8 research outputs found

    Security in IoT systems - Issues and Solutions

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    IoT Security via Address Shuffling: the Easy Way

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    FOG-oriented Joint Computing and Networking: the GAUChO Project Vision

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    This paper presents a novel architectural principle for distributed and heterogeneous systems integrating Fog Computing and Networking approaches, which has been proposed within the “Green Adaptive Fog Computing and Networking Architecture” (GAUChO) project, funded by the MIUR Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) Bando 2015 - grant 2015YPXH4W-004. In particular a modular and flexible platform has been designed and developed, supporting low-latency and energy-efficiency applications as well as security, self-adaptation, and spectrum efficiency by means of a strict collaboration among devices. Specifically, the focus here is on the design of an integrated protocol architecture supporting mobile Fog-oriented services, and the developed Fog computing testbeds

    Experimental measurements of a joint 5G-VLC communication for future vehicular networks

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    One of the main revolutionary features of 5G networks is the ultra-low latency that will enable new services such as those for the future smart vehicles. The 5G technology will be able to support extreme-low latency. Thanks to new technologies and the wide flexible architecture that integrates new spectra and access technologies. In particular, Visible Light Communication (VLC) is envisaged as a very promising technology for vehicular communications, since the information can flow by using the lights (as traffic-lights and car lights). This paper describes one of the first experiments on the joint use of 5G and VLC networks to provide real-time information to cars. The applications span from road safety to emergency alarm

    “Network Sentiment” Framework to Improve Security and Privacy for Smart Home

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    A Smart Home is characterized by the presence of a huge number of small, low power devices, along with more classical devices. According to the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, all of them are expected to be always connected to the Internet in order to provide enhanced services. In this scenario, an attacker can undermine both the network security and the user’s security/privacy. Traditional security measures are not sufficient, because they are too difficult to setup and are either too weak to effectively protect the user or too limiting for the new services effectiveness. The paper suggests to dynamically adapt the security level of the smart home network according to the user perceived risk level what we have called network sentiment analysis. The security level is not fixed, established by a central system (usually by the Internet Service Provider) but can be changed with the users cooperation. The security of the smart home network is improved by a distributed firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems both to the smart home side as to the Internet Service Provider side. These two parts must cooperate and integrate their actions for reacting dynamically to new and on going threats. Moreover, the level of network sentiment detected can be propagate to nearby home networks (e.g., the smart home networks of the apartments inside a building) to increase/decrease their level of security, thus creating a true in-line Intrusion Prevention System (IPS). The paper also presents a test bed for Smart Home to detect and counteract to different attacks against the IoT sensors, Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections

    A distributed token passing protocol for time constrained data gathering in VANETs

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    This paper proposes a novel approach for time constrained information gathering in a typical Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET), based on a token passing scheme, adapted to wireless communications by creating a virtual ring where nodes are connected to a predecessor and a successor node. To address the typical fast topology changes of VANETs, we proposed a specific approach, called Tom Thumb that is a distributed protocol that node-by-node circulates a special packet, called token, which collects the information stored in each vehicle until returning to the first unit within a specified time constraint. The protocol has been properly designed in terms of (i) the more effective hop-by-hop and distributed heuristic implementing the objective function (ii) the token packet format, i.e., the syntax and semantics of its fields. Finally, the performance of the proposed approach is validated for different time constraints and numbers of vehicles, always pointing out a remarkable gain, especially in the presence of severe constraints, i.e., in terms of time deadline, collected information amount and success probability

    A distributed token passing protocol for time constrained data gathering in VANETs

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    This paper proposes a novel approach for time constrained information gathering in a typical Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET), based on a token passing scheme, adapted to wireless communications by creating a virtual ring where nodes are connected to a predecessor and a successor node. To address the typical fast topology changes of VANETs, we proposed a specific approach, called Tom Thumb that is a distributed protocol that node-by-node circulates a special packet, called token, which collects the information stored in each vehicle until returning to the first unit within a specified time constraint. The protocol has been properly designed in terms of (i) the more effective hop-by-hop and distributed heuristic implementing the objective function (ii) the token packet format, i.e., the syntax and semantics of its fields. Finally, the performance of the proposed approach is validated for different time constraints and numbers of vehicles, always pointing out a remarkable gain, especially in the presence of severe constraints, i.e., in terms of time deadline, collected information amount and success probability