519 research outputs found

    Bone conductive implants in single sided deafness

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    Conclusion: The Bone Conductive Implants (BCI) showed to partly restore some of the functions lost when the binaural hearing is missing, such as in the single-sided deafness (SSD) subjects. The adoption of the single BCI needs to be advised by the clinician on the ground of a thorough counselling with the SSD subject. Objectives: To perform an overview of the present possibilities of BCI in SSD and to evaluate the reliability of the audiological evaluation for assessing the speech recognition in noise and the sound localization cues, as major problems related to the loss of binaural hearing. Method: Nine SSD subjects who underwent BCI implantation underwent a pre-operative audiological evaluation, consisting in the soundfield speech audiometry, as word recognition score (WRS) and sound localization, in quiet and in noise. Moreover, they were also tested for the accuracy of directional word recognition in noise and with the subjective evaluation with APHAB questionnaire. Results: The mean maximum percentage of word discrimination was 65.5% in the unaided condition and 78.9% in the BCI condition. The sound localization in noise with the BCI was better than the unaided condition, especially when stimulus and noise were on the same side of the implanted ear. The accuracy of directional word recognition showed to improve with BCI in respect to the unaided condition, in the BCI side, with either the stimulus on the implanted ear and the noise in the contralateral ear, or when both stimulus and noise were deliver to implanted ear

    Emergency vs development: the architectural project within development cooperation

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    The aim of Panel was to take stock of the role that architecture holds in international cooperation. It is an environment in which construction keeps a central position, investing, every year all over the world, enormous economical resources and intensively increasing the amount of buildings; but to date it seems to not notice the difference existing between the action of building and the one of doing architecture, completely ignoring a research over the issues of sustainability, comfort and shape quality. The panel drives to pinpoint different possible ways to overcome the categories that have always characterized the cooperation interventions: emergency, transition and development, in order to identify transversal paths in which architectural quality would established the direction to follow. To succeed in this intent, three reflection spheres were proposed to identify fragilities and opportunities that should be the starting point to renew the role of architecture within the international cooperation.

    SiForAge Social Innovation Reseach Prize 2014

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    This prize aims to give recognition to projects that undertake research into social innovation in active and healthy ageing and that make significant contributions to ager communities, their families, and caregivers in order to promote an inclusive society. The three research projects proposals which have won are the Crowdmapping Mirafiori Sud project, the Active aging and intergenerational solidarity: an example in the University context project and the Enred@te project

    The Crowdmapping Mirafiori Sud experience (Torino, Italy): an educational methodology through a collaborative and inclusive process

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    The CrowdMapping Mirafiori Sud (CMMS) pilot project, carried out by the Polytechnic of Turin (Italy), involved the academic world (students and professors), the Mirafiori Onlus Foundation, the local administration and the community in a participatory and inclusive process. The district is a large area of Turin characterized by a high average age of its inhabitants and a high percentage of foreigners. The aim of the project is to identify and report, through the use of ICT, the obstacles that prevent residents - the most vulnerable categories - from using public space. In the start-up phase, it was not born as a PBL approach, but during the application the PBL was considered a development perspective in the educational experience starting from the students' proposals and the exchange of their skills, in the specific declination of the PBL approach known as community engaged learning. For students, this version of PBL has proven to be strategic in the implementation phases of the project, in particular in the mapping of interested parties and the data set and connections between networks of actors

    Patient satisfaction after auditory implant surgery. ten-year experience from a single implanting unit center

