614 research outputs found

    Portuguese fashion designers: behaviours for an international business

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    The Dissertation here presented pretends to analyse and characterize the most creative sector of Portuguese Textile and Apparel Industry: Portuguese Fashion Design. Today, Textile and Apparel Industry is one of the most important cluster of Portugal economy. However, this industry, did not always give the right importance to factors such as Creativeness, Innovation and Design as a way of reach competitive advantages in international markets. In a nutshell, Portuguese Fashion Design, despite difficult periods and constrains, has been able to reveal a continuously growth and respect on international markets. Obviously, we hear today about the successful investments by Textile and Apparel Industry on improvement, development and innovation as a strategic response to market demands or requirements. Fashion World is particularly known by its quick change and where the new ideas, new ways of doing things, new products and services of today will be obsoleted tomorrow. Under fast-changing environments, players need to adopt measures and strategies to fight back market demands and heavy competition in order to survive. With this, it is up to Portuguese Fashion Designers along with Textile and Apparel Industry to seek constant alternatives and opportunities to reach a high level of competitiveness and to keep up with market demands. Back to this dissertation, the comparison between three Portuguese fashion players based on news and interviews make it possible the analysis of Portuguese Fashion Design’s evolution and to draw guidelines about its future journey

    Aspectos relacionados à aprendizagem em gestão e planejamento no curso de gestão da assistência farmacêutica - especialização a distância

