89 research outputs found

    Sociedad de la Información y Políticas de TIC en Venezuela

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    The objective of this paper is to clarify the conditions of Venezuela's progress towards the Information Society (SI), based on the policies implemented in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector, during the governments of Hugo Chavez (2001-2007 and 2007-2013) and Nicolás Maduro (2013-2019). A documentary type investigation was carried out using the technique called critical analysis on various documents based on the elements found in them through the analytical summary. The theories that support the study belong to: Guerra and Jordan (2010); Vila (2002); De La Riva (2012); Hernandez (2008); Gomez and others (2008); among others. It is concluded that the policies of the ICT sector during the Chavez and Maduro governments are oriented towards the achievement of an IS focused on human development, but in practice neglects digital literacy and information of the population, ethics and participation. In terms of access to technology, Venezuela lags behind other Latin American countries, due to the limited capacity of domestic industry to supply the domestic market, import restrictions and high prices that make it inaccessible to the population electronic equipment. El objetivo del presente trabajo es precisar las condiciones del avance de Venezuela hacia la Sociedad de la información (SI), a partir de las políticas implementadas en el sector de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC), durante los gobiernos de Hugo Chávez (2001-2007 y 2007-2013) y Nicolás Maduro (2013-2019). Se realizó una investigación de tipo documental, con empleo de la técnica denominada análisis crítico sobre variados documentos a partir de los elementos hallados en ellos mediante el resumen analítico. Las teorías que fundamentan el estudio pertenecen a: Guerra y Jordán (2010); Vila (2002); De La Riva (2012); Hernández (2008); Gómez y otros (2008); entre otros. Se concluye que las políticas del sector TIC durante los gobiernos de Chávez y Maduro están orientadas hacia la consecución de una SI centrada en el desarrollo humano, pero en la práctica se descuida la alfabetización digital e informacional de la población, la ética y la participación. En materia de acceso a las tecnologías, Venezuela se encuentra rezagada en comparación con otros países de América Latina, producto de la limitada capacidad de la industria nacional para abastecer el mercado interno, de las restricciones en las importaciones y de los altos precios que hacen inaccesibles a la población los equipos electrónicos

    Benchmarking: una herramienta para lograr un nivel de excelencia en las Escuelas de la Gobernación del Estado Zulia

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    Within the quality management framework, an organization may use diverse methodological tools to achieve optimum results. One of these tools is Benchmarking, which, when employed in schools, can enrich their practices or methods of planning, execution, control or evaluation. Being aware of the complex realities as well as the potentials in Venezuelan education, this study considers that Benchmarking, when applied adequately at State Government schools in Zulia, could generate substantial improvements and changes in every area of school organization and therefore, in the educational service rendered.Dentro del marco de la gestión de calidad, cualquier organización puede recurrir a diversas herramientas metodológicas con el fin de conseguir los mejores resultados. Una de esas herramientas es el Benchmarking, que empleada en las organizaciones escolares, puede enriquecer las propias prácticas o sus modos de planificación, ejecución, control o evaluación. Conscientes de la compleja realidad de la educación venezolana, pero también de sus potencialidades, hemos considerado que este enfoque aplicado adecuadamente en las instituciones escolares de la Gobernación del Estado Zulia, puede generar mejoras y cambios sustanciales en todas las áreas de la organización escolar, y por ende en la prestación del servicio educativo

    Differences between single and double-pass schlieren imaging on diesel vapor spray characteristics

