218 research outputs found

    Guiding criteria for instrument design at long-pulse neutron sources

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    6 págs.; 3 figs.; 7th Meeting of the Spanish Neutron Scattering Association (SETN); Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 3.0We introduce and describe general criteria which characterize long-pulse neutron sources, with a view to guiding and facilitating subsequent instrument design and optimization for specific applications. The ensuing analysis shows that a long-pulse neutron source allows for the possibility of a wide range of flexible instrument concepts with variable resolution and dynamic range, tasks which invariably require the implementation of pulse-modulation techniques in the time domain, particularly for high-resolution applications. We also consider in some detail yet-to-be-tapped opportunities in the use of shorter proton pulses, characterised by a duration commensurate with typical moderation times at spallation sources.This work would not have been possible without the support of the computing infrastructure of the i2BASQUE Academic Network and the support of the ESS-DMSC Computing Centre.Peer Reviewe

    ¿Cómo el sistema de memoria construye el conocimiento conceptual de marca en la mente del consumidor?

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    Se cree que el conocimiento de marca se construye en la mente de las personas como una representación cognitiva. Sin embargo, no existe una explicación basada en evidencia empírica de cómo este conocimiento de marca está representado, organizado y procesado en la mente del consumidor, y cuál es la influencia de estas representaciones en la toma de decisiones durante la conducta de compra del consumidor. Nosotros presentamos un modelo teórico inspirado en los modelos del componente triple de la memoria de trabajo y en el de la taxonomía de los sistemas de memoria de largo plazo. Nuestro modelo intenta describir y explicar cómo la información de la marca es procesada, cómo fluye a través del sistema de memoria, y como es transformada en conocimiento conceptual de marca en la mente del consumidor. Nosotros comenzamos a probar este modelo a través de una prueba de asociación implícita (IAT) y de potenciales asociados a eventos (ERPs) en la dimensión semántica medida con el N400, durante la exposición a imágenes de marcas de servicios de telefonía móvil.It is belief that brand knowledge is built in the human mind as a cognitive representation. However, there is no explanation based on empiric evidence on how this known brand is represented, organized and processed in the consumer mind, and what is the influence of these representations on the consumer decision-making during consumer’s buying behavior. We present a theoretical model inspired in the models of triple component of the working memory and long-term memory systems taxonomy. Our model attempts to describe and explain how the brand information is processed, how it fluxes through the memory system, and how it is transformed into a brand conceptual knowledge in the consumer’s mind. We started to test this model through an implicit association test (IAT) and event-related potentials (ERPs) in the semantic dimension assessed with a N400 potential during consumers expose to mobile phone services images

    Activities of the European topic centre on soils: the Spanish information system on soils

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    3 pages, 9 references.-- Forma parte del capítulo Data Availability.-- Trabajo presentado al International Workshop celebrado del 9-11 de octubre 1999, en Alghero, Italia.Within the general activities of the ETC on soils one of the tasks is the development of the Spanish Information System on Soils. This activity is being developed under the agreement between the Spanish Ministry of Environment (MIMAM) and the Spanish High Council for Research (CSIC). This presentation focuses on the development of a database on soil hydraulic properties within the framework of the mentioned agreement MIMAM-CSIC. The database try to compile all existing data of hydraulic properties of the spanish soils. For the development of such a database we have taken into account the existing database of hydraulic properties of european soils (HYPRES) in which the IRNAS (CSIC) of Seville was a contributor. The spanish database on soil hydraulic properties includes detailed references of other soil properties, and the temporal variability of hydraulic properties due to the different soil use and management. This database can be an useful tool in the study of desertification processes, erosion and transport of contaminant.Peer reviewe

    Aproximación al urbanismo de una ciudad de los «Vascones»: prospecciones geofísicas en Santa Criz de Eslava (Eslava, Navarra)

