2,473 research outputs found


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    Através do Exame Nacional de Desempenho dos Estudantes (Enade), previsto na Lei No. 10.861 que entrou em vigor a 14 de abril de 2004, surge com o propósito de constituir um instrumento com a capacidade de fortalecer o desenvolvimento de uma área específica de conhecimento, de modo a considerar um amplo conjunto de análises em seus resultados. Contudo, mostra que é possível avaliar e acompanhar o processo de aprendizagem e desempenho acadêmico dos estudantes em relação aos conteúdos previstos nas diretrizes curriculares ao longo da formação académica. Este exame é aplicado periodicamente aos estudantes de todos os cursos de graduação, durante o primeiro (ingressantes) e último (concluintes) ano do curso. Desta forma, ele dá o suporte necessário para a definição de ações voltadas à melhoria da qualidade dos cursos de graduação por parte de professores, técnicos, dirigentes e autoridades educacionais. Analisando os trabalhos de Nevo (2002), compreende-se que o mesmo apresenta uma visão análoga ao pressuposto destacado, já que se trata da avaliação como um instrumento responsável pela articulação da instituição com o dinamismo social que a envolve. O autor apresenta a avaliação como um mecanismo de acompanhamento da perenidade das instituições, que se dá por meio da construção de indicadores que permitam caracterizar a evolução, a contribuição, o posicionamento e a relevância desses modelos institucionais. A avaliação produz inúmeros efeitos em diversos níveis, sendo um dos principais o social, segundo Dias Sobrinho (2010). A estrutura da educação brasileira, vem sendo marcada pela quebra de paradigmas técnicos, estruturais e ideológicos, isto é, tem influência sobre o contexto institucional, sendo que a avaliação passa a ser um mecanismo indutor das ações institucionais (FRANCISCO, ET. AL, 2015

    Synergistic interaction in the analgesic-like effects of maqui berry and citrus Is antagonized by sweeteners

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    Although physiologically pain has a protective function, in many diseases, it is one of the most prominent symptoms. Today, new trends are focused on finding more natural alternatives to conventional treatments to alleviate it. Thereby, the purpose of this investigation was to obtain preclinical data of the antinociceptive properties of a lyophilized obtained from a newly designed maqui–citrus beverage alone and added with different sweeteners. To achieve this objective, maqui berry and citrus pharmacological activity were studied separately, as well as the interaction of both ingredients. In addition, due to the controversy generated regarding the intake of sugars, related to different metabolic diseases, the influence of different sweeteners (stevia, sucralose, or sucrose) was studied to determine their possible influence on the bioactive compounds of this product. For the attainment of our goals, a pharmacological evaluation, using the 1% formalin test, a nociceptive pain model in mice, was performed by using a sub-efficacious dosage of Maqui (25 mg/kg, i.p.) alone and combined with citrus, and then compared with the effects obtained in the presence of the different sweeteners. As a result, the antinociceptive response of the maqui was synergized in the presence of citrus in the neurogenic and inflammatory phases of the formalin test. However, this response was partially or totally reduced in the presence of the sweeteners. Our study gives preclinical evidence that a combination of maqui and citrus might exert beneficial actions to relieve pain, whereas the presence of sweeteners could reduce or avoid it.This work was partially supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) grant numbers 226454 and 256448 and Institutional projects numbers INP-NC123280.0 and INP-NC17073.0. Also, was partially funded by the Spanish MINECO through Research Project AGL2016-75332-C2-1-R (AEI/FEDER, UE), the Spanish MICIN through Research Project PID2019- 104212RD-100, and VA by a FPI grant (BES-2017-079754

    Antinociceptive effects of maqui-berry (Aristotelia chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz)

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    Maqui-berry is characterised by presenting a high concentration of (poly)phenols, accounting anthocyanins (cyanidin and delphinidin) for over 85% of the total. These coloured flavonoids have demonstrated potential neurological activity, but the evidence of their antinociceptive properties is scarce. In order to cover this gap, different doses (suitable for human administration) of a maqui-berry powder (1.6% anthocyanin), using enteral and parenteral routes of administration, were compared at central and peripheral levels using a nociceptive pain model (formalin test) in mice. Gastric damage analysis as possible adverse effects of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs was also explored. Dose-antinociceptive response was confirmed using both routes of administration and in both neurogenic and inflammatory phases of the formalin test, without gastric damage. In conclusion, these preliminary data provide evidence of pharmacological properties of maqui-berry to alleviate nociceptive pain.This work was partially supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) grant numbers 226454 and 256448 and Institutional projects numbers INP-NC123280.0 and INP-NC17073.0. Also, was partially funded by the Spanish MINECO through Research Project AGL2016-75332-C2-1-R (AEI/FEDER, UE), the Spanish MICIN through Research Project PID2019-104212RD-100, and VA by a FPI [grant number BES-2017-079754]