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    Conclusions: The satisfaction rate of the subjects with an auditory implant appears strictly related to the resulting auditory improvement, and the surgical variables would play a prevailing role in respect to the esthetic factors. Objectives: To assess the rate of satisfaction in subjects who underwent the surgical application of an auditory device at a single Implanting Center Unit. Method: A series of validated questionnaires has been administered to subjects who underwent the surgical application of different auditory devices. The Glasgow Benefit Inventory (GBI), the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), and the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB) have been used to compare the implanted situation with the hearing-aided one; a percutaneous bone conductive implant (pBCI) with an active middle ear implant (AMEI) on the round window in mixed hearing loss; and an invisible, fully-implantable device with a frankly and bulky semi-implantable device. Results: The mean GBI scores were higher in Vibrant Soundbridge (VSB)VR and BonebridgeVR subjects, without significant differences among the various devices. The mean VAS score increased for all the devices in comparison with the conventional hearing aid. The mean APHAB score was similarly better in the implanted condition as total and partial scores

    Digital Participatory Platforms for Urban Regeneration: A Survey of Italian Case Studies

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    Despite the increase in the globally connected population, there is still a high percentage of European citizens who do not have basic digital skills. In the era of smart cities, the Digital Divide affects the possibility for citizens to participate in public life through the use of ICT tools. To deal with this issue, the European Union promotes strategies to develop e-government tools, such as digital participatory platforms (DPPs), in order to connect citizens with the public administration. The research proposes a survey of Italian DPPs, investigated through a questionnaire, to bring out which strategies have been adopted in relation to participation, social inclusion and digital illiteracy, transparency of data, processes, and user-friendliness of the platform. With regard to these issues, certain elements of success of the DPPs presented are highlighted

    La campagna va in città. L’agricoltura come opportunità di rigenerazione urbana

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    Il contributo delinea alcune considerazioni riguardo il fenomeno dell'agricoltura urbana come opportunità di rigenerazione, facendo particolare riferimento al caso di Torino

    Architetture dal Sud globale, dall’oblio alla ribalta

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    Modalità collaborative, progettazione bioclimatica, materiali e tecnologie ibridate e avanzate per tre ospedali in Senegal, Uganda e Myanma

    Nutrir la ciudad que cambia : la agricultura como oportunidad de recuperación urbana

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    1 archivo PDF (Tipo: Presentación) : principalmente ilustraciones en color ; 74 diapositivas. SUIUNDECIMLa agricultura urbana es una gran oportunidad dentro de la ciudad, esto trae beneficios en la salud, economía, en lo social y lo económico. En la siguiente presentación se manejan 3 casos de estudio. Miraorti Mirafiori la gran fábrica de la FIAT, que actualmente vive la problemática de no ocupar toda su extensión se pretende trabajar en este proyecto, con miraorti se pretende ser autosustentables en sus alimentos, y estos huertos también compartirlos con los ciudadanos para espacio público. Esto se trabaja entre el gobierno local, los agricultores y los ciudadanos, esto crea beneficios sustentables sociales, económicos y medioambientales. También existe una conveniencia que si hacemos una intervención estándar los costos de transformación son de 180.000 Euros por hectárea, con miraorti 73,000 Euros esto nos da un ahorro del 60%, además este proyecto se pretende replicar en todo Italia. Ortialti Aprovechar las azoteas planas para la realización de este proyecto huertos en las azoteas, las ventajas que trae este proyecto son; 35% de absorción de agua de lluvia, reducción del efecto invernadero, mejoramiento de la calidad del aire, reducción del calor solar en la superficie de la azotea, reduce en 50 decibeles el ruido. También aumenta el valor inmobiliario en un 15%, ahorro del 30% de consumo energético, ahorro de un 75% del consumo en aire acondicionado, 8 años de amortización y 65% de ahorros fiscales. Turintogreen Concurso internacional universitario, convocado por CRD PVS, POLITECNICO DE TORINO Y ONU HABITAT Siempre en la zona de Mirafiori en las instalaciones históricas de la FIAT, participaron más de 100 universidades de 41 países, el ganador fue la Universidad Sapienza de Roma. Siempre con la preocupación de los huertos urbanos y centros académicos que convivan en conjunto. PALABRAS CLAVE: Agricultura urbana, Sustentabilidad, Ahorro de energí