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Farmácia, Florianópolis, 2016.A educação permanente a distância tem sido uma alternativa necessária para qualificar profissionais farmacêuticos que atuam no Sistema Único de Saúde, mediante as exigências de um novo perfil para este profissional. Nesse sentido, o Ministério da Saúde, no âmbito da Universidade Aberta do Brasil em parceria com a Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, propôs o Curso de Gestão da Assistência Farmacêutica - Especialização a Distância, para qualificar cerca de 2.000 farmacêuticos atuantes no Sistema Único de Saúde, distribuídos em todas as regiões do país entre 2010 e 2014. O curso teve como proposta qualificar profissionais farmacêuticos inseridos no Sistema Único de Saúde para Gestão da Assistência Farmacêutica. Como uma das ferramentas de gestão é adotada a vertente do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional. Para exercitar as habilidades de autonomia, pro atividade e comunicação, um dos módulos do curso, o Módulo de Gestão da Assistência Farmacêutica, propuseram um exercício de Planejamento Estratégico Situacional - construindo um Plano Operativo, desenvolvido no local de trabalho do egresso. Desse modo, pensa-se, a partir desta tese, que conhecer a experiência de desenvolvimento do Plano Operativo poderá refletir em melhorias na interação ensino/serviços, além de trazer conhecimento útil para tomada de decisões, tanto na academia quanto no serviço. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivos: analisar aspectos relacionados à aprendizagem durante o desenvolvimento do Plano Operativo; caracterizar as concepções teóricas pedagógicas em Educação a Distância na formação/qualificação de trabalhadores do Sistema Único de Saúde e identificação de cursos em Educação a Distância no Brasil; descrever a estrutura organizacional e pedagógica do Curso de Gestão da Assistência Farmacêutica - Especialização a Distância - e a construção do Plano Operativo: analisar, a partir da perspectiva dos tutores e egressos do referido curso o processo de aprendizagem dos egressos em relação ao desenvolvimento do Plano Operativo. Metodologia: a metodologia utilizada para pesquisa foi qualitativa. Para identificação dos cursos em Educação a Distância e concepções teóricas, além da identificação de cursos para profissionais da saúde nessa modalidade, utilizou-se a revisão de literatura do tipo metaestudo. Para a descrição da estrutura organizacional e pedagógica do curso e a construção do Plano Operativo, foram utilizados: relatórios, planilhas, a plataforma Moodle e outros documentos produzidos e compilados pela Coordenação e Suporte Técnico Pedagógico do Curso no período de 2010 a 2014. Para a análise da aprendizagem de acordo com a perspectiva dos egressos e tutores, utilizou-se o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo; e os dados qualiquantitativos foram processados com auxílio do software QualiQuantiSoft. Resultados: em relação às concepções pedagógicas em Educação a Distância no Brasil, os resultados apontaram que surgiram 4 categorias: construtivismo; pedagogia de Paulo Freire; Educação Permanente em Saúde; concepções próprias da Educação a Distância. Evidenciou-se a formação de comunidades de aprendizagem; fortalecimento dos espaços de gestão; e formação de redes para projetos em Educação Permanente em Saúde. Em relação à aprendizagem em Gestão, os discursos revelaram que o farmacêutico: passou a se ver integrado na equipe; compreendeu seu papel no contexto da integralidade das ações. Foi possível perceber nos discursos dos egressos mudanças no modo de pensar a gestão e executar ações Os discursos de ambos os sujeitos, tutores e egressos, convergiram para a aprendizagem em Gestão e Planejamento, tanto no nível individual quanto organizacional, onde percebeu-se que a interação, cooperação, formação de alianças, superação de conflitos e o diálogo foram traços marcantes nesse processo.Abstract : The Distance Learning in continuing education has been a necessary alternative to qualify pharmaceutical professionals who work in the Unified Health System of Brazil, through the requirements of a new profile for this training. In this way, the Ministry of Health, together of the Universidade Aberta do Brasil (Open University of Brazil) and the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, proposed the course of Management of Pharmaceutical Assistence - Distance Learning Specialization, to qualify approximately 2,000 pharmacists working in the Unified Health System of Brazil, spread in all regions of the country, between the years of 2010 and 2014. The course had as proposal to qualify professionals pharmacists inserted into the Unified Health System of Brazil for Management of Pharmaceutical Assistance. The Strategic Planning Situational Awareness is adopted as one of the tools of management. One of the modules of the course, the module for the management of pharmaceutical care, proposes an exercise of Strategic Planning Situational Awareness - Building a Plan Operating System, developed in the workplace of egress. In this way, it is thought, on the basis of this thesis, that knowing the experience of development of Operating System could reflect on improvements in education interaction/services, in addition to bring useful knowledge for decision-making, both in academic environment and in the work. So, this study aims to: analyze aspects related to learning during the development of the Operating Plan; characterize the theoretical and pedagogical conceptions in Distance Learning in the training/qualification of workers in the Unified Health System of Brazil and identification of courses in Distance Learning in Brazil; describe the organizational structure and pedagogy of the course of Management of Pharmaceutical Assistence - Distance Learning Specialization - and the construction of the Plan Operating: analyze, from the perspective of the tutors and graduates of that course the learning process of the graduates in relation to the development of Operating Plan. Methodology: the methodology used for the research was qualitative. To identify the courses in Distance Learning and theoretical concepts we used the literature review of type metaestudo, in addition to the identification of courses for health professionals in this modality. For a description of the organizational structure and pedagogy of the course and the construction of the Operating Plan, were used: reports, spreadsheets, the Moodle platform, and other documents produced and compiled by the Cooperative Teacher and Technology Pedagogical Suport of course in the period from year 2010 to year 2014. For the analysis of learning according to the perspective of graduates and tutors, we used the collective discourse of the subjects; and the data quali-quantitative were processed with the help of the software QualiQuantiSoft. Results: in relation to pedagogical conceptions in Distance Learning in Brazil, the results showed that there were 4 categories: Constructivism; Pedagogy of Paulo Freire, Continuous Learning in Health; and conceptions of Distance Learning. There was a formation of learning communities; strengthening of management; and formation of networks for projects in Continuous Learning in Health. In relation to learning in management the discourses revealed that the pharmacist went to see integrated into the team; he understood his role in the context of the integrality of the actions. . It was possible to perceive in the discourses of graduates changes in the way of thinking the management and perform actions The speeches of both subject, tutors and graduates, have converged to learning in management and planning, both at the individual and organizational, where it became apparent that the interaction, cooperation, formation of alliances, overcoming conflicts and dialog were outstanding in this process

