569 research outputs found

    Nuevas perspectivas para la investigación en Internet: la Web 2.0 y la Empresa 2.0.

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    Desde su creación en 1989, la World Wide Web (la Web) ha revolucionado Internet, facilitando el acceso a información a muchos usuarios potenciales. Dos décadas más tarde, la Web forma parte de la vida diaria de muchas personas en todo el mundo, originando profundas transformaciones sociales que los investigadores en ciencias sociales batallan por comprender. Además, a lo largo de los últimos cinco años la Web ha sufrido importantes cambios debido al surgimiento y popularización de la llamada Web 2.0. Esto ha provocado una democratización en las herramientas de generación de información permitiendo que millones de personas se involucren en una conversación a escala global. Las tecnologías de la Web 2.0 y sus dinámicas de funcionamiento constituyen un área de gran futuro en la que profundizar en la investigación en ciencias sociales y, particularmente, en la investigación en el campo económico y de empresa. El concepto de Empresa 2.0 se deriva directamente de este nuevo contexto tecnológico. Since its creation in 1989, the World Wide Web (the Web) has revolutionised the Internet, facilitating the access to information to many potential users. Two decades later, the Web has become part of the daily lives of many people all over the world, causing deep social transformations that social scientists struggle to understand. Moreover, for the past five years, the Web has undergone significant changes by the popularisation of the so-called Web 2.0. This has provoked a democratisation of the information creation tools in such a way that millions of people have started to participate in a global conversation. The Web 2.0 technologies and dynamics represent a promising area to deepen into social science research and, particularly, into economics and business research. The concept Enterprise 2.0 derives directly from this new technological context.Web 2.0, Web, Internet, negocios, Empresa 2.0. Web 2.0, Web, Internet, business, Enterprise 2.0.

    DNS of thermal channel flow up to Re-tau=2000 for medium to low Prandtl numbers

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    [EN] Direct Numerical Simulations of turbulent heat transfer in a channel flow are presented for three different Reynolds numbers, namely Re-tau = 500, 1000 and 2000. Medium and low values of the molecular Prandtl number are studied, ranging from 0.71 (air), down to 0.007 (molten metals), in order to study its effect on the thermal flow. Mixed boundary conditions at both walls are used for the thermal flow. Mean value and intensities of the thermal field were obtained. Two different behaviors were observed, depending on the Prandtl and Peclet numbers. The expected logarithmic behavior of the thermal flow completely disappears for Prandtl below 0.3. This is a direct effect of the thicker viscous thermal layer generated as the Prandtl number is reduced. Von Karman constant was computed for cases above this Prandtl, and turbulent Prandtl and Nusselt numbers were obtained for all the cases. Finally, the turbulent budgets for heat fluxes, temperature variance and its dissipation rate are presented. As a general result, there is a scaling failure near the wall in very cases studied, which is accentuated for lower Prandtl numbers. The statistics of all simulations can be downloaded from the web page of our group. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was supported by MINECO/FEDER, under project ENE2015-71333-R. The computations of the new simulations were made possible by a generous grant of computing time from the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, reference FI-2018-1-0037. We are grateful to Messiers Kawamura, Pirozzoli, Bernardini and Orlandi for providing us with copies of their original data.Alcántara-Ávila, F.; Hoyas, S.; Pérez Quiles, MJ. (2018). DNS of thermal channel flow up to Re-tau=2000 for medium to low Prandtl numbers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 127:349-361. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.06.149S34936112

    Effects of thionins on β-glucuronidase in vitro and in plant protoplasts

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    Thionins cause the irreversible inactivation of β-glucuronidase (GUS) in vitro in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The enzyme is also sensitive to externally added thionins when expressed in the cytoplasmic compartment of tobacco protoplasts transformed with the Gus gene under the 35S promoter of the cauliflower mosaic virus. In protoplasts transformed with the Gus gene fused to a signal peptide, where GUS is translocated into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, the activity is significantly increased both by externally-added and by transiently-expressed thionin, suggesting that it interferes with GUS secretio

    Responsabilidad social de las universidades españolas para unas relaciones sostenibles

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    As institutions committed to society, universities communicate their responsible behavior and their impacts on the environment and community through University Social Responsibility (USR) and sustainability reports. This paper analyzes USR management in the 50 higher education institutions that belong to the Spanish public university system and their commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. A descriptive methodology was followed to carry out a document review and content analysis of their social responsibility and sustainability reports, as well as their institutional development plans. The results show that both the conceptualization and management of USR as a policy is very heterogeneous between universities and by regions. There is little evidence that USR policies are deeply rooted in a government framework and that the contribution of public universities to the 2030 Agenda is incipient. Although the relationship with internal and external audiences is represented in the documents, there are weaknesses in the relationship with mixed interest groups. Responsible communication is presented as a mechanism for the integration and promotion of the SDGs in universities and as a manifestation of their relationships with stakeholders.Las universidades, como instituciones comprometidas con la sociedad, comunican su comportamiento responsable, sus impactos sobre el medio ambiente y la comunidad, a través de las memorias de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria (RSU) y de sostenibilidad. En este trabajo se analiza la gestión de la RSU por parte de las 50 instituciones de educación superior pertenecientes al Sistema Universitario Público Español y su compromiso con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la Agenda 2030. Siguiendo una metodología descriptiva, se ha realizado una revisión documental y se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de contenido de sus memorias de responsabilidad social y sostenibilidad, así como de sus planes de desarrollo institucional. Los resultados muestran que tanto la conceptualización como la gestión de la RSU como política es muy heterogénea entre universidades y por comunidades autónomas. Se advierte un escaso arraigo de las políticas de RSU en los equipos de gobierno; y que la contribución de las universidades públicas a la Agenda 2030 es incipiente. Aunque en general la relación con los públicos internos y externos está representada en los documentos, existen carencias en la relación con los grupos de interés mixtos. La comunicación responsable se presenta como un mecanismo de integración y promoción de los ODS en las universidades, y como una manifestación de sus relaciones con los grupos de interés

    Bee Products: An Emblematic Example of Underutilized Sources of Bioactive Compounds

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    Beside honey, honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) are able to produce many byproducts, including bee pollen, propolis, bee bread, royal jelly, and beeswax. Even if the medicinal properties of these byproducts have been recognized for thousands of years by the ancient civilizations, in the modern era, they have a limited use, essentially as nutritional supplements or health products. However, these natural products are excellent sources of bioactive compounds, macro- and micronutrients, that, in a synergistic way, confer multiple biological activities to these byproducts, such as, for example, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. This work aims to update the chemical and phytochemical composition of bee pollen, propolis, bee bread, royal jelly, and beeswax and to summarize the main effects exerted by these byproducts on human health, from the anticancer and immunemodulatory activities to the antidiabetic, hypolipidemic, hypotensive, and anti-allergic properties

    AI integration in fact-checking media: the case of Newtral

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    La IA (Inteligencia Artificial) se ha convertido en un novedoso elemento que se está aplicando de forma gradual en las redacciones periodísticas desde 2014. Esta herramienta tecnológica puede ayudar a verificar noticias falsas en un contexto actual de crisis del periodismo tradicional, de proliferación de bulos y uso de tecnología en las redacciones. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las herramientas de IA implementadas en un medio de fact-checking y ver cómo esto agiliza las tareas normales y, además, acelera el proceso de publicación de un verificado. La start-up Newtral es un medio puntero tanto en verificación como en integración de IA, por lo que se ha optado por un estudio de su caso. El método de investigación usado ha sido la entrevista semiestructurada a cuatro miembros de la plantilla de Newtral: tres personas del equipo de tecnología y una periodista en representación de la redacción. Los resultados indican que los proyectos de IA facilitan la labor de los periodistas y generan discusiones y sinergias positivas entre ingenieros y profesionales de la información.AI (Artificial Intelligence) has become a novel feature that has gradually been applied in newsrooms since 2014. This technological tool can help to verify fake news in the current context of crisis of traditional journalism, proliferation of hoaxes and use of technology in newsrooms. The main objective of this work is to analyse AI tools implemented in a fact-checking media and see how this speeds up normal tasks and, in addition, accelerates the process of publishing a fact-checked. The start-up Newtral is a leading medium in both verification and AI integration, so we chose to study its case. The research method used was a semi-structured interview with four members of Newtral's staff: three members of the technology team and one journalist representing the newsroom. The results indicate that AI projects facilitate the work of journalists and generate positive discussions and synergies between engineers and media professionals

    ADQPCI: Data Acquisition Board for Educational purposes

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    En este trabajo se presenta una de las placas de adquisición de datos que se ha desarrollado con fines docentes para su utilización en prácticas relacionadas con sistemas en tiempo real e informática industrial y se plantean algunas de las ventajas e inconvenientes frente a la utilización de placas comerciales. A lo largo del trabajo se detalla el diseño del hardware, en el que se ha priorizado la facilidad de programación, siendo ésta una de las ventajas frente a las placas comerciales. En estas prácticas es fundamental que el alumno tome conciencia de la importancia de la interfaz hardware-software, si se quiere conseguir un sistema fiable y que explote al máximo las características del hardware. Con el desarrollo de una placa de adquisición de datos se consigue un sistema que el alumno puede utilizar en varias asignaturas de su titulación que están relacionadas con el desarrollo y programación de sistemas empotrados.In this work a data acquisition board developed for educational use in subjects related to real-time systems and industrial computing, is presented. The main advantages and disadvantages of using these boards versus the use of commercial boards are discussed. The hardware design described along this work emphasizes the facility of programming the board, which is one of the main advantages versus the commercial boards. In these practices it is essential that student comprehend the importance of the hardware-software interface in order to obtain a reliable system which exploits in a maximum way the characteristics of the hardware. The development of a data acquisition board allows to obtain a system that the students can use in several course during his university career which are related to the development and programming of embedded system

    Regulation of Microclimatic Conditions inside Native Beehives and Its Relationship with Climate in Southern Spain

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    In this study, the Wbee Sensor System was used to record data from 10 Iberian beehives for two years in southern Spain. These data were used to identify potential conditioning climatic factors of the internal regulatory behavior of the hive and its weight. Categorical principal components analysis (CATPCA) was used to determine the minimum number of those factors able to capture the maximum percentage of variability in the data recorded. Then, categorical regression (CATREG) was used to select the factors that were linearly related to hive internal humidity, temperature and weight to issue predictive regression equations in Iberian bees. Average relative humidity values of 51.7% ± 10.4 and 54.2% ± 11.7 were reported for humidity in the brood nest and in the food area, while average temperatures were 34.3 °C ± 1.5 in the brood nest and 29.9 °C ± 5.8 in the food area. Average beehive weight was 38.2 kg ± 13.6. Some of our data, especially those related to humidity, contrast with previously published results for other studies about bees from Central and northern Europe. Conclusively, certain combinations of climatic factors may condition within hive humidity, temperature and hive weight. Southern Iberian honeybees’ brood nest humidity regulatory capacity could be lower than brood nest thermoregulatory capacity, maintaining values close to 34 °C, even in dry conditions