28 research outputs found

    Increasing the equity of a flower supply chain by improving order management and supplier selection

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    This work focuses on helping the decision-making process of a microenterprise, the central organisation of a flower-exporting supply chain, to satisfy the objective of increasing its equity value by 300 %, and that of the whole supply chain at the same time. A systems dynamics-based simulation model is developed to evaluate the order management process in the supply chain under study, its financial evaluation and a supplier selection module from the central firm. The objective is to increase the equity value of the central firm and the supply chain under study. The main contribution of this work is to model and simulate a real world supply chain for decision-making. Hence, this paper can be used by other supply chains as a reference for modelling and simulating themselves in order to improve their performance.This paper has been funded by the Spanish Ministry Project entitled Design and Management of Global Supply Chains (GLOBOP) (Ref. DPI2012-38061-C02-01).Moreno, JR.; Mula Bru, J.; Campuzano Bolarín, F. (2015). Increasing the equity of a flower supply chain by improving order management and supplier selection. International Journal of Simulation Modelling. 14(2):201-214. https://doi.org/10.2507/IJSIMM14(2)2.284S20121414

    Hidratació i rendiment: pautes per a una elusió efectiva de la deshidratació per exercici

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    El rendiment de les capacitats físiques i mentals durant la pràctica esportiva o la competició, es troba disminuït sota condicions de deshidratació. La pèrdua de pes es deu a la pèrdua d’aigua (suor i respiració) i quan aquesta és important, afecta de manera decisiva els sistemes nerviós, cardiovascular, termoregulador, endocrí i/o metabòlic, i pot provocar fins i tot la mort. Per eludir aquests efectes negatius de la deshidratació així com la disminució del rendiment, l’atleta haurà de beure prou quantitat de líquid abans, durant, i després de la competició o la pràctica d’exercici. Idealment, la beguda serà una solució composta d’aigua, electròlits i carbohidrats, en quantitat adequada per garantir, d’una banda, un rendiment òptim durant la competició i, d’una altra, reposar eficaçment i completament les pèrdues hídriques, electrolítiques i energètiques. La composició i el volum de la beguda tindrà en compte els factors extrínsecs (temperatura, humitat, altitud, vent, etc.) que envolten la competició, els factors intrínsecs de l’atleta (nivell de deshidratació, problemes gastrointestinals, tipus de competició) i les pròpies característiques de la beguda (gust, temperatura, composició). En termes generals, els atletes no acostumen a beure, durant la pràctica esportiva, el volum necessari per reemplaçar la pèrdua de fluids i electròlits, cosa que fa que calgui establir pautes perquè ho facin. En aquest treball es presenten aquestes pautes i la base fisiològica que les sosté

    Hidratación y rendimiento: pautas para una elusión efectiva de la deshidratación por ejercicio

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    El rendimiento de las capacidades físicas y mental durante la práctica deportiva o la competición, está mermado bajo condiciones de deshidratación. La pérdida de peso se debe a la pérdida agua (sudor y respiración) y cuando ésta es importante, afecta de manera decisiva a los sistemas nervioso, cardiovascular, termorregulador, endocrino y/o metabólico, pudiendo provocar incluso la muerte. Para eludir estos efectos negativos de la deshidratación así como la disminución del rendimiento, el atleta deberá beber suficiente cantidad de líquido antes, durante y después de la competición o la práctica de ejercicio. Idealmente, la bebida será una solución compuesta de agua, electrolitos y carbohidratos en cantidad adecuada para garantizar, por un lado, un óptimo rendimiento durante la competición y, por otro, reponer eficaz y completamente las pérdidas hídricas, electrolíticas y energéticas. La composición y el volumen de la bebida tendrá en cuenta los factores extrínsecos (temperatura, humedad, altitud, viento, etc.) que rodean la competición, los factores intrínsecos del atleta (nivel de deshidratación, problemas gastrointestinales, tipo de competición) y las propias características de la bebida (sabor, temperatura, composición). En términos generales, los atletas no suelen beber, durante la práctica deportiva, el volumen necesario para reemplazar la pérdida de fluidos y electrolitos, lo que hace necesario establecer pautas para que lo hagan. En el presente trabajo se presentan esas pautas y la base fisiológica que las sustentan

    Infrared-Emitting Multimodal Nanostructures for Controlled In Vivo Magnetic Hyperthermia

