330 research outputs found

    Keys to effective transit strategies for commuting

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    Commuting poses relevant challenges to cities\u2019 transport systems. Various studies have identified transit as a tool to enhance sustainability, efficiency and quality of the commute. The scope of this paper is to present strategies that increase public transport attractiveness and positively impact its modal share, looking at some case studies and underlining key success factors and possible elements of replica to be ultimately planned in some of the contexts of the Interreg project SMART-COMMUTING. The strategies analyzed in this paper concern prices and fares, service expansion, service improvements, usage of vehicle locators and other technology, changes to the built environment. Relevant gains in transit modal share are more easily achievable when considering integrations between various strategies, thus adapting and tailoring the planning process to the specific context

    Rapid Serial Visual Presentation. Degradation of inferential reading comprehension as a function of speed

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    There is increasing interest in the readability of text presented on small digital screens. Designers have come up with novel text presentation methods, such as moving text from right to left, line-stepping, or showing successive text segments such as phrases or single words in a RSVP format. Comparative studies have indicated that RSVP is perhaps the best method of presenting text in a limited space. We tested the method using 209 participants divided into six groups. The groups included traditional reading, and RSVP reading at rates of 250, 300, 350, 400, and 450 wpm. No significant differences were found in comprehension for normal reading and RSVP reading at rates of 250, 300 and 350 wpm. However, higher rates produced significantly lower comprehension scores. It remains to be determined if, with additional practice and improved methods, good levels of reading comprehension at high rates can be achieved with RSV

    Does the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) Val158Met human polymorphism in influence procrastination?

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    Genetic studies are enlightening how the expression of several genes influences neuronal activity and all facets of human normal and abnormal behaviour. Among these, a growing body of information shows that a few key genes regulating activity of central neurotransmitters have specific roles in cognitive and/or emotional processes, as ‘procrastination’. We investigated the association of the 5-HTTLPR and COMT Val158Met polymorphisms with students’ procrastination in an academic writing task. Results: showed no relationship between procrastination and the 5-HTT polymorphism but they revealed an association with the COMT Val158Met one. Particularly, the presence of the Met158 allele was found to be significantly associated with the tendency to initiate and complete the assigned task. We hypothesize that the role of central monoamines and of dopamine already identified in impulsive behaviour, extends to procrastination. Since the 158Met allele provides neurons with significantly higher basal dopamine levels when compared to the 158Val allele, our observation suggests that under normal conditions the 158Met allele provides carriers with increased inhibitory control, resulting in an increased tendency to adhere to a planned schedule and therefore reducing procrastination. On the other hand, the Val158 allele may result more effective in increasing carriers’ performances under stress conditions, namely when the schedule deadline is approaching, and dopamine release is increased. This would result in a higher tendency to procrastinate. This hypothesis can readily be tested by applying the experimental approach here employed to various samples of subjects belonging to different categories and extending the analysis to other putative neuron-expressed gene

    Can User Experience affect buying intention? A case study on the evaluation of exercise equipment.

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    Treadmills are increasingly loaded with digital technology for assisting the individual during the workout sessions by providing information for tracking relevant training parameters. Also, this technology makes exercise more pleasurable by keeping the user connected to her/his digital ecosystem (e.g. social networking, access to multimedia content). Although there is an increasing interest in digital technologies to be used in fitness, a cursory literature search shows that the interest towards gym equipment is currently limited to the hardware component, thus making biomechanics the focus of the investigation. Other types of contributions are very rare and mostly focused on the design of tools for special populations (e.g. elderly, disabilities) as well as for promoting physical activity monitoring (eHealth). In the present study information on the perceived usability of the interface was collected and analysed along with opinions about buying intention and estimated pricing. Twenty-three individuals were tested after using a treadmill (Technogym S.p.A.) equipped with an interface allowing equipment and training management, activity monitoring and user entertainment. Results indicated a significant influence of perceived usability of the interface on the intention of buying the whole system, thus suggesting the existence of a ROI of Human-Centred Design strategies


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    The research was funded by “Operative National Plan - European Capital for Regional Development” (PON-FERS 2007-2013, Industry 2015). Authors considered the Sicilian LME producing wastes from operational processes as like woody chips, wood shavings, shells of hazelnut or almond and so on. A previous survey carried out on a consistent sample of Sicilian LME showed that electrical power required by operational processes ranges substantially around three main values (250, 500 and 635 kWe) and research was addressed to obtain previous values of electrical power. People takes in consideration the exploitation of biomass through pyrolysis process since it produces syngas usable as fuel in gas-turbine of CHP plant, bio-oil and biochar too, both of them able to supply thermal energy to many section of plant. The whole paper describes the general plane of research and guidelines for: ‱ calculus of sizes of biomass stockpile storage (storage and drying - first section) ‱ design of equipments of pyrolysis process and exhausts treatment (pyrolysis process – second section) ‱ design of cogeneration system (CHP techniques – third section). The result of research specifies too the economical decreasing of operational costs of LME and the remarkable environmental benefits arose by exploitation of biomass. For room reason the part one of paper describes the generalized characteristics of research and results of calculations to design drying and storage section

    Ocular-based automatic summarization of documents: is re-reading informative about the importance of a sentence?

