114 research outputs found
La domesticació del dimoni gros: la recreació d’una comunitat pagesa perduda al context urbà de la vila mallorquina de Manacor a les festes de Sant Antoni
Al present article pretenc mostrar com a la vila mallorquina de Manacor, un dels grans centres urbans de l’illa, una part important dels habitants transformen el temps i l’espai significativament mitjançant la interacció amb unes representacions i a través d’unes prà ctiques entorn de la figura del dimoni —referent dominant col·lectiu local— durant la festivitat de Sant Antoni per recrear i per construir una comunitat de sentit i de pertinença; una manacorinitat (projecte social de present, de passat i de futur) que ha esdevengut hegemònica. I també com el dimoni, a partir de la revalorització i de la reinvenció de la festa després de la caiguda del franquisme, i tot i el conflicte que encara vehicula, ha viscut un procés de domesticació i de tradicionalització que ha redirigit el marc ritual des d’unes experiències populars més carnavalesques — transgressores i crÃtiques— i més espontà nies cap a uns significats tradicionalitzants, identificadors i més exclusivistes del context local.Paraules clau: Manacor (Mallorca); cultura popular; dimoni; comunitat recreada; transformació cronotòpica; domesticació festiva.AbstractThe main aim of this article is to show how inhabitants of Manacor, a large Mallorcan urban area, transform local time and space significantly by interacting with representations of demons through ritual practices that they carry out every year during the Sant Antoni de Viana festival. They perform these rituals to recreate a meaningful community of belonging (a present, past and future socio-political project) that has become hegemonic. In addition, I highlight the process of festive domestication that the representation of the devil has undergone in Manacor. These changes have transformed the ritual experiences and meanings surrounding Sant Antoni. Sant Antoni, once a carnivalesque popular festival signifying transgression, critique and spontaneity, has come to signify tradition, identity and exclusiveness.Keywords: Manacor (Mallorca); demon/devil; popular culture; the recreation of the community; chronotopic transformation; festive/ritual domestication
Un antilul·lista del segle XVIII: el Doctor Piquer i Arrufat (1711-1772)
Abstract not availabl
Ressenya de "Marching against Gender Practice. Political Imaginings in the Basqueland" de J. P. Linstroth
Obra ressenyada: J. P. LINSTROTH, Marching Against Gender Practice. Political Imaginings in the Basqueland. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2015
Darrere la carota del dimoni gros. Una aproximació a les representacions i a les prà ctiques al voltant del dimoni en les festes de Sant Antoni a la vila de Manacor
Mà ster Oficial en Antropologia i Etnografia, Departament d'Antropologia, Facultat Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2015-2016, Director:
Gerard Horta CallejaA totes les festes populars hi ha un primer acte que enceta el temps ritual i un altre que el
clou. A Manacor, per Sant Antoni, passa ben igual. Una setmana abans de la festivitat
dedicada a l‘anacoreta egipci, els dimonis, envoltant el sant, apleguen una munió de gent al
centre neurà lgic de la vila, la plaça de Sa Bassa, i fan el primer ball. Per a un forà al dia a dia
de l‘illa que pretengui observar, prendre nota i estudiar la festa, aquest moment és un dels
més indicats per entaular una relació directa amb els seus participants i, si com en aquesta
investigació el discurs se centra en la representació del dimoni, per poder gaudir de la
teatralitat i del fervor popular que acompanyen l‘escenificació de les temptacions de Sant
Estudi espectroscòpic de les transicions electròniques i dels modes de vibració del semiconductor ternari GaInP parcialment ordenat
Consultable des del TDXTÃtol obtingut de la portada digitalitzad
Enantiopure Indolo[2,3-a]quinolizidines: Synthesis and Evaluation as NMDA Receptor Antagonists
Enantiopure tryptophanol is easily obtained from the reduction of its parent natural amino acid trypthophan (available from the chiral pool), and can be used as chiral auxiliary/inductor to control the stereochemical course of a diastereoselective reaction. Furthermore, enantiopure tryptophanol is useful for the syntheses of natural products or biological active molecules containing the aminoalcohol functionality. In this communication, we report the development of a small library of indolo[2,3-a]quinolizidines and evaluation of their activity as N-Methyl D-Aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists. The indolo[2,3-a]quinolizidine scaffold was obtained using the following key steps: (i) a stereoselective cyclocondensation of (S)- or (R)-tryptophanol with appropriate racemic -oxoesters; (ii) a stereocontrolled cyclization on the indole nucleus. The synthesized enantiopure indolo[2,3-a]quinolizidines were evaluated as NMDA receptor antagonists and one compound was identified to be 2.9-fold more potent as NMDA receptor blocker than amantadine (used in the clinic for Parkinson's disease). This compound represents a hit compound for the development of novel NMDA receptor antagonists with potential applications in neurodegenerative disorders associated with overactivation of NMDA receptors
3M en pantalla (mitos y mentiras sobre metales en pantalla)
Los metales han formado parte de la evolución de la humanidad desde la antigüedad. Han sido objeto de culto, por escasos y exclusivos, y han sido la clave del desarrollo de armas, para, progresivamente, formar parte de los elementos cotidianos. En la actualidad los metales suponen un 30% de los materiales de aplicación industrial [1] y son temas de estudio básicos en contenidos de ciencia y tecnologÃa. Sin embargo, este conocimiento general, por parte de la sociedad, es muy superficial y suele limitarse a su aspecto brillante, o su capacidad de deformarse ante un esfuerzo, o a su facilidad para oxidarse,conducir calor o conducir electricidad. Pero no se conocen en detalle, por lo cual a menudo se muestran en pantalla con propiedades desafortunadas, en ocasiones imposibles. Se recogen aquà algunos tópicos tratados erróneamente en el celuloide, sin que se perciba esta inexactitud, en general, por parte del gran públicoPostprint (published version
Tryptophanol-derived oxazolopiperidone lactams: identification of a hit compound as NMDA receptor antagonist
N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) receptors are neuronal ionotropic channels that play an important role in memory and learning processes. Their exacerbated activation leads to neuron death by necrosis or apoptosis in a phenomenon called excitotoxicity. Compounds like memantine or amantadine act as antagonists of these receptors and are currently used for the treatment of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases. We herein present the development of a series of new NMDA receptor antagonists using enantiopure tryptophanol and racemic δ-oxo-esters as synthetic precursors in only one synthetic step and good yields. The most active hit exhibited an IC50 of 63.4 µM in cultured rat cerebellar granule neurons thus being 1.5 fold more active than the positive control used, amantadine (IC50 = 92 µM). The versatility of our synthetic approach together with the well-defined absolute stereoutcome of the tryptophanol-derived oxazolopiperidones is currently being explored to produce valuable structure activity relationships for the development of new potent NMDAR antagonists
Synthesis of phenylalaninol-derived oxazolopyrrolidone lactams and evaluation as NMDA receptor antagonists
N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists are known to rescue neuronal cell death caused by excessive activation of glutamate receptors. This phenomenon, known as excitotoxicity, is implicated in the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative disorders including ischemia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease. Unfortunately, some NMDA receptor antagonists have shown discouraging results when tested in clinical trials. However, recent advances in the physiology and pharmacology of the NMDA receptor have kept interest alive in modulating NMDA receptors for therapeutic intervention. We present here the synthesis of a small library of phenylalaninol-derived oxazolopyrrolidone lactams and their evaluation as NMDA receptor antagonists. The compounds were easily synthesized in yields up to 92 %. In addition, one of the compounds has a 50 % inhibitory concentration (IC 50) of 62 μM and offers potential to develop more potent NMDA receptor antagonists
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