433 research outputs found

    Feminist and Holistic Pedagogies

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    In this Honors Thesis I combine holistic and feminist educational theory, what Paulo Freire refers to as “humanizing education,” with my own critical reflection on the empowering educational journey I have taken as an undergraduate (1 Pedagogy). This has been a journey to claiming my own voice, agency, empowerment, and critical understanding of my self-becoming and how this process works for others. These social justice pedagogies have helped me understand how identity is shaped by cultural contexts and institutions like education. Using the feminist research methodology of autoethnography, I show and describe the coming together of empowering pedagogy in my intellectual understanding, lived experience, and critical reflection. My holistic, feminist pedagogical commitments are based in the work of Paulo Freire, bell hooks, Simone de Beauvoir, and other feminist theorists while simultaneously drawing on some key insights from other Western philosophers as a means of dismantling the master’s house with the master’s tools. Autoethnography combines autobiography and ethnography, allowing autoethnography to represent both the journey and the discovery. Autoethnography as a research method allows the researcher to take themselves as the subject of research. This narrative method combines the experience of looking out while looking in, by describing and analyzing one’s personal experience as a means of understanding the interaction between cultural and personal experience. This methodology challenges traditional forms of research, with the aim of representing others/self in research in a way that is politically and socially just

    Sensing with Geometry-Dependent Magnetostriction Via an Embedded Fiber Bragg Grating

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    Fiber optic current sensors (FOCSs) have unique advantages in electromagnetic interference immunity and direct current measurements. Here, magnetostrictive composites and their interactions with embedded ber Bragg gratings (FBG) were explored to form novel FOCSs with predictable and temperature-independent sensitivity. Magnetostrictive, particularly Terfenol-D/epoxy, composites maintain the mangetostrictive expansion under an external magnetic eld while gaining exibility in engineering. In contrast to ordinary strain gauges, an embedded FBG can provide an optical signal inferring simultaneously a strain and its gradient inside a composite. In principle, the sensing of strain gradient is thermally independent. Creating appropriate geometries for magnetostrictive composites enables the conversion of a uniform external magnetic eld into an internal one with a certain eld gradient that enacts a strain distribution inside the composite transferred to the FBG. Hence, the strain gradient sensing with the FBG can be exploited for temperature independent measurement of the external magnetic eld. Such a strain gradient will alter the spectral properties of the FBG, such as the power and bandwidth of the returned optical signal. The experimental results from two separate sensors have conrmed the trend that is predicted by the theory and simulations. They will substantiate the claim of sensitivity tuning solely with geometry. These FOCSs will provide reliable reading for wide operating temperatures if the underlying materials allow

    Retention of Trust Investments

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    Why Study Law?

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    Speech of Welcome

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    Late Pleistocene Pronghorn, \u3ci\u3eAntilocapra Americana\u3c/i\u3e, from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming

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    Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming, has yielded one of the more reliable records of Antilocapra from the Late Pleistocene of North America. Generic assignment is based on horn cores from two individuals, with a minimum of 13 individuals represented by other elements. Morphometric analysis of postcranial material indicates that this form is indistinguishable from the living A. americana. Fossils were recovered from a stratum dated at 17,000-20,000 yr BP. Presence of Antilocapra at other sites is probably over-reported. Secure records based on horn cores are known from only two other sites. Antilocapra americana may have been the preferred prey of the American cheetah, Miracinonyx trumani. Teeth, horn cores, and much of the postcranial skeleton of the Natural Trap pronghorn are figured

    The Late Miocene Gomphothere Amahuacatherium peruvium (Proboscidea: Gomphotheriidae) from Amazonian Peru: Implications for the great american faunal interchange - [BoletĂ­n D 23]

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    Se presentan en detalle los caracteres osteológicos del proboscideo Amahuacatherium peruvium (Proboscidea: Gomphotheriidae). Este proboscideo fue recuperado de los depósitos del Mioceno (Chasicoan) expuestos a lo largo del río Madre de Dios en las tierras bajas al sudeste del Perú. Este proboscideo fue un gomphothere tetrabelodonte y brevirostrino con mandíbulas inferiores que conservan los incisivos y molares con un patrón de esmalte ligeramente complicado. El Amahuacatherium peruvium proviene de la parte baja de la discordancia que se formó durante un período de gran erosión en toda la cuenca del Amazonas al comienzo del Mioceno tardío, cuando el nivel del mar comenzó a descender globalmente hace doce millones de años. Este taxón representa la ocurrencia más temprana de proboscideos, o de cualquier mamífero norteamericano en América del Sur, también representa la ocurrencia más temprana en América del Norte y en América del Sur de cualquier participante en el gran intercambio faunal americano. Algunos proboscideos norteamericanos pueden derivarse de linajes que se originaron en América del Sur durante el Mioceno tardío o Plioceno. Se propone que los proboscideos de América del Norte dispersados en América del Sur siguieron una ruta a través de Panamá vía las serranías de San Blas que conectó al arco de Baudo y el terreno alóctono de Chocó y finalizó en las colinas Istmina de Colombia. El informe presenta bibliografía

    Chasmaporthetes kani, new species from China : with remarks on phylogenetic relationships of genera within the Hyaenidae (Mammalia, Carnivora). American Museum novitates ; no. 2632

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    16 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 15-16)."A new species of Chasmaporthetes is described from deposits of early Pleistocene age in Shansi Province, People's Republic of China. The concept of Chasmaporthetes is extended to include 'Lycyaena' ('Euryboas') lunensis Del Campana, 1914 but not Euryboas bielawskyi Schaub, 1941. Within a cladistic framework, Chasmaporthetes is the sister group of Euryboas; Chasmaporthetes, Euryboas, and Lycyaena form the sister group of Hyaenictitherium, Hyaena, Pachycrocuta, and Crocuta"--P. [1]
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