135 research outputs found

    Exploiting General-Purpose In-Game Behaviours to Predict Players Churn in Gameful Systems

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    The value of a game is assessed by measuring the intensity of the level of activity of its players. No matter how thoroughly though the design is, the litmus test is whether players keep using it or not. To reduce the number of abandoning players, it is important to detect in time the subjects at risk. In the literature, many works are targeting this issue. However, the main focus has been on entertainment games, from which articulated indicators of in-game behaviors can be extracted. Those features tend to be context-specific and, even when they are not, they are proper of full-featured games, and thus, impossible to adapt to other systems such as games with a purpose and gamified apps. In this preliminary work, we fed to an Artificial Neural Network general-purpose in-game behaviors, such as participation data, to predict when a player will definitively leave the game. Moreover, we study the appropriate amount of information, in terms of players’ history, that should be considered when predicting players’ churn. Our use case study is an on-the-field long-lasting persuasive gameful system

    Has the Fed responded to house and stock prices? : a time-varying analysis

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    En este trabajo utilizamos un modelo VAR estructural con parámetros variables en el tiempo y volatilidad estocástica para investigar si la Reserva Federal ha respondido sistemáticamente a los precios de los activos y si esta respuesta ha cambiado con el tiempo. Para recuperar el componente sistemático de la política monetaria, interpretamos la ecuación de la tasa de interés en el VAR como una regla extendida de política monetaria que responde a la inflación, el output gap, los precios de la vivienda y los precios de las acciones. Detectamos variación temporal en los coeficientes de precios de la vivienda y precios de las acciones, mientras que los coeficientes de la inflación y el output gap son bastante estables en el tiempo. Nuestros resultados indican que el componente sistemático de la política monetaria en Estados Unidos i) tuvo un peso positivo sobre el crecimiento real de los precios de la vivienda, que disminuyó antes de la crisis y eventualmente volvió a aumentar, y ii) solo tuvo en cuenta el crecimiento real de los precios de las acciones en momentos concretos del tiempoIn this paper we use a structural VAR model with time-varying parameters and stochastic volatility to investigate whether the Federal Reserve has responded systematically to asset prices and whether this response has changed over time. To recover the systematic component of monetary policy, we interpret the interest rate equation in the VAR as an extended monetary policy rule responding to infl ation, the output gap, house prices and stock prices. We find some time variation in the coefficients for house prices and stock prices but fairly stable coefficients over time for inflation and the output gap. Our results indicate that the systematic component of monetary policy in the US, i) attached a positive weight to real house price growth but lowered it prior to the crisis and eventually raised it again, and ii) only episodically took real stock price growth into accoun

    Has the fed responded to house and stock prices? : a time-varying analysis

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    Published: 8 March 2017In this paper we use a structural VAR model with time-varying parameters and stochastic volatility to investigate whether the Federal Reserve has responded systematically to asset prices and whether this response has changed over time. To recover the systematic component of monetary policy, we interpret the interest rate equation in the VAR as an extended monetary policy rule responding to inflation, the output gap, house prices and stock prices. We find some time variation in the coefficients for house prices and stock prices but fairly stable coefficients over time for inflation and the output gap. Our results indicate that the systematic component of monetary policy in the US i) attached a positive weight to real house price growth but lowered it prior to the crisis and eventually raised it again and ii) only episodically took real stock price growth into account

    New insights on Avian orthoreovirus and Chicken astrovirus co-infection in an Italian broiler flock: preliminary biomolecular and pathological results

