190 research outputs found

    New Techniques and Algorithms for Multiobjective and Lexicographic Goal-Based Shortest Path Problems

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    Shortest Path Problems (SPP) are one of the most extensively studied problems in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Operations Research (OR). It consists in finding the shortest path between two given nodes in a graph such that the sum of the weights of its constituent arcs is minimized. However, real life problems frequently involve the consideration of multiple, and often conflicting, criteria. When multiple objectives must be simultaneously optimized, the concept of a single optimal solution is no longer valid. Instead, a set of efficient or Pareto-optimal solutions define the optimal trade-off between the objectives under consideration. The Multicriteria Search Problem (MSP), or Multiobjective Shortest Path Problem, is the natural extension to the SPP when more than one criterion are considered. The MSP is computationally harder than the single objective one. The number of label expansions can grow exponentially with solution depth, even for the two objective case. However, with the assumption of bounded integer costs and a fixed number of objectives the problem becomes tractable for polynomially sized graphs. A wide variety of practical application in different fields can be identified for the MSP, like robot path planning, hazardous material transportation, route planning, optimization of public transportation, QoS in networks, or routing in multimedia networks. Goal programming is one of the most successful Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) techniques used in Multicriteria Optimization. In this thesis we explore one of its variants in the MSP. Thus, we aim to solve the Multicriteria Search Problem with lexicographic goal-based preferences. To do so, we build on previous work on algorithm NAMOA*, a successful extension of the A* algorithm to the multiobjective case. More precisely, we provide a new algorithm called LEXGO*, an exact label-setting algorithm that returns the subset of Pareto-optimal paths that satisfy a set of lexicographic goals, or the subset that minimizes deviation from goals if these cannot be fully satisfied. Moreover, LEXGO* is proved to be admissible and expands only a subset of the labels expanded by an optimal algorithm like NAMOA*, which performs a full Multiobjective Search. Since time rather than memory is the limiting factor in the performance of multicriteria search algorithms, we also propose a new technique called t-discarding to speed up dominance checks in the process of discarding new alternatives during the search. The application of t-discarding to the algorithms studied previously, NAMOA* and LEXGO*, leads to the introduction of two new time-efficient algorithms named NAMOA*dr and LEXGO*dr , respectively. All the algorithmic alternatives are tested in two scenarios, random grids and realistic road maps problems. The experimental evaluation shows the effectiveness of LEXGO* in both benchmarks, as well as the dramatic reductions of time requirements experienced by the t-discarding versions of the algorithms, with respect to the ones with traditional pruning

    Construcción de una cámara reverberante a escala para el estudio de pantallas acústicas

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    En este trabajo se realiza el planteamiento y el diseño desde diferentes puntos de vista y distintas condiciones de una cámara reverberante a escala, para su paso posterior a fabricación y prevalidación final con ensayos comparativos con la cámara reverberante a escala real. This paper takes the approach and design from different viewpoints and different conditions at a reverberant chamber, for subsequent transfer to manufacturing and final prevalidation comparative trials with the reverberation scale.Arrebola Ballesteros, F. (2011). Construcción de una cámara reverberante a escala para el estudio de pantallas acústicas. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14126Archivo delegad