    A cultura de repúdio : Roger Scruton e a ameaça do Islamismo Radical

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    Roger Scruton investiga a possibilidade de o actual conflito entre o Islão e o Ocidente poder estar a ser alimentado pela decadência da sociedade Ocidental e da ordem e lealdade política que reside nessa civilização. Isto é, de que forma é que o declínio dos valores Ocidentais que estão assentes em pressupostos Cristãos e de que forma é que a perda do sentimento religioso no Ocidente, pode estar a dar margem para que o Islão entre no seu território e dê um novo suporte a todos os que procuram um motivo sagrado para as suas vidas. Ao longo deste trabalho vou abordar o estado actual da sociedade Ocidental, que está a viver numa cultura de repúdio aos seus valores que permitiram que a civilização Ocidental se tornasse na civilização dominante no mundo. Explicar que este repúdio está a vir do interior do próprio Ocidente, e que está ser incitado e desenvolvido por uma nova corrente política – a Nova Esquerda – que surgiu em grande força no século XX. Esta corrente política apela ao relativismo cultural, ao transnacionalismo e ao multiculturalismo, repudiando os valores tradicionais e substituindo-os por um concreto nada. O problema é que o Ocidente está a abdicar dos seus valores para se transformar numa sociedade abrangente e inclusiva, o que leva a um vazio cultural e moral. A juntar a isto o Ocidente considera-se dono de uma cultura superior e pensa que todos os povos devem acatá-la. O resultado deste repúdio e do desejo universalista do Ocidente leva a que, por um lado, os povos de outras culturas se revoltem contra o desejo imperialista do Ocidente, e por outro, o Ocidente deixa de ter valores concretos que possa oferecer aos imigrantes que procuram o seu território para se estabelecerem. Estes imigrantes, de maioria muçulmana, começam a refugiar-se na sua cultura e a tentar impô-la no Ocidente, provocando um reacordar do antigo conflito entre o Islão e o Ocidente.Roger Scruton investigates for the possibility of the current conflict between Islam and the West is due to the decay of the western society and of the political order and loyalty that are the basis of the western civilization. In other words, in which way is the decline of the western values, which are based on Christian assumptions and the lost of the religious core of the West, may be giving space to Islam to enter in the western territory and fulfill the religious void of the hearts of those who search for it. Throughout this work I will speak about the current state of the Western society, which is going through a phase of repudiation of their values, values that once made it the dominant civilization of the world. I will describe how this “culture of repudiation” is coming from within the West and encouraged by a new political current – the “New Left”, which arose in strength in the XX century. This political current appeals to a cultural relativism, to transnationalism and to multiculturalism, rejecting the traditional values by replacing them with a concrete nothing. In this path the West is abdicating of its values to become a more inclusive society, which is leading to a moral and cultural void. To add to this the West considers itself the owner of a superior culture and thinks that all the countries should follow it. The result of this repudiation and the universalist desire of the West leads, on the one hand, the peoples of other cultures to revolt against the imperialist desire of the West, and on the other, the West no longer has concrete values that it can offer to the immigrants who seek its territory to establish themselves. These Muslim immigrants begin to take refuge in their culture and try to impose it in the West, provoking a re-establishment of the old conflict between Islam and the Wes

    Avaliação da variabilidade genética intravarietal de variedades antigas de videira

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica. Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de AgronomiaOs diferentes genótipos constituintes de uma variedade antiga de videira são marcadamente distintos, relativamente a características quantitativas. Esta variabilidade constitui a base da seleção genética e proporciona a obtenção de materiais selecionados com elevados ganhos relativamente a várias características quantitativas de alto interesse económico, como o rendimento, peso do bago, volume do mosto do bago e características da qualidade do mosto. Numa variedade antiga, a quantificação da variabilidade na fase inicial de seleção permite emitir hipóteses quanto à sua antiguidade, avaliar as mais-valias ao fazer seleção e prever os ganhos de seleção do material selecionado policlonal e planear a fase seguinte de seleção (seleção clonal). Pretende-se assim, estudar a variabilidade intravarietal em 17 castas autóctones portuguesas relativamente a várias características de interesse económico, como rendimento, peso do bago, volume do mosto do bago, acidez total, pH e, no caso das castas tintas, antocianas e fenóis totais. Foram ajustados modelos lineares mistos a vários conjuntos de dados obtidos ao longo de vários anos, em 25 ensaios de 17 castas autóctones, para quantificação dessa variabilidade intravarietal, fornecendo uma visão atual exaustiva do problema. Chegou-se a resultados que permitem verificar a existência de castas com variabilidade genética intravarietal bastante elevada para as características avaliadas, o que poderá traduzir elevados ganhos de seleção, mas também a hipótese da antiguidade da domesticação da casta. De um modo geral, as castas que apresentaram maior variabilidade genética intravarietal do rendimento foram também as que revelaram maior nível de variabilidade intravarietal das restantes características.The different genotypes comprising an old vine variety are markedly distinct with respect to quantitative traits. This variability is the basis for genetic selection and provides selected materials with high genetic gains for several quantitative traits of high economic interest, such as yield and must quality traits. In an old variety, the quantification of the variability in the initial phase of selection allows to make hypotheses regarding its antiquity, to evaluate the added value when making selection, to predict the genetic gains of selection of the polyclonal selected material, and to plan the next phase of selection (clonal selection). The aim of this work is to study the intravarietal diversity in 17 Portuguese autochthonous varieties for several economically important traits, such as yield, berry weight, volume of the must of the berry, total acidity, pH, and for red varieties, anthocyanins, and total phenols. Linear mixed models were fitted to several data sets obtained over several years in 25 field trails of 17 varieties to quantify this intravarietal variability, providing an exhaustive current view of the problem. The results showed that there are varieties with a very high level of intravarietal genetic variability for all the evaluated traits. This will allow to perform polyclonal selection with high genetic gains, and to formulate hypothesis about the antiquity of the domestication of the variety. In general, the varieties that showed high level of intravarietal variability for yield were also the same that showed high level of variability for the other traits.N/

