271 research outputs found

    The Influence of short-term land use change on soil evolution in the centre-south coastal areas of Sardinia

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    The land use change in short-term (time and space) in the Mediterranean context can be induced by phenomena like destruction of the autochthonous plant species, land abandonment, overgrazing, fire, urbanization (above all for touristic purpose), etc. These phenomena can lead to soil’s degradation conditions causing a loss of physical and biological productivity and the consequent emphasis in desertification processes. Desertification is considered one of the biggest environmental problems in Mediterranean areas (ICCD, 1994), and Sardinia is one of the most affected regions in Europe (UNEP, 1992; Imeson and Emmer, 1992). In Sardinia changes happened during the last decades (such as industrialization, coastal urban areas expansion, etc.) have often resulted in repercussions on the environmental ecosystems and foremost on soils. An important decrease of fertile lands and a consequent increase of marginal and unproductive areas have been observed; this fact has taken to manifest environmental and economic repercussions. In Sardinia such degradation phenomena are particularly evident in coastal areas, where the uncontrolled urbanization and the natural touristic vocation represent relevant impact types. In fact, in 1897 km of coastal lands (500 km are represented by dunal systems) 40% is subjected to deep erosion phenomena, that often are caused by wrong management actions. For these reasons the knowledge of their nature and expansion is of primary importance to carry out correct choices in land use. This work shows an example of a comparative investigation on coastal ecosystems particularly under human pressure. The investigated areas are located along the Centre–North coast of Sardinia. Particularly they concern: a) soils on limestone formations, forestry live oak cover and pasture land use (goat and swine); b) soils on fixed dunes, reforestation with pine and touristic-recreational land use foremost. In the areas several soil profiles have been realized to investigate the influence of the land use change, occurring in short-term in both places, on the evolution and degradation processes of soils

    A Quali-quantitative evaluation approach to pedodiversity by multivariate analysis: introduction to the concept of "pedocharacter"

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    A model has been developed for the interpretation of the complexity of pedological systems; this is referred to as “pedocharacter”. The main aim of the model was to reduce the variables able to define soils and their relationships with the environment through the following quali-quantitative approach: i) definition of a fair number of qualitative characters; and ii) development of an analytic function, defined as “Land Relevance of the Factor”

    Categorizing basic factors driving soil genesis, pedovariability and plant assemblages in Mediterranean Temporary Wetlands (TWs)

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    A research was carried out in six Temporary Wetlands (TWs), located in north-western Sardinia (Italy), with the aim to categorize the basic factors driving and linking soil genesis and plant assemblages in Mediterranean basin

    Pedotechniques strategies to improve soil resilience against the impact of irrigation by municipal wastewater: using zeolitized tuffs as soil amendments

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    A research was started aiming at evaluating the possible use of natural zeolites as exchange conditioners to improve and make durable the soil resilience against the adverse effects of the use of anomalous wastewater, for irrigation purposes. To satisfy such aims, two zeolitized tuffs (ZTs), viz. a Neapolitan yellow tuff (NYT) and a clinoptilolite bearing tuff (ZCL), were tested as pedotechnical materials to improve soil resilience against the impact of treatment by a ‘dirty’ municipal wastewater (DMW)

    Relationship between ABO blood group and von Willebrand factor levels: from biology to clinical implications

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    Although a number of studies have demonstrated the influence of ABO blood group on plasma levels of von Willebrand factor (VWF), the nature of this association and its clinical importance is still largely unknown

    The Intangible Heritage of the Anthropocene: The Toponymic Revolution in the Human Age

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    Although the Anthropocene has been approached from numerous perspectives, scholars have not as yet considered an interesting point of view. Indeed, one of the most important intangible inheritances of the Anthropocene is detectable in the deep influence on a very common, though extremely complex, "performative practice" that each one of us regularly and (often) unconsciously enacts in everyday life. Place names or toponyms are the final repository of an impressive accumulation of knowledge acquired by indigenous peoples, through long histories of conflict and interaction with their surrounding environment. During the Anthropocene, a massive toponymic revolution has modified and still characterizes several places in the world due to the considerable environmental and socio-economic changes imposed by human activities. Some worldwide cases will be presented and discussed to illustrate the importance, intensity, and pervasiveness of these Anthropocene-related human activities, as driving forces determining this unexpected and underrated revolution