    Human health risks associated with urban soils in mining areas

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    We thank Ms. I. Martinez Segura and Mr. M.J. Roman Alpiste for their assistance in laboratory work. Additionally, Dr. A. Parviainen acknowledges the `Juan de la Cierva-Incorporaci ' on' fellowship (grant number IJCI-2016-27412); and Dr. J.P. Arrebola acknowledges the Ram ' on y Cajal program (grant number RYC-2016-20155) from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Research performed at the UGR was supported by the Project RTI 2018-094327-B-I00, funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. The European Regional Development Fund (ERFD) and the European Social Fund (ESF) of the European Commission (co)funded the fellowships, research and infrastructure endeavors involved in this research performed at the Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (UGR-CSIC).We studied the chemical composition of As and Pb in total (<2 mm) and fine fractions (<50 μm) of 52 urban soil samples from Minas de Riotinto (mining area) and Aracena (non-exposed area) in SW Spain. In addition to a soil phytotoxicity bioassay using Lactuca Sativa L., we modelled and performed carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic human health risk assessment, later comparing our data with relative cancer mortality rates reported at the municipal level. This study demonstrates that mineralized bedrock and natural soil-forming processes affect the geochemistry of natural (in-situ) urban soils, which in many cases surpass the regulatory levels for As (36 mg/kg) and Pb (275 mg/kg). Fine fractions of in-situ and mixed urban soils —susceptible of inhalation— are significantly enriched in As and Pb with respect to fine fractions of aggregate materials (ex-situ soils of chalky sands and gravel) in Minas de Riotinto. The soils in Minas de Riotinto are significantly enriched in As (total and fine fractions) and Pb (total fraction) with respect to Aracena. Despite elevated bulk concentrations of As and Pb, only one in-situ sample exhibits phytotoxic effects of the soil-water extracts on Lactuca Sativa L. seeds. Health risk assessment of these towns as exposure areas indicates that the soils of Minas de Riotinto are indeed a health risk to the residents, whereas there is no potential risk in Aracena. The reported relative mortality rates in Minas de Riotinto show a greater mortality of carcinogenic tumors potentially related to As and Pb exposure, including lung cancer. Both soil type and use must be considered when administrators or policy-makers evaluate health risks involved in urbanistic decision-making. To minimize exposure risk and adverse health outcomes, we recommend that insitu soils surpassing regulatory levels for As and Pb in public playgrounds and passing areas should be covered with aggregate materials.'Juan de la Cierva-Incorporacion' fellowship IJCI-2016-27412Spanish Government RYC-2016-20155Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities RTI 2018-094327-B-I00European Regional Development Fund (ERFD) of the European Commission European Social Fund (ESF) of the European Commissio

    Seventy-Two-Hour LRRK2 Kinase Activity Inhibition Increases Lysosomal GBA Expression inH4, a Human Neuroglioma Cell Line

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    Mutations in LRRK2 and GBA1 are key contributors to genetic risk of developing Parkinson’s disease (PD). To investigate how LRRK2 kinase activity interacts with GBA and contributes to lysosomal dysfunctions associated with the pathology of PD. The activity of the lysosomal enzyme -Glucocerebrosidase (GCase) was assessed in a human neuroglioma cell model treated with two selective inhibitors of LRKK2 kinase activity (LRRK2-in-1 and MLi-2) and a GCase irreversible inhibitor, condutirol-beta-epoxide (CBE), under 24 and 72 h experimental conditions. We observed levels of GCase activity comparable to controls in response to 24 and 72 h treatments with LRRK2-in-1 and MLi-2. However, GBA protein levels increased upon 72 h treatment with LRRK2-in-1. Moreover, LC3-II protein levels were increased after both 24 and 72 h treatments with LRRK2-in-1, suggesting an activation of the autophagic pathway. These results highlight a possible regulation of lysosomal function through the LRRK2 kinase domain and suggest an interplay between LRRK2 kinase activity and GBA. Although further investigations are needed, the enhancement of GCase activity might restore the defective protein metabolism seen in PD.Foundation "Progreso y Salud" of the Junta de Andalucia PI-0424-2014Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucia B-CTS-702-UGR20German Research Foundation (DFG) EST16/00809 FPU14/03473UK Research & Innovation (UKRI)Medical Research Council UK (MRC)European Commission MR/N026004/1 MR/L010933/

    La rizobacteria Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1606, no presenta actividad promotora del crecimiento como mecanismo adicional de biocontrol

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    Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1606 es una rizobacteria, que muestra capacidad antagonista y actividad de biocontrol frente a diferentes hongos fitopatógenos de suelo, entre ellos Rosellinia necatrix, que produce la enfermedad denominada podredumbre blanca radicular en la planta de aguacate. Se ha demostrado que PCL1606 produce el antifúngico 2 hexil, 5 propil resorcinol (HPR), entre otros compuestos antifúngicos. HPR es clave para el antagonismo y la actividad biocontrol contra R. necatrix, así como en la colonización de la rizosfera de aguacate. En este trabajo se analiza la posible actividad PGPR (actividad promotora del crecimiento de la planta mediada por rizobacterias) de P. chlororaphis PCL1606, como mecanismo adicional implicado en el control biológico. Para ello, se realizaron ensayos in vitro con semillas de tomate, así como ensayos en plantas comerciales de aguacate de 6 meses. También se estudiaron actividades relacionadas con el PGPR, como la actividad 1-aminociclopropano-1-carboxylato (ACC) deaminasa, la producción de ácido indol acético (IAA), la solubilización de fosfatos o la producción de sideróforos. Los resultados obtenidos de los distintos ensayos, muestran que la cepa P. chlororaphis PCL1606 no tiene actividad promotora del crecimiento vegetal.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Construcción de una colección de cepas de Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae asociadas a mango para su uso en estudios comparativos