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    Automatic document summarization (ADS) has been introduced as a viable solution for reducing the time and the effort needed to read the ever-increasing textual content that is disseminated. However, a successful universal ADS algorithm has not yet been developed. Also, despite progress in the field, many ADS techniques do not take into account the needs of different readers, providing a summary without internal consistency and the consequent need to re-read the original document. The present study was aimed at investigating the usefulness of using eye tracking for increasing the quality of ADS. The general idea was of that of finding ocular behavioural indicators that could be easily implemented in ADS algorithms. For instance, the time spent in re-reading a sentence might reflect the relative importance of that sentence, thus providing a hint for the selection of text contributing to the summary. We have tested this hypothesis by comparing metrics based on the analysis of eye movements of 30 readers with the highlights they made afterward. Results showed that the time spent reading a sentence was not significantly related to its subjective value, thus frustrating our attempt. Results also showed that the length of a sentence is an unavoidable confounding because longer sentences have both the highest probability of containing units of text judged as important, and receive more fixations and re-fixations


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    Paper illustrates the design of an “Efficient Energy System” (EES) to supply energy to a new hospital of Catania (CH). It is shown the way to build EES through CCHP techniques and the analysis of energy request of EES during whole period of year. Paper shows also as EES , and connected CCHP techniques , achieves on the basis of 2nd Law of Thermodynamic significant economical decreasing of operational costs of CH and remarkable environmental benefits

    Environmental and energy performance of integrated passenger–freight transport

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    The first-last mile (FLM) transport of passengers and freight accounts for a significant share of total transport costs, pollution, and energy consumption. According to recent scientific literature and institutional inputs at the European level, operational innovations such as the combination of passenger and freight flows may be an effective approach for promoting sustainable and energy-efficient FLM transport. In this study, the energy and environmental performances of an integrated passenger and freight transport system based on the bus network of Zrenjanin (Serbia) were investigated with different future energy mix and transport policy scenarios. The operational aspects of the integrated system were designed through collaboration with territorial stakeholders and an analysis of local planning documents. The performance was evaluated and compared with current public transport and freight schemes considering vehicle fuel and technology, total mileage, and other relevant endogenous and exogenous factors. The results of our analysis indicate operational benefits and energy savings, mainly due to reduced total mileage and the predisposition to shift to the active modes for the last mile. However, most expected long-term energy savings are the result of technological development of vehicles and modal shifts induced by policy strategies

    The definition of equity in transport

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    Equity is a concept related to the objective of narrowing inequalities and to other notions such as justice, convergence, and fairness. The study of equity has been widely addressed within the transport sector and has been often interpreted as the study of accessibility and cohesion. However, these concepts are not totally coincident, and their definition is fraught with confusion and pluralism, with implications on the ability of transport decision making to include equity goals in the planning process. In this paper, we shed some lights on the state-of-the-art of transport-related equity studies, discussing how the concept can be framed and tied to related terms, like justice, fairness, and accessibility. Then, we explore different approaches to the conceptualization of equity in transport, from the understanding of what equity is and which impacts it generates on the transport sector and on the society, to the inclusion of equity in transport planning and project appraisal. This contribution shows the centrality of equity in contemporary transport planning. Moreover, it suggests that the plural acceptation of transport equity calls for the definition of a more comprehensive tool for the evaluation of projects. This should be able to integrate the traditional cost-benefit analysis with other equity aspects that are often left aside from the project and policy appraisals

    A Simple(r) Tool For Examining Fixations

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    This short paper describes an update of A Simple Tool For Examining Fixations (ASTEF) developed for facilitating the examination of eye-tracking data and for computing a spatial statistics algorithm that has been validated as a measure of mental workload (namely, the Nearest Neighbor Index: NNI). The code is based on MatlabÂź 2013a and is currently distributed on the web as an open-source project. This implementation of ASTEF got rid of many functionalities included in the previous version that are not needed anymore considering the large availability of commercial and open-source software solutions for eye-tracking. That makes it very easy to compute the NNI on eye-tracking data without the hassle of learning complicated tools. The software also features an export function for creating the time series of the NNI values computed on each minute of the recording. This feature is crucial given that the spatial distribution of fixations must be used to test hypotheses about the time course of mental load
