531 research outputs found

    Percepción de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la escuela de nutrición de la Universidad de Costa Rica

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    Para determinar la opinión de docentes y estudiantes de la Escuela de Nutrición, sobre los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, se realizó una encuesta y analizó con base en la teoría sobre metáforas. Los resultados muestran la concepción docente acerca del conocimiento, de su rol como enseñante y las obligaciones y características que le atribuye al alumno. Entre las opiniones de los estudiantes, destacan su manera de entrar al proceso de aprender y mantenerse en él y su sentir hacia el rol del docente y el suyo propio. En este contexto, valora los contenidos teóricos y metodológicos de sus cursos, sus obligaciones de estudiante y expectativas profesionales, basadas en sus prejuicios acerca de la carrera que cursa. Se concluye que el sistema de creencias que define la praxis docente es unidireccional, adherido a los materiales de instrucción y a la ideología institucional que propicia la fantasía de que el trabajo docente subsana las ansiedades e ilusiones de su quehacer. Por su parte, en el sistema de creencias estudiantil media su preocupación de llevar la teoría a la práctica e identificarse con los valores de la sociedad, esperando que su estadía en la universidad solvente sus necesidades académicas, vocacionales y de desarrollo persona

    Videoactivismo y nuevos movimientos urbanos en España

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    El presente artículo analiza desde la economía política las funciones de la comunicación y la cultura en los actuales procesos de redefinición territorial y marketing urbano. Frente a este fenómeno, el texto aborda críticamente las formas de videoactivismo surgidas desde los nuevos movimientos urbanos en España, atendiendo a las tensiones presentes en estos espacios de resistencia cultural donde, a pesar de todo, se siguen materializando el conflicto, la diferencia y las contradicciones implícitas en las formas subalternas de acción colectiva. Dicha exploración trata de comprender los patrones de interacción entre nuevas formas de ciudadanía y la apropiación del espacio público a través de ejercicios de autoorganización que reconecten con la complejidad de las formas urbanas de sociabilidad

    Estudio analítico de la portada de la iglesia de Santiago de Guadix, Granada

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    The analytical study described on this paper has been made due to the request formulated by the priest of Santiago church, D. José Mª Ballesteros, through the Provincial Delegation of Culture of Granada. In view of the degradation of the main door front, the Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico has been asked for technical advice on the possible treatment to be carried out to resolve the problems of this front. As a part of the technical study we have carried out the analysis required to determine the characteristics of the stone used, the possible causes of weathering and to evaluate the most adequate treatment products, in case that it is convenient to apply any one as a part of the conservation restoration works. As a first step we have carried out a visual inspection of the door front and the inside of the church, and then samples have been taken. These samples have been analyzed by means of: chemical analysis of main components, X Ray diffraction, mineralogic petrographic study and SEM observation. From all these determinations it has been deduced the possible causes and mechanisms of alteration. As previous phase to the evaluation of treatments, due to the high quantity of stone needed to make all the tests, we have proceeded to identify and find the quarry of origin of this stone; it is located in Bácor, a little village on the municipal term of Guadix, at 40 Km from it. Once the identification has been made with certainty, enough material has been extracted to prepare the samples used. It is very interesting to study this stone because it has been employed also on the Cathedral of Guadix and it will be able to extend the results obtained on the tests to this building.El estudio analítico recogido en el presente artículo se realiza como respuesta a la petición formulada por el párroco de la iglesia de Santiago, D. José Mª Ballesteros, a través de la Delegación Provincial de Cultura de Granada. Ante el estado de deterioro de la portada, se solicita al Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico un asesoramiento técnico sobre la posible intervención que debería llevarse a cabo para solucionar los problemas que presenta la misma. Dentro de dicho asesoramiento se han realizado los estudios previos necesarios para determinar las características de la piedra utilizada, las posibles causas de deterioro y evaluar los productos de tratamiento más adecuados, en caso de que se considere conveniente la aplicación de alguno como parte de la intervención de conservación-restauración. En una primera fase se ha llevado a cabo la inspección visual de la portada, así como del interior de la iglesia, y posteriormente se ha procedido a la toma de muestras. Dichas muestras se han estudiado por medio de: Análisis Químico de componentes mayoritarios. Difracción de Rayos X, Estudio Petrográfico mediante microscopía óptica y observación al SEM con microsonda de Rayos X. De los resultados se han podido deducir las posibles causas y mecanismos de alteración. Como paso previo a la evaluación de los tratamientos, y dada la necesidad de utilizar gran cantidad de material pétreo para la realización de los ensayos requeridos, se ha procedido a la localización de la cantera de origen de la piedra, que se halla situada en Bácor, pequeña localidad del término municipal de Guadix a unos 40 km de ésta. Una vez comprobada la coincidencia con la piedra de la portada, se ha extraído suficiente material para fabricar las probetas necesarias. El estudio de este material pétreo se ha considerado muy interesante por el hecho adicional de que se ha utilizado profusamente también en la Catedral de Guadix, de forma que los resultados que se obtengan en los ensayos podrán ser extensivos también a dicho edificio