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    Deliberate and local increase of the temperature within solid tumors represents an effective therapeutic approach. Thermal therapies embrace this concept leveraging the capability of some species to convert the absorbed energy into heat. To that end, magnetic hyperthermia (MHT) uses magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) that can effectively dissipate the energy absorbed under alternating magnetic fields. However, MNPs fail to provide real-time thermal feedback with the risk of unwanted overheating and impeding on-the-fly adjustment of the therapeutic parameters. Localization of MNPs within a tissue in an accurate, rapid, and cost-effective way represents another challenge for increasing the efficacy of MHT. In this work, MNPs are combined with state-of-the-art infrared luminescent nanothermometers (LNTh; Ag2S nanoparticles) in a nanocapsule that simultaneously overcomes these limitations. The novel optomagnetic nanocapsule acts as multimodal contrast agents for different imaging techniques (magnetic resonance, photoacoustic and near-infrared fluorescence imaging, optical and X-ray computed tomography). Most crucially, these nanocapsules provide accurate (0.2 degrees C resolution) and real-time subcutaneous thermal feedback during in vivo MHT, also enabling the attainment of thermal maps of the area of interest. These findings are a milestone on the road toward controlled magnetothermal therapies with minimal side effects.E.X. and R.M. contributed equally to this work. Work partially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PID2019-106301RB-I00 and PID2019-105195RA-I00), by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MAT2017-85617-R, SEV-2016-0686), by the Comunidad de Madrid (RENIM-CM, B2017/BMD-3867, co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Fund; NANOMAGCOST-CM P2018/NMT-4321), by the European COST Actions CA17115 (MyWave) and CA17140 (Nano2Clinic), by the Spanish Scientific Network HiperNano (RED2018-102626-T) and by the European Commission Horizon 2020 project NanoTBTech (Grant Number: 801305). D.G.-C. acknowledges CAM for funding PEJ-2018-AI/IND-11245. A.B. acknowledges funding from Comunidad de Madrid through TALENTO grant ref. 2019-T1/IND-14014. E.X. is grateful for a Juan de la Cierva Formación scholarship (FJC2018-036734-I). R.M. acknowledges the support of the European Commission through the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant agreement N 797945 (LANTERNS). A. E. acknowledges the support from Comunidad de Madrid (Talento project 2018-T1/IND-1005) and from AECC (Ideas Semilla 2019 project). P.R.S. is grateful for a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación scholarship (IJC2019-041915-I). Procedures involving animal experiments were approved by the regional authority for animal experimentation of the Comunidad de Madrid and were conducted in agreement with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Ethics Committee, in compliance with the European Union directives 63/2010UE and Spanish regulation RD 53/2013

    Metabolic engineering to simultaneously activate anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin biosynthetic pathways in Nicotiana spp

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    [EN] Proanthocyanidins (PAs), or condensed tannins, are powerful antioxidants that remove harmful free oxygen radicals from cells. To engineer the anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin biosynthetic pathways to de novo produce PAs in two Nicotiana species, we incorporated four transgenes to the plant chassis. We opted to perform a simultaneous transformation of the genes linked in a multigenic construct rather than classical breeding or retransformation approaches. We generated a GoldenBraid 2.0 multigenic construct containing two Antirrhinum majus transcription factors (AmRosea1 and AmDelila) to upregulate the anthocyanin pathway in combination with two Medicago truncatula genes (MtLAR and MtANR) to produce the enzymes that will derivate the biosynthetic pathway to PAs production. Transient and stable transformation of Nicotiana benthamiana and Nicotiana tabacum with the multigenic construct were respectively performed. Transient expression experiments in N. benthamiana showed the activation of the anthocyanin pathway producing a purple color in the agroinfiltrated leaves and also the effective production of 208.5 nmol (-) catechin/g FW and 228.5 nmol (-) epicatechin/g FW measured by the p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DMACA) method. The integration capacity of the four transgenes, their respective expression levels and their heritability in the second generation were analyzed in stably transformed N. tabacum plants. DMACA and phoroglucinolysis/HPLC-MS analyses corroborated the activation of both pathways and the effective production of PAs in T0 and T1 transgenic tobacco plants up to a maximum of 3.48 mg/g DW. The possible biotechnological applications of the GB2.0 multigenic approach in forage legumes to produce "bloatsafe" plants and to improve the efficiency of conversion of plant protein into animal protein (ruminal protein bypass) are discussed.This work was supported by grants BIO2012-39849-C02-01 and BIO2016-75485-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (http://www.idi.mineco.gob.es/portal/site/MICINN) to LAC and a fellowship of the JAE-CSIC program to SF. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Fresquet-Corrales, S.; Roque Mesa, EM.; Sarrión-Perdigones, A.; Rochina, M.; López-Gresa, MP.; Díaz-Mula, HM.; Belles Albert, JM.... (2017). Metabolic engineering to simultaneously activate anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin biosynthetic pathways in Nicotiana spp. PLoS ONE. 12(9). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0184839Se018483912