    Mortalidade perinatal e desigualdades socioespaciais

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    OBJECTIVE: to analyze the social inequalities in the distribution of perinatal mortality in Belo Horizonte. MATERIAL AND METHODS: the perinatal deaths of residents in Belo Horizonte in the period 2003 to 2007 were studied on the basis of the Information Systems on Mortality and Newborns. The space analysis and the Health Vulnerability Index were used to identify existing inequalities in the sanitary districts regarding coverage and risk, determined by the Odds Ratio and a value pOBJETIVO: analizar las desigualdades sociales en la distribución de la mortalidad perinatal en Belo Horizonte. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: fueron estudiadas las muertes perinatales de residentes en Belo Horizonte, en el período de 2003 a 2007, con base en los Sistemas de Información sobre Mortalidad y Nacidos Vivos. El análisis espacial y el Índice de Vulnerabilidad de la Salud fueron utilizados para identificar desigualdades existentes en los Distritos Sanitarios, en las áreas de influencias y de riesgo, determinadas por el Odds Ratio y el valor pOBJETIVO: analisar as desigualdades sociais constatadas na distribuição da mortalidade perinatal em Belo Horizonte. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: estudaram-se os óbitos perinatais de residentes em Belo Horizonte, no período de 2003 a 2007, com base nos sistemas de informação sobre mortalidade e nascidos vivos e utilizaram-se a análise espacial e o índice de vulnerabilidade à saúde para identificar desigualdades existentes nos distritos sanitários, nas áreas de abrangências e de risco, determinadas pelo odds ratio e valor

    Common variable immunodeficiency-associated inflammatory enteropathy: the new era of biological therapy

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    Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is the most frequent form of immunodeficiency in adults. Clinical manifestations are heterogeneous with an increased susceptibility to infections and inflammatory conditions, namely autoimmune diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease. We present the clinical case of a Caucasian female patient, 21 years old, with a past medical history of CVID, with multiple visits to the emergency department due to abdominal pain in the lower quadrants and diarrhea. Her biochemical analysis showed elevated inflammatory parameters. Stool cultures and parasitological examination of feces were negative. Ileocolonoscopy revealed lymphoid nodular hyperplasia of the terminal ileum, and the small bowel capsule endoscopy demonstrated edema and multiple pleomorphic ulcers (Lewis score = 1,104). CVID-associated inflammatory enteropathy was suspected. Budesonide 9 mg/day was started, but no positive clinical response was observed. It was decided to initiate biological therapy with infliximab. The patient's condition is currently clinically improved with no complications due to biological therapy.(undefined

    Os desafios de marketing nas startups portuguesas : da criação à fixação no mercado

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    Visou a presente dissertação auxiliar na compreensão da realidade das Startups portuguesas no que respeita à sua Comunicação face aos desafios de Marketing que enfrentam, assim como, constituir um apoio para empreendedores e empresas que atuem em ambientes semelhantes ao estudado. Teve por base uma pesquisa bibliográfica, que incidiu na explanação e interligação dos conceitos relacionados com o tema, associada a uma investigação empírica, onde estudos de caso (compostos por entrevistas e grelhas de análise da presença das Startups nas redes sociais online) e inquéritos por questionário recolheram informações concretas sobre aqueles factos. Tendo em conta o contexto de crise nacional, o relevo dado aos conceitos de Startup e Empreendedorismo, assim como o peso que têm na economia portuguesa, e a escassez de análises académicas deste tipo, a apresentação destes exemplos de aprendizagem prática revela-se uma mais-valia. Ao longo da investigação foi percebida a crescente importância que vem sendo atribuída à Comunicação no seio das empresas. A apresentação ao mercado, a angariação de clientes, o alcance e a manutenção de uma posição competitiva dependem em grande parte dela. Deste modo, a consciência do peso que esta área representa, especialmente numa empresa startup é cada vez maior. Como principal forma de comunicar a marca o destaque é dado à Comunicação online. Esta satisfaz necessidades de rapidez e baixo custo, alcance geral e forte impacto. Ainda que os exemplos dados sejam pouco representativos de uma realidade tão extensa como a estudada, constituem uma importante fonte de conhecimento e de demonstração prática.This thesis aimed to assist in understanding the reality of Portuguese Startups with regard to its communication address the challenges facing marketing, as well as provide support for entrepreneurs and companies acting in similar environments to the study. Was based on a literature review, which focused on explanation and interconnection of concepts related to the topic, combined with empirical research, where case studies (consisting of interviews and analysis grids of the Startups´ presence in social networks) and questionnaire surveys collected concrete information about those facts. Taking into account the context of national crisis, the prominence given to the concepts of Startup and Entrepreneurship, as well as the weight that the Portuguese economy, and the lack of academic analyzes of this type, the presentation of these examples of practical learning proves to be a more asset. Throughout the investigation it was perceived that communication has taken an increased importance within the companies. The presentation to the market, the customer acquisition, the scope, and maintaining a competitive position depends largely on it. Thus, the consciousness of the weight that this area has, especially in a startup company, is growing. As the main way to communicate the brand, the accent is put on online communication. This satisfies requirements of speed and low cost, general scope and strong impact. Although the examples given are not representative of a reality as extensive as studied, they are an important source of knowledge and practical demonstrations

