1,824 research outputs found

    A comparison of structural reform scenarios across the EU member states - Simulation-based analysis using the QUEST model with endogenous growth

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    This paper calibrates the Roeger-Varga-Veld (2008) micro-founded DSGE model with endogenous growth for all EU member states using country specific structural characteristics and employs the individual country models to analyse the macroeconomic impact of various structural reforms. We analyse the costs and benefits of reforms in terms of fiscal policy instruments such as taxes, benefits, subsidies and administrative costs faced by firms. We find that less R&D intensive countries would benefit the most from R&D promoting and skill-upgrading policies. We also find that shifting from labour to consumption taxes, reducing the benefit replacement rate and relieving administrative entry barriers are the most effective measures in those countries which have high labour taxes and entry barriers.Structural reforms, endogenous growth, DSGE modelling, EU member states, tax credits, tax shifts, entry barriers, human capital, D'Auria, Pagano, Ratto, Varga

    Getting old through the blood. Circulating molecules in aging and senescence of cardiovascular regenerative cells

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    Global aging is a hallmark of our century. The natural multifactorial process resulting in aging involves structural and functional changes, affecting molecules, cells, and tissues. As the western population is getting older, we are witnessing an increase in the burden of cardiovascular events, some of which are known to be directly linked to cellular senescence and dysfunction. In this review, we will focus on the description of a few circulating molecules, which have been correlated to life span, aging, and cardiovascular homeostasis. We will review the current literature concerning the circulating levels and related signaling pathways of selected proteins (insulin-like growth factor 1, growth and differentiation factor-11, and PAI-1) and microRNAs of interest (miR-34a, miR-146a, miR-21), whose bloodstream levels have been associated to aging in different organisms. In particular, we will also discuss their potential role in the biology and senescence of cardiovascular regenerative cell types, such as endothelial progenitor cells, mesenchymal stromal cells, and cardiac progenitor cells

    Editorial: The cardiac stroma in homeostasis and disease

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    EMT/MET at the crossroad of stemness, regeneration and oncogenesis. The Ying-Yang equilibrium recapitulated in cell spheroids

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    The epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is an essential trans-differentiation process, which plays a critical role in embryonic development, wound healing, tissue regeneration, organ fibrosis, and cancer progression. It is the fundamental mechanism by which epithelial cells lose many of their characteristics while acquiring features typical of mesenchymal cells, such as migratory capacity and invasiveness. Depending on the contest, EMT is complemented and balanced by the reverse process, the mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (MET). In the saving economy of the living organisms, the same (Ying-Yang) tool is integrated as a physiological strategy in embryonic development, as well as in the course of reparative or disease processes, prominently fibrosis, tumor invasion and metastasis. These mechanisms and their related signaling (e.g., TGF-β and BMPs) have been effectively studied in vitro by tissue-derived cell spheroids models. These three-dimensional (3D) cell culture systems, whose phenotype has been shown to be strongly dependent on TGF-β-regulated EMT/MET processes, present the advantage of recapitulating in vitro the hypoxic in vivo micro-environment of tissue stem cell niches and their formation. These spheroids, therefore, nicely reproduce the finely regulated Ying-Yang equilibrium, which, together with other mechanisms, can be determinant in cell fate decisions in many pathophysiological scenarios, such as differentiation, fibrosis, regeneration, and oncogenesis. In this review, current progress in the knowledge of signaling pathways affecting EMT/MET and stemness regulation will be outlined by comparing data obtained from cellular spheroids systems, as ex vivo niches of stem cells derived from normal and tumoral tissues. The mechanistic correspondence in vivo and the possible pharmacological perspective will be also explored, focusing especially on the TGF-β-related networks, as well as others, such as SNAI1, PTEN, and EGR1. This latter, in particular, for its ability to convey multiple types of stimuli into relevant changes of the cell transcriptional program, can be regarded as a heterogeneous "stress-sensor" for EMT-related inducers (growth factor, hypoxia, mechano-stress), and thus as a therapeutic target

    A comparison of structural reform scenarios across the EU member states - Simulation-based analysis using the QUEST model with endogenous growth

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    This paper calibrates the Roeger-Varga-Veld (2008) micro-founded DSGE model with endogenous growth for all EU member states using country specific structural characteristics and employs the individual country models to analyse the macroeconomic impact of various structural reforms. We analyse the costs and benefits of reforms in terms of fiscal policy instruments such as taxes, benefits, subsidies and administrative costs faced by firms. We find that less R&D intensive countries would benefit the most from R&D promoting and skill-upgrading policies. We also find that shifting from labour to consumption taxes, reducing the benefit replacement rate and relieving administrative entry barriers are the most effective measures in those countries which have high labour taxes and entry barriers.JRC.G.9-Econometrics and applied statistic

