
A gap analysis of Regional Innovation Systems (RIS) with medium-low innovative capabilities: the case of Campania Region (Italy)


The aim of this paper is to investigate the implementation of a Regional Innovation System (RIS) in the Campania Region, an Italian Region characterized by a medium-low innovation capability. The paper focuses on a comparative analysis using the data of the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2009 and the data about services provided by the most innovative Italian Regions. The paper states that low performances of Campania Region Innovation System (CRIS) are due to the lack of actors that act as Catalysts between researchers, which play the role of Explorers of knowledge, and entrepreneurs, which play the role of Exploiters. Furthermore, the paper suggests that it is necessary a strong action of the Regional policy maker (the Governor) to build an effective environment where such Catalysts can effectively develop. To this aim the local Regional government should establish an Agency for Innovation, which acts as a Governor to promote the birth and the growth of new actors and of new competencies needed to complete the CRIS

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