    Zeolitized tuffs in pedotechnique for quarry restoration: evaluation of phytonutritional efficiency in ^AUP model horizons

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    A study was started aiming at assessing the suitability of zeolitized tuff as optimal mineral Human Transported Materials (HTMs) in pedotechnologies for quarry restoration

    From naturalist to militant: the trajectory of Rachel Carson

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    This article, a synthesis of bibliographical and documentary research, restores the trajectory of Rachel Carson, biologist, writer, and icon of contemporary environmentalism. Initially, it deals with her personal life, especially with the burdens and familiar circumstances that conditioned her academic formation and her professional choices. Then, it presents the rise of Carson as a writer dedicated to scientific dissemination and the success obtained through a famous trilogy on the ocean. After the article discusses the historical context and the circumstances that led to the creation of Silent Spring, its main arguments, the marketing strategies used for its publication, and the international repercussions brought about by the work. Finally, it presents the criticisms directed against her book on pesticides.O artigo, síntese de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, reconstitui a trajetória de Rachel Carson, bióloga, escritora e ícone do ambientalismo contemporâneo. Inicialmente, trata de sua vida pessoal, em especial dos fardos e das circunstâncias familiares que condicionaram a sua formação acadêmica e as suas escolhas profissionais. Apresenta, em seguida, a ascensão de Carson como escritora dedicada à divulgação científica, obtida por meio da publicação de uma trilogia a respeito do oceano. Aborda, então, o contexto histórico e as circunstâncias que levaram à elaboração de Primavera Silenciosa, os seus principais argumentos, as estratégias mercadológicas utilizadas para a sua publicação e a repercussão internacional provocada pelo trabalho. Por fim, apresenta as críticas que lhe foram dirigidas

    Self-assembly of C60 on a ZnTPP/Fe(001)–p(1 × 1)O substrate: observation of a quasi-freestanding C60 monolayer

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    Fullerene (C(60)) has been deposited in ultrahigh vacuum on top of a zinc tetraphenylporphyrin (ZnTPP) monolayer self-assembled on a Fe(001)–p(1 × 1)O substrate. The nanoscale morphology and the electronic properties of the C(60)/ZnTPP/Fe(001)–p(1 × 1)O heterostructure have been investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy. C(60) nucleates compact and well-ordered hexagonal domains on top of the ZnTPP buffer layer, suggesting a high surface diffusivity of C(60) and a weak coupling between the overlayer and the substrate. Accordingly, work function measurements reveal a negligible charge transfer at the C(60)/ZnTPP interface. Finally, the difference between the energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) and that of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) measured on C(60) is about 3.75 eV, a value remarkably higher than those found in fullerene films stabilized directly on metal surfaces. Our results unveil a model system that could be useful in applications in which a quasi-freestanding monolayer of C(60) interfaced with a metallic electrode is required

    Filming a hidden resource: The soil in the seventh art narrative

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    The general public often perceives soil as a hidden resource. In recent years, the film industry has shown an increasing awareness about the soil environment. Indeed, as public opinion about environmental problems has increased, soil as a natural resource has become more popular in public discourse, and, consequently, the film industry, partly because of its ability to showcase public concerns and mainstream opinion. This review aims to identify depictions of soil in films and the following consequences regarding their impact on society. We investigated movies containing different perspectives and aimed to understand: i) the role of the soil environment in their message; ii) how soil was approached by filmmakers; iii) how and to what extent such an approach changed along the investigated period; and finally; iv) how “soil movies” should be used as an innovative educative and didactic tool. Nine hundred and eighty movies where soils represent a direct or indirect source of inspiration or background for the movie’s storytelling were analyzed (from 1903 to 2022). Several approaches to soil resources were observed, which led us to seek quantitative data, too. Results showed that soil has been represented with approaches often far from the simple idea of soil as a static backdrop. Scriptwriters and directors have moved from a stylistic representation of soil to one that includes the soil environment in the main narrative by using innovative metaphoric approaches. With its ability to represent soil as a natural resource, this review demonstrates that “soil movies” can strongly contribute to spreading knowledge about this fragile and non-renewable resource, encouraging its use for educational purposes