    Understanding the mechanism of recognition of gab2 by the N-SH2 domain of SHP2

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    Gab2 is a scaffold protein with a crucial role in colocalizing signaling proteins and it is involved in the regulation of several important molecular pathways. SHP2 is a protein phosphatase that binds, through its two SH2 domains, specific consensus sequences presenting a phosphorylated tyrosine located on the disordered tail of Gab2. To shed light on the details of such a fundamental interaction for the physiology of the cell, we present a complete mutational analysis of the kinetics of binding between the N-SH2 domain of SHP2 and a peptide mimicking a specific region of Gab2. By analyzing kinetic data, we determined structural features of the transition state of the N-SH2 domain binding to Gab2, highlighting a remarkable cooperativity of the binding reaction. Furthermore, comparison of these data with ones previously obtained for another SH2 domain suggests the presence of underlying general features characterizing the binding process of SH2 domains. Data are discussed under the light of previous works on SH2 domains

    Effects of Smoking on Oxidative Stress and Vascular Function

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    Tobacco smoking is the single most preventable risk factor related to the development of cardiovascular disease. It was demonstrated that tobacco smoke contains a thousand compounds potentially harmful to human health. As tobacco use declined over time, electronic cigarettes were introduced as an alternative. E-cigarettes are a modern and technological surrogate of traditional cigarettes and use heat to convert a nicotine solution or a flavored nicotine-free solution into vapor. Even though all the ingredients contained in the liquid of E-cigarettes are approved as food additives, the harmlessness of these electronic devices is still not fully proven in humans. The general mechanisms by which smoking results in cardiovascular events include the development of atherosclerotic changes with a hypercoagulable state and an increased risk of thrombosis. Endothelial dysfunction has been recognized as a hallmark of preclinical systemic atherosclerosis and as a useful marker to stratify the risk of cardiovascular disease. Based on these considerations, in this chapter, we (1) discussed the role of endothelial dysfunction and its contributing factors, such as oxidative stress and inflammation, in the development of cardiovascular diseases and (2) reported the studies which investigated the effect of tobacco and electronic smoking on the biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and inflammation

    granulocyte transfusions a critical reappraisal

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    Granulocyte transfusions (GTs) are seldom used as a life-saving therapy for neutropenic patients with severe infections. Despite compelling evidence of GT efficacy in retrospective and prospective case series, no study has been successful in demonstrating a definite advantage for recipients in controlled clinical trials. This review critically revises some aspects emerging from past experience that might have weakened the evidence of GT benefits. Some specific issues relevant to the efficacy of this therapeutic approach, such as primary infection, delivered doses and schedules, and immunologic effects of GTs, are discussed. Importantly, the awareness of biologic effects accompanying the transfusion of neutrophils might support their use at standardized doses and may definitely convey significant advantages to the recipient patients

    Identifying Treatment Effects using Trimmed Means when Data are Missing Not at Random

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    Patients often discontinue treatment in a clinical trial because their health condition is not improving. Consequently, the patients still in the study at the end of the trial have better health outcomes on average than the initial patient population would have had if every patient had completed the trial. If we only analyze the patients who complete the trial, then this missing data problem biases the estimator of a medication's efficacy because study outcomes are missing not at random (MNAR). One way to overcome this problem - the trimmed means approach for missing data - sets missing values as slightly worse than the worst observed outcome and then trims away a fraction of the distribution from each treatment arm before calculating differences in treatment efficacy (Permutt 2017, Pharmaceutical statistics 16.1:20-28). In this paper we derive sufficient and necessary conditions for when this approach can identify the average population treatment effect in the presence of MNAR data. Numerical studies show the trimmed means approach's ability to effectively estimate treatment efficacy when data are MNAR and missingness is strongly associated with an unfavorable outcome, but trimmed means fail when data are missing at random (MAR) when the better approach would be to multiply impute the missing values. If the reasons for discontinuation in a clinical trial are known analysts can improve estimates with a combination of multiple imputation (MI) and the trimmed means approach when the assumptions of each missing data mechanism hold. When the assumptions are justifiable, using trimmed means can help identify treatment effects notwithstanding MNAR data

    Proteasome-Mediated Degradation of p21 via N-Terminal Ubiquitinylation

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    AbstractWe examined the mechanism responsible for the degradation of p21, a negative regulator of the cell division cycle. We found that p21 proteolysis requires functional ubiquitin and Nedd8 systems. Ubiquitinylated forms of p21 and p21(K0), a p21 mutant missing all lysines, are detected in vivo and in vitro, showing that the presence of lysines is dispensable for p21 ubiquitinylation. Instead, the free amino group of the N-terminal methionine of p21 is a site for ubiquitinylation in vivo. Although wild-type p21 is more abundantly ubiquitinylated than p21(K0) mutant due to the presence of internal lysine residues, their rates of proteolysis are indistinguishable. These results demonstrate that proteasomal degradation of p21 is regulated by the ubiquitin pathway and suggest that the site of the ubiquitin chain is critical in making p21 a competent substrate for the proteasome
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