    Finding the solution for incomplete small bowel capsule endoscopy

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    To evaluate whether the use of real time viewer (RTV) and administration of domperidone to patients with delayed gastric passage of the capsule could reduce the rate of incomplete examinations (IE) and improve the diagnostic yield of small bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE). METHODS: Prospective single center interventional study, from June 2012 to February 2013. Capsule location was systematically checked one hour after ingestion using RTV. If it remained in the stomach, the patient received 10 mg domperidone per os and the location of the capsule was rechecked after 30 min. If the capsule remained in the stomach a second dose of 10 mg of domperidone was administered orally. After another 30 min the position was rechecked and if the capsule remained in the stomach, it was passed into the duodenum by upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy. The rate of IE and diagnostic yield of SBCE were compared with those of examinations performed before the use of RTV or domperidone in our Department (control group, January 2009 - May 2012). RESULTS: Both groups were similar regarding age, sex, indication, inpatient status and surgical history. The control group included 307 patients, with 48 (15.6%) IE. The RTV group included 82 patients, with 3 (3.7%) IE, P = 0.003. In the control group, average gastric time was significantly longer in patients with IE than in patients with complete examination of the small bowel (77 min vs 26 min, P = 0.003). In the RTV group, the capsule remained in the stomach one hour after ingestion in 14/82 patients (17.0%) vs 48/307 (15.6%) in the control group, P = 0.736. Domperidone did not significantly affect small bowel transit time (260 min vs 297 min, P = 0.229). The capsule detected positive findings in 39% of patients in the control group and 49% in the RTV group (P = 0.081). CONCLUSION: The use of RTV and selective administration of domperidone to patients with delayed gastric passage of the capsule significantly reduces incomplete examinations, with no effect on small bowel transit time or diagnostic yield

    Validation of the Lewis score for the evaluation of small-bowel Crohn’s disease activity

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    "Published online: 2014"Background and study aims: The Lewis score was developed to measure mucosal inflammatory activity as detected by small-bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE). The aim of the current study was to validate the Lewis score by assessing interobserver correlation and level of agreement in a clinical setting. Patients and methods: This was a retrospective, single-center, double-blind study including patients with isolated small-bowel Crohn's disease who underwent SBCE. The Lewis score was calculated using a software application, based on the characteristics of villous edema, ulcers, and stenoses. The Lewis score was independently calculated by one of three investigators and by a central reader (gold standard). Interobserver agreement was assessed using intraclass correlation (ICC) coefficient and Bland - Altman plots. Results: A total of 70 patients were consecutively included (mean age 33.9 ± 11.7 years). The mean Lewis score was 1265 and 1320 for investigators and the central reader, respectively. There was a high correlation, both for scores obtained for each tertile (first tertile r = 0.659 - 0.950, second tertile r = 0.756 - 0.906, third tertile r = 0.750 - 0.939), and for the global score (r = 0.745 - 0.928) (P < 0.0001). Interobserver agreement was almost perfect between the investigators and the central reader (first tertile ICC = 0.788 - 0.971, second tertile ICC = 0.824 - 0.943, third tertile ICC = 0.857 - 0.968, global score ICC = 0.852 - 0.960; P < 0.0001). The inflammatory activity was classified as normal (score < 135) in 2.9 % vs. 2.9 %, mild (score ≥ 135 - < 790) in 51.4 % vs. 55.7 %, and moderate to severe (score ≥ 790) in 45.8 % vs. 41.4 % of patients, respectively (P < 0.001). Conclusion: A strong interobserver agreement was demonstrated for the determination of the Lewis score in a practical clinical setting, validating this score for the reporting of small-bowel inflammatory activity. The Lewis score might be used for diagnosing, staging, follow-up, and therapeutic assessment of patients with isolated small-bowel Crohn's disease