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    Summary Common pathogens of intensive poultry farms, either parasitic or bacterial, such as Coccidia or Salmonella, are well known and strictly controlled by veterinary management. This case study reports an unusual case of runting stunting syndrome (RSS) observed on a Sicilian poultry farm of broiler chickens during 2019. The investigation was carried out on five chickens which present delayed in body weight and growth performance. Animals showed also difficulty in deambulation and diarrhea. At necropsy, intestinal lesions were detected in three of the five clinical cases. Gut samples were collected and analyzed to identify potential pathogens responsible for the RSS. Presence of viruses was detected by using quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT‑qPCR), while selected tissues were fixed and embedded in paraffin wax according to routine procedures. All histological sections were stained with hematoxylin‑eosin. RT‑qPCR successfully detected both Chicken astrovirus (CAstV) and Avian orthoreovirus (ARV). Histology evidenced severe specific lesions on the intestinal mucosa in liver and kidneys. Chicken astrovirus and Avian orthoreovirus RNA was also detected in cecal tonsils, kidney and liver, thus implying their possible primary role in inducing the disease. Further studies are needed to evaluate the role of other possible factors (low biosecurity measures, e.g.) and, most of all, the consequences in terms of economic losses and animal health impairment

    Effects of Microencapsulated Blends of Organics Acids (OA) and Essential Oils (EO) as a Feed Additive for Broiler Chicken. A Focus on Growth Performance, Gut Morphology and Microbiology

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    Simple Summary Replacing antibiotics with natural alternative compounds in poultry feeding is being increased in the last few years to challenge the antibiotic resistance problem. Among natural compounds, organic acids and essential oils could be a favorable option. The goal of the trial was testing the dietary supplementation of a blend of organic acids and essential oils in broiler diets in order to evaluate growth performance and gut healthiness. The blend of organic acids and essential oils improved growth performances at the end of the growing period and favorably affected, to a certain extent, gut morphology at different gut districts. Moreover, a selective microbial control against Clostridium perfringens, Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococci and Mesophilic bacteria was found. Additionally, in litter, organic acids and essential oils dietary treatment drove to an overall decrease of Mesophilic bacteria and Enterococci counts. Overall, dietary strategy oriented to a supplementation of a mixture of organic acids and essential oils in broiler diets could offer some favorable perspectives in order to maintain adequate growth performance and gut healthiness either in term of morphology or of microbiology. Nevertheless, improving knowledge on the mechanisms of action of these natural additives together with a potential synergistic action is pivotal to clarify their potential as antibiotic replacers. Abstract The goal of the trial was testing the effects of a blend of organic acids and essential oils dietary supplementation on growth performance and gut healthiness in broiler chickens. In total, 420 male Ross 308 chicks (1-day old) were randomly assigned to two dietary treatments: basal (BD) and organic acids and essential oils (OA&EO) diets (three replicates/treatment; 70 broilers/replicate). BD group received commercial diets whereas OA&EO group basal diets + 5 g/kg of microencapsulated organic acids and essential oils. OA&EO treatment improved the average daily gain (p < 0.01) and feed conversion ratio at 37–47 days compared to BD treatment. OA&EO treatment improved gut morphology mostly at ileum and duodenum levels in terms of villi height, crypt depth, number of villi, mucosa thickness and villi area at 24 and 34 sampling days. A certain selective action against Clostridium perfringens in ileum of OA&EO group was shown at 33 (p = 0.053) and 46 days (p = 0.09) together with lower median values for Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococci, Mesophilic bacteria and Clostridium perfringens at ceca level. Overall, organic acids and essential oils supplementation improved growth performance in the final growth stage and some morphological gut traits and reduced to a certain extent Clostridium perfringens count in ileum

    Morphological and Immunohistochemical Examination of Lymphoproliferative Lesions Caused by Marek's Disease Virus in Breeder Chickens