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    In April 2022, under a collaboration between the Universität Marburg, the city council of Eslava and the University of Navarra, geophysical survey work was carried out in part of the urban area of the Roman city of Santa Criz de Eslava, one of the most remarkable and monumental Roman cities of Navarra, in the central area of the territory of the ancient Vascones. The campaign, brief in time, has allowed to verify some details of the civic urbanism that are offered and commented in the present work. It includes also a brief presentation of the methodology used in the survey.En abril de 2022, en virtud de una colaboración entre la Universität de Marburg, el Ayuntamiento de Eslava y la Universidad de Navarra, se desarrollaron trabajos de prospección geofísica en parte del área urbana de la ciudad romana de Santa Criz de Eslava, una de las más notables y monumentales ciudades romanas de Navarra, en el área central del territorio de los antiguos Vascones. La campaña, breve en el tiempo, ha permitido constatar algunos detalles del urbanismo cívico que se ofrecen y comentan en el presente trabajo en que se da a conocer también la metodología empleada en la misma

    Spatial distribution and estuarine sources of dissolved organic matter export to the coastal zone in the Gulf of Cádiz, Spain

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    Trabajo presentado en el XVIII Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina, celebrado en Alicante (España) de 20 al 22 de julio de 2016.Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a major component of the organic matter transported to the coastal zone by rivers. It controls ecosystem-level processes (e.g. food web) and constitutes an important pathway for nutrients transport from land to coastal waters. We know that estuarine discharges affect the primary production and nutrient composition in the adjacent coastal area. For instance, the current hypernutrification of the Guadalquivir estuary may benefit primary production on adjacent coasts. However, studies on DOM in the Gulf of Cádiz waters are unknown despite its importance in the global ocean functioning. The Gulf of Cádiz is under the estuarine influence of three main estuaries: Guadiana, Tinto-Odiel and Guadalquivir. The present study evaluates the relevance of DOM and the estuarine influence and environmental factors which determine its distribution in the Gulf of Cádiz. Our results suggest that the Gulf of Cádiz water mass is receiving large amounts of dissolved organic transported by the Guadiana and Guadalquivir rivers and much lesser from Tinto-Odiel. Thus, the estuarine influenced area explained the fDOM variability in the Gulf of Cadiz and this variability was shaped by turbidity, water depth and distance from the coast. Within the estuarine ecosystems, salinity and turbidity were the main factors explaining the fDOM variability.This work was financed by the MICCIN grants DILEMA (CTM2014-59244-C3-2-R).N


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    [ES] Actualmente en México existen 85 distritos de riego que cubren 3´498,164 ha del territorio nacional, durante los últimos 20 años la sequía ha originado que en 8 de ellos no se tenga agua para riego. El Distrito de Riego 025 Bajo Río Bravo se localiza en el estado de Tamaulipas con una superficie física de riego de 192,438 ha. En este distrito se practica en un 96% el riego por gravedad mientras que en el resto se lleva a cabo el riego presurizado en sus diversas modalidades. Para un periodo de 11 años de registro se tiene una productividad bruta promedio de 1.16 kg/m3 de agua para los cultivos de maíz y sorgo. El presente trabajo se realizo en una superficie de riego que consistió de tres naves protegidas con casa-malla, cada una con un superficie de 1.3 ha, Los cultivos seleccionados para la producción piloto fueron: tomate en tres de sus variedades, pepino, chile habanero y pimiento morrón, con una superficie física de 6 712 m2 , 6 712 m2 , 6 712 m2 , 20 136 m2 , respectivamente. Se realizaron diversos trabajos para habilitar cada nave como: la preparación de tierras, formación de camas, instalación y reparación del sistema de riego, acolchado plástico sobre las camas de siembra, instalación de medidores de flujo y de presión. Se llevó a cabo el monitoreo del clima con el uso de 4 estaciones climatológicas una a cielo abierto y tres dentro de las naves; como un factor más para la aplicación del riego, se monitoreó la humedad del suelo a profundidades de 30 y 60 cm utilizando 24 sensores puntuales distribuidos equitativamente en todas las naves. Se obtuvieron rendimientos en los cultivos de: 34.61 ton/ha para el pepino, 40.9 ton/ha para el jitomate, 9.19 ton/ha para pimiento morrón y 1.05 ton/ha para el chile habanero.Bautista Capetillo, CF.; Mojarro Dávila, F.; Márquez Villagrana Héctor, H.; Robles Rovelo, O.; Medina Carreón, A.; Félix Félix, J. (2015). PRODUCTIVIDAD EN CULTIVOS DE ALTO IMPACTO SOCIAL EN AGRICULTURA PROTEGIDA AL NORESTE DE LA REPÚBLICA MEXICANA IMPLEMENTANDO DIVERSAS TECNOLOGÍAS DE RIEGO. En XXXIII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE RIEGOS. Valencia 16-18 junio de 2015. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/CNRiegos.2015.1453OC