    Sirtuin 1 activation as a new therapeutic target for age-related macular degeneration

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    Motivation: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a retinal degenerative disease that affects the macula which is the central part of the retina. The macula is enriched in cone-photoreceptors and is responsible for color and fine detail vision. AMD is the major cause of blindness in adults in the developed world. In the search for new treatments, numerous lines of evidence suggest that dietary polyphenols such as resveratrol have the capacity to mitigate age-associated diseases due to their antioxidant capacity, their ability to activate the antioxidant defenses, and their anti-inflammatory capacity. These effects are partly due to activation of deacetylase enzymes like sirtuin 1 (SIRT1). The problem is that bioavailability of resveratrol is low considering its poorly solubility and high metabolic rate. In addition, resveratrol is toxic at high doses. Because of this, previous work of our group had synthetized resveratrol derivatives that improve its characteristics and maintain or improve its therapeutic effect. These compounds have been tested in retinal degenerative animal models where they have shown neuroprotective effect. In the present work, we aim to study the mechanism of action of these compounds in a cellular model and the implication of SIRT1 in order these derivatives serve as future treatment for AMD.Methods: All the analysis has been carried out on a human retinal pigment epithelial cell line (ARPE-19). Cells have been treated with different concentrations of resveratrol and its derivatives. The treated cells have been subjected to toxicity assays and have also been analyzed using molecular biology techniques such as quantitative PCR, immunofluorescence and western blot. In particular, it is studied whether the mechanism of action is due to an increase in expression or activity of SIRT1 at different concentrations.Results and conclusions: Up to now, it has been observed that the different derivatives are not toxic at low concentrations but at high concentrations. In addition, they are capable of increase the activity of SIRT1 dependent on concentration, as well as the mechanism of action may be mediated by the activation of HSP70, a heat shock activated chaperone whose transcription factor is deacetylated and activated by SIRT1. Later, these derivatives will be tested in a cellular model of protein aggregation, mimicking what occurs in the retinal epithelium with a mutation that causes macular degeneration

    Longitudinal Changes in Response to a Cycle-Run Field Test of Young Male National "Talent identification" and Senior Elite Triathlon Squads.

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    This study investigated the changes in cardiorespiratory response and running performance of 9 male ?Talent Identification? (TID) and 6 male Senior Elite (SE) Spanish National Squad triathletes during a specific cycle-run test. The TID and SE triathletes (initial age 15.2±0.7 vs. 23.8±5.6 years, p=0.03; tests through the competitive period and the preparatory period, respectively, of two consecutive seasons: Test 1 was an incremental cycle test to determine the ventilatory threshold (Thvent); Test 2 (C-R) was 30 min constant load cycling at the Thvent power output followed by a 3-km time trial run; and Test 3 (R) was an isolated 3-km time trial control run, in randomized counterbalanced order. In both seasons the time required to complete the C-R 3-km run was greater than for R in TID (11:09±00:24 vs. 10:45±00:16 min:ss, pmenor que 0.01; and 10:24±00:22 vs. 10:04±00:14, p=0.006, for season 2005/06 and 2006/07, respectively) and SE (10:15±00:19 vs. 09:45±00:30, pmenor que 0.001 and 09:51±00:26 vs. 09:46±00:06, p= 0.02 for season 2005/06 and 2006/07, respectively). Compared to the first season, completion of the time trial run was faster in the second season (6.6%, pmenor que 0.01 and 6.4%, pmenor que 0.01, for C-R and R test, respectively) only in TID. Changes in post-cycling run performance were accompanied by changes in pacing strategy but only slight or non-significant changes in the cardiorespiratory response. Thus, the negative effect of cycling on performance may persist, independently of the period, over two consecutive seasons in TID and SE triathletes; however A improvements over time suggests that monitoring running pacing strategy after cycling may be a useful tool to control performance and training adaptations in TID. O2max 77.0±5.6 vs. 77.8±3.6 mL·kg-1·min-1, NS) underwent three TE D EP C

