3,451 research outputs found

    Into the Dark: Exploring the Deep Ocean with Single-Virus Genomics

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    Single-virus genomics (SVGs) has been successfully applied to ocean surface samples allowing the discovery of widespread dominant viruses overlooked for years by metagenomics, such as the uncultured virus vSAG 37-F6 infecting the ubiquitous Pelagibacter spp. In SVGs, one uncultured virus at a time is sorted from the environmental sample, whole-genome amplified, and sequenced. Here, we have applied SVGs to deep-ocean samples (200–4000 m depth) from global Malaspina and MEDIMAX expeditions, demonstrating the feasibility of this method in deep-ocean samples. A total of 1328 virus-like particles were sorted from the North Atlantic Ocean, the deep Mediterranean Sea, and the Pacific Ocean oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). For this proof of concept, sixty single viruses were selected at random for sequencing. Genome annotation identified 27 of these genomes as bona fide viruses, and detected three auxiliary metabolic genes involved in nucleotide biosynthesis and sugar metabolism. Massive protein profile analysis confirmed that these viruses represented novel viral groups not present in databases. Although they were not previously assembled by viromics, global fragment recruitment analysis showed a conserved profile of relative abundance of these viruses in all analyzed samples spanning different oceans. Altogether, these results reveal the feasibility in using SVGs in this vast environment to unveil the genomes of relevant viruses.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RTI2018-094248-B-I00), and Generalitat Valenciana (ACIF/2015/332 and APOSTD/2020/237)

    Novel RNA viruses from the Atlantic Ocean: Ecogenomics, biogeography, and total virioplankton mass contribution from surface to the deep ocean

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    Marine viruses play a major role in the energy and nutrient cycle and affect the evolution of their hosts. Despite their importance, there is still little knowledge about RNA viruses. Here, we have explored the Atlantic Ocean, from surface to deep (4.296 m), and used viromics and quantitative methods to unveil the genomics, biogeography, and the mass contribution of RNA viruses to the total viroplankton. A total of 2481 putative RNA viral contigs (>500 bp) and 107 larger bona fide RNA viral genomes (>2.5 kb) were identified; 88 of them representing novel viruses belonging mostly to two clades: Yangshan assemblage (sister clade to the class Alsuviricetes) and Nodaviridae. These viruses were highly endemic and locally abundant, with little or no presence in other oceans since only ≈15% of them were found in at least one of the Tara sampling metatranscriptomes. Quantitative data indicated that the abundance of RNA viruses in the surface and deep chlorophyll maximum zone was within ≈106 VLP/mL representing a potential contribution of 5.2%–24.4% to the total viroplankton community (DNA and RNA viruses), with DNA viruses being the predominant members (≈107 VLP/mL). However, for the deep sample, the observed trend was the opposite, although as further discussed, several biases should be considered. Together these results contribute to our understanding of the diversity, abundance, and distribution of RNA viruses in the oceans and provide a basis for further investigation into their ecological roles and biogeography.This work was supported by the Generalitat Valenciana ACIF2020 grant and by the research grants funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (refs. RTI2018-094248-B-I00 and PID2021-125175OB-I00), and by the Gordon and Moore Foundation (ref. 5334)

    Un caso práctico para la gestión del desarrollo agropecuario en municipios rurales de México

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    Una de las múltiples formas en que se atiende la pobreza en México es a través de la definición y diseño de estrategias de desarrollo enfocadas a mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población rural de escasos recursos económicos y déficit de bienestar social, actuando desde el municipio como articulador del desarrollo.Un texto detonante de preguntas y respuestas sobre la gestión del desarrollo rural y agropecuario desde la esfera municipal, en un esquema de gobernanza sugerente y efectivo, que retoma la experiencia de organizaciones civiles en los años recientes bajo el concepto y caso práctico de Municipio Ganador.Alternativas para el Desarrollo Rura

    Uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación en la formación de residentes médicos

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    AntecedentesLa Universidad Veracruzana avala diecisiete programas de especialidades médicas y siendo congruente con el componente de eLearning de la Estrategia y Plan de acción sobre Salud (2012-2017) de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, hace uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) para facilitar los procesos de educación en salud.Objetivo generalGenerar una Red de Teleeducación utilizando plataformas en línea (learning management systems) y videoconferencia vía Web, fortaleciendo los procesos educativos para formación de profesores y residentes médicos.MetodologíaAprovechamiento de la plataforma Eminus V3.0 (aula virtual) y Blackboard Collaborate (videoconferencia), ambos para generar sesiones clínicas y cursos en línea. Capacitación en uso de estas herramientas a 96 profesores, ubicados en las cinco regiones que opera la Universidad Veracruzana.ResultadosDel 2012 al 2014 generación de 279 aulas virtuales y 121 videoconferencias dirigidas a residentes médicos, y 53 videoconferencias en tópicos de salud pública, medicina, y telemedicina abiertas a diversos profesionales de la salud.DiscusiónEl uso de las TIC en la formación de médicos especialistas en la Universidad Veracruzana tiene poco menos de tres años y a pesar de existir aún alguna resistencia para su empleo, cada vez se acepta con mayor convicción que estas son una opción que facilita el acceso a la capacitación.ConclusionesLas TIC ya son parte de la formación de los médicos residentes en la UV, su uso está en aumento y su impacto en el aprendizaje de los residentes será motivo de una línea de investigación futura


