2,520 research outputs found

    "Organic District": identification methodology and agricultural policy objectives

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    Italy, unlike other countries, has included the territorial dimension in the recent interventions and regulations of organic agriculture, introducing explicitly the concept of “organic district”. It is defined as a local productive system with a high agricultural vocation where organic production and processing practices are predominant. The main object of this new subject is to promote the diffusion of organic agriculture focusing on the productive and environmental territorial characteristic. In this poster, after a general definition of the organic districts, as they are introduced in the Italian regulations, a method for their identification in a region is proposed. In the final part, some considerations about the role of the organic district within the general framework of agro-environmental policies are developed.organic district, agro-environmental policies, organic agriculture, Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy,


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    The aim of this study is to present the “stock and flow” model - based on the Georgescu-Roegen bio economic paradigm and on the ecological economics principles - in a regional key and to discuss the implications of such an approach on the local system governance in order to guarantee a long term economic, social and environmental self-sustainability. These theories give a dynamic characteristic to this approach, by interconnecting the production process (supply) with the responsibilities of the welfare generation (demand). Starting from this theoretical model, it is possible to look at the integrating modes of production and consumption processes at a local scale that consent to guide a rural system towards conditions of sustainability. This perspective of rural system governance imposes the relocation of the control of resources (stock) to a local level and, therefore, a deep change in the idea of the politic procedures.Ecological economics, Stock and flow, Ecological footprint, Agribusiness, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Public Economics,


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    The paleoecology of the bizarre, long-necked tanystropheid diapsid Tanystropheus from the Middle and Late Triassic of Western and Eastern Tethys has been debated since the first discoveries. In the present work, osteological features related with gait and locomotion are reanalysed, and a reconstruction of the pattern of the musculature of the tail, pelvic girdle and hindlimb is proposed. The anatomical correlates, along with the inferred functional interpretation of the musculature support the hypothesis that 1) Tanystropheus was able to lift the body off the substrate when on land, 2) it lacked adaptations for continuous swimming, either tail-based or limb-based, 3) it was able to swim for by rowing with symmetrical strokes of the hind limbs. Rowing is a discontinuous swimming pattern that occurs in animals with a semi-aquatic life style which return frequently to emerged land, thus the proposed model is consistent with the hypothesis that Tanystropheus was a shoreline dweller rather than a fully aquatic animal

    Differences in the hindlimb anatomy in the two species of the late triassic Drepanosauromorph diapsid Megalancosaurus indicate habitat partitioning within the arboreal environment

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    Discovery of two different morphologies of the hindlimb in specimens ascribed to the Triassic drepanosauromorph diapsid Megalancosaurus led to the erection of two distinct species within this genus: M. preonensis and M. endennae. In the present study a re-examination of the hindlimb architecture of both Megalancosaurus species indicates that M. preonensis and M. endennae exploited different microhabitats within the arboreal environment as for many extant species belonging to the same genus, like caribbean Anoles. M. endennae, with a stronger lower leg, a larger grasping foot, an opposable clawless hallux, and deeper and more recurved claws on pedal digits 2-5 was better adapted for locomotion on narrow and intricate supports like narrow twigs on terminal branches. M.preonensis with more slender hindlimbs, absence of an opposable hallux and longer, but thinner and less recurved claws on all pedal digits may have been better adapted to live on larger supports and could also have used the long pedal claws as hooks in a sloth-like fashion. In both Megalancosaurus species the tail acted both as a prop to assume a stable tripodal gait and as a clinging device that ensured grip during bridging as in other arboreal drepanosauromorphs which skeleton is adequately known. The overall hindlimb adaptation of Megalancosaurus species are more similar to that of some small arboreal mammals rather than that of chameleons

    Household food waste from an international perspective

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    open2noThe food waste debate has flourished during the last years, leading to an impressive increase in the number of scientific publications. After FAO stated that about one-third of the total food produced at the global level goes wasted, the topic has been given increasing attention, and it became a specific sub-goal of the SDG 12 of Agenda 2030. The most recent study published by UNEP reported that globally around 931 million tons of food waste was generated in 2019, 61% of which came from households.openGiordano, C; Franco, S.Giordano, C; Franco, S


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    Discovery of two different morphologies of the hindlimb in specimens ascribed to the Triassic drepanosauromorph diapsid Megalancosaurus led to the erection of two distinct species within this genus: M. preonensis and M. endennae. In the present study a re-examination of the hindlimb architecture of both Megalancosaurus species indicates that M. preonensis and M. endennae exploited different microhabitats within the arboreal environment as for many extant species belonging to the same genus, like caribbean Anoles. M. endennae, with a stronger lower leg, a larger grasping foot, an opposable clawless hallux, and deeper and more recurved claws on pedal digits 2-5 was better adapted for locomotion on narrow and intricate supports like narrow twigs on terminal branches. M.preonensis with more slender hindlimbs, absence of an opposable hallux and longer, but thinner and less recurved claws on all pedal digits may have been better adapted to live on larger supports and could also have used the long pedal claws as hooks in a sloth-like fashion. In both Megalancosaurus species the tail acted both as a prop to assume a stable tripodal gait and as a clinging device that ensured grip during bridging as in other arboreal drepanosauromorphs which skeleton is adequately known. The overall hindlimb adaptation of Megalancosaurus species are more similar to that of some small arboreal mammals rather than that of chameleons.  

    Back to the Future? Understanding Change in Food Habits of Farmers' Market Customers

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    farmers' markets, food habits, Italy, Agribusiness, Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Health Economics and Policy,

    Calidad de Atención brindada a las Víctimas de Violencia Intrafamiliar y Sexual en la Comisaria de la Mujer Niñez y Adolescencia en la Delegación Policial de Granada en el Primer Trimestre 2017

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    El presente estudio se realizó sobre la calidad de atención en el tratamiento especializado que brindan las funcionarias de la comisaria de la Mujer a usuarias víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar en la Delegación Policial de Granada. Durante el desarrollo de la investigación se aplicaron instrumentos a usuarias externas y internas y una guía de observación en el local donde se presa la atención. Los instrumentos con sus escalas de medición fueron sometidos a validez por nuestra tutora. Se realizó indagación y revisión documental de trabajos referentes a violencia intrafamiliar. Sobre los resultados mås relevantes se destaca, 1. Las características de las mujeres en edades jóvenes y escolaridad baja que sufren maltratos. 2. Las condiciones mínimas de disponibilidad de medios para brindar la atención con el 96% 3. La relación de cortesía y satisfacción que le brinda el personal a las víctimas durante el proceso como buena con el 69%. 4. Las condiciones de la infraestructura física con 67.5% no adecuadas y los servicios båsicos como sala de espera, baños, limpios y accesibl

    Farmers’ Markets, Producer and Consumer Behaviour: Analysis of Interactions with the Metrics of Sustainability

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    This paper provides insights of the Italian farmers' markets (FMs) experience. These short food chains can be conceptualized among the so-called "alternative agro-food networks", which reject the traditional food chains features - productivity, products standardization and industrial organization - to focus on other issues such as quality, local production and "naturality" of agro-food production.The main objective of the paper is to evaluate the sustainability of FMs, through the analysis of the demand and the supply side. The analysis is based on a survey administered in 13 Italian FMs, involving 158 farmers and 458 consumers. Data are used to evaluate consumers' demand for sustainability within FMs and sustainability indicators at the farm level. These indicators support a classification of the farms, aimed at analysing their motivation to participate in the markets and the extent to which they are able to meet consumers' demand.Results show that FMs might be able to favour the spreading of a more sustainable economy. However, farms should improve their business strategies in order to meet consumers' demand for sustainability. In this respect, agricultural policies at the European and local level can play a role, in order to enhance sustainable practices within the farms

    La educaciĂłn para La NaciĂłn: los intereses, los editoriales y el valor de las palabras

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    La construcciĂłn de subjetividades mediante la implementaciĂłn de lo que se denomina big data y noticias falsas (Fake News), de la posverdad, y entre otros los fenĂłmenos del negacionismo, profundizados por los productos, consumos y usos de internet, han generado un escenario complejo de disputas de sentido en el cual los medios de comunicaciĂłn se dan de estrategias para construir hegemonĂ­a y dominio sobre el sentido comĂșn de las personas. El caso del diario La NaciĂłn a travĂ©s de sus editoriales es emblemĂĄtico en tanto en los Ășltimos años se ha dado de diversas estrategias para aggiornar un medio centenario a las potencialidades y particularidades del siglo XXI, pero a su vez sosteniendo una postura polĂ­tica ideolĂłgica que mantiene relaciĂłn con sus orĂ­genes.Facultad de Periodismo y ComunicaciĂłn Socia