    A gap analysis of Regional Innovation Systems (RIS) with medium-low innovative capabilities: the case of Campania Region (Italy)

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the implementation of a Regional Innovation System (RIS) in the Campania Region, an Italian Region characterized by a medium-low innovation capability. The paper focuses on a comparative analysis using the data of the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2009 and the data about services provided by the most innovative Italian Regions. The paper states that low performances of Campania Region Innovation System (CRIS) are due to the lack of actors that act as Catalysts between researchers, which play the role of Explorers of knowledge, and entrepreneurs, which play the role of Exploiters. Furthermore, the paper suggests that it is necessary a strong action of the Regional policy maker (the Governor) to build an effective environment where such Catalysts can effectively develop. To this aim the local Regional government should establish an Agency for Innovation, which acts as a Governor to promote the birth and the growth of new actors and of new competencies needed to complete the CRIS

    Análise da utilização da escala Nursing Activities Score em duas UCIS Espanholas

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the discourse of health managers on aspects related to delay in tuberculosis diagnosis. This was a qualitative research study, conducted with 16 Family Health Unit managers. The empirical data were obtained through semi-structured interviews. The analysis was based on the theoretical framework of the French school of discourse analysis. According to the managers’ statements, the delay in tuberculosis diagnosis is related to patient and health service aspects. As for patient aspects, managers report fear, prejudice and lack of information as factors that may promote a delayed diagnosis. Regarding health service aspects, structural problems and lack of professional skills were reported. The discourse of managers should be considered to qualify tuberculosis control actions and to prevent delays in diagnosis.Estudio prospectivo cuyo objetivo fue analizar las diferencias en el llenado de la escala Nursing Activities Score (NAS) en dos UCIs polivalentes de dos hospitales españoles. Datos relacionados a la carga de trabajo se recogieron diariamente, mediante la escala para los pacientes internados en las unidades durante el periodo de octubre a noviembre del 2011. Se recogieron datos de 103 pacientes obteniéndose un total de 941 medidas de la escala NAS. Diferencias significativas se encontraron en los ítems: monitorización, procedimientos de higiene, movilización y posición, tareas administrativas y monitorización de la aurícula izquierda (p < 0.001). Se concluyó que el empleo de instrumentos estandarizados es fundamental para poder comparar la carga de trabajo en diferentes unidades. La escala presenta ítems con un componente de valoración subjetiva, siendo importante la unificación de criterios para poder comparar los resultados entre las distintas unidades.Estudo prospetivo cujo objetivo foi analisar as diferenças no preenchimento da escala Nursing Activities Score (NAS) em duas UTI polivalentes de dois hospitais espanhóis. Dados relativos internados nas unidades durante o período de outubro a novembro de 2011. Os dados recolhidos de 103 pacientes produziram 941 medições na escala NAS. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas nos itens: monitoramento, procedimentos de higiene, mobilização e posicionamento, atividades administrativas e monitoramento auricular à esquerda (p < 0,001). Conclui-se que o uso de instrumentos padronizados é essencial quando se compara a carga de trabalho em unidades diferentes. A escala apresenta itens com uma componente de avaliação subjetiva, sendo por isso importante a unificação de critérios para a comparação de resultados entre diferentes unidades

    Cassava processing wastewater as a platform for third generation biodiesel production

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate third generation biodiesel production by microalgae Phormidium autumnale using cassava processing wastewater as a platform. Experiments were performed in a heterotrophic bubble column bioreactor. The study focused on the evaluation of the bioreactor (batch and fed-batch) of different operational modes and the analysis of biofuel quality. Results indicate that fed-batch cultivations improved system performance, elevating biomass and oil productions to 12.0 g L&#8722;1 and 1.19 g L&#8722;1, respectively. The composition of this oil is predominantly saturated (60 %) and monounsaturated (39 %), resulting in a biodiesel that complys with U.S., European and Brazilian standards. The technological route developed indicates potential for sustainable production of bulk oil and biodiesel, through the minimization of water and chemical demands required to support such a process