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    Does the position held by an individual in a company fit into his/her personality? The answer to this question is yes. This is because there is significant relationship between the characteristics possessed by a worker which includes his character, personality and way of life, with the current position he/she is holding in an organization. The evolution of man is in accordance with technological advancement, new cultures, social and economic developments, among other phenomena. In other words, the success in the position given to a person will depend largely on his/her personality from a mental and physical point of view. This aim of this paper is to analyze the part of clinical psychology which is associated with human talent through a series of characteristics and personality traits. Personality traits and characteristics are crucial for the proper performance of a worker in a specific job

    Diel cycling of the cosmopolitan abundant Pelagibacter virus 37‐F6: one of the most abundant viruses on earth

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    The spatiotemporal dynamics for marine viral populations has only recently been explored. However, nothing is known about temporal activities of the uncultured Pelagibacter virus vSAG 37‐F6, which was discovered by single‐virus genomics as potentially the most abundant marine virus. Here, we investigate the diel cycling of 37‐F6 virus and the putative SAR11 host using coastal and oceanic transcriptomic and viromic time‐series data from Osaka Bay and North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Virus 37‐F6 and relatives displayed diel cycling of transcriptional activities synchronized with its putative host. In both virus and host, the lowest transcription rates were observed at 14:00–15:00, coinciding roughly with maximum solar irradiance, while higher transcriptional rates were detected during the night/early morning and afternoon. Diel abundance of free viruses of 37‐F6 in seawater roughly mirrored the transcriptional activities of both virus and host. In Osaka Bay, among viral relatives (genus level), virus 37‐F6 specifically showed the highest ratio of transcriptional activity to virome abundance, a proxy for viral transcriptional activity relative to free viral particle abundance. This high ratio suggests high infection rate efficiencies in vSAG 37‐F6 virus compared to viral relatives. Thus, time‐series data revealed temporal transcript activities in one of the most abundant viruses in Earth.This work has been supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness to MMG (Ref. RTI2018-094248-B-100), Generalitat Valenciana to FMH (ACIF/2015/332), and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to MMG (grant 5334). Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to EFD (3777) and Simons Foundation Grant #329108 (to EFD)

    New avenues for potentially seeking microbial responses to climate change beneath Antarctic ice shelves

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    The signs of climate change are undeniable, and the impact of these changes on ecosystem function heavily depends on the response of microbes that underpin the food web. Antarctic ice shelf is a massive mass of floating ice that extends from the continent into the ocean, exerting a profound influence on global carbon cycles. Beneath Antarctic ice shelves, marine ice stores valuable genetic information, where marine microbial communities before the industrial revolution are archived. Here, in this proof-of-concept, by employing a combination of single-cell technologiesand metagenomics, we have been able to sequence frozen microbial DNA (≈300 years old) stored in the marine ice core B15 collected from the Filchnner-Ronne Ice Shelf. Metagenomic data indicated that Proteobacteria and Thaumarchaeota (e.g., Nitrosopumilus spp.), followed by Actinobacteria (e.g., Actinomarinales), were abundant. Remarkably, our data allow us to “travel to the past” and calibrate genomic and genetic evolutionary changes for ecologically relevant microbes and functions, such as Nitrosopumilus spp., preserved in the marine ice (≈300 years old) with those collected recently in seawater under an ice shelf (year 2017). The evolutionary divergence for the ammonia monooxygenase gene amoA involved in chemolithoautotrophy was about 0.88 amino acid and 2.8 nucleotide substitution rate per 100 sites in a century, while the accumulated rate of genomic SNPs was 2,467 per 1 Mb of genome and 100 years. Whether these evolutionary changes remained constant over the last 300 years or accelerated during post-industrial periods remains an open question that will be further elucidated.The authors thank the research grants funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2021-125175OB-I00)

    Use of backpack radio-transmitters on lizards of the genus Aspidocelis (Squamata: Teiidae)

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    We describe a simple and effective technique for laying extracorporal telemetry radiotransmitters on lizards Aspidoscelis, by placing the radio transmitter in a backpack. To test the effectiveness of this technique, four males were equipped with backpacks-radio transmitter and released to continue their individual trace. Radio-transmitters lizards remained for 12 weeks and a visual assessment a priori suggests no negative effects by backpacks on natural behavior of lizardsCONACY

    Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in HIV patients under antiretroviral treatment in CAPASITS from Reynosa, Tamaulipas

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    Introduction: Highly effective antiretroviral therapy has been demonstrated a decrease in morbidity, mortality, life expectancy and quality of life of HIV-infected patients. However, HIV-infected persons, over time of receiving antiretroviral treatment, may develop different metabolic disorders, such as adipose tissue, lipid metabolism and the development of arterial hypertension, increase in BMI, decrease in HDL cholesterol and insulin resistance which can with lead to the development of metabolic syndrome. Methodology: A cross-sectional observational study was carried out, the sample consisted of 122 HIV patients on ART. All patients signed an informed consent form. Sociodemographic data and clinical history were collected. Subsequently, anthropometric data (height, weight and waist circumference) and vital signs (blood pressure) were measured. Results: A total population of n=122 participated in this study, of which the majority was male with 62.3% (n=76) and 37.7% (n=46) female. The mean age of the patients was 37.54 (±11.48) years, with a range of 19 to 60 years. The frequency of Metabolic Syndrome of HIV seropositive patients under antiretroviral treatment is observed, where 41%(n=50) have metabolic syndrome, while 59% (n=72) do not present metabolic syndrome. In women, the metabolic syndrome is present in 64% (n=32) while in men it is present in 36% (n=18) with statistical significance (value of p= .000). Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of metabolic syndrome in our study population 41% in which the female gender predominated in patients receiving antiretroviral treatment in the CAPASITS of the city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas