186 research outputs found

    Análisis de Opinión en Redes Sociales y Valor para el análisis de producto

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    En este artículo se presentan las tendencias en el análisis informatizado de opiniones, con atención al caso de productos. Se presta particular atención a las fases de los estudios, así como a las herramientas para llevarlos a cabo. Se analizan las dificultades tecnológicas que la interpretación del lenguaje natural plantea. Finalmente se realiza una proyección de las tendencias dominantes y de la evolución de esas técnicas. Palabras clave: procesado de lenguaje natural, análisis informatizado de textos, opinión sobre productos. ------------ In this paper, the goal is to explore trends for opinion mining by computer techniques, with special attention is paid to the goods case. Phases for structured analyses as well as common tools and environments are depicted. Technical difficulties dealing with Natural Language Processing activities are also reviewed. Forecasting of main trends as well as their evolution is finally described. Keywords: natural language processing, text mining, product opinion minin

    Enhancing argumentation and decision‑making of preservice early childhood education teachers through role‑playing on animal experimentation

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    This study explores the socio-scientific issue of the relevance of animal experimentation using a role-playing game to develop argumentation and decision-making skills as key components of critical thinking. The activity was conducted with two cohorts, each con- sisting of 30 pre-service early childhood education teachers at the University of Málaga (Málaga, Spain). The study analyzes the arguments provided by the participants to justify their decisions and perceptions on the issue before and after engaging in the role-playing. The findings reveal a progression of participants from the initial rejection of animal exper- imentation to recognizing its imperative role in shaping scientific knowledge. Addition- ally, an enhancement in the understanding of rational aspects of the issue is detected, as observed through the evolution of the types of arguments employed in justifications before and after the intervention. Furthermore, emotionally charged arguments related to ethical and moral aspects of the issue are also observed.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad Málaga/CBUA. This work is part of the R+D+i Project ‘Citizens with critical thinking: A challenge for teachers in science education’, reference J. J. Vicente et al.1 3 PID2019-105765GA-I00, and the Project ‘Modeling in science education: from science classroom to teacher training’, reference PID2022-136353NB-I00, both funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Agencia Estatal de Investigación [grant number MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033]

    KIBS Innovative Entrepreneurship Networks on Social Media

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    The analysis of the use of social media for innovative entrepreneurship in the context has received little attention in the literature, especially in the context of Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS). Therefore, this paper focuses on bridging this gap by applying text mining and sentiment analysis techniques to identify the innovative entrepreneurship reflected by these companies in their social media. Finally, we present and analyze the results of our quantitative analysis of 23.483 posts based on eleven Spanish and Italian consultancy KIBS Twitter Usernames and Keywords using data interpretation techniques such as clustering and topic modeling. This paper suggests that there is a significant gap between the perceived potential of social media and the entrepreneurial behaviors at the social context in business-to-business (B2B) companies.Comment: This paper was presented on the EU-SPRI Early Career Researcher Conference (ECC) on Innovative Entrepreneurship. Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI). Milan, Italy. November 23rd and 24th, 201

    Ejemplos de contextos sociales en los que es importante desarrollar el pensamiento crítico de los ciudadanos

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    El pensamiento crítico se considera clave para que los ciudadanos puedan desenvolverse de forma adecuada en una sociedad cada vez más implicada con la ciencia y la tecnología, como mostró un estudio Delphi realizado con un panel de expertos españoles relacionados con la ciencia resaltándolo como el aspecto del ámbito científico-tecnológico con mayor consenso. Este trabajo profundiza en los contextos sociales que los expertos de dicho estudio Delphi consideraron importantes para desarrollar el pensamiento crítico. Los ejemplos propuestos se categorizaron en tres contextos (salud, medioambiente y recursos naturales) y tres niveles de relevancia en la vida (personal, social y global). Este conjunto de contextos puede ayudar a los ciudadanos a desarrollar su capacidad de pensamiento crítico, tanto en la educación formal como informal.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Innovation Perception of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services in the Twittersphere

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    1. The rapid diffusion of Twitter as a social media tool has made it suitable to be used for big data quantitative research. KIBS and their clients use this platform to share, engage and get information fostering their innovation processes. Using a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods, we have contrasted interviews from nine KIBS with 16702 tweets mentioning the name of these firms. We have focused on understanding the perception and focus of the innovation management strategy in this sector. The digital transformation was found to be the main driver of KIBS innovative activities. We discuss why the importance of digitalization and the way in which large KIBS achieve their innovation objectives, which differs from the practices done by SME. Finally, an agenda for further research is proposed as well

    Promoting critical thinking skills through debates in engineering education. A case study on manufacturing.