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    [EN] The use olschlieren imaging at high acquisition rate has been adopted as a standard optical technique for the analysis of vaporizing diesel sprays under engine-like conditions. A single-pass schlieren arrangement is typically used for the study of axially drilled single-orifice nozzles, as vessels with multiple optical accesses regularly allow line of sight visualization. Contrarily, for multi-spray nozzles, measurements are commonly performed through a single,optical access, in which case a double-pass arrangement is employed. As a consequence, the light beams pass through the test section twice, increasing the optical sensitivity of the schlieren setup. However, the influence this has on the macroscopic spray characteristics is still unclear. The scope of this study is to analyze the differences in vapor phase penetration and spreading angle measured for the same injection event, through high-speed imaging, for both single and double-pass schlieren configurations. Experiments were carried out with a three hole nozzle with a nominal orifice diameter of 90 mu m, named Spray B from the Engine Combustion Network, using commercially available diesel fuel and in non-reactive conditions. The impact of different injection pressures, chamber temperatures and densities on the spray captured by each setup was assessed. On the results, vapor. phase penetration and spreading angle followed the expected trend found in the literature, for the different boundary conditions tested. Comparing the optical setups, vapor phase penetration and spreading angle results obtained with the double-pass arrangement were marginally higher than those from the single-pass. The deviation was observed throughout all tested conditions. For spray tip penetration, although the discrepancy was approximately constant for different injection pressures and chamber temperature, it increased with increasing density. These results highlight the importance of a proper understanding regarding the limitations of optical diagnostics, in particular for results used in calibration of computational models. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This research has been partially funded by FEDER and Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad through project TRA2015-67679-C2-1-R. Additionally, Alberto Viera is supported through the FPI contract 2016-S2-1361 of "Programa de Apoyo para la Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID)" of Universitat Poltecnica de Valencia.Payri, R.; Salvador, FJ.; Bracho Leon, G.; Viera-Sotillo, AA. (2017). Differences between single and double-pass schlieren imaging on diesel vapor spray characteristics. Applied Thermal Engineering. 125:220-231. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.06.140S22023112

    Measuring multi-scale urban forest carbon flux dynamics using an integrated eddy covariance technique

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    The multi-scale carbon-carbon dioxide (C-CO2) dynamics of subtropical urban forests and other green and grey infrastructure types were explored in an urbanized campus near Shanghai, China. We integrated eddy covariance (EC) C-CO2 flux measurements and the Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon footprint tool to analyze C-CO2 dynamics at the landscape-scale as well as in local-scale urban forest patches during one year. The approach measured the C-CO2 flux from different contributing areas depending on wind directions and atmospheric stability. Although the study landscape was a net carbon source (2.98 Mg C ha-1 yr-1), we found the mean CO2 flux in urban forest patches was -1.32 ?mol m-2s-1, indicating that these patches function as a carbon sink with an annual carbon balance of -5.00 Mg C ha-1. These results indicate that urban forest patches and vegetation (i.e., green infrastructure) composition can be designed to maximize the sequestration of CO2. This novel integrated modeling approach can be used to facilitate the study of the multi-scale effects of urban forests and green infrastructure on CO2 and to establish low-carbon emitting planning and planting designs in the subtropics. © 2019 by the authors

    Vapor phase penetration measurements with both single and double-pass Schlieren for the same injection event

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    [EN] Schlieren imaging has been adopted as a standard optical technique for the analysis of diesel sprays under engine like conditions. A single-pass Schlieren arrangement is typically used for the study of single-orifice nozzles, as vessels with multiple optical accesses regularly allow line of sight visualization. Contrarily, for multi-spray nozzles, measurements are commonly performed through a single optical access, in which case a double-pass arrangement is employed. As a consequence, the light beams pass through the test section twice, increasing the optical sensitivity of the Schlieren setup. However, the impact this has on the macroscopic spray characteristics is still unclear. The scope of this study is to analyze the differences in vapor phase penetration for the same injection event, through high-speed imaging, for both single and double-pass Schlieren configurations. Experiments were carried out with a three hole nozzle with a nominal orifice diameter of 90 µm, named Spray B from the Engine Combustion Network, using commercially available diesel fuel and in non-reactive conditions. The impact of different injection pressures and chamber densities on the spray captured by each setup was assessed. On the results, vapor phase penetration followed the expected trend found in the literature, as it increases with increasing injection pressure and decreasing chamber density. Comparing the optical setups, vapor phase penetration obtained with the double-pass arrangement was marginally higher. The deviation was observed throughout all tested conditions. Although the discrepancy was approximately constant for different injection pressures and chamber temperature, it increased with increasing density. These results highlight the importance of a proper understanding regarding the limitations of optical diagnostics, in particular for results used in calibration of computational models.This research has been partially funded by FEDER and Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through project TRA2015-67679-c2-1-R. Additionally, Alberto Viera is supported through the FPI contract 2016-S2-1361 of “Programa de Apoyo para la Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID)” of Universitat Poltècnica de València.Payri, R.; Salvador Rubio, FJ.; Bracho León, GC.; Viera Sotillo, AA. (2017). Vapor phase penetration measurements with both single and double-pass Schlieren for the same injection event. En Ilass Europe. 28th european conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 747-754. https://doi.org/10.4995/ILASS2017.2017.4884OCS74775