    Aerobic Energy Expenditure and Intensity Prediction During a Specific Circuit Weight Training: a Pilot Study

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    During circuit weight training (CWT), workloads, index of intensity as well as estimation of energy expenditure (EE) have been under estimated. The aim of this study was to describe and evaluate physiological variables and gender related differences, including intensity prediction and EE, during CWT at different intensities. Twenty six subjects were assessed in a CWT, fourteen men and twelve women. The CWT program was performed at six different intensities, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 85% of 15RM. Seven exercises made up the circuit: sitting bench press, leg press, lat pull down, shoulder press, hamstring curl, biceps curl, and triceps cable push downs. A polar heart rate monitor and a portable metabolic system were used to measure heart rate (HR), intensity measured relative to the HR reserve, cardiorespiratory variables, EE and EE relative to muscle mass (EEMM). Differences between genders were observed at the following variables: HR, intensity measured relative to the HR reserve (in percentage), VO2, VCO2, VE, RER, aerobic EE and EEMM. The EE was significantly higher in men during the six intensities, but differences did not exist for EEMM from 70% to 85%. In addition HR, load and body weight were used to predict intensity and two gender specific equations were obtained for men and women [I (%) = 57.265 + 0.512HR - 0.696HRmax + 1.035 Loadavg + 0.188 Body Weight (R2=0.92; SEE=4.9%) for men; I (%) = 4.036 + 0.412HR% + 1.667 Loadavg (R2=0.79; SEE=7.7%) for women]. Thus, we conclude that gender related differences are present during CWT for EE, even when expressed relative to muscle mass, in addition HR, work load and body weight can estimate the intensity during CWT

    Sobre las imágenes del 15M. El videoactivismo como experimentación cultural y política

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    En España, el 15M representa un fenómeno de primer orden a escala social, política y, por supuesto, también cultural. Más allá de la ocupación de las plazas en mayo de 2011, el movimiento ha permitido entre otras cosas visibilizar ejercicios contraculturales y una cultura política que hasta ese momento se habían venido desarrollando lejos de los es- pacios hegemónicos, ocupados por discursos de corte economicista a escala global y por la prevalencia de lo que Guillem Martínez y Amador Fernández Savater denominan cultura de la Transición (CT), en alusión al paradigma dominante a escala nacional desde finales de los años setenta. Frente a estos discursos, el 15M ha propuesto líneas de ruptura, nuevos patrones de convivencia, de acción política y de producción cultural; un afán que se traduce en formas diferentes de trabajar, de relacionarse y de convivir. El presente texto constituye, ante todo, un intento por delimitar características clave de este giro mediante el análisis de algunas de las prácticas videoactivistas asociadas con el 15M y su respuesta frente a los discursos hegemónicos imperantes. Buscamos delimitar las formas en las que este videoactivismo trasciende el ámbito de la movilización para configurarse en sí mismo como una respuesta prefigurativa, es decir, que establece una correspondencia directa entre los modelos de producción, distribución y exhibición cultural y la cultura política que sostiene cada práctica. Nuestra tesis sostiene que, en su materialización de fórmulas de trabajo informadas por principios contrahegemónicos (horizontalidad, igualdad, colectividad, transparencia), estos ejercicios de videoactivismo ponen en juego un sentido de experimentación e innovación política cuyo calado resulta especialmente notable en el contexto español

    Metode i važnost ispitivanja oksidacije biljnih ulja, masti i lipoproteina pomoću lipaze pankreasa i arilesteraze

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    Fats and oils as major dietary components are involved in the development of chronic diseases. In this paper the physiological relevance and some methodological aspects related to the determination of two enzymes enrolled in metabolism of fat – pancreatic lipase and arylesterase – are discussed. Pancreatic lipase has been extensively used to study the triacylglycerol fatty acid composition and the in vitro digestion of oils and fats. The action of this enzyme may be coupled to analytical methods as GC, HPLC, HPSEC, TLC- -FID, etc. as a useful tool for understanding the composition and digestion of thermal oxidized oils. Pancreatic lipase hydrolysis occurs in the water/oil interface, and it presents a behaviour that seems to be Michaelian, in which the apparent Km and the apparent Vmax of the enzymatic process depend more on the type of oil tested than on the degree of alteration. The kinetic behaviour of pancreatic lipase towards thermally oxidized oils also depends on the presence of natural tensioactive compounds present in the oil and surfactants formed during the frying. Arylesterase is an HDL binding enzyme that inhibits LDL oxidation. Low serum concentration of this enzyme has been related to increased cardiovascular disease risk. In this paper the most widely used methods for the determination of arylesterase activity are commented on. The importance of intrinsic factors (e.g. substrates, cofactors) participating in the enzyme reaction is also discussed. Moreover, several suggestions about further researches on the influence of extrinsic factors (e.g. diet, oxidative stress) upon the enzyme activity are proposed.Masti i ulja, kao glavni sastojci prehrane, uzrok su razvoja nekih kroničnih bolesti. U radu su ispitivani fiziološka važnost i neke metode određivanja dvaju enzima koji sudjeluju u metabolizmu masti, i to lipaze pankreasa i arilesteraze. Lipaza pankreasa vrlo se često koristila u ispitivanju sastava masnih kiselina u triacilglicerolima i u in vitro digestiji ulja i masti. Djelovanje tog enzima može se povezati s analitičkim metodama kao što su GC, HPLC, HPSEC i TLC-FID kako bi se utvrdio sastav i digestija toplinski oksidiranih ulja. Hidrolitsko djelovanje lipaze pankreasa provodi se na granici faza voda/ulje, te se čini da se pokorava Michaelis-Mentenovoj kinetici, u kojoj prividne Km i Vmax vrijednosti enzimskog procesa više ovise o vrsti ispitivanog ulja nego o stupnju hidrolize. Kinetika lipaze pankreasa prema toplinski oksidiranim uljima ovisi također o prisutnosti prirodnih tenzioaktivnih spojeva u ulju i o površinski aktivnim spojevima nastalim tijekom prženja. Arilesteraza je enzim koji veže HDL i time inhibira oksidaciju LDL. Mala koncentracija tog enzima u serumu povezana je s povećanim rizikom kardiovaskularnih bolesti. U radu su prikazane najčešće primijenjeni postupci za određivanje aktivnosti arilesteraze. Ujedno je razmotrena važnost unutarnjih faktora (npr. supstrata, kofaktora) koji sudjeluju u enzimskoj reakciji. Nadalje, predložena su daljnja istraživanja o utjecaju vanjskih faktora (npr. dijeta, oksidativni stres) na aktivnost enzima

    IWARN: A people-centered approach for early warning

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    Early warning is the activity of the mitigation phase concerned with monitoring precursors of a potential hazard to decide whether it is evolving to real risk and eventually initiate an early response. The first step consists of collecting updated and reliable data to support situational awareness from emergency operators. Data-centered Early Warning Systems (EWS) are focused on gathering data and run simulations to support decision-makers. A more sustainable approach consists of a people-centered EWS that takes profit from citizens who act as intelligent sensors collecting and sharing purposeful information. This people-centered approach can contribute to raising community awareness of the local environment and its vulnerabilities. In this paper, we introduce iWarn, a system relying upon mobile to integrate citizens in this process. The system has been developed following an action research approach to involve different stakeholders, including professionals, volunteers and citizens.This work is partly funded by “Comunidad de Madrid en el marco del convenio plurianual con la Universidad Carlos III Madrid en su línea de actuación Excelencia para el Profesorado Universitario-V Plan Regional de Investigación Científica e Innovación Tecnológica 2016-2020” the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Project TIN2016-77690-R “PACE