Kārkliņš and, according to the author, the analysis of the result of his translation gives a wholesome view into a very good translation of a literary work
Competition between Magnetic Structures in the Fe-Rich FCC FeNi Alloys
We report on the results of a systematic ab initio study of the magnetic structure of Fe rich fcc FeNi binary alloys for Ni concentrations up to 50 at. %. Calculations are carried out within density-functional theory using two complementary techniques, one based on the exact muffin-tin orbital theory within the coherent potential approximation and another one based on the projector augmented-wave method. We observe that the evolution of the magnetic structure of the alloy with increasing Ni concentration is determined by a competition between a large number of magnetic states, collinear as well as noncollinear, all close in energy. We emphasize a series of transitions between these magnetic structures, in particular we have investigated a competition between disordered local moment configurations, spin spiral states, the double layer antiferromagnetic state, and the ferromagnetic phase, as well as the ferrimagnetic phase with a single spin flipped with respect to all others. We show that the latter should be particularly important for the understanding of the magnetic structure of the Invar alloys.Original Publication: Igor A. Abrikosov, Andreas E. Kissavos, Francois Liot, Björn Alling, Sergey Simak, O. Peil and A. V. Ruban, Competition between Magnetic Structures in the Fe-Rich FCC FeNi Alloys, 2007, Physical Review B Condensed Matter, (76), 1, 014434. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.76.014434 Copyright: American Physical Society http://www.aps.org
Sulfheme formation during homocysteine S-oxygenation by catalase in cancers and neurodegenerative diseases
International audienceAccumulating evidence suggests that abnormal levels of homocysteine are associated with vascular dysfunctions, cancer cell proliferation and various neurodegenerative diseases. With respect to the latter, a perturbation of transition metal homeostasis and an inhibition of catalase bioactivity have been reported. Herein, we report on some of the molecular bases for the cellular toxicity of homocysteine and demonstrate that it induces the formation of sulfcatalase, an irreversible inactive state of the enzyme, without the intervention of hydrogen sulfide. Initially, homocysteine reacts with native catalase and/or redox-active transition metal ions to generate thiyl radicals that mediate compound II formation, a temporarily inactive state of the enzyme. Then, the ferryl centre of compound II intervenes into the unprecedented S-oxygenation of homocysteine to engender the corresponding sulfenic acid species that further participates into the prosthetic heme modification through the formation of an unusual Fe( II) sulfonium. In addition, our ex cellulo studies performed on cancer cells, models of neurodegenerative diseases and ulcerative colitis suggest the likelihood of this scenario in a subset of cancer cells, as well as in a cellular model of Parkinson's disease. Our findings expand the repertoire of heme modifications promoted by biological compounds and point out another deleterious trait of disturbed homocysteine levels that could participate in the aetiology of these diseases
Autonomous battery optimisation by deploying distributed experiments and simulations
Non-trivial relationships link individual materials properties to device-level performance. Device optimisation therefore calls for new automation approaches beyond the laboratory bench with tight integration of different research methods. We demonstrate a Materials Acceleration Platform (MAP) in the field of battery research based on our problem-agnostic Fast Intentional Agnostic Learning Server (FINALES) framework, which integrates simulations and physical experiments without centrally controlling them. The connected capabilities entail the formulation and characterisation of electrolytes, cell assembly and testing, early lifetime prediction, and ontology-mapped data storage provided by institutions distributed across Europe. The infrastructure is used to optimise the ionic conductivity of electrolytes and the End Of Life (EOL) of lithium-ion coin cells by varying the electrolyte formulation. We rediscover trends in ionic conductivity and investigate the effect of the electrolyte formulation on the EOL. We further demonstrate the capability of our MAP to bridge diverse research modalities, scales, and institutions enabling system-level investigations under asynchronous conditions while handling concurrent workflows on the material- and system-level, demonstrating true intention-agnosticism