    A strategy to extend load operation map range in oxy-fuel compression ignition engines with oxygen separation membranes

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    [EN] The possibility of applying oxy-fuel combustion to a compression ignition engine (CIE) at different operating points regarding engine speed and load is studied in this work. To do so, a strategy is proposed to extend the load operation map range of a 2.2 L turbocharged and direct-injection CIE under oxy-fuel combustion conditions using mixed ionic-electronic conducting membranes (MIEC) to acquire oxygen (O2) from the air. As nitrogen is not present in the intake flow, nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions are eliminated, and carbon capture is allowed. The strategy consists of modifying exhaust gas temperature and oxygen-fuel ratio, generating temperature-lambda maps to decide the optimal combination in terms of engine performance. Thus, the system behavior is analyzed at three engine speeds (1250 rpm, 2500 rpm and 3500 rpm) with different load levels and compression ratio (CR) of 20. The baseline engine model is calibrated with experimental data within part-load operation ranges, and an apparent combustion time model calibrated with computational fluid dynamics data is applied to simulate the combustion process under oxy-fuel combustion conditions. Finally, specific parameters are researched to verify whether the system produces enough energy to heat up the MIEC, generating the necessary oxygen. Indeed, a few of them have been found very useful as design parameters for finding out oxy-fuel engine operation limits and estimating MIEC design features.This work has been partially supported by Grant PID2021-123351OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and, as appropriate, by "ERDF A way of making Europe" and by Grant CIPROM/2021/061 funded by Generalitat Valenciana, Spain. In addition, this work has been also partially founded by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain (UPV-SOLGEN-7967) and Generalitat Valenciana, Spain (GRISOLIAP/2020/078).Arnau Martínez, FJ.; Bracho Leon, G.; García-Cuevas González, LM.; Farias, VH. (2023). A strategy to extend load operation map range in oxy-fuel compression ignition engines with oxygen separation membranes. Applied Thermal Engineering. 226. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2023.12026822

    Patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV) during colonoscopy diagnosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>No recognized risk factors can be identified in 10-40% of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients suggesting that the modes of transmission involved could be underestimated or unidentified. Invasive diagnostic procedures, such as endoscopy, have been considered as a potential HCV transmission route; although the actual extent of transmission in endoscopy procedures remains controversial. Most reported HCV outbreaks related to nosocomial acquisition have been attributed to unsafe injection practices and use of multi-dose vials. Only a few cases of likely patient-to-patient HCV transmission via a contaminated colonoscope have been reported to date. Nosocomial HCV infection may have important medical and legal implications and, therefore, possible transmission routes should be investigated. In this study, a case of nosocomial transmission of HCV from a common source to two patients who underwent colonoscopy in an endoscopy unit is reported.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A retrospective epidemiological search after detection of index cases revealed several potentially infective procedures: sample blood collection, use of a peripheral catheter, anesthesia and colonoscopy procedures. The epidemiological investigation showed breaches in colonoscope reprocessing and deficiencies in the recording of valuable tracing data. Direct sequences from the NS5B region were obtained to determine the extent of the outbreak and cloned sequences from the E1-E2 region were used to establish the relationships among intrapatient viral populations. Phylogenetic analyses of individual sequences from viral populations infecting the three patients involved in the outbreak confirmed the patient pointed out by the epidemiological search as the source of the outbreak. Furthermore, the sequential order in which the patients underwent colonoscopy correlates with viral genetic variability estimates.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Patient-to-patient transmission of HCV could be demonstrated although the precise route of transmission remained unclear. Viral genetic variability is proposed as a useful tool for tracing HCV transmission, especially in recent transmissions.</p