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    La necrosis apical es una enfermedad que afecta a las principales áreas de cultivo de mango de clima mediterráneo, y cuyo agente causal es Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss). Se han descrito diferentes genes implicados en el desarrollo de los síntomas de la enfermedad, así como en aumentar el fitness epifítico de la bacteria; como la producción de mangotoxina, o la resistencia al cobre respectivamente. En estudios previos mediante análisis filogenéticos, se han agrupado todas las cepas de Pss aisladas de mango y productoras de mangotoxina en el filotipo I. El objetivo de este trabajo es aislar cepas de Pss de árboles de mango de las distintas zonas de estudio (España, Portugal, Italia, Israel y Australia), para así poder abordar un análisis comparativo de las cepas de Pss aisladas antes del año 2000 y disponibles en nuestro laboratorio, con los nuevos aislamientos (2016-2017). Tras proceder a la identificación de las cepas, se caracterizarán las mismas mediante diferentes pruebas fenotípicas y genotípicas (producción de mangotoxina, resistencia al cobre, detección de genes específicos por PCR, etc).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Comparison of four strategies of ram management in a semen collection centre

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    Thirty Merino rams were used to determine the effect of four management systems of rams on semen quality during the anoestrous season. Animals were divided into four groups: Artificial-Photoperiod group (AP; n = 8), which were isolated from females and exposed to artificial long days (16 hr/d) from 1 Feb to 15 Mar; Natural-Photoperiod (NP; n = 8), isolated from females and exposed to the natural photoperiod throughout the experiment; Oestrous-Ewe group (EE; n = 7), housed in a pen adjacent to another pen that housed three ewes in oestrus, and Anestric-Ewe group (AE; n = 7), housed adjacent to another pen that housed three ovariectomized ewes. From 20 Mar to the end of May (10 weeks), semen samples were collected weekly, and blood samples were collected to determine plasma testosterone concentrations. Mean plasma testosterone concentrations, ejaculate volume and reaction time were not affected either by treatment or week. There was a significant effect (p < .01) of ram treatment on sperm concentration, and both TM y PM, and their interaction, were significantly affected by group and week (p < .001). Rams exposed to ewes in oestrus presented the largest sperm concentration (p < .05) compared with the other three groups, although they had the lowest total and progressive motilities (p < .01). In conclusion, management strategy in spring affects semen quality of rams, with the presence of ewes in oestrus being the best plan to increase sperm concentration

    Reflectarray para Estación Base LMDS Basado en Parches Acoplados por Apertura

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    A shaped-beam reflectarray based on aperturecoupled elements is demonstrated as central station antenna for Local Multipoint Distribution System (LMDS) in the 10.10- 10.70 GHz band. The antenna must cover a 60° sector in azimuth with a squared cosecant pattern in elevation. The design process consists of two steps. First, a phase-only pattern synthesis technique is applied to obtain the required phase-shift distribution on the reflectarray surface which generates the shaped pattern. The second stage consists of determining the length of the delay lines, aperture-coupled to the squared patches, in order to achieve the phase distribution synthesized in the previous step. A reflectarray antenna has been designed for vertical (V) polarization. A breadboard has been manufactured and tested in an anechoic chamber, showing a good agreement between theoretical and measured radiation patterns

    Papel del HPR como molécula señal en las interacciones multitróficas en la bacteria de control biológico pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1606.

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    En este trabajo, se analizará a nivel transcriptómico, la expresión/represión de los genes cuando se compara un mutante defectivo en la producción de HPR (mutante en el gen darB) frente a la cepa silvestre, identificando los fenotipos dependientes de la producción de HPR durante el proceso de interacción multitrófica, que se produce durante el control biológico de la podredumbre blanca radicular.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech . Este trabajo se ha financiado gracias a el Plan Nacional de l+D+I del Ministerio de Economía (AGL2014-52518-C2-l-R y AGL2017-83368-C2-l-R; MINECO, España) y cofinanciado con fondos PEDER (EU). S. Tienda está siendo financiada con una ayuda del programa FPI del MINECO
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