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    Simple Summary The poultry industry is the most intensive and fastest growing among all livestock production systems, and, in the last decades, it has expanded exponentially due to an increasing demand for meat and eggs. Marek’s disease is a highly contagious and rapidly progressive lymphoproliferative disease. It is one of the most dangerous diseases of those affecting the sector because it causes important economic losses. Although widely controlled by vaccination programs, sometimes chickens are not totally protected, and the presence of virulent field strains can allow outbreaks. This case describes the occurrence of Marek’s disease observed in a breeder chicken flock that reported an increase in mortality rate (+0.4–0.6%) after the 32nd week. Histological analysis has highlighted severe lesions on visceral organs of chickens caused by Marek’s disease, especially in the intestinal tract of a hen that had a tumor mass in the distal part of the cloaca. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed the disease-associated tumor. The aim of this study was to underline the importance of vaccine administration related to the maintenance of proper biosecurity practice, especially in the first week of the raising cycle. In addition, monitoring for disease even after vaccination is crucial to minimize economic loss. Abstract Marek’s disease is widely controlled by vaccination programs; however, chickens are not totally protected, especially immediately after the vaccination when a strong challenge could interfere with the effectiveness of vaccination in the absence of proper biosecurity practice. This case report describes the occurrence of Marek’s disease (MD) observed in a breeder chicken flock reared southeast of Sicily. MD outbreak occurred from 32 to 47 weeks with an increase in weekly mortality rate (+0.4–0.6%). Overall, mortality rate related to Marek’s disease was about 6% at the end of the cycle. Carcasses of chickens found during the occurrence of disease underwent necropsy, and tissues were collected to confirm the infection. Gizzard, cecal tonsil, intestine, spleen and tumor mass were collected and analyzed from a carcass of one hen, 32 weeks old and apparently asymptomatic. Multiplex real-time PCR performed on spleen tissues detected the presence of MD virus pathogenic strain. Macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of the rest of the samples confirmed the neoplastic disease. Moreover, the immunophenotype of the tumor cells was identified as CD3 positive by immunohistochemical (IHC) staining. The vaccinated flock had become rapidly infected with the MD virus, which proves that the challenge of the MD virus was too strong in the rearing house at the beginning of the cycle, causing the outbreak

    Investigation of an Autochthonous Outbreak of Bovine Besnoitiosis in Northwestern Sicily

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    Abstract Bovine besnoitiosis is a parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Besnoitia besnoiti, leading to infertility in bulls and abortions in cows. In Italy, it is considered an emerging disease, recently introduced by the importation of animals from Spain and France. In the last decade, many outbreaks have been reported and confirmed in native cattle, mostly in northern and central Italy. This study reports on an autochthonous outbreak of bovine besnoitiosis in two nearby farms located in northwestern Sicily. A 15-month-old Limousine bull born on the farm showed typical clinical signs of the chronic disease phase, such as edema of the scrotum with subsequent hyperkeratosis associated with eschars and thickening of the skin. A histopathological examination revealed the presence of Besnoitia tissue cysts containing bradyzoites in the eyes, tendons, testicles, dermis, and nictitating membrane. A serological investigation using a commercial ELISA kit revealed a high seroprevalence of the antibody anti-B. besnoiti (79.2% for the farms in this study). Clinical disease showed low prevalence (1.5%) despite the high seroprevalence of specific antibodies in the herd, confirming that bovine besnoitiosis is an emergent endemic pathogen in Sicily, but its clinical behavior still remains sporadic

    CB1 receptor expression in pancreatic islet of the obese and diabetes Zucker rats

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    The endocannabinoid system plays a key role in energy homeostasis, with agonists and antagonists of CB1 receptors acting centrally to stimulate and inhibit food intake, respectively. The currently available literature, about islets cannabinoid receptors expression and function, is confusing and often contradictory. Aim of our study is compare the expression of CB1 receptors in normal and obese Zucker (ZDF) rats.12 Male ZDF (6 lean and 6 fa/fa) aged 8 weeks were obtained from Harlan Italy S.r.l. Each rat was fed with standard diet and unlimited water. Specimens were taken at the age of 8-12-16 weeks after birth. Pancreas samples were fixed in formaline and embedded in paraffin. Section were processed immunohistochemically using DakoCytomation EnVision kit for anti CB1antibody (Biosource Europe S.A.). Leica microscope, with a DSL2 Nikon was used to observe in double blind. Images were submitted at the image analysis tools of the Photoshop CS5Ex. At the same time pancreas specimens were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C until use. A mRNA was extracted for all samples and a RT PCR was performed. The pancreatic islets cells in fa/fa show deep apoptotic alterations. Our observations show a CB1 expression extended to most of the cell population (eighth week), up to a structural disorganization in the sixteenth week; the expression of CB1 receptor is upregulated in fa/fa compared to lean. These results according to the involvement of endocannabinoid system in the disregulation of the food intake mechanism and a prevalence of this system in the obesity
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