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    Argumentation and decision-making are fundamental in the training of industrial engineers to effectively develop their critical thinking skills. Despite this, engineering education focuses on technical aspects that hardly promote the development of these skills in the classroom. To promote them, a specific training programme in critical thinking for industrial engineers was proposed, which, among other activities, included short debates on socio-scientific problems. This paper presents the impact of a debate on manual versus mass production on 30 students of the Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering at the University of Malaga (Spain) acting as listeners. To assess this impact, we analyse the argued decisions made by the listeners about the problem before and after the activity, finding that the initial position of the majority was manual manufacturing based on social evidence, and the final position was mass production based on scientific-technical evidence such as economic aspects or the quality of the manufactured product. The arguments used by the debaters were scientifically vague but had an essential effect on changing decisions, especially the evidence used, which the listeners made their ownUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Dificultades De Comprensión De Nociones Relativas A La Clasificación Periódica De Los Elementos Químicos: La Opinión De Profesores E Investigadores En Educación Química

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    En este artículo se analizan las dificultades de aprendizaje de los alumnos de educación secundaria en torno al tema de la clasificación periódica de los elementos. Para ello, se recogen las opiniones de una muestra de profesores de Química y de didáctica de las ciencias obtenidas a partir de cuestionarios escritos y entrevistas individuales semiestructuradas. La información resultante es analizada a partir de un conjunto de ocho dimensiones, correspondientes a diferentes razones que pueden obstaculizar el aprendizaje en este ámbito. Concretamente se proponen estas dimensiones, a saber: 1) aspectos actitudinales, 2) memorización, 3) carencias o preconcepciones en torno a conceptos previos sobre los que se sustenta el tema, 4) desconocimiento o incomprensión de las propiedades que se utilizan como criterios de clasificación, 5) la noción de periodicidad y de percepción de su utilidad, 6) ambivalencia de significados de nociones asociadas a la Tabla Periódica, 7) carácter abstracto de los conceptos implicados y de los razonamientos exigidos y 8) deficiencias en el proceso de enseñanza. AbstractThis paper analyzes the learning difficulties of students in secondary education about the subject of the Periodic Table of elements. We present the opinions of a sample of teachers in Chemistry and Science Education obtained from written questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The information has been analyzed from a set of eight dimensions that allow us to systematize several sources of difficulty and different reasons that may hinder student learning in this subject. Specifically, we propose these dimensions: 1) attitudinal aspects, 2) memorizing 3) deficiencies about preconceptions in the lesson 4) misunderstanding of the properties used as criteria classification; 5) the notion of periodicity and the perception of its usefulness 6) ambivalence of meanings of notions related with the Periodic Table; 7) the abstract nature of the concepts involved and the reasoning required; and 8) deficiencies in the teaching process.ResumoEste artigo analisa as dificuldades de aprendizagem dos alunos do ensino secundário sobre o assunto da tabela periódica dos elementos. Isso irá refletir as opiniões de uma amostra de professores de Química e Ciências da Educação obtidos a partir de questionários escritos e entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas. A informação resultante é analisada a partir de um conjunto de oito dimensões, por razões diferentes, que podem dificultar a aprendizagem nesta área. Especificamente, propõe-se estas dimensões, a saber: 1) aspectos atitudinais, 2) Memória 3) lacunas ou preconceitos sobre os conceitos anteriores sobre a qual se baseia o tema; 4) ignorância ou incompreensão dos imóveis utilizados como critérios classificação, 5) o conceito de freqüência e percepção da sua utilidade; 6) ambivalência de significados dos conceitos associados à Tabela Periódica, 7) natureza abstrata dos conceitos envolvidos eo raciocínio necessário, 8) as deficiências no processo de ensino

    Fomentando el pensamiento crítico desde la autorregulación emocional a través del mindfulness.