    University’s social accountability: labor immersion of the youth

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    Se presenta el análisis sobre la responsabilidad social del sistema universitario español, donde se establece que la Universidad debe ejerce un papel importante en el desarrollo social y humano a través de programas y prácticas que contribuyan en la realización de una sociedad más equitativa y participativa desde iniciativas que promuevan el voluntariado y la cooperación en organizaciones no gubernamentales como de entidades no lucrativas que conformar el tercer sector . Se llega a la capacidad de la Universidad por generar competencias de empleo y emprendurismo social.The analysis over the social accountability of the Spanish university system is introduced herein, stating that the University has to perform an important role with the social and human development through programs and internships that shall contribute with the fulfillment of a more equitable and participative society implementing initiatives that shall promote volunteering and cooperation at non-governmental bodies as well as at non-profitable entities which conform the third sector. The capacity of the University to create labor competencies and social entrepreneurship is approached.Depto. de Trabajo Social y Servicios SocialesFac. de Trabajo SocialTRUEpu

    Sistema electrónico de potencia con control digital reconfigurable para máquinas de electroerosión

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    Sistema electrónico de potencia con control digital reconfigurable para máquinas de electroerosión. Sistema electrónico de potencia con control digital reconfigurable para máquinas de electroerosión, constituido por convertidores de potencia resonantes actuando como fuente de corriente y controlando la calidad de cada impulso. Cuenta con los siguientes elementos: una Red de alimentación, un convertidor electrónico ca/cc, un convertidor electrónico cc/ca de alta frecuencia, un transformador, un rectificador ca/cc de alta velocidad, un sensor y adaptador de señal entre electrodo y pieza, un circuito de control de la fuente de impulsos y del servomecanismo que sitúa el electrodo sobre la pieza. El sistema genera la tensión de ruptura del dieléctrico, el control de la descarga y la protección en cortocircuito. Reconoce formas de onda y se autoajusta para conseguir las máximas descargas efectivas. Tiene como parámetros de control de cada impulso: la distancia entre electrodo y pieza, la frecuencia y el ancho de impulso de mecanizado, y la señal de protección.Solicitud: 200202481 (28.10.2002)Nº Pub. de Solicitud: ES2206058A1 (01.05.2004)Nº de Patente: ES2206058B2 (01.04.2005

    Sistema electrónico de arranque suave y de optimización de la transferencia de energía para lámparas de descarga

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    La presente invención consiste en un sistema electrónico de conversión de potencia para conseguir el encendido y control de las lámparas de descarga. Cuenta con los siguientes elementos: Un convertidor electrónico de potencia que transforma corriente alterna de la red en continua. Un convertidor electrónico de potencia de corriente continua a alterna de alta frecuencia (cc/ca). Un circuito resonante de autoinductancias y condensadores. Los elementos constituyen el inversor resonante. La lámpara; de baja presión de mercurio o bien de alta presión de: sodio, mercurio o halogenuros metálicos. El circuito de control del elemento que genera una señal con un valor de frecuencia y ancho de pulso ajustable. Un temporizador u otro sistema de decisión de jerarquía superior. Se enciende la lámpara mediante una aproximación suave al punto de operación. En régimen de encendido se establece automáticamente la frecuencia de operación y el ancho de pulso de control según criterios de optimización de trasferencia de potencia a la lámpara para diferentes niveles de luminosidad. El sistema presenta las ventajas de eliminar efectos estroboscopios y reducir los niveles de tensión e intensidad que soportan los componentes.Solicitud: 009900367 (17.02.1999)Nº Pub. de Solicitud: ES2153314A1 (16.02.2001)Nº de Patente: ES2153314B1 (01.09.2001