    Enfoques de programación matemática fuzzy multiobjetivo para la planificación operativa del transporte en una cadena de suministro del sector del automóvil // Fuzzy Multiobjective Mathematical Programming Approaches for Operational Transport Planning in an Automobile Supply Chain

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    En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de programación matemática fuzzy multiobjetivo para la planificación del transporte a nivel operativo en una cadena de suministro. Los objetivos del modelo propuesto son la minimización del número de camiones utilizados y del inventario total, considerando como parámetro borroso las capacidades de los vehículos empleados. Se propone una metodología de resolución para transformar el modelo original en un modelo de programación lineal entera mixta con un único objetivo, aplicando diferentes enfoques recogidos en la literatura. El modelo propuesto sevalida con datos pertenecientes a una cadena de suministro real del sector del automóvil. Por último, los resultados obtenidos para cada uno de los enfoques empleados muestran la mejora aportada por el modelo propuesto respecto al procedimiento heurístico para la toma de decisiones empleado en la cadena de suministro de estudio. //In this paper, a fuzzy multiobjective mathematical programming model foroperational transport planning in a supply chain is presented. The objectives of the proposed model are the minimization of the number of used trucks and the total inventory level, by considering vehicle capacities as a fuzzy parameter. We propose a solution methodology to transform the original model into a mixed integer linear programming model with a single objective by using different approaches in the literature. The proposed model is validated with data from a real-world automobile supply chain. Finally, the results for each of the approaches show the improvement obtained by the proposed model in comparison to the heuristic procedure for decision making used in the supply chain under study

    Enfoques de programación matemática fuzzy multiobjetivo para la planicación operativa del transporte en una cadena de suministro del sector del automóvil

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    In this paper, a fuzzy multiobjective mathematical programming model for operational transport planning in a supply chain is presented. The objectives of the proposed model are the minimization of the number of used trucks and the total inventory level, by considering vehicle capacities as a fuzzy parameter. We propose a solution methodology to transform the original model into a mixed integer linear programming model with a single objective by using different approaches in the literature. The proposed model is validated with data from a real-world automobile supply chain. Finally, the results for each of the approaches show the improvement obtained by the proposed model in comparison to the heuristic procedure for decision making used in the supply chain under study

    Enfoques de programación matemática fuzzy multiobjetivo para la planificación operativa del transporte en una cadena de suministro del sector del automóvil = Fuzzy Multiobjective Mathematical Programming Approaches for Operational Transport Planning in an Automobile Supply Chain

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    En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de programación matemática fuzzy multiobjetivo para la planificación del transporte a nivel operativo en una cadena de suministro. Los objetivos del modelo propuesto son la minimización del número de camiones utilizados y del inventario total, considerando como parámetro borroso las capacidades de los vehículos empleados. Se propone una metodología de resolución para transformar el modelo original en un modelo de programación lineal entera mixta con un único objetivo, aplicando diferentes enfoques recogidos en la literatura. El modelo propuesto sevalida con datos pertenecientes a una cadena de suministro real del sector del automóvil. Por último, los resultados obtenidos para cada uno de los enfoques empleados muestran la mejora aportada por el modelo propuesto respecto al procedimiento heurístico para la toma de decisiones empleado en la cadena de suministro de estudio. In this paper, a fuzzy multiobjective mathematical programming model foroperational transport planning in a supply chain is presented. The objectives of the proposed model are the minimization of the number of used trucks and the total inventory level, by considering vehicle capacities as a fuzzy parameter. We propose a solution methodology to transform the original model into a mixed integer linear programming model with a single objective by using different approaches in the literature. The proposed model is validated with data from a real-world automobile supply chain. Finally, the results for each of the approaches show the improvement obtained by the proposed model in comparison to the heuristic procedure for decision making used in the supply chain under study.planificación de la cadena de suministro; planificación del transporte; programación lineal fuzzy multiobjetivo; incertidumbre; supply chain planning; transport planning; fuzzy multiobjective linear programming; uncertainty