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    El desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en los estudiantes de todos los niveles educativos es uno de los objetivos primordiales de la educación. Sin embargo, el pensamiento crítico es un constructo complejo formado por aspectos cognitivos y disposiciones (Hierrezuelo et al., 2022). Entre estas últimas tienen un papel destacado las emociones. Un modelo de intervención cognitiva que focaliza la atención de forma intencionada en el momento presente con la aceptación del interlocutor (Palomero y Valero, 2016) y que favorece la autorregulación emocional es mindfulness, entendiéndose esa aceptación como la curiosidad y apertura hacia nuevas experiencias, que son necesarias para poder vivirla de manera plena y así ser capaz de emitir juicios de valor. Este método (Mañas et al., 2014) comenzó a usarse en el contexto clínico, pero da muy buenos resultados en educación, siendo eficaz tanto para docentes (reduce el estrés, ansiedad…) como para el alumnado (mejora del rendimiento académico, autoestima, relaciones interpersonales, reduce agresividad, etc.). El mindfulness destaca por su utilidad para lograr que los estudiantes centren su atención sobre tareas específicas, comprendan información rápidamente, con precisión, mejoren sus resultados y habilidades cognitivas y, en definitiva, su pensamiento crítico. A todo esto, se suma que, hoy día, los niños y las niñas suelen ser bastante nerviosos y se distraen con facilidad, perdiendo la atención constantemente, como consecuencia de la variedad de estímulos a los que están expuestos (Almansa et al., 2014).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Integrating Corubric with Gamification of Resources in Science Education.

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    This paper shows an example of integrating the CoRubric assessment tool in an experience of designing gamified resources in science education with 43 pre-service science teachers from the University of Malaga (Spain). Participants had to design a gamified resource to teach science to secondary school students and explain it at a science fair. In addition, they had to design an e-rubric to evaluate the gamified resources made by their peers. Participants could improve their e-rubric design throughout the experience; on the one hand, by comparing it with that of their peers and, on the other hand, after attending the explanation of the different resources. This work analyses the participants' perceptions of the design and use of e-rubrics, finding significant progress in their design and gamified resources. Also, emotions of interest and concentration emerged during the experience.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Development of the idea of chemical element in high school students

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    Este trabajo analiza la evolución en el alumnado de la idea de elemento químico a lo largo del bachillerato. Concretamente, se perfila su comprensión en torno a la diferenciación entre elemento y compuesto, a la identificación de elementos metálicos y no metálicos, la identidad nuclear de los elementos, al cálculo de las partículas constituyentes, la identificación de ejemplos de elementos en nuestro entorno inmediato, y a la identificación de propiedades que diferencian a los elementos químicos, así como a la justificación de la existencia de regularidades en propiedades de los elementos. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes que acaban la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (16 años) presentan serias deficiencias en la comprensión de la idea de elemento químico, y que tales déficits se mantienen, en gran parte, al finalizar 2º de Bachillerato (18 años). Tales resultados sugieren dificultades y obstáculos en la asimilación de estos tópicos y muestran un escaso eco de los estudios cursados en el aprendizaje de los alumnos. Se argumenta que una parte importante de las dificultades detectadas se deben a la manera habitual bajo la que se enseñan estos temas, junto a la propia estructura del currículo oficial.The development of the idea of chemical element in Spanish high school students is analyzed in this paper. Specifically, we shape their understanding around the difference between a chemical element and a compound, the identification of metallic and non-metallic elements, the nuclear identity of the elements, the calculation of the constituent particles, the identification of elements in our surroundings, the identification of properties differentiating the chemical elements, and the justification of the existence of regularities in the properties of the elements. The results show that students who finish the compulsory secondary education (16 years old) have serious deficiencies in the comprehension of the idea of chemical element. Such deficits remain, largely, at the end of high school (18 years old). These data suggest some difficulties and obstacles in the understanding of these topics showing a little impact of the studies in the learning. An important part of these difficulties are due to the usual manner under which these issues are taught, along with the structure of the Spanish curriculum.24 página
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