    Opening the terahertz window on the OSIRIS spectrometer

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    4 pags., 6 figs. -- QENS/WINS 2014 - 11th International Conference on Quasielastic Neutron Scattering and 6th International Workshop on Inelastic Neutron SpectrometersA cooled and mechanically retractable beryllium filter has been installed and commissioned on the low-energy OSIRIS spectrometer at ISIS. This instrument development extends the energy-transfer range of the spectrometer up to ca. 20 meV (∼ 5 THz), leading to an excellent resolution at THz frequencies and substantial gains in detected flux relative to existing capabilities on the neighbouring IRIS spectrometer. Herein, we provide a concise account of this new capability for high-resolution neutron spectroscopy in the THz domain, as well as outline a number of ongoing and potential scientific opportunities in condensed-matter physics, chemistry, and materials science.The authors gratefully acknowledge the UK Science & Technology Facilities Council for financial support and access to beam time at ISIS

    On-surface self-organization of a robust metal-organic cluster based on copper(i) with chloride and organosulphur ligands

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    Direct sublimation of a Cu4Cl4 metal-organic cluster on Cu(110) under ultra-high vacuum allows the formation of ultra-large well-organized metal-organic supramolecular wires. Our results show that the large monomers assemble with each other by π-π interactions connecting dipyrimidine units and are stabilized by the surfaceWe thank Spanish MINECO (Grants: MAT2013-46753-C2-1-P, MAT2013-47878-C2-1-R and MAT2011-26534) for financial support. JIM acknowledges a CSIC-JaeDoc fellowship, cofunded by ES

    Obtention and characterization of ferrous chloride FeCl_2•4H_2O from water pickling liquors

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    As a hazardous waste, water pickling liquors must be properly treated. An alternative consists of promoting the formation of ferrous salts from this residue due to their higher ferrous content. Since FeCl_2•4H_2O is widely used in several applications, obtaining pure crystals of this material appears to be an interesting prospect. However, this compound has scarcely been investigated. In the present work, FeCl_2•4H_2O crystals were obtained from water pickling liquors. Their structural and morphological characteristics were investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy as well as Mossbauer spectroscopy. In addition, the photoluminescence study of the obtained samples was also assessed. It was observed that after some aging time, the obtained crystals changed in colour from green to more yellowish. As such, the aged sample was also evaluated, and their structural characteristics were compared with the original crystals. Despite this, the obtained crystals exhibit a FeCl_2•4H_2O structure, which is not modified with the aging of the sample

    The evolution of the zooplankton community in the gulf of Cadiz, SW Iberian Peninsula

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    The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) has been conducting a multidisciplinary study of the marine ecosystem in the Gulf of Cadiz (GoC; SW Iberian Peninsula) since 2009 within the frame of the program Time Series of Oceanographic data in the Gulf of Cadiz (STOCA, in Spanish). The program maintains repeated observations along five across-shelf transects: three times a year from 2009 to 2012 and quarterly on hereafter. In this paper we present the temporal evolution of the zooplankton community in the GoC. In particular, we focused on samples from three stations located off the Guadalquivir river mouth: GD1 (20 m depth), GD3 (80 m) and GD6 (450 m). Samples were taken with bongo-40 cm paired zooplankton nets (mesh size 200 mm). Double oblique hauls were conducted from top to bottom or to a maximum depth of 200 m) while the ship was steaming at 2.5 kn. A total of 43 samples per station were included in the analysis. Samples were imaged with ZooScan. Full images were processed with ZooProcess which generated set of associated features measured on each identified object (Gorsky et al, 2010). These objects were sorted following a common taxonomic guide using the web application EcoTaxa (http://ecotaxa.obs-vlfr.fr). As a sanity check, a variable number of aliquots were directly identified by light microscopy. These results permitted the description of the mean and variable components of the plankton community, their seasonal in the context of the thermohaline and transport variability in the 2010s